def func_scalar_output(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
     result = gs.einsum(
         '...i,...i->...', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = helper.to_scalar(result)
     return result
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian logarithm of a point.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Point on the hypersphere.

        log : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector at the base point equal to the Riemannian logarithm
            of point at the base point.
        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('...i,...j->...j', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
    def iterated_integrability_tensor_derivative_parallel(
            self, horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y, base_point):
        r"""Compute iterated derivatives of the integrability tensor A.

        The iterated horizontal covariant derivative
        :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)` (where :math:`X` and :math:`Y` are
        horizontal vector fields) is a key ingredient in the computation of
        the covariant derivative of the directional curvature in a submersion.

        The components :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)`, :math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y`,
        :math:`\nabla_X (A_X Y)`,  and intermediate computations
        :math:`A_Y A_X Y` and :math:`A_X Y` are computed here for the
        Kendall shape space in the special case of quotient-parallel vector
        fields :math:`X, Y` extending the values horizontal_vec_x and
        horizontal_vec_y by parallel transport in a neighborhood.
        Such vector fields verify :math:`\nabla_X^X = A_X X` and :math:
        `\nabla_X^Y = A_X Y`.

        horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Point of the total space.

        nabla_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`\nabla_X^S (A_Y A_X Y)` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        nabla_x_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
            :math:`\nabla_X^S (A_X Y)` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
        a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_X Y` with
            `X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.

        .. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
        in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
        if not gs.all(self.is_centered(base_point)):
            raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape"
                             " space")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")

        p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
        p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)

        def sylv_p(mat_b):
            """Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
            return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(p_top_p, p_top_p,
                                             mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b))

        y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)
        x_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_x)
        x_y_top = gs.matmul(y_top, horizontal_vec_x)
        omega_xy = sylv_p(x_y_top)
        vertical_vec_v = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xy)
        omega_xy_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_xy)
        omega_xy_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xy)

        v_top = Matrices.transpose(vertical_vec_v)
        x_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_x)
        omega_xv = sylv_p(x_v_top)
        omega_xv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xv)

        y_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_y)
        omega_yv = sylv_p(y_v_top)
        omega_yv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_yv)

        nabla_x_v = 3.0 * omega_xv_p + omega_xy_x
        a_y_a_x_y = omega_yv_p + omega_xy_y
        tmp_mat = gs.matmul(x_top, a_y_a_x_y)
        a_x_a_y_a_x_y = -gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat))

        omega_xv_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xv)
        omega_yv_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_yv)
        omega_xy_v = gs.matmul(vertical_vec_v, omega_xy)
        norms = Matrices.frobenius_product(vertical_vec_v, vertical_vec_v)
        sq_norm_v_p = gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", norms, base_point)

        tmp_mat = gs.matmul(p_top, 3.0 * omega_xv_y +
                            2.0 * omega_yv_x) + gs.matmul(y_top, omega_xy_x)

        nabla_x_a_y_v = (3.0 * omega_xv_y + omega_yv_x + omega_xy_v -
                         gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat)) + sq_norm_v_p)

        return nabla_x_a_y_v, a_x_a_y_a_x_y, nabla_x_v, a_y_a_x_y, vertical_vec_v
 def foo(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
     result = gs.einsum('ni,ni->ni', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = helper.to_vector(result)
     return result
 def foo_scalar_input_output(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, in_scalar):
     aux = gs.einsum('ni,ni->n', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = gs.einsum('n,nk->n', aux, in_scalar)
     result = helper.to_scalar(result)
     return result
    def random_von_mises_fisher(
            self, mu=None, kappa=10, n_samples=1, max_iter=100):
        """Sample with the von Mises-Fisher distribution.

        This distribution corresponds to the maximum entropy distribution
        given a mean. In dimension 2, a closed form expression is available.
        In larger dimension, rejection sampling is used according to [Wood94]_


        .. [Wood94]   Wood, Andrew T. A. “Simulation of the von Mises Fisher
                      Distribution.” Communications in Statistics - Simulation
                      and Computation, June 27, 2007.

        mu : array-like, shape=[dim]
            Mean parameter of the distribution.
        kappa : float
            Kappa parameter of the von Mises distribution.
            Optional, default: 10.
        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.
            Optional, default: 1.
        max_iter : int
            Maximum number of trials in the rejection algorithm. In case it
            is reached, the current number of samples < n_samples is returned.
            Optional, default: 100.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim + 1]
            Points sampled on the sphere in extrinsic coordinates
            in Euclidean space of dimension dim + 1.
        dim = self.dim

        if dim == 2:
            angle = 2. * gs.pi * gs.random.rand(n_samples)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
            unit_vector = gs.hstack((gs.cos(angle), gs.sin(angle)))
            scalar = gs.random.rand(n_samples)

            coord_x = 1. + 1. / kappa * gs.log(
                scalar + (1. - scalar) * gs.exp(gs.array(-2. * kappa)))
            coord_x = gs.to_ndarray(coord_x, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
            coord_yz = gs.sqrt(1. - coord_x ** 2) * unit_vector
            sample = gs.hstack((coord_x, coord_yz))

            # rejection sampling in the general case
            sqrt = gs.sqrt(4 * kappa ** 2. + dim ** 2)
            envelop_param = (-2 * kappa + sqrt) / dim
            node = (1. - envelop_param) / (1. + envelop_param)
            correction = kappa * node + dim * gs.log(1. - node ** 2)

            n_accepted, n_iter = 0, 0
            result = []
            while (n_accepted < n_samples) and (n_iter < max_iter):
                sym_beta = beta.rvs(
                    dim / 2, dim / 2, size=n_samples - n_accepted)
                sym_beta = gs.cast(sym_beta, node.dtype)
                coord_x = (1 - (1 + envelop_param) * sym_beta) / (
                    1 - (1 - envelop_param) * sym_beta)
                accept_tol = gs.random.rand(n_samples - n_accepted)
                criterion = (
                    kappa * coord_x
                    + dim * gs.log(1 - node * coord_x)
                    - correction) > gs.log(accept_tol)
                n_accepted += gs.sum(criterion)
                n_iter += 1
            if n_accepted < n_samples:
                    'Maximum number of iteration reached in rejection '
                    'sampling before n_samples were accepted.')
            coord_x = gs.concatenate(result)
            coord_rest = _Hypersphere(dim - 1).random_uniform(n_accepted)
            coord_rest = gs.einsum(
                '...,...i->...i', gs.sqrt(1 - coord_x ** 2), coord_rest)
            sample = gs.concatenate([coord_x[..., None], coord_rest], axis=1)

        if mu is not None:
            sample = utils.rotate_points(sample, mu)

        return sample if (n_samples > 1) else sample[0]
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        """Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.

