def setUp(self): self.n_samples = 10 self.SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) self.SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(n=3) self.S1 = Hypersphere(dimension=1) self.S2 = Hypersphere(dimension=2) self.H2 = HyperbolicSpace(dimension=2) plt.figure()
def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) self.n = 3 self.n_samples = 2 = GeneralLinearGroup(n=self.n) # We generate invertible matrices using so3_group self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=self.n) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning)
def __init__(self, n): assert isinstance(n, int) and n > 1 self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__( dimension=self.dimension, identity=gs.zeros(self.dimension)) # TODO(nina): keep the names rotations and translations here? self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n) self.point_representation = 'vector' if n == 3 else 'matrix'
def __init__(self, n): assert n > 1 if n is not 3: raise NotImplementedError('Only SE(3) is implemented.') self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__( dimension=self.dimension, identity=np.zeros(self.dimension)) # TODO(nina): keep the names rotations and translations here? self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n)
def __init__(self, n, point_type=None): assert isinstance(n, int) and n > 1 self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) self.default_point_type = point_type if point_type is None: self.default_point_type = 'vector' if n == 3 else 'matrix' super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__(dimension=self.dimension) # TODO(nina): keep the names rotations and translations here? self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n)
class TestVisualizationMethods(unittest.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): self.n_samples = 10 self.SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) self.SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(n=3) self.S2 = Hypersphere(dimension=2) self.H2 = HyperbolicSpace(dimension=2) def test_plot_points_so3(self): points = self.SO3_GROUP.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='SO3_GROUP') def test_plot_points_se3(self): points = self.SE3_GROUP.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='SE3_GROUP') def test_plot_points_s2(self): points = self.S2.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='S2') def test_plot_points_h2_poincare_disk(self): points = self.H2.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='H2_poincare_disk') def test_plot_points_h2_poincare_half_plane(self): points = self.H2.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='H2_poincare_half_plane') def test_plot_points_h2_klein_disk(self): points = self.H2.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='H2_klein_disk')
def __init__(self, n, point_type=None, epsilon=0.): assert isinstance(n, int) and n > 1 self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) self.epsilon = epsilon self.default_point_type = point_type if point_type is None: self.default_point_type = 'vector' if n == 3 else 'matrix' super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__(dimension=self.dimension) self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n, epsilon=epsilon) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n)
def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) n = 3 group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) # Diagonal left and right invariant metrics diag_mat_at_identity = gs.eye(group.dimension) left_diag_metric = InvariantMetric( group=group, inner_product_mat_at_identity=diag_mat_at_identity, left_or_right='left') right_diag_metric = InvariantMetric( group=group, inner_product_mat_at_identity=diag_mat_at_identity, left_or_right='right') # General left and right invariant metrics # TODO(nina): replace by general SPD matrix sym_mat_at_identity = gs.eye(group.dimension) left_metric = InvariantMetric( group=group, inner_product_mat_at_identity=sym_mat_at_identity, left_or_right='left') right_metric = InvariantMetric( group=group, inner_product_mat_at_identity=sym_mat_at_identity, left_or_right='right') metrics = { 'left_diag': left_diag_metric, 'right_diag_metric': right_diag_metric, 'left': left_metric, 'right': right_metric } # General case for the point point_1 = tf.convert_to_tensor([-0.2, 0.9, 0.5]) point_2 = tf.convert_to_tensor([0., 2., -0.1]) # Edge case for the point, angle < epsilon, point_small = tf.convert_to_tensor([[-1e-7, 0., -7 * 1e-8]]) = group self.metrics = metrics self.left_diag_metric = left_diag_metric self.right_diag_metric = right_diag_metric self.left_metric = left_metric self.right_metric = right_metric self.point_1 = point_1 self.point_2 = point_2 self.point_small = point_small
def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) n = 3 = GeneralLinearGroup(n=n) # We generate invertible matrices using so3_group self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n)
def main(argv): # TF Record datafiles = FLAGS.data_dir + '/test/' + FLAGS.subject_id + '.tfrecord' dataset = dataset = # dataset = dataset.repeat() # dataset = dataset.shuffle(FLAGS.queue_buffer) dataset = dataset.batch(1) image, vec, qt, AP1, AP2, AP3 = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # Nifti Volume subject_path = FLAGS.scan_dir + '/test/' + FLAGS.subject_id + '.nii.gz' fixed_image_sitk_tmp = sitk.ReadImage(subject_path, sitk.sitkFloat32) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray( sitk.GetArrayFromImage(fixed_image_sitk_tmp)) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.RescaleIntensity(fixed_image_sitk, 0, 1) * 255. # Network Definition image_resized = tf.image.resize_images(image, size=[224, 224]) # Measurements cc = [] mse = [] psnr = [] ssim = [] if FLAGS.loss == 'PoseNet': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_resized, num_classes=7, is_training=False) quaternion_pred, translation_pred = tf.split(y_pred, [4, 3], axis=1) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(FLAGS.n_iter)): _image, _quaternion_true, _translation_true, _quaternion_pred, _translation_pred = \[image, qt, AP2, quaternion_pred, translation_pred]) rx = SO3_GROUP.matrix_from_quaternion(_quaternion_pred)[0] tx = _translation_pred[0] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), np.uint8(_image[0, ...])) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), np.uint8(image_pred)) cc.append(calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true)) mse.append(calc_mse(image_pred, image_true)) psnr.append(calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true)) ssim.append(calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true)) elif FLAGS.loss == 'AP': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_resized, num_classes=9, is_training=False) AP1_pred, AP2_pred, AP3_pred = tf.split(y_pred, 3, axis=1) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(FLAGS.n_iter)): _image, _AP1, _AP2, _AP3, _AP1_pred, _AP2_pred, _AP3_pred = \[image, AP1, AP2, AP3, AP1_pred, AP2_pred, AP3_pred]) dist_ap1 = np.linalg.norm(_AP1 - _AP1_pred) dist_ap2 = np.linalg.norm(_AP2 - _AP2_pred) dist_ap3 = np.linalg.norm(_AP3 - _AP3_pred) rx = matrix_from_anchor_points(_AP1_pred[0], _AP2_pred[0], _AP3_pred[0]) tx = _AP2_pred[0] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), np.uint8(_image[0, ...])) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), np.uint8(image_pred)) cc.append(calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true)) mse.append(calc_mse(image_pred, image_true)) psnr.append(calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true)) ssim.append(calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true)) elif FLAGS.loss == 'SE3': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_resized, num_classes=6, is_training=False) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(3) _se3_err_i = [] for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(FLAGS.n_iter)): _image, _rvec, _tvec, _y_pred = \[image, vec, AP2, y_pred]) rx = SO3_GROUP.matrix_from_rotation_vector(_y_pred[0, :3])[0] tx = _y_pred[0, 3:] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), np.uint8(_image[0, ...])) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), np.uint8(image_pred)) cc.append(calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true)) mse.append(calc_mse(image_pred, image_true)) psnr.append(calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true)) ssim.append(calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true)) _y_true = np.concatenate((_rvec, _tvec), axis=-1) _se3_err_i.append( SE3_GROUP.compose(SE3_GROUP.inverse(_y_true), _y_pred)) err_vec = np.vstack(_se3_err_i) err_weights = np.diag(np.linalg.inv(np.cov(err_vec.T))) err_weights = err_weights / np.linalg.norm(err_weights) print(err_weights) else: print('Invalid Option:', FLAGS.loss) raise SystemExit cc = np.stack(cc) mse = np.stack(mse) psnr = np.stack(psnr) ssim = np.stack(ssim) print('CC:', np.median(cc)) print('MSE:', np.median(mse)) print('PSNR:', np.median(psnr)) print('SSIM:', np.median(ssim))
