def get_location_from_address(address):
    geolocator = OpenCage(api_key=settings.OPENCAGE_API_KEY)
    location = geolocator.geocode(address)

    if location.latitude and location.longitude:
        return (location.latitude, location.longitude)
        return None
def geolocation():
    from geopy.geocoders import OpenCage
    geolocator = OpenCage('d1d1fbc618ef41b89d3ebde37f53d1b2')
    for p in Province.query.all():
        g = geolocator.geocode(p.name + ", Việt Nam", timeout=60)
        p.latitude = g.latitude
        p.longitude = g.longitude
        print((p.latitude, p.longitude))
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.city = name
     if self.city not in City.CITIES:
         #OpenCage Geocoder
         geolocator = OpenCage(api_key=KEY)
         location = geolocator.geocode(self.city, timeout=6)
         if location is None:
             raise TypeError('city does not exist')
         self.latitude = location.latitude
         self.longitude = location.longitude
         City.CITIES[self.city] = (location.latitude, location.longitude)
         self.latitude = City.CITIES[self.city][0]
         self.longitude = City.CITIES[self.city][1]
def make_main_figure(year, address): 

    if year is None:
        raise PreventUpdate
    if address is None: 
        raise PreventUpdate

    # process address input by user, get latitude and longitude 
    if address not in ADDRESS_CACHE:
        api_key = opencage_key
        geolocator = OpenCage(api_key, domain='api.opencagedata.com', scheme=None, user_agent='AQMap', format_string=None, timeout=4)
        ADDRESS_CACHE[address] = geolocator.geocode(address)
    location = ADDRESS_CACHE[address]
    user_lat = location.latitude
    user_lon = location.longitude
    # get  necessary dataframes from PostGIS database 
    ozone_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_df(year, 'ozone', location.latitude, location.longitude)
    ozone_geo_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_avg_df(year, 'ozone', location.latitude, location.longitude, 10) 
    pm25_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_df(year, 'pm25', location.latitude, location.longitude)
    pm25_geo_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_avg_df(year, 'pm25', location.latitude, location.longitude, 10)
    no2_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_df(year, 'no2', location.latitude, location.longitude)
    no2_geo_df = qd.get_pollutant_annual_avg_df(year, 'no2', location.latitude, location.longitude, 10)
    temp_df = qd.get_temp_annual_df(year, location.latitude, location.longitude)
    temp_geo_df = qd.get_temp_annual_avg_df(year, location.latitude, location.longitude, 10)

    # making the ozone geo plots
    ozonefig = make_scatter(ozone_df, 'slateblue', 'Month', 'Concentration (ppm)', 'Ozone', 'month', 'conc')
    ozonegeo = make_geo_mapbox(ozone_geo_df, 'Mean Annual Ozone', 'st_x', 'st_y', 'conc', user_lon, user_lat)
    # making the pm2.5 plots 
    pm25fig = make_scatter(pm25_df, 'seagreen', 'Month', 'Concentration (μg/m^3)', 'PM2.5','month','conc')
    pm25geo = make_geo_mapbox(pm25_geo_df, 'Mean Annual PM2.5', 'st_x', 'st_y', 'conc', user_lon, user_lat)
    # making the no2 plots
    no2fig = make_scatter(no2_df, 'goldenrod', 'Month', 'Concentration (ppb)', 'Nitrogen Dioxide','month','conc')
    no2geo = make_geo_mapbox(no2_geo_df, 'Mean Annual Nitrogen Dioxide', 'st_x', 'st_y', 'conc', user_lon, user_lat)
    # making the temp plots 
    tempfig = make_scatter(temp_df, 'tomato', 'Month', '˚C', 'Maximum Temperature', 'month', 'tmax')
    tempgeo = make_geo_mapbox(temp_geo_df, 'Mean Annual Temperature', 'st_x', 'st_y', 'tmax', user_lon, user_lat)

    return tempfig, tempgeo, ozonefig, ozonegeo, pm25fig, pm25geo, no2fig, no2geo
def index():
    client = MongoClient()
    db = client.health_data
    form = AddressForm(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':

        """ Find closest bike station to given address """
        collection = db.bike_stations
        addr = request.form.get("address")
        geolocator = OpenCage('d79317ac2c4be89c2683778d8a95df49', timeout=None)
        location = geolocator.geocode(addr)
        compass = findLocation( location.latitude, location.longitude)
        closestBikeStation = compass.nearby(compass.coordinates, collection)