        If point_type = 'poincare' then base_point belongs
        to the Poincare ball and point is a vector in the euclidean
        space of the same dimension as the ball.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                            or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        log : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                          or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        if self.point_type == 'extrinsic':
            point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
            base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

            angle = self.dist(base_point, point)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2)

            mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
            mask_else = ~mask_0

            mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
            mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

            coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2
                                      + INV_SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                      INV_SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                      INV_SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
            coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2
                                      + INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                      INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                      INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

            # This avoids dividing by 0.
            angle += mask_0_float * 1.

            coef_1 += mask_else_float * (angle / gs.sinh(angle))
            coef_2 += mask_else_float * (angle / gs.tanh(angle))

            log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point) -
                   gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))
            return log

        elif self.point_type == 'ball':

            add_base_point = self.mobius_add(-base_point, point)

            norm_add = gs.to_ndarray(gs.linalg.norm(add_base_point, axis=-1),
                                     2, -1)
            norm_add = gs.repeat(norm_add, base_point.shape[-1], -1)
            norm_base_point = gs.to_ndarray(
                gs.linalg.norm(base_point, axis=-1), 2, -1)
            norm_base_point = gs.repeat(norm_base_point, base_point.shape[-1],

            log = (1 - norm_base_point**2) * gs.arctanh(norm_add)\
                * (add_base_point / norm_add)

            mask_0 = gs.all(gs.isclose(norm_add, 0.))
            log[mask_0] = 0

            return log
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'log is only implemented for ball and extrinsic')
def hvsplit(path_of_curves, a=1, b=1 / 2):
    Computes the splitting of the speed vector field s|->cs(s) of a path of
    curves s|->c(s) in horizontal and vertical parts : cs_ver(s) = M(s)v(s)
    and cs_hor(s) = cs(s) - M(s)v(s).

    Input :
    - c [2x(n+1)x(m+1)] : path of curves in R^2.
    - verif [1 or 0]    : computes how orthogonal the horizontal and vertical
                           parts actually are and checks that M is sol of ODE

    Output :
    - M [(n+1)xm]   : defines splitting of the speed vector of the path c
                       cs_ver(s)=M(s)v(s), cs_hor(s)=cs(s)-M(s)v(s).
    - K [2x(n+1)xm] : tau(k,j) = log_H(c(k,j),c(k+1,j))
    ... if verif ==1 :
    - L [1x1]       : length of c
    - SP_cs [mx1]   : norm of speed vector SP_cs = G(cs,cs)
    - SP_hor [mx1]  : norm of horizont part SP_hor = G(cs-Mv,cs-Mv)
    - SP_ver [mx1]  : norm of vertical part SP_ver = G(Mv,Mv)
    - SP_hv [mx1]   : inner product SP_hv = G(cs-Mv,Mv)
    n_times = path_of_curves.shape[0] - 1
    n_points = path_of_curves.shape[1] - 1
    dim = path_of_curves.shape[2]

    # compute tau [mx(n+1)xdim] : tau(j,k) = log(c(j,k),c(j,k+1))
    tau = np.zeros((n_times, n_points + 1, dim))
    tau[:, :-1, :] = path_of_curves[:-1, 1:, :] - path_of_curves[:-1, :-1, :]
    tau[:, -1, :] = tau[:, -2, :]

    # compute K [mx(n+1)] : K(j,k) = |tau(j,k)|
    K = np.linalg.norm(tau, axis=-1)

    # compute v [mx(n+1)xdim] : v(j,k) = tau(j,k)/K(j,k)
    v = gs.einsum('ijk,ij->ijk', tau, 1 / K)

    # compute lambda [mxn] : lambda = <v(j,k+1),v(j,k)>
    v_prod = v[:, 1:, :] * v[:, :-1, :]
    lambd = np.sum(v_prod, axis=-1)

    # compute cs [mx(n+1)xdim]
    cs = n_times * (path_of_curves[1:, :, :] - path_of_curves[:-1, :, :])

    # compute Nstau [mxnxdim]
    Nstau = cs[:, 1:, :] - cs[:, 0:-1, :]

    # compute A,B,C,D [mx(n-1)]
    A = K[:, 1:-1] / K[:, :-2] * lambd[:, :-1]
    B = -(1 + K[:, 1:-1] / K[:, :-2] * ((a / b)**2 +
                                        (1 - (a / b)**2) * lambd[:, :-1]**2))
    C = lambd[:, 1:]

    d = (a / b)**2 * v[:, 1:-1, :] + (1 - (a / b)**2) * gs.einsum(
        'ij,ijk->ijk', lambd[:, :-1], v[:, :-2, :])
    Nstau_vk = np.sum(Nstau[:, 1:, :] * v[:, 1:-1, :], axis=-1)
    Nstau_d = np.sum(Nstau[:, :-1, :] * d, axis=-1)
    D = Nstau_vk - K[:, 1:-1] / K[:, :-2] * Nstau_d

    # compute M [mx(n+1)] : cs(k,j)^{ver} = M(k,j)v(k,j)
    M = np.zeros((n_times, n_points + 1))
    for j in range(n_times):
        LL = np.diag(A[j, 1:], -1) + np.diag(B[j, :]) + np.diag(C[j, :-1], 1)
        M[j, 1:-1] = np.linalg.solve(LL, D[j, :])

    cs_ver = np.einsum('ij,ijk->ijk', M, v)
    cs_hor = cs - cs_ver

    return M, K, cs_ver, cs_hor
 def lift(self, point):
     """Find a representer in top space."""
     eigvals, eigvecs = gs.linalg.eigh(point)
     return gs.einsum(
         "...ij,...j->...ij", eigvecs[..., -self.k :], eigvals[..., -self.k :] ** 0.5
    def compose(self, point_1, point_2, point_type=None):
        r"""Compose two elements of SE(n).

        point_1 : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dimension, [n + 1, n + 1]}]
        point_2 : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dimension, [n + 1, n + 1]}]
        point_type: str, {'vector', 'matrix'}, optional
            default: self.default_point_type