class TestGeneralLinearGroupTensorFlow(tf.test.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) n = 3 = GeneralLinearGroup(n=n) # We generate invertible matrices using so3_group self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): os.environ['GEOMSTATS_BACKEND'] = 'tensorflow' importlib.reload(gs) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): os.environ['GEOMSTATS_BACKEND'] = 'numpy' importlib.reload(gs) def test_belongs(self): """ A rotation matrix belongs to the matrix Lie group of invertible matrices. """ rot_vec = tf.convert_to_tensor([0.2, -0.1, 0.1]) rot_mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result = expected = tf.convert_to_tensor([True]) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected)) def test_compose(self): # 1. Composition by identity, on the right # Expect the original transformation rot_vec = tf.convert_to_tensor([0.2, -0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result =, expected = mat expected = helper.to_matrix(mat) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected)) # 2. Composition by identity, on the left # Expect the original transformation rot_vec = tf.convert_to_tensor([0.2, 0.1, -0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result =, mat) expected = mat with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected)) def test_inverse(self): mat = tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.], [7., 8., 10.]]) result = expected = 1. / 3. * tf.convert_to_tensor( [[-2., -4., 3.], [-2., 11., -6.], [3., -6., 3.]]) expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected)) def test_compose_and_inverse(self): # 1. Compose transformation by its inverse on the right # Expect the group identity rot_vec = tf.convert_to_tensor([0.2, 0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) inv_mat = result =, inv_mat) expected = expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected)) # 2. Compose transformation by its inverse on the left # Expect the group identity rot_vec = tf.convert_to_tensor([0.7, 0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) inv_mat = result =, mat) expected = expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(gs.eval(result), gs.eval(expected))
def main(argv): # TF Record datafiles = FLAGS.data_dir + '/test/' + FLAGS.subject_id + '.tfrecord' dataset = dataset = # dataset = dataset.repeat() # dataset = dataset.shuffle(FLAGS.queue_buffer) dataset = dataset.batch(1) image, vec, qt, AP1, AP2, AP3 = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # Nifti Volume subject_path = FLAGS.scan_dir + '/test/' + FLAGS.subject_id + '.nii.gz' fixed_image_sitk_tmp = sitk.ReadImage(subject_path, sitk.sitkFloat32) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray( sitk.GetArrayFromImage(fixed_image_sitk_tmp)) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.RescaleIntensity(fixed_image_sitk, 0, 1) # * 255. # Network Definition image_input = tf.placeholder(shape=[1, 224, 224, 1], dtype=tf.float32) image_resized = tf.image.resize_images(image, size=[224, 224]) if FLAGS.loss == 'PoseNet': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_input, num_classes=7) quaternion_pred, translation_pred = tf.split(y_pred, [4, 3], axis=1) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) for i in range(FLAGS.n_iter): _image, _image_resized, _quaternion_true, _translation_true = \[image, image_resized, qt, AP2], ) _quaternion_pred_sample = [] _translation_pred_sample = [] for j in range(FLAGS.n_samples): _quaternion_pred_i, _translation_pred_i = \[quaternion_pred, translation_pred], feed_dict={image_input: _image_resized}) _quaternion_pred_sample.append(_quaternion_pred_i) _translation_pred_sample.append(_translation_pred_i) print(_quaternion_pred_i, _translation_pred_i) _quaternion_pred_sample = np.vstack(_quaternion_pred_sample) _rotvec_pred_sample = SO3_GROUP.rotation_vector_from_quaternion( _quaternion_pred_sample) _rotvec_pred = SO3_GROUP.left_canonical_metric.mean( _rotvec_pred_sample) _quaternion_pred = SO3_GROUP.quaternion_from_rotation_vector( _rotvec_pred) _translation_pred = np.mean(np.vstack(_translation_pred_sample), axis=0) # _quaternion_pred_variance = SO3_GROUP.left_canonical_metric.variance(_rotvec_pred_sample) _translation_pred_variance = np.var( np.vstack(_translation_pred_sample), axis=0) rx = SO3_GROUP.matrix_from_quaternion(_quaternion_pred)[0] tx = _translation_pred[0] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), _image[0, ...]) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), image_pred) calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true) calc_mse(image_pred, image_true) calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true) calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true) elif FLAGS.loss == 'AP': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_input, num_classes=9) AP1_pred, AP2_pred, AP3_pred = tf.split(y_pred, 3, axis=1) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) for i in range(FLAGS.n_iter): _image, _image_resized, _AP1, _AP2, _AP3 = \[image, image_resized, AP1, AP2, AP3]) _AP1_sample = [] _AP2_sample = [] _AP3_sample = [] for j in range(FLAGS.n_samples): _AP1_pred_i, _AP2_pred_i, _AP3_pred_i = \[AP1_pred, AP2_pred, AP3_pred], feed_dict={image_input: _image_resized}) _AP1_sample.append(_AP1_pred_i) _AP2_sample.append(_AP2_pred_i) _AP3_sample.append(_AP3_pred_i) _AP1_pred = np.mean(np.vstack(_AP1_sample), axis=0) _AP2_pred = np.mean(np.vstack(_AP2_sample), axis=0) _AP3_pred = np.mean(np.vstack(_AP3_sample), axis=0) _AP1_pred_variance = np.var(np.vstack(_AP1_sample), axis=0) _AP2_pred_variance = np.var(np.vstack(_AP2_sample), axis=0) _AP3_pred_variance = np.var(np.vstack(_AP3_sample), axis=0) dist_ap1 = np.linalg.norm(_AP1 - _AP1_pred) dist_ap2 = np.linalg.norm(_AP2 - _AP2_pred) dist_ap3 = np.linalg.norm(_AP3 - _AP3_pred) rx = matrix_from_anchor_points(_AP1_pred[0], _AP2_pred[0], _AP3_pred[0]) tx = _AP2_pred[0] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), _image[0, ...]) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), image_pred) calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true) calc_mse(image_pred, image_true) calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true) calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true) elif FLAGS.loss == 'SE3': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_input, num_classes=6) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(3) for i in range(FLAGS.n_iter): print(i) _image, _image_resized, _rvec, _tvec = \[image, image_resized, vec, AP2]) _y_pred_sample = [] for j in range(FLAGS.n_samples): _y_pred_i =[y_pred], feed_dict={image_input: _image_resized}) _y_pred_sample.append(_y_pred_i[0]) _y_pred_sample = np.vstack(_y_pred_sample) _y_pred = SE3_GROUP.left_canonical_metric.mean(_y_pred_sample) _y_pred_variance = SE3_GROUP.left_canonical_metric.variance( _y_pred_sample) rx = SO3_GROUP.matrix_from_rotation_vector(_y_pred[0, :3])[0] tx = _y_pred[0, 3:] * 60. image_true = np.squeeze(_image) image_pred = resample_sitk(fixed_image_sitk, rx, tx) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_true.png'.format(i), _image[0, ...]) imageio.imsave('imgdump/image_{}_pred.png'.format(i), image_pred) calc_psnr(image_pred, image_true) calc_mse(image_pred, image_true) calc_ssim(image_pred, image_true) calc_correlation(image_pred, image_true) else: print('Invalid Option:', FLAGS.loss) raise SystemExit
class SpecialEuclideanGroup(LieGroup): def __init__(self, n): assert n > 1 if n is not 3: raise NotImplementedError('Only SE(3) is implemented.') self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__( dimension=self.dimension, identity=np.zeros(self.dimension)) # TODO(nina): keep the names rotations and translations here? self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n) def belongs(self, point): """ Check that the transformation belongs to the special euclidean group. """ point = vectorization.expand_dims(point, to_ndim=2) _, point_dim = point.shape return point_dim == self.dimension def regularize(self, point): """ Regularize an element of the group SE(3), by extracting the rotation vector r from the input [r t] and using self.rotations.regularize. :param point: 6d vector, element in SE(3) represented as [r t]. :returns self.regularized_point: 6d vector, element in SE(3) with self.regularized rotation. """ point = vectorization.expand_dims(point, to_ndim=2) assert self.belongs(point) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension regularized_point = np.zeros_like(point) rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] regularized_point[:, :dim_rotations] = rotations.regularize(rot_vec) regularized_point[:, dim_rotations:] = point[:, dim_rotations:] return regularized_point def regularize_tangent_vec_at_identity(self, tangent_vec, metric=None): return self.regularize_tangent_vec(tangent_vec, self.identity, metric) def regularize_tangent_vec(self, tangent_vec, base_point, metric=None): """ Regularize an element of the group SE(3), by extracting the rotation vector r from the input [r t] and using self.rotations.regularize. :param point: 6d vector, element in SE(3) represented as [r t]. :returns self.regularized_point: 6d vector, element in SE(3) with self.regularized rotation. """ if metric is None: metric = self.left_canonical_metric tangent_vec = vectorization.expand_dims(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) base_point = vectorization.expand_dims(base_point, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_tangent_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_base_point = base_point[:, :dim_rotations] metric_mat = metric.inner_product_mat_at_identity rot_metric_mat = metric_mat[:dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] rot_metric = InvariantMetric( group=rotations, inner_product_mat_at_identity=rot_metric_mat, left_or_right=metric.left_or_right) regularized_vec = np.zeros_like(tangent_vec) regularized_vec[:, :dim_rotations] = rotations.regularize_tangent_vec( tangent_vec=rot_tangent_vec, base_point=rot_base_point, metric=rot_metric) regularized_vec[:, dim_rotations:] = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:] return regularized_vec def compose(self, point_1, point_2): """ Compose two elements of group SE(3). Formula: point_1 . point_2 = [R1 * R2, (R1 * t2) + t1] where: R1, R2 are rotation matrices, t1, t2 are translation vectors. :param point_1, point_2: 6d vectors elements of SE(3) :return