        """ Switch to finding closest corner store (farmer's market will be added later)  to bike station """
        compass = findLocation( closestBikeStation['geometry']['coordinates'][1], closestBikeStation['geometry']['coordinates'][0] )
        collection = db.healthy_corner_stores
        closestHealthyStore = compass.nearby(compass.coordinates, collection)

        """ Farmer's market """
        collection = db.farmers_markets
        closestFarmersMarket = compass.nearby(compass.coordinates, collection)

        """ Bike path's """
        collection = db.bike_network
        closestBikePath = compass.nearby(compass.coordinates, collection)

        """ Mapp generation"""
        currentMapp = Mapp(location.latitude, location.longitude, 
                closestBikeStation['geometry']['coordinates'], closestHealthyStore['geometry']['coordinates'],
                addr, closestBikeStation, closestHealthyStore, closestFarmersMarket,closestBikePath)

        """ Return new page with found values plugged into template """
        return render_template("result.html", bikestation=closestBikeStation['properties']['addressStreet'],
                market=closestHealthyStore['properties']['OFFICIAL_STORE_NAME'], farmersmarket=closestFarmersMarket['properties']['NAME'])
        return render_template("index.html", form=form)
def get_location(query, format, api_key):
    """Get geographic data of a lab in a coherent way for all labs."""

    # Play nice with the API...
    geolocator = OpenCage(api_key=api_key, timeout=10)

    # Variables for storing the data
    data = {
        "city": None,
        "address_1": None,
        "postal_code": None,
        "country": None,
        "county": None,
        "state": None,
        "country_code": None,
        "latitude": None,
        "longitude": None,
        "continent": None
    road = ""
    number = ""
    # Default None values
    location_data = {
        "city": None,
        "road": None,
        "house_number": None,
        "postcode": None,
        "country": None,
        "county": None,
        "state": None,
        "ISO_3166-1_alpha-2": None,
        "country_code": None,
        "lat": None,
        "lng": None

    # Reverse geocoding ... from coordinates to address
    if format == "reverse":
        # If the query (coordinates) is not empty
        if query is None or len(query) < 3:
            location = geolocator.reverse(query)
            if location is not None:
                location_data = location[0].raw[u'components']
                location_data["lat"] = location[0].raw[u'geometry']["lat"]
                location_data["lng"] = location[0].raw[u'geometry']["lng"]
    # Direct geocoding ... from address to coordinates and full address
    if format == "direct":
        # If the query (address) is not empty
        if query is None or len(query) < 3:
            location = geolocator.geocode(query)
            if location is not None:
                location_data = location.raw[u'components']
                location_data["lat"] = location.raw[u'geometry']["lat"]
                location_data["lng"] = location.raw[u'geometry']["lng"]

    # Extract the meaningful data
    for component in location_data:
        if component == "town" or component == "city":
            data["city"] = location_data[component]
        if component == "road":
            road = location_data[component]
        if component == "house_number":
            number = location_data[component]
        if component == "postcode":
            data["postal_code"] = location_data[component]
        if component == "country":
            data["country"] = location_data[component]
        if component == "county":
            data["county"] = location_data[component]
        if component == "state":
            data["state"] = location_data[component]
        if component == "ISO_3166-1_alpha-2":
            data["country_code"] = location_data[component]
    # The address need to be reconstructed
    data["address_1"] = unicode(road) + " " + unicode(number)
    data["latitude"] = location_data["lat"]
    data["longitude"] = location_data["lng"]
    # Format the country code to three letters
        data["country_code"] = pycountry.countries.get(
        data["country_code"] = None
    # Get the continent
        continent_code = pycountry.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(
        data["continent"] = pycountry.convert_continent_code_to_continent_name(
        data["continent"] = None