        (:math: `(R_1, t_1) \\cdot (R_2, t_2) = (R_1 R_2, R_1 t_2 + t_1)`)

        composition : the composition of point_1 and point_2

        if point_type is None:
            point_type = self.default_point_type

        rotations = self.rotations
        dim_rotations = rotations.dimension

        point_1 = self.regularize(point_1, point_type=point_type)
        point_2 = self.regularize(point_2, point_type=point_type)

        if point_type == 'vector':
            n_points_1, _ = point_1.shape
            n_points_2, _ = point_2.shape

            assert (point_1.shape == point_2.shape or n_points_1 == 1
                    or n_points_2 == 1)

            if n_points_1 == 1:
                point_1 = gs.stack([point_1[0]] * n_points_2)

            if n_points_2 == 1:
                point_2 = gs.stack([point_2[0]] * n_points_1)

            rot_vec_1 = point_1[:, :dim_rotations]
            rot_mat_1 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1)

            rot_vec_2 = point_2[:, :dim_rotations]
            rot_mat_2 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2)

            translation_1 = point_1[:, dim_rotations:]
            translation_2 = point_2[:, dim_rotations:]

            composition_rot_mat = gs.matmul(rot_mat_1, rot_mat_2)
            composition_rot_vec = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix(

            composition_translation = gs.einsum('ij,ikj->ik', translation_2,
                                                rot_mat_1) + translation_1

            composition = gs.concatenate(
                (composition_rot_vec, composition_translation), axis=1)

        elif point_type == 'matrix':
            raise NotImplementedError()

        composition = self.regularize(composition, point_type=point_type)
        return composition
def _batch_gradient_descent(points,
    """Perform batch gradient descent."""
    if point_type == 'vector':
        if points.ndim < 3:
            return _default_gradient_descent(points, metric, weights, max_iter,
                                             point_type, epsilon, lr, verbose)
        einsum_str = 'ni,nij->ij'
        ndim = 1
        if points.ndim < 4:
            return _default_gradient_descent(points, metric, weights, max_iter,
                                             point_type, epsilon, lr, verbose)
        einsum_str = 'nk,nkij->kij'
        ndim = 2

    shape = points.shape
    n_points = shape[0]
    n_batch = shape[1]

    if n_points == 1:
        return points[0]

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points, n_batch))

    flat_shape = (n_batch * n_points, ) + shape[-ndim:]
    estimates = points[0]
    points_flattened = gs.reshape(points,
                                  (n_points * n_batch, ) + shape[-ndim:])
    convergence = math.inf
    iteration = 0
    convergence_old = convergence

    while convergence > epsilon and max_iter > iteration:

        iteration += 1
        estimates_broadcast, _ = gs.broadcast_arrays(estimates, points)
        estimates_flattened = gs.reshape(estimates_broadcast, flat_shape)

        tangent_grad = metric.log(points_flattened, estimates_flattened)
        tangent_grad = gs.reshape(tangent_grad, shape)

        tangent_mean = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, tangent_grad) / n_points

        next_estimates = metric.exp(lr * tangent_mean, estimates)
        convergence = gs.sum(metric.squared_norm(tangent_mean, estimates))
        estimates = next_estimates

        if convergence < convergence_old:
            convergence_old = convergence
        elif convergence > convergence_old:
            lr = lr / 2.

    if iteration == max_iter:
        logging.warning('Maximum number of iterations {} reached. The '
                        'mean may be inaccurate'.format(max_iter))

    if verbose:'n_iter: {}, final dist: {},'
                     'final step size: {}'.format(iteration, convergence, lr))

    return estimates
    def adaptive_gradientdescent_mean(self,
        Frechet mean of (weighted) points using adaptive time-steps
        The loss function optimized is ||M_1(x)||_x (where M_1(x) is
        the tangent mean at x) rather than the mean-square-distance (MSD)
        because this saves computation time.

        points: array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension]

        weights: array-like, shape=[n_samples, 1], optional

        init_points: array-like, shape=[n_init, dimension]

        epsilon: tolerance for stopping the gradient descent

        # TODO(Xavier): This function assumes that all points are lists
        #  of vectors and not of matrices
        n_points = gs.shape(points)[0]

        if weights is None:
            weights = gs.ones((n_points, 1))

        weights = gs.array(weights)
        weights = gs.to_ndarray(weights, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

        n_init = len(init_points)

        if n_init == 0:
            current_mean = points[0]
            current_mean = init_points[0]

        if n_points == 1:
            return gs.to_ndarray(current_mean, to_ndim=2)

        tau = 1.0
        iter = 0

        logs = self.log(point=points, base_point=current_mean)
        current_tangent_mean = gs.einsum('nk,nj->j', weights, logs)
        current_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
        norm_current_tangent_mean = gs.linalg.norm(current_tangent_mean)

        while (norm_current_tangent_mean > epsilon
               and iter < n_max_iterations):
            iter = iter + 1
            shooting_vector = gs.to_ndarray(tau * current_tangent_mean,
            next_mean = self.exp(tangent_vec=shooting_vector,
            logs = self.log(point=points, base_point=next_mean)
            next_tangent_mean = gs.einsum('nk,nj->j', weights, logs)
            next_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
            norm_next_tangent_mean = gs.linalg.norm(next_tangent_mean)
            if norm_next_tangent_mean < norm_current_tangent_mean:
                current_mean = next_mean
                current_tangent_mean = next_tangent_mean
                norm_current_tangent_mean = norm_next_tangent_mean
                tau = max(1.0, 1.0511111 * tau)
                tau = tau * 0.8

        if iter == n_max_iterations:
            print('Maximum number of iterations {} reached.'
                  'The mean may be inaccurate'.format(n_max_iterations))

        return gs.to_ndarray(current_mean, to_ndim=2)
 def path(time):
     vecs = gs.einsum("t,...ij->...tij", time, tangent_vec)
     return cls.exp(vecs, base_point)
 def func_else(else_a, tangent_vec_a, else_b, tangent_vec_b):
     result = (else_a + else_b) * gs.einsum(
         'ni,ni->n', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = helper.to_scalar(result)
     return result
    def jacobian_translation(self, point, left_or_right='left'):
        """Compute the jacobian matrix corresponding to translation.

        Compute the jacobian matrix of the differential
        of the left/right translations from the identity to point in SO(3).

        point : array-like, shape=[..., 3]
        left_or_right : str, {'left', 'right'}, optional
            default: 'left'
        point_type : str, {'vector', 'matrix'}, optional
            default: self.default_point_type

        jacobian : array-like, shape=[..., 3, 3]
            left_or_right, 'left_or_right', ['left', 'right'])

        point = self.regularize(point)

        n_points, _ = point.shape

        angle = gs.linalg.norm(point, axis=-1)
        angle = gs.expand_dims(angle, axis=-1)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros([n_points, 1])
        coef_2 = gs.zeros([n_points, 1])

        # This avoids dividing by 0.
        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32) + self.epsilon

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[0] +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle**6)

        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[0] +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle**2 +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle**4 +
                                  TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle**6)