composition: composition of point_1 and point_2 """ rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point_1 = self.regularize(point_1) point_2 = self.regularize(point_2) n_points_1, _ = point_1.shape n_points_2, _ = point_2.shape assert (point_1.shape == point_2.shape or n_points_1 == 1 or n_points_2 == 1) rot_vec_1 = point_1[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_1 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1) rot_mat_1 = so_group.closest_rotation_matrix(rot_mat_1) rot_vec_2 = point_2[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_2 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2) rot_mat_2 = so_group.closest_rotation_matrix(rot_mat_2) translation_1 = point_1[:, dim_rotations:] translation_2 = point_2[:, dim_rotations:] n_compositions = np.maximum(n_points_1, n_points_2) composition_rot_mat = np.matmul(rot_mat_1, rot_mat_2) composition_rot_vec = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix( composition_rot_mat) composition_translation = np.zeros((n_compositions, self.n)) for i in range(n_compositions): translation_1_i = (translation_1[0] if n_points_1 == 1 else translation_1[i]) rot_mat_1_i = (rot_mat_1[0] if n_points_1 == 1 else rot_mat_1[i]) translation_2_i = (translation_2[0] if n_points_2 == 1 else translation_2[i]) composition_translation[i] = (, np.transpose(rot_mat_1_i)) + translation_1_i) composition = np.zeros((n_compositions, self.dimension)) composition[:, :dim_rotations] = composition_rot_vec composition[:, dim_rotations:] = composition_translation composition = self.regularize(composition) return composition def inverse(self, point): """ Compute the group inverse in SE(3). Formula: (R, t)^{-1} = (R^{-1}, R^{-1}.(-t)) :param point: 6d vector element in SE(3) :returns inverse_point: 6d vector inverse of point """ rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point = self.regularize(point) n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] inverse_point = np.zeros_like(point) inverse_rotation = -rot_vec inv_rot_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(inverse_rotation) inverse_translation = np.zeros((n_points, self.n)) for i in range(n_points): inverse_translation[i] =[i], np.transpose(inv_rot_mat[i])) inverse_point[:, :dim_rotations] = inverse_rotation inverse_point[:, dim_rotations:] = inverse_translation inverse_point = self.regularize(inverse_point) return inverse_point def jacobian_translation(self, point, left_or_right='left'): """ Compute the jacobian matrix of the differential of the left/right translations from the identity to point in the Lie group SE(3). :param point: 6D vector element of SE(3) :returns jacobian: 6x6 matrix """ assert self.belongs(point) assert left_or_right in ('left', 'right') dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point = self.regularize(point) n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] jacobian = np.zeros((n_points,) + (dim,) * 2) if left_or_right == 'left': jacobian_rot = self.rotations.jacobian_translation( point=rot_vec, left_or_right='left') jacobian_trans = self.rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( rot_vec) jacobian[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] = jacobian_rot jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, dim_rotations:] = jacobian_trans else: jacobian_rot = self.rotations.jacobian_translation( point=rot_vec, left_or_right='right') inv_skew_mat = - so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) jacobian[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] = jacobian_rot jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, :dim_rotations] = inv_skew_mat jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, dim_rotations:] = np.eye(self.n) assert jacobian.ndim == 3 return jacobian def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec): """ Compute the group exponential of vector tangent_vector, at point base_point. :param tangent_vector: tangent vector of SE(3) at base_point. :param base_point: 6d vector element of SE(3). :returns group_exp: 6d vector element of SE(3). """ tangent_vec = vectorization.expand_dims(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec) translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:] angle = np.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = vectorization.expand_dims(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) mask_close_pi = np.isclose(angle, np.pi) mask_close_pi = np.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1) rot_vec[mask_close_pi] = rotations.regularize( rot_vec[mask_close_pi]) skew_mat = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_mat = np.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat) mask_0 = np.equal(angle, 0) mask_close_0 = np.isclose(angle, 0) & ~mask_0 mask_0 = np.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1) mask_close_0 = np.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0 coef_1 = np.zeros_like(angle) coef_2 = np.zeros_like(angle) coef_1[mask_0] = 1. / 2. coef_2[mask_0] = 1. / 6. coef_1[mask_close_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 24. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 720. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 40320.) coef_2[mask_close_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 120. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 5040. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 362880.) coef_1[mask_else] = ((1. - np.cos(angle[mask_else])) / angle[mask_else] ** 2) coef_2[mask_else] = ((angle[mask_else] - np.sin(angle[mask_else])) / angle[mask_else] ** 3) n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape group_exp_translation = np.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n)) for i in range(n_tangent_vecs): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, np.transpose(skew_mat[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, np.transpose(sq_skew_mat[i])) group_exp_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i group_exp = np.zeros_like(tangent_vec) group_exp[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec group_exp[:, dim_rotations:] = group_exp_translation group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp) return group_exp def group_log_from_identity(self, point): """ Compute the group logarithm of point point, from the identity. """ assert self.belongs(point) point = self.regularize(point) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] angle = np.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = vectorization.expand_dims(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] group_log = np.zeros_like(point) group_log[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec skew_rot_vec = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_rot_vec = np.matmul(skew_rot_vec, skew_rot_vec) mask_close_0 = np.isclose(angle, 0) mask_close_0 = np.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1) mask_close_pi = np.isclose(angle, np.pi) mask_close_pi = np.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_close_0 & ~mask_close_pi coef_1 = - 0.5 * np.ones_like(angle) coef_2 = np.zeros_like(angle) coef_2[mask_close_0] = (1. / 12. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 720. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 30240. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 1209600.) delta_angle = angle[mask_close_pi] - np.pi coef_2[mask_close_pi] = (1. / PI2 + (PI2 - 8.) * delta_angle / (4. * PI3) - ((PI2 - 12.) * delta_angle ** 2 / (4. * PI4)) + ((-192. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle ** 3 / (48. * PI5)) - ((-240. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle ** 4 / (48. * PI6)) + ((-2880. + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle ** 5 / (480. * PI7)) - ((-3360 + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle ** 6 / (480. * PI8))) psi = (0.5 * angle[mask_else] * np.sin(angle[mask_else]) / (1 - np.cos(angle[mask_else]))) coef_2[mask_else] = (1 - psi) / (angle[mask_else] ** 2) n_points, _ = point.shape group_log_translation = np.zeros((n_points, self.n)) for i in range(n_points): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, np.transpose(skew_rot_vec[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, np.transpose(sq_skew_rot_vec[i])) group_log_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i group_log[:, dim_rotations:] = group_log_translation assert group_log.ndim == 2 return group_log def random_uniform(self, n_samples=1): """ Generate an 6d vector element of SE(3) uniformly, by generating separately a rotation vector uniformly on the hypercube of sides [-1, 1] in the tangent space, and a translation in the hypercube of side [-1, 1] in the euclidean space. """ random_rot_vec = self.rotations.random_uniform(n_samples) random_translation = self.translations.random_uniform(n_samples) random_transfo = np.concatenate([random_rot_vec, random_translation], axis=1) random_transfo = self.regularize(random_transfo) return random_transfo def exponential_matrix(self, rot_vec): """ Compute the exponential of the rotation matrix represented by rot_vec. :param rot_vec: 3D rotation vector :returns exponential_mat: 3x3 matrix """ rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec) n_rot_vecs, _ = rot_vec.shape angle = np.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = vectorization.expand_dims(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) skew_rot_vec = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) coef_1 = np.empty_like(angle) coef_2 = np.empty_like(coef_1) mask_0 = np.equal(angle, 0) mask_0 = np.