def nearest(vertex_rand, current_vertex, vertex_nearest,
            k):  # recursively exhaustively search tree for nearest node
    current_vertex.k_nearest = k
    if dist(vertex_rand, current_vertex) < dist(
            vertex_rand, vertex_nearest
    ) and current_vertex.at_goal_set is False:  # if distance to next vertex in tree is smaller
        vertex_nearest = current_vertex  # update it as the nearest  -  is this accidentally changing root node value?
    for i in range(len(current_vertex.children)):  # for all children vertices
        if current_vertex.children[
                i].k_nearest != k:  # if next vertex not checked yet
            vertex_nearest = nearest(vertex_rand, current_vertex.children[i],
                                     k)  # call nearest function again
    return vertex_nearest
def path_generation(vertex):
    #print 'running path gen 1', 'vertex parents:', vertex.parents
    paths_parents = []  # list of paths, path = list of vertices
    costs_parents = []  # list of costs associated with some paths
    paths = []
    costs = []
    for i in range(len(vertex.parents)):  # for all parents
        parent = vertex.parents[i]
        pths, csts = path_generation2(
            parent)  # get all paths and costs for that parent
        paths_parents.append(pths)  # append paths to path list
        costs_parents.append(csts)  # append costs to cost list
    # separating a list of lists of paths into one list of paths:
    for i in range(len(paths_parents)
                   ):  # for number of lists of paths (number of parents)
        distance = dist(
            vertex.parents[i])  # calculate distance for each new parent
        for j in range(len(paths_parents[i])
                       ):  # for number of paths in one of those lists
                paths_parents[i][j])  # append that path to new total list
                costs_parents[i][j] + distance
            )  # append that parent cost + distance to new total cost list
    for i in range(len(paths)):  # for every path in paths
        paths[i].append(vertex)  # add the current vertex to that path
    if len(paths) == 0:  # if this vertex is the root node
        paths = [[vertex]]  # only "path" is itself, and has zero cost
        costs = [0]
    return paths, costs
def get_time(
    path, robo_num, times
):  # simple version for holonomic, velocity is controlled / constant-magnitude
    if len(times) == 0:
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            add_time = dist(path[i],
                            path[i + 1]) / Settings.robo_velocities[robo_num]
            times.append(times[i] + add_time)
    # else times is already calculated
def near_vertices(vertex_new, current_vertex, k,
                  vertices_near):  # return all vertices within near_radius
    current_vertex.k_near = k  # for avoiding checking one vertex multiple times
    if k == 1:
        near_radius = Dimensions.eta
        near_radius = min(Dimensions.gamma * sqrt(log(k) / k),
                          Dimensions.eta)  # function of numPoints
    if dist(vertex_new, current_vertex) <= near_radius and (
            current_vertex.at_goal_set is False):  # if within radius
        vertices_near.append(current_vertex)  # add to list of near vertices
    for i in range(len(
            current_vertex.children)):  # for all children of this vertex
        if current_vertex.children[
                i].k_near != k:  # if that child not checked yet
            vertices_near = near_vertices(vertex_new,
                                          current_vertex.children[i], k,
                                          vertices_near)  # call function again
    return vertices_near