        # This avoids dividing by 0.
        mask_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi)
        mask_pi_float = gs.cast(mask_pi, gs.float32) + self.epsilon

        delta_angle = angle - gs.pi
        coef_1 += mask_pi_float * (TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[1] * delta_angle +
                                   TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[2] * delta_angle**2 +
                                   TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[3] * delta_angle**3 +
                                   TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[4] * delta_angle**4 +
                                   TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[5] * delta_angle**5 +
                                   TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_PI[6] * delta_angle**6)

        angle += mask_0_float
        coef_2 += mask_pi_float * ((1 - coef_1) / angle**2)

        # This avoids dividing by 0.
        mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_pi
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32) + self.epsilon

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_pi_float
        coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((angle / 2) / gs.tan(angle / 2))
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((1 - coef_1) / angle**2)
        jacobian = gs.zeros((n_points, self.dim, self.dim))
        n_points_tensor = gs.array(n_points)
        for i in range(n_points):
            # This avoids dividing by 0.
            mask_i_float = (gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_points_tensor) +

            sign = -1.
            if left_or_right == 'left':
                sign = +1.

            jacobian_i = (coef_1[i] * gs.eye(self.dim) +
                          coef_2[i] * gs.outer(point[i], point[i]) +
                          sign * self.skew_matrix_from_vector(point[i]) / 2.)

            jacobian += gs.einsum('n,ij->nij', mask_i_float, jacobian_i)

        return jacobian
def _adaptive_gradient_descent(points,
    """Perform adaptive gradient descent.

    Frechet mean of (weighted) points using adaptive time-steps
    The loss function optimized is :math:`||M_1(x)||_x`
    (where :math:`M_1(x)` is the tangent mean at x) rather than
    the mean-square-distance (MSD) because this simplifies computations.
    Adaptivity is done in a Levenberg-Marquardt style weighting variable tau
    between the first order and the second order Gauss-Newton gradient descent.

    points : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
        Points to be averaged.
    weights : array-like, shape=[..., 1], optional
        Weights associated to the points.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations for the gradient descent.
    init_point : array-like, shape=[n_init, dimension], optional
        Initial point.
    epsilon : float, optional
        Tolerance for stopping the gradient descent.

    current_mean: array-like, shape=[..., dim]
        Weighted Frechet mean of the points.
    if point_type == 'vector':
        points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=2)
        einsum_str = 'n,nj->j'
        points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=3)
        einsum_str = 'n,nij->ij'
    n_points = gs.shape(points)[0]

    tau_max = 1e6
    tau_mul_up = 1.6511111
    tau_min = 1e-6
    tau_mul_down = 0.1

    if n_points == 1:
        return points[0]

    current_mean = points[0] if init_point is None else init_point

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points, ))
    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

    tau = initial_tau
    iteration = 0

    logs = metric.log(point=points, base_point=current_mean)
    var = gs.sum(
        metric.squared_norm(logs, current_mean) * weights) / gs.sum(weights)

    current_tangent_mean = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, logs)
    current_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
    sq_norm_current_tangent_mean = metric.squared_norm(current_tangent_mean,

    while (sq_norm_current_tangent_mean > epsilon**2 and iteration < max_iter):
        iteration += 1

        shooting_vector = tau * current_tangent_mean
        next_mean = metric.exp(tangent_vec=shooting_vector,

        logs = metric.log(point=points, base_point=next_mean)
        var = gs.sum(metric.squared_norm(logs, current_mean) *
                     weights) / gs.sum(weights)

        next_tangent_mean = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, logs)
        next_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
        sq_norm_next_tangent_mean = metric.squared_norm(next_tangent_mean,

        if sq_norm_next_tangent_mean < sq_norm_current_tangent_mean:
            current_mean = next_mean
            current_tangent_mean = next_tangent_mean
            sq_norm_current_tangent_mean = sq_norm_next_tangent_mean
            tau = min(tau_max, tau_mul_up * tau)
            tau = max(tau_min, tau_mul_down * tau)

    if iteration == max_iter:
        logging.warning('Maximum number of iterations {} reached. '
                        'The mean may be inaccurate'.format(max_iter))

    if verbose:'n_iter: {}, final variance: {}, final dist: {},'
                     ' final_step_size: {}'.format(
                         iteration, var, sq_norm_current_tangent_mean, tau))

    return current_mean
    def skew_matrix_from_vector(self, vec):
        """Get the skew-symmetric matrix derived from the vector.

        In 3D, compute the skew-symmetric matrix,known as the cross-product of
        a vector, associated to the vector `vec`.

        In nD, fill a skew-symmetric matrix with the values of the vector.

        vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim]

        skew_mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, n]
        n_vecs, vec_dim = gs.shape(vec)

        if self.n == 2:
            vec = gs.tile(vec, [1, 2])
            vec = gs.reshape(vec, (n_vecs, 2))

            id_skew = gs.array(gs.tile([[[0., 1.], [-1., 0.]]],
                                       (n_vecs, 1, 1)))
            skew_mat = gs.einsum('...ij,...i->...ij',
                                 gs.cast(id_skew, gs.float32), vec)

        elif self.n == 3:
            levi_civita_symbol = gs.tile(
                [[[[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., -1., 0.]],
                  [[0., 0., -1.], [0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]],
                  [[0., 1., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]]],
                (n_vecs, 1, 1, 1))

            levi_civita_symbol = gs.array(levi_civita_symbol)
            levi_civita_symbol += self.epsilon

            # This avoids dividing by 0.
            basis_vec_1 = gs.array(gs.tile([[1., 0., 0.]],
                                           (n_vecs, 1))) + self.epsilon
            basis_vec_2 = gs.array(gs.tile([[0., 1., 0.]],
                                           (n_vecs, 1))) + self.epsilon
            basis_vec_3 = gs.array(gs.tile([[0., 0., 1.]],
                                           (n_vecs, 1))) + self.epsilon

            cross_prod_1 = gs.einsum('nijk,ni,nj->nk', levi_civita_symbol,
                                     basis_vec_1, vec)
            cross_prod_2 = gs.einsum('nijk,ni,nj->nk', levi_civita_symbol,
                                     basis_vec_2, vec)
            cross_prod_3 = gs.einsum('nijk,ni,nj->nk', levi_civita_symbol,
                                     basis_vec_3, vec)

            cross_prod_1 = gs.to_ndarray(cross_prod_1, to_ndim=3, axis=1)
            cross_prod_2 = gs.to_ndarray(cross_prod_2, to_ndim=3, axis=1)
            cross_prod_3 = gs.to_ndarray(cross_prod_3, to_ndim=3, axis=1)
            skew_mat = gs.concatenate(
                [cross_prod_1, cross_prod_2, cross_prod_3], axis=1)

        else:  # SO(n)
            mat_dim = gs.cast(((1. + gs.sqrt(1. + 8. * vec_dim)) / 2.),
            skew_mat = gs.zeros((n_vecs, ) + (self.n, ) * 2)
            upper_triangle_indices = gs.triu_indices(mat_dim, k=1)
            for i in range(n_vecs):
                skew_mat[i][upper_triangle_indices] = vec[i]
                skew_mat[i] = skew_mat[i] - gs.transpose(skew_mat[i])
        return skew_mat
def _default_gradient_descent(points, metric, weights, max_iter, point_type,
                              epsilon, initial_step_size, verbose):
    """Perform default gradient descent."""
    if point_type == 'vector':
        points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=2)
        einsum_str = 'n,nj->j'
        points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=3)
        einsum_str = 'n,nij->ij'
    n_points = gs.shape(points)[0]