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1) mask_close_to_0 = np.isclose(angle, 0) mask_close_to_0 = np.squeeze(mask_close_to_0, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_to_0 coef_1[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 2 / 24.) coef_2[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 3 / 120.) # TODO(nina): check if the discountinuity as 0 is expected. coef_1[mask_0] = 0 coef_2[mask_0] = 0 coef_1[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2) * (1. - np.cos(angle[mask_else]))) coef_2[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2) * (1. - (np.sin(angle[mask_else]) / angle[mask_else]))) term_1 = np.zeros((n_rot_vecs, self.n, self.n)) term_2 = np.zeros_like(term_1) for i in range(n_rot_vecs): term_1[i] = np.eye(self.n) + skew_rot_vec[i] * coef_1[i] term_2[i] = np.matmul(skew_rot_vec[i], skew_rot_vec[i]) * coef_2[i] exponential_mat = term_1 + term_2 assert exponential_mat.ndim == 3 return exponential_mat def group_exponential_barycenter(self, points, weights=None): """ Compute the group exponential barycenter. :param points: SE3 data points, Nx6 array :param weights: data point weights, Nx1 array """ n_points = points.shape[0] assert n_points > 0 if weights is None: weights = np.ones((n_points, 1)) weights = vectorization.expand_dims(weights, to_ndim=2, axis=1) n_weights, _ = weights.shape assert n_points == n_weights dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rotation_vectors = points[:, :dim_rotations] translations = points[:, dim_rotations:dim] assert rotation_vectors.shape == (n_points, dim_rotations) assert translations.shape == (n_points, self.n) mean_rotation = rotations.group_exponential_barycenter( points=rotation_vectors, weights=weights) mean_rotation_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( mean_rotation) matrix = np.zeros((1,) + (self.n,) * 2) translation_aux = np.zeros((1, self.n)) inv_rot_mats = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( -rotation_vectors) # TODO(nina): this is the same mat multiplied several times matrix_aux = np.matmul(mean_rotation_mat, inv_rot_mats) assert matrix_aux.shape == (n_points,) + (dim_rotations,) * 2 vec_aux = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix(matrix_aux) matrix_aux = self.exponential_matrix(vec_aux) matrix_aux = np.linalg.inv(matrix_aux) for i in range(n_points): matrix += weights[i] * matrix_aux[i] translation_aux += weights[i] * matrix_aux[i], inv_rot_mats[i]), translations[i]) mean_translation =, np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(matrix), axes=(0, 2, 1))) exp_bar = np.zeros((1, dim)) exp_bar[0, :dim_rotations] = mean_rotation exp_bar[0, dim_rotations:dim] = mean_translation return exp_bar
"""Unit tests for visualization module.""" import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # NOQA import unittest import geomstats.visualization as visualization from geomstats.hypersphere import Hypersphere from geomstats.special_euclidean_group import SpecialEuclideanGroup from geomstats.special_orthogonal_group import SpecialOrthogonalGroup SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(n=3) S2 = Hypersphere(dimension=2) # TODO(nina): add tests for examples class TestVisualizationMethods(unittest.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): self.n_samples = 10 def test_plot_points_so3(self): points = SO3_GROUP.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='SO3_GROUP') def test_plot_points_se3(self): points = SE3_GROUP.random_uniform(self.n_samples) visualization.plot(points, space='SE3_GROUP')
############################################################################### # Dataset Locations NIFTI_ROOT = '/vol/medic01/users/bh1511/DATA_RAW/AliceBrainReconsAligned/test/' SAVE_DIR = '' n_rotations = 2000 n_offsets = 16 max_z = 40 ############################################################################### # Data Generation SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) database = glob.glob(NIFTI_ROOT+'/*.nii.gz') for fetal_brain in database: print('Parsing:', fetal_brain) fixed_image_sitk_tmp = sitk.ReadImage(fetal_brain, sitk.sitkFloat32) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(fixed_image_sitk_tmp)) fixed_image_sitk = sitk.RescaleIntensity(fixed_image_sitk, 0, 1) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(SAVE_DIR + os.path.basename(fetal_brain).replace('.nii.gz','.tfrecord')) rotations = np.pi * (np.random.rand(n_rotations, 3) - 0.5)
p6 = float(p6) poses.append((p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)) images.append(directory + fname) r = list(range(len(images))) random.shuffle(r) random.shuffle(r) random.shuffle(r) ############################################################################### # Create Database print 'Creating PoseNet Dataset.' SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(out_file) for i in tqdm(r): pose_q = np.array(poses[i][3:7]) pose_x = np.array(poses[i][0:3]) rot_vec = SO3_GROUP.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(pose_q)[0] pose = np.concatenate((rot_vec, pose_x), axis=0) X = imageio.imread(images[i]) X = X[::4, ::4, :] #X = exposure.equalize_hist(X) img_raw = X.tostring() #.astype('float32').tostring()
class TestGeneralLinearGroupMethods(unittest.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) n = 3 = GeneralLinearGroup(n=n) # We generate invertible matrices using so3_group self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) def test_belongs(self): """ A rotation matrix belongs to the matrix Lie group of invertible matrices. """ rot_vec = self.so3_group.random_uniform() rot_mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) self.assertTrue( def test_compose(self): # 1. Composition by identity, on the right # Expect the original transformation rot_vec_1 = self.so3_group.random_uniform() mat_1 = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1) result_1 =, expected_1 = mat_1 self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result_1, expected_1)) # 2. Composition by identity, on the left # Expect the original transformation rot_vec_2 = self.so3_group.random_uniform() mat_2 = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2) result_2 =, mat_2) expected_2 = mat_2 norm = gs.linalg.norm(expected_2) atol = RTOL if norm != 0: atol = RTOL * norm self.assertTrue( gs.allclose(result_2, expected_2, atol=atol), '\nresult:\n{}' '\nexpected:\n{}'.format(result_2, expected_2)) def test_compose_and_inverse(self): # 1. Compose transformation by its inverse on the right # Expect the group identity rot_vec_1 = self.so3_group.random_uniform() mat_1 = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1) inv_mat_1 = result_1 =, inv_mat_1) expected_1 = norm = gs.linalg.norm(expected_1) atol = RTOL if norm != 0: atol = RTOL * norm self.assertTrue( gs.allclose(result_1, expected_1, atol=atol), '\nresult:\n{}' '\nexpected:\n{}'.format(result_1, expected_1)) # 2. Compose transformation by its inverse on the left # Expect the group identity rot_vec_2 = self.so3_group.random_uniform() mat_2 = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2) inv_mat_2 = result_2 =, mat_2) expected_2 = norm = gs.linalg.norm(expected_2) atol = RTOL if norm != 0: atol = RTOL * norm self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result_2, expected_2, atol=atol))
class TestGeneralLinearGroupMethods(geomstats.tests.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): gs.random.seed(1234) self.n = 3 self.n_samples = 2 = GeneralLinearGroup(n=self.n) # We generate invertible matrices using so3_group self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=self.n) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning) @geomstats.tests.np_only def test_belongs(self): """ A rotation matrix belongs to the matrix Lie group of invertible matrices. """ rot_vec = gs.array([0.2, -0.1, 0.1]) rot_mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result = expected = gs.array([True]) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) def test_compose(self): # 1. Composition by identity, on the right # Expect the original transformation rot_vec = gs.array([0.2, -0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result =, expected = mat expected = helper.to_matrix(mat) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) # 2. Composition by identity, on the left # Expect the original transformation rot_vec = gs.array([0.2, 0.1, -0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) result =, mat) expected = mat self.assertAllClose(result, expected) def test_inverse(self): mat = gs.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.], [7., 8., 10.]]) result = expected = 1. / 3. * gs.array([[-2., -4., 3.], [-2., 11., -6.], [3., -6., 3.]]) expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) def test_compose_and_inverse(self): # 1. Compose transformation by its inverse on the right # Expect the group identity rot_vec = gs.array([0.2, 0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) inv_mat = result =, inv_mat) expected = expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) # 2. Compose transformation by its inverse on the left # Expect the group identity rot_vec = gs.array([0.7, 0.1, 0.1]) mat = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) inv_mat = result =, mat) expected = expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) @geomstats.tests.np_and_tf_only def test_group_log_and_exp(self): point = 5 * gs.eye(self.n) group_log = result = expected = point expected = helper.to_matrix(expected) self.assertAllClose(result, expected) @geomstats.tests.np_and_tf_only def test_group_exp_vectorization(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) expected = gs.array([[[7.38905609, 0., 0.], [0., 20.0855369, 0.], [0., 0., 54.5981500]], [[2.718281828, 0., 0.], [0., 148.413159, 0.], [0., 0., 403.42879349]]]) result = self.assertAllClose(result, expected, rtol=1e-3) @geomstats.tests.np_and_tf_only def test_group_log_vectorization(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) expected = gs.array([[[0.693147180, 0., 0.], [0., 1.09861228866, 0.], [0., 0., 1.38629436]], [[0., 0., 0.], [0., 1.609437912, 0.], [0., 0., 1.79175946]]]) result = self.assertAllClose(result, expected, atol=1e-4) @geomstats.tests.np_and_tf_only def test_expm_and_logm_vectorization_symmetric(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) result = expected = point self.assertAllClose(result, expected)