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points, ))

    mean = points[0]

    if n_points == 1:
        return mean

    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)
    sq_dists_between_iterates = []
    iteration = 0
    sq_dist = 0.
    var = 0.

    norm_old = gs.linalg.norm(points)
    step = initial_step_size

    while iteration < max_iter:
        logs = metric.log(point=points, base_point=mean)

        var = gs.sum(
            metric.squared_norm(logs, mean) * weights) / gs.sum(weights)

        tangent_mean = gs.einsum(einsum_str, weights, logs)
        tangent_mean /= sum_weights
        norm = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_mean)

        sq_dist = metric.squared_norm(tangent_mean, mean)

        var_is_0 = gs.isclose(var, 0.)
        sq_dist_is_small = gs.less_equal(sq_dist, epsilon * metric.dim)
        condition = ~gs.logical_or(var_is_0, sq_dist_is_small)
        if not (condition or iteration == 0):

        estimate_next = metric.exp(step * tangent_mean, mean)
        mean = estimate_next
        iteration += 1

        if norm < norm_old:
            norm_old = norm
        elif norm > norm_old:
            step = step / 2.

    if iteration == max_iter:
        logging.warning('Maximum number of iterations {} reached. '
                        'The mean may be inaccurate'.format(max_iter))

    if verbose:'n_iter: {}, final variance: {}, final dist: {}'.format(
            iteration, var, sq_dist))

    return mean
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector wrt to a base point.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                  or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        exp : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                          or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        if self.point_type == 'extrinsic':
            tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2)
            base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

            sq_norm_tangent_vec = self.embedding_metric.squared_norm(
            norm_tangent_vec = gs.sqrt(sq_norm_tangent_vec)

            mask_0 = gs.isclose(sq_norm_tangent_vec, 0.)
            mask_0 = gs.to_ndarray(mask_0, to_ndim=1)
            mask_else = ~mask_0
            mask_else = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else, to_ndim=1)
            mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
            mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

            coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)
            coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(norm_tangent_vec)

            coef_1 += mask_0_float * (
                1. + COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[2] * norm_tangent_vec**2 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[4] * norm_tangent_vec**4 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[6] * norm_tangent_vec**6 +
                COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[8] * norm_tangent_vec**8)
            coef_2 += mask_0_float * (
                1. + SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * norm_tangent_vec**2 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * norm_tangent_vec**4 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * norm_tangent_vec**6 +
                SINH_TAYLOR_COEFFS[9] * norm_tangent_vec**8)
            # This avoids dividing by 0.
            norm_tangent_vec += mask_0_float * 1.0
            coef_1 += mask_else_float * (gs.cosh(norm_tangent_vec))
            coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((gs.sinh(norm_tangent_vec) /

            exp = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, base_point) +
                   gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, tangent_vec))

            hyperbolic_space = Hyperbolic(dimension=self.dimension)
            exp = hyperbolic_space.regularize(exp)
            return exp

        elif self.point_type == 'ball':
            norm_base_point = gs.to_ndarray(gs.linalg.norm(base_point, -1), 2,
            norm_base_point = gs.repeat(norm_base_point, base_point.shape[-1],
            den = 1 - norm_base_point**2

            norm_tan = gs.to_ndarray(gs.linalg.norm(tangent_vec, axis=-1), 2,
            norm_tan = gs.repeat(norm_tan, base_point.shape[-1], -1)

            lambda_base_point = 1 / den

            direction = tangent_vec / norm_tan

            factor = gs.tanh(lambda_base_point * norm_tan)

            exp = self.mobius_add(base_point, direction * factor)

            return exp
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'exp is only implemented for ball and extrinsic')
def _adaptive_gradient_descent(points,
    """Perform adaptive gradient descent.

    Frechet mean of (weighted) points using adaptive time-steps
    The loss function optimized is :math:`||M_1(x)||_x`
    (where :math:`M_1(x)` is the tangent mean at x) rather than
    the mean-square-distance (MSD) because this simplifies computations.
    Adaptivity is done in a Levenberg-Marquardt style weighting variable tau
    between the first order and the second order Gauss-Newton gradient descent.

    points : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
        Points to be averaged.
    weights : array-like, shape=[..., 1], optional
        Weights associated to the points.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations for the gradient descent.
    init_point : array-like, shape=[n_init, dimension], optional
        Initial point.
    epsilon : float, optional
        Tolerance for stopping the gradient descent.

    current_mean: array-like, shape=[..., dim]
        Weighted Frechet mean of the points.
    if point_type == 'matrix':
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'The Frechet mean with adaptive gradient descent is only'
            ' implemented for lists of vectors, and not matrices.')

    tau_max = 1e6
    tau_mul_up = 1.6511111
    tau_min = 1e-6
    tau_mul_down = 0.1

    n_points = geomstats.vectorization.get_n_points(points, point_type)

    points = gs.to_ndarray(points, to_ndim=2)

    current_mean = points[0] if init_point is None else init_point

    if n_points == 1:
        return current_mean

    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points, ))
    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

    tau = 1.0
    iteration = 0

    logs = metric.log(point=points, base_point=current_mean)
    current_tangent_mean = gs.einsum('n,nj->j', weights, logs)
    current_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
    sq_norm_current_tangent_mean = metric.squared_norm(current_tangent_mean,

    while (sq_norm_current_tangent_mean > epsilon**2 and iteration < max_iter):
        iteration += 1

        shooting_vector = tau * current_tangent_mean
        next_mean = metric.exp(tangent_vec=shooting_vector,

        logs = metric.log(point=points, base_point=next_mean)
        next_tangent_mean = gs.einsum('n,nj->j', weights, logs)
        next_tangent_mean /= sum_weights
        sq_norm_next_tangent_mean = metric.squared_norm(next_tangent_mean,

        if sq_norm_next_tangent_mean < sq_norm_current_tangent_mean:
            current_mean = next_mean
            current_tangent_mean = next_tangent_mean
            sq_norm_current_tangent_mean = sq_norm_next_tangent_mean
            tau = min(tau_max, tau_mul_up * tau)
            tau = max(tau_min, tau_mul_down * tau)

    if iteration == max_iter:
        logging.warning('Maximum number of iterations {} reached. '
                        'The mean may be inaccurate'.format(max_iter))
    return current_mean
def _default_gradient_descent(group,
    """Compute the (weighted) group exponential barycenter of `points`.