class SpecialEuclideanGroup(LieGroup): """ Class for the special euclidean group SE(n), i.e. the Lie group of rigid transformations. """ def __init__(self, n, point_type=None, epsilon=0.): assert isinstance(n, int) and n > 1 self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) self.epsilon = epsilon self.default_point_type = point_type if point_type is None: self.default_point_type = 'vector' if n == 3 else 'matrix' super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__(dimension=self.dimension) self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n, epsilon=epsilon) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n) def get_identity(self, point_type=None): """ Get the identity of the group, as a vector if point_type == 'vector', as a matrix if point_type == 'matrix'. """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type identity = gs.zeros(self.dimension) if self.default_point_type == 'matrix': identity = gs.eye(self.n) return identity identity = property(get_identity) def belongs(self, point, point_type=None): """ Evaluate if a point belongs to SE(n). """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type if point_type == 'vector': point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2) n_points, point_dim = point.shape belongs = point_dim == self.dimension belongs = gs.to_ndarray(belongs, to_ndim=1) belongs = gs.to_ndarray(belongs, to_ndim=2, axis=1) belongs = gs.tile(belongs, (n_points, 1)) elif point_type == 'matrix': point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=3) raise NotImplementedError() return belongs def regularize(self, point, point_type=None): """ Regularize a point to the canonical representation chosen for SE(n). """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type if point_type == 'vector': point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] regularized_rot_vec = rotations.regularize(rot_vec, point_type=point_type) translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] regularized_point = gs.concatenate( [regularized_rot_vec, translation], axis=1) elif point_type == 'matrix': point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=3) regularized_point = gs.copy(point) return regularized_point def regularize_tangent_vec_at_identity(self, tangent_vec, metric=None, point_type=None): if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type return self.regularize_tangent_vec(tangent_vec, self.identity, metric, point_type=point_type) def regularize_tangent_vec(self, tangent_vec, base_point, metric=None, point_type=None): if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type if metric is None: metric = self.left_canonical_metric if point_type == 'vector': tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_tangent_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_base_point = base_point[:, :dim_rotations] metric_mat = metric.inner_product_mat_at_identity rot_metric_mat = metric_mat[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] rot_metric = InvariantMetric( group=rotations, inner_product_mat_at_identity=rot_metric_mat, left_or_right=metric.left_or_right) regularized_vec = gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec) rotations_vec = rotations.regularize_tangent_vec( tangent_vec=rot_tangent_vec, base_point=rot_base_point, metric=rot_metric, point_type=point_type) regularized_vec = gs.concatenate( [rotations_vec, tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:]], axis=1) elif point_type == 'matrix': regularized_vec = tangent_vec return regularized_vec def compose(self, point_1, point_2, point_type=None): """ Compose two elements of SE(n). Formula: point_1 . point_2 = [R1 * R2, (R1 * t2) + t1] where: R1, R2 are rotation matrices, t1, t2 are translation vectors. """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point_1 = self.regularize(point_1, point_type=point_type) point_2 = self.regularize(point_2, point_type=point_type) if point_type == 'vector': n_points_1, _ = point_1.shape n_points_2, _ = point_2.shape assert (point_1.shape == point_2.shape or n_points_1 == 1 or n_points_2 == 1) if n_points_1 == 1: point_1 = gs.stack([point_1[0]] * n_points_2) if n_points_2 == 1: point_2 = gs.stack([point_2[0]] * n_points_1) rot_vec_1 = point_1[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_1 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1) rot_vec_2 = point_2[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_2 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2) translation_1 = point_1[:, dim_rotations:] translation_2 = point_2[:, dim_rotations:] composition_rot_mat = gs.matmul(rot_mat_1, rot_mat_2) composition_rot_vec = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix( composition_rot_mat) composition_translation = gs.einsum('ij,ikj->ik', translation_2, rot_mat_1) + translation_1 composition = gs.concatenate( (composition_rot_vec, composition_translation), axis=1) elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() composition = self.regularize(composition, point_type=point_type) return composition def inverse(self, point, point_type=None): """ Compute the group inverse in SE(n). Formula: (R, t)^{-1} = (R^{-1}, R^{-1}.(-t)) """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point = self.regularize(point) if point_type == 'vector': n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] inverse_point = gs.zeros_like(point) inverse_rotation = -rot_vec inv_rot_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( inverse_rotation) inverse_translation = gs.einsum( 'ni,nij->nj', -translation, gs.transpose(inv_rot_mat, axes=(0, 2, 1))) inverse_point = gs.concatenate( [inverse_rotation, inverse_translation], axis=1) elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() inverse_point = self.regularize(inverse_point, point_type=point_type) return inverse_point def jacobian_translation(self, point, left_or_right='left', point_type=None): """ Compute the jacobian matrix of the differential of the left/right translations from the identity to point in SE(n). """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type assert left_or_right in ('left', 'right') dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations translations = self.translations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension dim_translations = translations.dimension point = self.regularize(point, point_type=point_type) if point_type == 'vector': n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] jacobian = gs.zeros((n_points, ) + (dim, ) * 2) jacobian_rot = self.rotations.jacobian_translation( point=rot_vec, left_or_right=left_or_right, point_type=point_type) block_zeros_1 = gs.zeros( (n_points, dim_rotations, dim_translations)) jacobian_block_line_1 = gs.concatenate( [jacobian_rot, block_zeros_1], axis=2) if left_or_right == 'left': rot_mat = self.rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) jacobian_trans = rot_mat block_zeros_2 = gs.zeros( (n_points, dim_translations, dim_rotations)) jacobian_block_line_2 = gs.concatenate( [block_zeros_2, jacobian_trans], axis=2) else: inv_skew_mat = -self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) eye = gs.to_ndarray(gs.eye(self.n), to_ndim=3) eye = gs.tile(eye, [n_points, 1, 1]) jacobian_block_line_2 = gs.concatenate([inv_skew_mat, eye], axis=2) jacobian = gs.concatenate( [jacobian_block_line_1, jacobian_block_line_2], axis=1) assert gs.ndim(jacobian) == 3 elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() return jacobian def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec, point_type=None): """ Compute the group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity. """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type if point_type == 'vector': tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec, point_type=point_type) translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:] angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) skew_mat = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat) mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0.) mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) & ~mask_0 mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0 mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32) mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32) mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32) angle += mask_0_float * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_1 += mask_0_float * 1. / 2. * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_2 += mask_0_float * 1. / 6. * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_1 += mask_close_0_float * ( TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[2] * angle**2 + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[4] * angle**4 + TAYLOR_COEFFS_1_AT_0[6] * angle**6) coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * ( TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[0] + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[2] * angle**2 + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[4] * angle**4 + TAYLOR_COEFFS_2_AT_0[6] * angle**6) coef_1 += mask_else_float * ((1. - gs.cos(angle)) / angle**2) coef_2 += mask_else_float * ((angle - gs.sin(angle)) / angle**3) n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape group_exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n)) for i in