    group : LieGroup
        Instance of the class LieGroup.
    points : array-like, shape=[n_samples, [n,n]]
        Input points lying in the Lie Group.
    weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
        default is 1 for each point
        Weights of each point.
    max_iter : int, optional (defaults to 32)
        The maximum number of iterations to perform in the gradient descent.
    epsilon : float, optional (defaults to 1e-6)
        The tolerance to reach convergence. The exstrinsic norm of the
        gradient is used as criterion.
    step : float, optional (defaults to 1.)
        The learning rate in the gradient descent.
    verbose : bool
        Level of verbosity to inform about convergence.

    exp_bar : array-like, shape=[n,n]
        The exponential_barycenter of the input points.
    ndim = 2 if group.default_point_type == 'vector' else 3
    if gs.ndim(gs.array(points)) < ndim or len(points) == 1:
        return points[0] if len(points) == 1 else points

    n_points = points.shape[0]
    if weights is None:
        weights = gs.ones((n_points, ))
    weights = gs.cast(weights, gs.float32)
    sum_weights = gs.sum(weights)

    mean = points[0]

    sq_dists_between_iterates = []
    iteration = 0
    grad_norm = 0.

    while iteration < max_iter:
        if not (grad_norm > epsilon or iteration == 0):
        inv_mean = group.inverse(mean)
        centered_points = group.compose(inv_mean, points)
        logs = group.log(point=centered_points)
        tangent_mean = step * gs.einsum('n, nk...->k...',
                                        weights / sum_weights, logs)
        mean_next = group.compose(mean, group.exp(tangent_vec=tangent_mean))

        grad_norm = gs.linalg.norm(tangent_mean)

        mean = mean_next
        iteration += 1

    if iteration == max_iter:
        logging.warning('Maximum number of iterations {} reached. '
                        'The mean may be inaccurate'.format(max_iter))

    if verbose:'n_iter: {}, final gradient norm: {}'.format(
            iteration, grad_norm))
    return mean
    def tangent_extrinsic_to_spherical(self,
        """Convert tangent vector from extrinsic to spherical coordinates.

        Convert a tangent vector from the extrinsic coordinates in Euclidean
        space to the spherical coordinates in the hypersphere for.
        Spherical coordinates are considered from the north pole [0., 0.,
        1.]. This method is only implemented in dimension 2.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Tangent vector to the sphere, in spherical coordinates.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the sphere. Unused if `base_point_spherical` is given.
            Optional, default : None.
        base_point_spherical : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Point on the sphere, in spherical coordinates. Either
            `base_point` or `base_point_spherical` must be given.
            Optional, default : None.

        tangent_vec_spherical : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
            Tangent vector to the sphere, at base point,
            in spherical coordinates relative to the north pole [0., 0., 1.].
        if self.dim != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The conversion from to extrinsic coordinates "
                "spherical coordinates is implemented"
                " only in dimension 2.")
        if base_point is None and base_point_spherical is None:
            raise ValueError("A base point must be given, either in "
                             "extrinsic or in spherical coordinates.")
        if base_point_spherical is None and base_point is not None:
            base_point_spherical = self.extrinsic_to_spherical(base_point)

        axes = (2, 0, 1) if base_point_spherical.ndim == 2 else (0, 1)
        theta = base_point_spherical[..., 0]
        phi = base_point_spherical[..., 1]

        theta_safe = gs.where(gs.abs(theta) < gs.atol, gs.atol, theta)
        zeros = gs.zeros_like(theta)
        jac_close_0 = gs.array([[gs.ones_like(theta), zeros, zeros],
                                [zeros, gs.ones_like(theta), zeros]])

        jac = gs.array([
                gs.cos(theta) * gs.cos(phi),
                gs.cos(theta) * gs.sin(phi),
                -gs.sin(phi) / gs.sin(theta_safe),
                gs.cos(phi) / gs.sin(theta_safe),

        jac = gs.transpose(jac, axes)
        jac_close_0 = gs.transpose(jac_close_0, axes)
        theta_criterion = gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", theta,
        jac = gs.where(gs.abs(theta_criterion) < gs.atol, jac_close_0, jac)

        tangent_vec_spherical = gs.einsum("...ij,...j->...i", jac, tangent_vec)

        return tangent_vec_spherical
 def foo_scalar_output(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
     result = gs.einsum('ni,ni->n', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = helper.to_scalar(result)
     return result
    def test_einsum(self):
        np_array_1 = _np.array([[1, 4]])
        np_array_2 = _np.array([[2, 3]])
        array_1 = gs.array([[1, 4]])
        array_2 = gs.array([[2, 3]])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...i,...i->...', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...i,...i->...', array_1, array_2)

        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array([[1, 4], [-1, 5]])
        np_array_2 = _np.array([[2, 3]])
        array_1 = gs.array([[1, 4], [-1, 5]])
        array_2 = gs.array([[2, 3]])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...i,...i->...', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...i,...i->...', array_1, array_2)

        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array([[1, 4]])
        np_array_2 = _np.array([[2, 3], [5, 6]])
        array_1 = gs.array([[1, 4]])
        array_2 = gs.array([[2, 3], [5, 6]])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...i,...i->...', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...i,...i->...', array_1, array_2)

        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array([5])
        np_array_2 = _np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
        array_1 = gs.array([5])
        array_2 = gs.array([[1, 2, 3]])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...,...i->...i', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', array_1, array_2)
        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array(5)
        np_array_2 = _np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
        array_1 = gs.array(5)
        array_2 = gs.array([[1, 2, 3]])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...,...i->...i', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', array_1, array_2)
        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array([5])
        np_array_2 = _np.array([1, 2, 3])
        array_1 = gs.array([5])
        array_2 = gs.array([1, 2, 3])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...,...i->...i', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', array_1, array_2)
        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)

        np_array_1 = _np.array(5)
        np_array_2 = _np.array([1, 2, 3])
        array_1 = gs.array(5)
        array_2 = gs.array([1, 2, 3])

        np_result = _np.einsum('...,...i->...i', np_array_1, np_array_2)
        gs_result = gs.einsum('...,...i->...i', array_1, array_2)
        self.assertAllCloseToNp(gs_result, np_result)
    def random_von_mises_fisher(
            self, mu=None, kappa=10, n_samples=1, max_iter=100):
        """Sample with the von Mises-Fisher distribution.