range(n_tangent_vecs): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, gs.transpose(skew_mat[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, gs.transpose(sq_skew_mat[i])) mask_i_float = gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_tangent_vecs) group_exp_translation += mask_i_float * (translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i) group_exp = gs.concatenate([rot_vec, group_exp_translation], axis=1) group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp, point_type=point_type) return group_exp elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() def group_log_from_identity(self, point, point_type=None): """ Compute the group logarithm of the point at the identity. """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type point = self.regularize(point, point_type=point_type) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension if point_type == 'vector': rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] skew_rot_vec = rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_rot_vec = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec, skew_rot_vec) mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0.) mask_close_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi) mask_else = ~mask_close_0 & ~mask_close_pi mask_close_0_float = gs.cast(mask_close_0, gs.float32) mask_close_pi_float = gs.cast(mask_close_pi, gs.float32) mask_else_float = gs.cast(mask_else, gs.float32) mask_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0., atol=1e-6) mask_0_float = gs.cast(mask_0, gs.float32) angle += mask_0_float * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_1 = -0.5 * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_2 += mask_close_0_float * (1. / 12. + angle**2 / 720. + angle**4 / 30240. + angle**6 / 1209600.) delta_angle = angle - gs.pi coef_2 += mask_close_pi_float * ( 1. / PI2 + (PI2 - 8.) * delta_angle / (4. * PI3) - ((PI2 - 12.) * delta_angle**2 / (4. * PI4)) + ((-192. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle**3 / (48. * PI5)) - ((-240. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle**4 / (48. * PI6)) + ((-2880. + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle**5 / (480. * PI7)) - ((-3360 + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle**6 / (480. * PI8))) psi = 0.5 * angle * gs.sin(angle) / (1 - gs.cos(angle)) coef_2 += mask_else_float * (1 - psi) / (angle**2) n_points, _ = point.shape group_log_translation = gs.zeros((n_points, self.n)) for i in range(n_points): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, gs.transpose(skew_rot_vec[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, gs.transpose(sq_skew_rot_vec[i])) mask_i_float = gs.get_mask_i_float(i, n_points) group_log_translation += mask_i_float * (translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i) group_log = gs.concatenate([rot_vec, group_log_translation], axis=1) assert gs.ndim(group_log) == 2 elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() return group_log def random_uniform(self, n_samples=1, point_type=None): """ Sample in SE(n) with the uniform distribution. """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type random_rot_vec = self.rotations.random_uniform(n_samples, point_type=point_type) random_translation = self.translations.random_uniform(n_samples) if point_type == 'vector': random_transfo = gs.concatenate( [random_rot_vec, random_translation], axis=1) elif point_type == 'matrix': raise NotImplementedError() random_transfo = self.regularize(random_transfo, point_type=point_type) return random_transfo def exponential_matrix(self, rot_vec): """ Compute the exponential of the rotation matrix represented by rot_vec. """ rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec) n_rot_vecs, _ = rot_vec.shape angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) skew_rot_vec = self.rotations.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) coef_1 = gs.empty_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.empty_like(coef_1) mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0) mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1) mask_close_to_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) mask_close_to_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_to_0, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_to_0 coef_1[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_to_0]**2 / 24.) coef_2[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_to_0]**3 / 120.) # TODO(nina): Check if the discountinuity at 0 is expected. coef_1[mask_0] = 0 coef_2[mask_0] = 0 coef_1[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else]**(-2) * (1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else]))) coef_2[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else]**(-2) * (1. - (gs.sin(angle[mask_else]) / angle[mask_else]))) term_1 = gs.zeros((n_rot_vecs, self.n, self.n)) term_2 = gs.zeros_like(term_1) for i in range(n_rot_vecs): term_1[i] = gs.eye(self.n) + skew_rot_vec[i] * coef_1[i] term_2[i] = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec[i], skew_rot_vec[i]) * coef_2[i] exponential_mat = term_1 + term_2 assert exponential_mat.ndim == 3 return exponential_mat def group_exponential_barycenter(self, points, weights=None, point_type=None): """ Compute the group exponential barycenter in SE(n). """ if point_type is None: point_type = self.default_point_type n_points = points.shape[0] assert n_points > 0 if weights is None: weights = gs.ones((n_points, 1)) weights = gs.to_ndarray(weights, to_ndim=2, axis=1) n_weights, _ = weights.shape assert n_points == n_weights dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension if point_type == 'vector': rotation_vectors = points[:, :dim_rotations] translations = points[:, dim_rotations:dim] assert rotation_vectors.shape == (n_points, dim_rotations) assert translations.shape == (n_points, self.n) mean_rotation = rotations.group_exponential_barycenter( points=rotation_vectors, weights=weights) mean_rotation_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( mean_rotation) matrix = gs.zeros((1, ) + (self.n, ) * 2) translation_aux = gs.zeros((1, self.n)) inv_rot_mats = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( -rotation_vectors) matrix_aux = gs.matmul(mean_rotation_mat, inv_rot_mats) assert matrix_aux.shape == (n_points, ) + (dim_rotations, ) * 2 vec_aux = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix(matrix_aux) matrix_aux = self.exponential_matrix(vec_aux) matrix_aux = gs.linalg.inv(matrix_aux) for i in range(n_points): matrix += weights[i] * matrix_aux[i] translation_aux += weights[i] * gs.matmul(matrix_aux[i], inv_rot_mats[i]), translations[i]) mean_translation = translation_aux, gs.transpose(gs.linalg.inv(matrix), axes=(0, 2, 1))) exp_bar = gs.zeros((1, dim)) exp_bar[0, :dim_rotations] = mean_rotation exp_bar[0, dim_rotations:dim] = mean_translation elif point_type == 'matrix': vector_points = self.rotation_vector_from_matrix(points) vector_exp_bar = self.group_exponential_barycenter( vector_points, weights, point_type='vector') exp_bar = self.matrix_from_rotation_vector(vector_exp_bar) return exp_bar
""" Predict on SE3: losses. """ import numpy as np import geomstats.lie_group as lie_group from geomstats.special_euclidean_group import SpecialEuclideanGroup from geomstats.special_orthogonal_group import SpecialOrthogonalGroup SE3 = SpecialEuclideanGroup(n=3) SO3 = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) def loss(y_pred, y_true, metric=SE3.left_canonical_metric, representation='vector'): """ Loss function given by a riemannian metric on a Lie group, by default the left-invariant canonical metric. """ if y_pred.ndim == 1: y_pred = np.expand_dims(y_pred, axis=0) if y_true.ndim == 1: y_true = np.expand_dims(y_true, axis=0) if representation == 'quaternion': y_pred_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_pred[:, :4]) y_pred = np.hstack([y_pred_rot_vec, y_pred[:, 4:]]) y_true_rot_vec = SO3.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(y_true[:, :4]) y_true = np.hstack([y_true_rot_vec, y_true[:, 4:]])
class TestBackendNumpy(unittest.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.initial_backend = os.environ['GEOMSTATS_BACKEND'] os.environ['GEOMSTATS_BACKEND'] = 'numpy' importlib.reload(gs) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): os.environ['GEOMSTATS_BACKEND'] = cls.initial_backend importlib.reload(gs) def setUp(self): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning) self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) self.n_samples = 2 def test_logm(self): point = gs.array([[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]]) result = gs.linalg.logm(point) expected = gs.array([[0.693147180, 0., 0.], [0., 1.098612288, 0.], [0., 0., 1.38629436]]) self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected)) def test_expm_and_logm(self): point = gs.array([[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]]) result = gs.linalg.expm(gs.linalg.logm(point)) expected = point self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected)) def test_expm_vectorization(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) expected = gs.array([[[7.38905609, 0., 0.], [0., 20.0855369, 0.], [0., 0., 54.5981500]], [[2.718281828, 0., 0.], [0., 148.413159, 0.], [0., 0., 403.42879349]]]) result = gs.linalg.expm(point) self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected)) def test_logm_vectorization_diagonal(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) expected = gs.array([[[0.693147180, 0., 0.], [0., 1.09861228866, 0.], [0., 0., 1.38629436]], [[0., 0., 0.], [0., 1.609437912, 0.], [0., 0., 1.79175946]]]) result = gs.linalg.logm(point) self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected)) def test_expm_and_logm_vectorization_random_rotation(self): point = self.so3_group.random_uniform(self.n_samples) point = self.so3_group.matrix_from_rotation_vector(point) result = gs.linalg.expm(gs.linalg.logm(point)) expected = point self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected)) def test_expm_and_logm_vectorization(self): point = gs.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 4.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.], [0., 0., 6.]]]) result = gs.linalg.expm(gs.linalg.logm(point)) expected = point self.assertTrue(gs.allclose(result, expected))