        This distribution corresponds to the maximum entropy distribution
        given a mean. In dimension 2, a closed form expression is available.
        In larger dimension, rejection sampling is used according to [Wood94]_


        .. [Wood94]   Wood, Andrew T. A. “Simulation of the von Mises Fisher
                      Distribution.” Communications in Statistics - Simulation
                      and Computation, June 27, 2007.

        mu : array-like, shape=[dim]
            Mean parameter of the distribution.
        kappa : float
            Kappa parameter of the von Mises distribution.
            Optional, default: 10.
        n_samples : int
            Number of samples.
            Optional, default: 1.

        point : array-like, shape=[..., 3]
            Points sampled on the sphere in extrinsic coordinates
            in Euclidean space of dimension 3.
        dim = self.dim

        if dim == 2:
            angle = 2. * gs.pi * gs.random.rand(n_samples)
            angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
            unit_vector = gs.hstack((gs.cos(angle), gs.sin(angle)))
            scalar = gs.random.rand(n_samples)

            coord_z = 1. + 1. / kappa * gs.log(
                scalar + (1. - scalar) * gs.exp(gs.array(-2. * kappa)))
            coord_z = gs.to_ndarray(coord_z, to_ndim=2, axis=1)
            coord_xy = gs.sqrt(1. - coord_z ** 2) * unit_vector
            sample = gs.hstack((coord_xy, coord_z))

            if mu is not None:
                rot_vec = gs.cross(
                    gs.array([0., 0., 1.]), mu)
                rot_vec *= gs.arccos(mu[-1]) / gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec)
                rot = SpecialOrthogonal(
                    3, 'vector').matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec)
                sample = gs.matmul(sample, gs.transpose(rot))
            if mu is None:
                mu = gs.array([0.] * dim + [1.])
            # rejection sampling in the general case
            sqrt = gs.sqrt(4 * kappa ** 2. + dim ** 2)
            envelop_param = (-2 * kappa + sqrt) / dim
            node = (1. - envelop_param) / (1. + envelop_param)
            correction = kappa * node + dim * gs.log(1. - node ** 2)

            n_accepted, n_iter = 0, 0
            result = []
            while (n_accepted < n_samples) and (n_iter < max_iter):
                sym_beta = beta.rvs(
                    dim / 2, dim / 2, size=n_samples - n_accepted)
                coord_z = (1 - (1 + envelop_param) * sym_beta) / (
                    1 - (1 - envelop_param) * sym_beta)
                accept_tol = gs.random.rand(n_samples - n_accepted)
                criterion = (
                    kappa * coord_z
                    + dim * gs.log(1 - node * coord_z)
                    - correction) > gs.log(accept_tol)
                n_accepted += gs.sum(criterion)
                n_iter += 1
            if n_accepted < n_samples:
                    'Maximum number of iteration reached in rejection '
                    'sampling before n_samples were accepted.')
            coord_z = gs.concatenate(result)
            coord_rest = self.random_uniform(n_accepted)
            coord_rest = self.to_tangent(coord_rest, mu)
            coord_rest = self.projection(coord_rest)
            coord_rest = gs.einsum(
                '...,...i->...i', gs.sqrt(1 - coord_z ** 2), coord_rest)
            sample = coord_rest + coord_z[:, None] * mu[None, :]

        return sample if n_samples > 1 else sample[0]
    def log(self, point, base_point):
        Riemannian logarithm of a point wrt a base point.

        point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                            or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        base_point : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                                 or shape=[1, dimension + 1]

        log : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dimension + 1]
                          or shape=[1, dimension + 1]
        point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2)
        base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2)

        norm_base_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(base_point)
        norm_point = self.embedding_metric.norm(point)
        inner_prod = self.embedding_metric.inner_product(base_point, point)
        cos_angle = inner_prod / (norm_base_point * norm_point)
        cos_angle = gs.clip(cos_angle, -1., 1.)

        angle = gs.arccos(cos_angle)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=1)
        angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.)
        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_0, gs.array(False))

        mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)

        coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle)
        coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle)

        coef_1 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_SIN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)
        coef_2 += mask_0_float * (1. + INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1] * angle**2 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[3] * angle**4 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[5] * angle**6 +
                                  INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS[7] * angle**8)

        # This avoids division by 0.
        angle += mask_0_float * 1.

        coef_1 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.sin(angle)
        coef_2 += mask_else_float * angle / gs.tan(angle)

        log = (gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_1, point) -
               gs.einsum('ni,nj->nj', coef_2, base_point))

        mask_same_values = gs.isclose(point, base_point)

        mask_else = gs.equal(mask_same_values, gs.array(False))
        mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=1)
        mask_else_float = gs.to_ndarray(mask_else_float, to_ndim=2)
        mask_not_same_points = gs.sum(mask_else_float, axis=1)
        mask_same_points = gs.isclose(mask_not_same_points, 0.)
        mask_same_points = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)
        mask_same_points = gs.to_ndarray(mask_same_points, to_ndim=2, axis=1)

        mask_same_points_float = gs.cast(mask_same_points, gs.float32)

        log -= mask_same_points_float * log

        return log
    def integrability_tensor_derivative(
        r"""Compute the covariant derivative of the integrability tensor A.

        The horizontal covariant derivative :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y E)` is
        necessary to compute the covariant derivative of the curvature in a
        The components :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y E)` and :math:`A_Y E` are
        computed here for the Kendall shape space at base-point
        :math:`P = base\_point` for horizontal vector fields fields :math:
        `X, Y` extending the values :math:`X|_P = horizontal\_vec\_x`,
        :math:`Y|_P = horizontal\_vec\_y` and a general vector field
        :math:`E` extending :math:`E|_P = tangent\_vec\_e` in a neighborhood
        of the base-point P with covariant derivatives
        :math:`\nabla_X Y |_P = nabla_x_y` and
        :math:`\nabla_X E |_P = nabla_x_e`.

        horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Horizontal tangent vector at `base_point`.
        horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Horizontal tangent vector at `base_point`.
        nabla_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        tangent_vec_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        nabla_x_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Point of the total space.

        nabla_x_a_y_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`\nabla_X^S
            (A_Y E)`.
        a_y_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, m_ambient]
            Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y E`.