class SpecialEuclideanGroup(LieGroup): """ Class for the special euclidean group SE(n), i.e. the Lie group of rigid transformations. """ def __init__(self, n): assert isinstance(n, int) and n > 1 self.n = n self.dimension = int((n * (n - 1)) / 2 + n) super(SpecialEuclideanGroup, self).__init__( dimension=self.dimension, identity=gs.zeros(self.dimension)) # TODO(nina): keep the names rotations and translations here? self.rotations = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=n) self.translations = EuclideanSpace(dimension=n) self.point_representation = 'vector' if n == 3 else 'matrix' def belongs(self, point): """ Evaluate if a point belongs to SE(n). """ point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2) _, point_dim = point.shape return point_dim == self.dimension def regularize(self, point): """ Regularize a point to the canonical representation chosen for SE(n). """ assert self.point_representation == 'vector' point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2) assert self.belongs(point) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension regularized_point = gs.zeros_like(point) rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] regularized_point[:, :dim_rotations] = rotations.regularize(rot_vec) regularized_point[:, dim_rotations:] = point[:, dim_rotations:] return regularized_point def regularize_tangent_vec_at_identity(self, tangent_vec, metric=None): return self.regularize_tangent_vec(tangent_vec, self.identity, metric) def regularize_tangent_vec(self, tangent_vec, base_point, metric=None): if metric is None: metric = self.left_canonical_metric tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) base_point = gs.to_ndarray(base_point, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_tangent_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_base_point = base_point[:, :dim_rotations] metric_mat = metric.inner_product_mat_at_identity rot_metric_mat = metric_mat[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] rot_metric = InvariantMetric( group=rotations, inner_product_mat_at_identity=rot_metric_mat, left_or_right=metric.left_or_right) regularized_vec = gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec) regularized_vec[:, :dim_rotations] = rotations.regularize_tangent_vec( tangent_vec=rot_tangent_vec, base_point=rot_base_point, metric=rot_metric) regularized_vec[:, dim_rotations:] = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:] return regularized_vec def compose(self, point_1, point_2): """ Compose two elements of SE(n). Formula: point_1 . point_2 = [R1 * R2, (R1 * t2) + t1] where: R1, R2 are rotation matrices, t1, t2 are translation vectors. """ rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point_1 = self.regularize(point_1) point_2 = self.regularize(point_2) n_points_1, _ = point_1.shape n_points_2, _ = point_2.shape assert (point_1.shape == point_2.shape or n_points_1 == 1 or n_points_2 == 1) rot_vec_1 = point_1[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_1 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_1) rot_mat_1 = so_group.closest_rotation_matrix(rot_mat_1) rot_vec_2 = point_2[:, :dim_rotations] rot_mat_2 = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec_2) rot_mat_2 = so_group.closest_rotation_matrix(rot_mat_2) translation_1 = point_1[:, dim_rotations:] translation_2 = point_2[:, dim_rotations:] n_compositions = gs.maximum(n_points_1, n_points_2) composition_rot_mat = gs.matmul(rot_mat_1, rot_mat_2) composition_rot_vec = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix( composition_rot_mat) composition_translation = gs.zeros((n_compositions, self.n)) for i in range(n_compositions): translation_1_i = (translation_1[0] if n_points_1 == 1 else translation_1[i]) rot_mat_1_i = (rot_mat_1[0] if n_points_1 == 1 else rot_mat_1[i]) translation_2_i = (translation_2[0] if n_points_2 == 1 else translation_2[i]) composition_translation[i] = (, gs.transpose(rot_mat_1_i)) + translation_1_i) composition = gs.zeros((n_compositions, self.dimension)) composition[:, :dim_rotations] = composition_rot_vec composition[:, dim_rotations:] = composition_translation composition = self.regularize(composition) return composition def inverse(self, point): """ Compute the group inverse in SE(n). Formula: (R, t)^{-1} = (R^{-1}, R^{-1}.(-t)) """ rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point = self.regularize(point) n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] inverse_point = gs.zeros_like(point) inverse_rotation = -rot_vec inv_rot_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector(inverse_rotation) inverse_translation = gs.zeros((n_points, self.n)) for i in range(n_points): inverse_translation[i] =[i], gs.transpose(inv_rot_mat[i])) inverse_point[:, :dim_rotations] = inverse_rotation inverse_point[:, dim_rotations:] = inverse_translation inverse_point = self.regularize(inverse_point) return inverse_point def jacobian_translation(self, point, left_or_right='left'): """ Compute the jacobian matrix of the differential of the left/right translations from the identity to point in SE(n). """ assert self.belongs(point) assert left_or_right in ('left', 'right') dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension point = self.regularize(point) n_points, _ = point.shape rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] jacobian = gs.zeros((n_points,) + (dim,) * 2) if left_or_right == 'left': jacobian_rot = self.rotations.jacobian_translation( point=rot_vec, left_or_right='left') jacobian_trans = self.rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( rot_vec) jacobian[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] = jacobian_rot jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, dim_rotations:] = jacobian_trans else: jacobian_rot = self.rotations.jacobian_translation( point=rot_vec, left_or_right='right') inv_skew_mat = - so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) jacobian[:, :dim_rotations, :dim_rotations] = jacobian_rot jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, :dim_rotations] = inv_skew_mat jacobian[:, dim_rotations:, dim_rotations:] = gs.eye(self.n) assert jacobian.ndim == 3 return jacobian def group_exp_from_identity(self, tangent_vec): """ Compute the group exponential of the tangent vector at the identity. """ tangent_vec = gs.to_ndarray(tangent_vec, to_ndim=2) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = tangent_vec[:, :dim_rotations] rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec) translation = tangent_vec[:, dim_rotations:] angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) mask_close_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi) mask_close_pi = gs.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1) rot_vec[mask_close_pi] = rotations.regularize( rot_vec[mask_close_pi]) skew_mat = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_mat = gs.matmul(skew_mat, skew_mat) mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0) mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) & ~mask_0 mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1) mask_close_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_0 coef_1 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_1[mask_0] = 1. / 2. coef_2[mask_0] = 1. / 6. coef_1[mask_close_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 24. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 720. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 40320.) coef_2[mask_close_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 120. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 5040. - angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 362880.) coef_1[mask_else] = ((1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else])) / angle[mask_else] ** 2) coef_2[mask_else] = ((angle[mask_else] - gs.sin(angle[mask_else])) / angle[mask_else] ** 3) n_tangent_vecs, _ = tangent_vec.shape group_exp_translation = gs.zeros((n_tangent_vecs, self.n)) for i in range(n_tangent_vecs): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, gs.transpose(skew_mat[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, gs.transpose(sq_skew_mat[i])) group_exp_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i group_exp = gs.zeros_like(tangent_vec) group_exp[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec group_exp[:, dim_rotations:] = group_exp_translation group_exp = self.regularize(group_exp) return group_exp def group_log_from_identity(self, point): """ Compute the group logarithm of the point at the identity. """ assert self.belongs(point) point = self.regularize(point) rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] group_log = gs.zeros_like(point) group_log[:, :dim_rotations] = rot_vec skew_rot_vec = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) sq_skew_rot_vec = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec, skew_rot_vec) mask_close_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) mask_close_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_0, axis=1) mask_close_pi = gs.isclose(angle, gs.pi) mask_close_pi = gs.squeeze(mask_close_pi, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_close_0 & ~mask_close_pi coef_1 = - 0.5 * gs.ones_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.zeros_like(angle) coef_2[mask_close_0] = (1. / 12. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 2 / 720. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 4 / 30240. + angle[mask_close_0] ** 6 / 1209600.) delta_angle = angle[mask_close_pi] - gs.pi coef_2[mask_close_pi] = (1. / PI2 + (PI2 - 8.) * delta_angle / (4. * PI3) - ((PI2 - 12.) * delta_angle ** 2 / (4. * PI4)) + ((-192. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle ** 3 / (48. * PI5)) - ((-240. + 12. * PI2 + PI4) * delta_angle ** 4 / (48. * PI6)) + ((-2880. + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle ** 5 / (480. * PI7)) - ((-3360 + 120. * PI2 + 10. * PI4 + PI6) * delta_angle ** 6 / (480. * PI8))) psi = (0.5 * angle[mask_else] * gs.sin(angle[mask_else]) / (1 - gs.cos(angle[mask_else]))) coef_2[mask_else] = (1 - psi) / (angle[mask_else] ** 2) n_points, _ = point.shape group_log_translation = gs.zeros((n_points, self.n)) for i in range(n_points): translation_i = translation[i] term_1_i = coef_1[i] *, gs.transpose(skew_rot_vec[i])) term_2_i = coef_2[i] *, gs.transpose(sq_skew_rot_vec[i])) group_log_translation[i] = translation_i + term_1_i + term_2_i group_log[:, dim_rotations:] = group_log_translation assert group_log.ndim == 2 return group_log def random_uniform(self, n_samples=1): """ Sample in SE(n) with the uniform distribution. """ random_rot_vec = self.rotations.random_uniform(n_samples) random_translation = self.translations.random_uniform(n_samples) random_transfo = gs.concatenate([random_rot_vec, random_translation], axis=1) random_transfo = self.regularize(random_transfo) return random_transfo def exponential_matrix(self, rot_vec): """ Compute the exponential of the rotation matrix represented by rot_vec. """ rot_vec = self.rotations.regularize(rot_vec) n_rot_vecs, _ = rot_vec.shape angle = gs.linalg.norm(rot_vec, axis=1) angle = gs.to_ndarray(angle, to_ndim=2, axis=1) skew_rot_vec = so_group.skew_matrix_from_vector(rot_vec) coef_1 = gs.empty_like(angle) coef_2 = gs.empty_like(coef_1) mask_0 = gs.equal(angle, 0) mask_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_0, axis=1) mask_close_to_0 = gs.isclose(angle, 0) mask_close_to_0 = gs.squeeze(mask_close_to_0, axis=1) mask_else = ~mask_0 & ~mask_close_to_0 coef_1[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 2. - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 2 / 24.) coef_2[mask_close_to_0] = (1. / 6. - angle[mask_close_to_0] ** 3 / 120.) # TODO(nina): check if the discountinuity as 0 is expected. coef_1[mask_0] = 0 coef_2[mask_0] = 0 coef_1[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2) * (1. - gs.cos(angle[mask_else]))) coef_2[mask_else] = (angle[mask_else] ** (-2) * (1. - (gs.sin(angle[mask_else]) / angle[mask_else]))) term_1 = gs.zeros((n_rot_vecs, self.n, self.n)) term_2 = gs.zeros_like(term_1) for i in range(n_rot_vecs): term_1[i] = gs.eye(self.n) + skew_rot_vec[i] * coef_1[i] term_2[i] = gs.matmul(skew_rot_vec[i], skew_rot_vec[i]) * coef_2[i] exponential_mat = term_1 + term_2 assert exponential_mat.ndim == 3 return exponential_mat def group_exponential_barycenter(self, points, weights=None): """ Compute the group exponential barycenter in SE(n). """ n_points = points.shape[0] assert n_points > 0 if weights is None: weights = gs.ones((n_points, 1)) weights = gs.to_ndarray(weights, to_ndim=2, axis=1) n_weights, _ = weights.shape assert n_points == n_weights dim = self.dimension rotations = self.rotations dim_rotations = rotations.dimension rotation_vectors = points[:, :dim_rotations] translations = points[:, dim_rotations:dim] assert rotation_vectors.shape == (n_points, dim_rotations) assert translations.shape == (n_points, self.n) mean_rotation = rotations.group_exponential_barycenter( points=rotation_vectors, weights=weights) mean_rotation_mat = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( mean_rotation) matrix = gs.zeros((1,) + (self.n,) * 2) translation_aux = gs.zeros((1, self.n)) inv_rot_mats = rotations.matrix_from_rotation_vector( -rotation_vectors) # TODO(nina): this is the same mat multiplied several times matrix_aux = gs.matmul(mean_rotation_mat, inv_rot_mats) assert matrix_aux.shape == (n_points,) + (dim_rotations,) * 2 vec_aux = rotations.rotation_vector_from_matrix(matrix_aux) matrix_aux = self.exponential_matrix(vec_aux) matrix_aux = gs.linalg.inv(matrix_aux) for i in range(n_points): matrix += weights[i] * matrix_aux[i] translation_aux += weights[i] * matrix_aux[i], inv_rot_mats[i]), translations[i]) mean_translation =, gs.transpose(gs.linalg.inv(matrix), axes=(0, 2, 1))) exp_bar = gs.zeros((1, dim)) exp_bar[0, :dim_rotations] = mean_rotation exp_bar[0, dim_rotations:dim] = mean_translation return exp_bar
def setUp(self): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning) self.so3_group = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(n=3) self.n_samples = 2
def main(args): poses = [] images = [] # Processing Image Lables'Processing Image Lables') with open(FLAGS.root_dir + '/' + FLAGS.dataset) as f: next(f) # skip the 3 header lines next(f) next(f) for line in f: fname, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 = line.split() p0 = float(p0) p1 = float(p1) p2 = float(p2) p3 = float(p3) p4 = float(p4) p5 = float(p5) p6 = float(p6) poses.append((p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)) images.append(FLAGS.root_dir + '/' + fname) r = list(range(len(images))) random.shuffle(r) random.shuffle(r) random.shuffle(r) # Writing TFRecords'Writing TFRecords') SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(FLAGS.out_file) for i in tqdm(r): pose_q = np.array(poses[i][3:7]) pose_x = np.array(poses[i][0:3]) rot_vec = SO3_GROUP.rotation_vector_from_quaternion(pose_q)[0] pose = np.concatenate((rot_vec, pose_x), axis=0)'Processing Image: ' + images[i]) X = imageio.imread(images[i]) X = X[::4, ::4, :] if FLAGS.hist_norm: X = exposure.equalize_hist(X) img_raw = X.tostring() pose_raw = pose.astype('float32').tostring() pose_q_raw = pose_q.astype('float32').tostring() pose_x_raw = pose_x.astype('float32').tostring() example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'height': _int64_feature(X.shape[0]), 'width': _int64_feature(X.shape[1]), 'channel': _int64_feature(X.shape[2]), 'image': _bytes_feature(img_raw), 'pose': _bytes_feature(pose_raw), 'pose_q': _bytes_feature(pose_q_raw), 'pose_x': _bytes_feature(pose_x_raw)})) writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) writer.close()'\n', 'Creating Dataset Success.')
def main(argv): # TF Record dataset = + '/dataset_test.tfrecords') dataset = # dataset = dataset.repeat() # dataset = dataset.shuffle(FLAGS.queue_buffer) dataset = dataset.batch(1) image, vec, pose_q, pose_x = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # Network Definition image_resized = tf.image.resize_images(image, size=[224, 224]) if FLAGS.loss == 'PoseNet': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_resized, num_classes=7, is_training=False) quaternion_pred, translation_pred = tf.split(y_pred, [4, 3], axis=1) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) i = 0 results = [] try: while True: _image, _quaternion_true, _translation_true, _quaternion_pred, _translation_pred = \[image, pose_q, pose_x, quaternion_pred, translation_pred]) # Compute Individual Sample Error q1 = _quaternion_true / np.linalg.norm(_quaternion_true) q2 = _quaternion_pred / np.linalg.norm(_quaternion_pred) d = abs(np.sum(np.multiply(q1, q2))) theta = 2. * np.arccos(d) * 180. / np.pi error_x = np.linalg.norm(_translation_true - _translation_pred) results.append([error_x, theta]) print('Iteration:', i, 'Error XYZ (m):', error_x, 'Error Q (degrees):', theta) i = i + 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('End of Test Data') results = np.stack(results) results = np.median(results, axis=0) print('Error XYZ (m):', results[0], 'Error Q (degrees):', results[1]) elif FLAGS.loss == 'SE3': y_pred, _ = inception.inception_v3(image_resized, num_classes=6, is_training=False) sess = tf.Session() ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.model_dir) tf.train.Saver().restore(sess, ckpt_file) print('restoring parameters from', ckpt_file) SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonalGroup(3) SE3_GROUP = SpecialEuclideanGroup(3) metric = InvariantMetric(group=SE3_GROUP, inner_product_mat_at_identity=np.eye(6), left_or_right='left') i = 0 results = [] _y_pred_i = [] _y_true_i = [] _se3_err_i = [] try: while True: _image, _rvec, _qvec, _tvec, _y_pred = \[image, vec, pose_q, pose_x, y_pred]) _quaternion_true = _qvec _quaternion_pred = SO3_GROUP.quaternion_from_rotation_vector( _y_pred[0, :3])[0] # Compute Individual Sample Error q1 = _quaternion_true / np.linalg.norm(_quaternion_true) q2 = _quaternion_pred / np.linalg.norm(_quaternion_pred) d = abs(np.sum(np.multiply(q1, q2))) theta = 2. * np.arccos(d) * 180. / np.pi error_x = np.linalg.norm(_tvec - _y_pred[0, 3:]) results.append([error_x, theta]) # SE3 compute _y_true = np.concatenate((_rvec, _tvec), axis=-1) se3_dist = metric.squared_dist(_y_pred, _y_true)[0] _y_pred_i.append(_y_pred) _y_true_i.append(_y_true) _se3_err_i.append( SE3_GROUP.compose(SE3_GROUP.inverse(_y_true), _y_pred)) print('Iteration:', i, 'Error XYZ (m):', error_x, 'Error Q (degrees):', theta, 'SE3 dist:', se3_dist) i = i + 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('End of Test Data') # Calculate SE3 Error Weights err_vec = np.vstack(_se3_err_i) err_weights = np.diag(np.linalg.inv(np.cov(err_vec.T))) err_weights = err_weights / np.linalg.norm(err_weights) print(err_weights) results = np.stack(results) results = np.median(results, axis=0) print('Error XYZ (m):', results[0], 'Error Q (degrees):', results[1]) else: print('Invalid Option:', FLAGS.loss) raise SystemExit