        .. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
        in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
        if not gs.all(self.belongs(base_point)):
            raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape"
                             " space")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")
        if not gs.all(self.is_tangent(nabla_x_y, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Vector nabla_x_y is not tangent")
        a_x_y = self.integrability_tensor(horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y,
        if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(nabla_x_y - a_x_y, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector nabla_x_y is not the gradient "
                             "of a horizontal distrinbution")
        if not gs.all(self.is_tangent(tangent_vec_e, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Tangent vector e is not tangent")
        if not gs.all(self.is_tangent(nabla_x_e, base_point)):
            raise ValueError("Vector nabla_x_e is not tangent")

        p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
        p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)
        e_top = Matrices.transpose(tangent_vec_e)
        x_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_x)
        y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)

        def sylv_p(mat_b):
            """Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
            return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(p_top_p, p_top_p,
                                             mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b))

        omega_ep = sylv_p(gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_e))
        omega_ye = sylv_p(gs.matmul(e_top, horizontal_vec_y))
        tangent_vec_b = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_ye)
        tangent_vec_e_sym = tangent_vec_e - 2.0 * gs.matmul(
            base_point, omega_ep)

        a_y_e = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_ye) + gs.matmul(
            horizontal_vec_y, omega_ep)

        tmp_tangent_vec_p = (gs.matmul(e_top, nabla_x_y) -
                             gs.matmul(y_top, nabla_x_e) -
                             2.0 * gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_b))

        tmp_tangent_vec_y = gs.matmul(p_top, nabla_x_e) + gs.matmul(
            x_top, tangent_vec_e_sym)

        scal_x_a_y_e = self.ambient_metric.inner_product(
            horizontal_vec_x, a_y_e, base_point)

        nabla_x_a_y_e = (
            gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_tangent_vec_p)) +
            gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, sylv_p(tmp_tangent_vec_y)) +
            gs.matmul(nabla_x_y, omega_ep) + tangent_vec_b +
            gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", scal_x_a_y_e, base_point))

        return nabla_x_a_y_e, a_y_e
    def exp(self, tangent_vec, base_point):
        """Compute the Riemannian exponential of a tangent vector.

        tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., n, p]
            Tangent vector at a base point.
        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., n, p]
            Point in the Stiefel manifold.

        exp : array-like, shape=[..., n, p]
            Point in the Stiefel manifold equal to the Riemannian exponential
            of tangent_vec at the base point.
        n_tangent_vecs, _, _ = tangent_vec.shape
        n_base_points, _, p = base_point.shape

        if not (n_tangent_vecs == n_base_points
                or n_tangent_vecs == 1
                or n_base_points == 1):
            raise NotImplementedError

        if n_tangent_vecs == 1:
            tangent_vec = gs.tile(tangent_vec, (n_base_points, 1, 1))

        if n_base_points == 1:
            base_point = gs.tile(base_point, (n_tangent_vecs, 1, 1))

        matrix_a = gs.einsum(
            'nij, njk->nik',
            gs.transpose(base_point, axes=(0, 2, 1)), tangent_vec)
        matrix_k = (tangent_vec
                    - gs.einsum('nij,njk->nik', base_point, matrix_a))

        matrix_q, matrix_r = gs.linalg.qr(matrix_k)

        matrix_ar = gs.concatenate(
             -gs.transpose(matrix_r, axes=(0, 2, 1))],

        zeros = gs.zeros(
            (gs.maximum(n_base_points, n_tangent_vecs), p, p))

        matrix_rz = gs.concatenate(
        block = gs.concatenate([matrix_ar, matrix_rz], axis=1)
        matrix_mn_e = gs.linalg.expm(block)

        exp = gs.einsum(
            matrix_mn_e[:, :, 0:p])

        return exp
    def jacobian_christoffels(self, base_point):
        """Compute the Jacobian of the Christoffel symbols.

        Compute the Jacobian of the Christoffel symbols of the
        Fisher information metric.

        base_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
            Base point.

        jac : array-like, shape=[..., dim, dim, dim, dim]
            Jacobian of the Christoffel symbols.
            :math: 'jac[..., i, j, k, l] = dGamma^i_{jk} / dx_l'
        n_dim = base_point.ndim
        param = gs.transpose(base_point)
        sum_param = gs.sum(param, 0)
        term_1 = 1 / gs.polygamma(1, param)
        term_2 = 1 / gs.polygamma(1, sum_param)
        term_3 = - gs.polygamma(2, param) / gs.polygamma(1, param)**2
        term_4 = - gs.polygamma(2, sum_param) / gs.polygamma(1, sum_param)**2
        term_5 = term_3 / term_1
        term_6 = term_4 / term_2
        term_7 = (gs.polygamma(2, param)**2 - gs.polygamma(1, param) *
                  gs.polygamma(3, param)) / gs.polygamma(1, param)**2
        term_8 = (gs.polygamma(2, sum_param)**2 - gs.polygamma(1, sum_param) *
                  gs.polygamma(3, sum_param)) / gs.polygamma(1, sum_param)**2
        term_9 = term_2 - gs.sum(term_1, 0)

        jac_1 = term_1 * term_8 / term_9
        jac_1_mat = gs.squeeze(
            gs.tile(jac_1, (self.dim, self.dim, self.dim, 1, 1)))
        jac_2 = - term_6 / term_9**2 * gs.einsum(
            'j...,i...->ji...', term_4 - term_3, term_1)
        jac_2_mat = gs.squeeze(
            gs.tile(jac_2, (self.dim, self.dim, 1, 1, 1)))
        jac_3 = term_3 * term_6 / term_9
        jac_3_mat = gs.transpose(
        jac_3_mat = gs.squeeze(
            gs.tile(jac_3_mat, (self.dim, self.dim, 1, 1, 1)))
        jac_4 = 1 / term_9**2 * gs.einsum(
            'k...,j...,i...->kji...', term_5, term_4 - term_3, term_1)
        jac_4_mat = gs.transpose(
        jac_5 = - gs.einsum('j...,i...->ji...', term_7, term_1) / term_9
        jac_5_mat = from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
        jac_5_mat = gs.transpose(from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
        jac_6 = - gs.einsum('k...,j...->kj...', term_5, term_3) / term_9
        jac_6_mat = gs.transpose(from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
        jac_6_mat = gs.transpose(from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
            gs.transpose(jac_6_mat, [0, 1, 3, 2])), [0, 1, 3, 4, 2]) \
            if n_dim > 1 else from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(
        jac_7 = - from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(gs.transpose(term_7))
        jac_7_mat = from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(jac_7)
        jac_7_mat = gs.transpose(

        jac = 1 / 2 * (
            jac_1_mat + jac_2_mat + jac_3_mat +
            jac_4_mat + jac_5_mat + jac_6_mat + jac_7_mat)

        return gs.transpose(jac, [3, 1, 0, 2]) if n_dim == 1 else \
            gs.transpose(jac, [4, 3, 1, 0, 2])
 def func(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b):
     result = gs.einsum(
         '...i,...i->...i', tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b)
     result = helper.to_vector(result)
     return result