    # Return the final data
    return data
from geopy.geocoders import OpenCage
key = 'd1d1fbc618ef41b89d3ebde37f53d1b2'

provincesList = ['An Giang','Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu','Bạc Liêu','Bắc Kạn','Bắc Giang','Bắc Ninh','Bến Tre','Bình Dương','Bình Định','Bình Phước','Bình Thuận','Cà Mau','Cao Bằng','Cần Thơ','Đà Nẵng','Đắk Lắk','Đắk Nông','Đồng Nai','Đồng Tháp','Điện Biên','Gia Lai','Hà Giang','Hà Nam','Hà Nội','Hà Tĩnh','Hải Dương','Hải Phòng','Hòa Bình','Hậu Giang','Hưng Yên','Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh','Khánh Hòa','Kiên Giang','Kon Tum','Lai Châu','Lào Cai','Lạng Sơn','Lâm Đồng','Long An','Nam Định','Nghệ An','Ninh Bình','Ninh Thuận','Phú Thọ','Phú Yên','Quảng Bình','Quảng Nam','Quảng Ngãi','Quảng Ninh','Quảng Trị','Sóc Trăng','Sơn La','Tây Ninh','Thái Bình','Thái Nguyên','Thanh Hóa','Thừa Thiên - Huế','Tiền Giang','Trà Vinh','Tuyên Quang','Vĩnh Long','Vĩnh Phúc','Yên Bái']
coodinatesList = []

geolocator = OpenCage(key)
for p in provincesList:
    g = geolocator.geocode( p + ", Việt Nam", timeout=60)
    coodinatesList.append((g.latitude, g.longitude))

class GeoSearch:
    def __init__(self, dao=None):
        self.geolocator_nominatim = None
        self.geolocator_google = None
        self.geolocator_opencage = None
        self.geolocator_bing = None
        self.dao = dao

    def search_nominatim(self, address):
            self.geolocator_nominatim = Nominatim(proxies={'http': self.get_proxy()})
            location = self.geolocator_nominatim.geocode(address, timeout=20)
            if location:
                lat = location.latitude
                lon = location.longitude
                full_address = location.address
                if 40.485808 < lat < 40.917691 and -73.699206 > lon > -74.260380:
                    return lat, lon, full_address
                    return None, None
                return None, None
        except (GeocoderTimedOut, AttributeError):
            return None, None

    def search_google(self, address):
            self.geolocator_google = GoogleV3(api_key='AIzaSyAwv1G4XIza'
                                              proxies={'http': self.get_proxy()})
            location = self.geolocator_google.geocode(address, timeout=20)
            if location:
                lat = location.latitude
                lon = location.longitude
                full_address = location.address
                if 40.485808 < lat < 40.917691 and -73.699206 > lon > -74.260380:
                    return lat, lon, full_address
                    return None, None
                return None, None
        except (GeocoderTimedOut, AttributeError):
            return None, None

    def search_opencage(self, address):
            self.geolocator_opencage = OpenCage(api_key='d65ff98d8e33b1b85210ed4a400fc3a1',
                                                proxies={'http': self.get_proxy()})
            location = self.geolocator_opencage.geocode(address, timeout=20)
            if location:
                lat = location.latitude
                lon = location.longitude
                full_address = location.address
                if 40.485808 < lat < 40.917691 and -73.699206 > lon > -74.260380:
                    return lat, lon, full_address
                    return None, None
                return None, None
        except (GeocoderTimedOut, AttributeError):
            return None, None

    def search_bing(self, address):
            self.geolocator_bing = Bing(api_key='AuqD7e7LRzuD5Wzmn2HqTQPIipUyZrbgz2y_'
                                        proxies={'http': self.get_proxy()})
            location = self.geolocator_bing.geocode(address, timeout=20)
            if location:
                lat = location.latitude
                lon = location.longitude
                full_address = location.address
                if 40.485808 < lat < 40.917691 and -73.699206 > lon > -74.260380:
                    return lat, lon, full_address
                    return None, None
                return None, None
        except (GeocoderTimedOut, AttributeError):
            return None, None

    def search_dao(self, address, borough):
        results = self.dao.do("SELECT ST_X(geomout), ST_Y(geomout), "
                              "(addy).zip FROM geocode('" + address + "') As g LIMIT 1;")
        return self.verify_address(address, results, borough)

    def verify_address(adress, results, borough):
        zips = Normalizer.select_zipcode_class(Normalizer.get_neighborhood(borough))
        for r in results:
            zip3dig = int(r[2]) / 100
            if zip3dig in zips:
                return r[0], r[1], adress+", "+r[2]
        return None

    def get_proxy(self):
        proxies = ['durianproxy.gq', 'proxyrocket.org', 'apricotproxy.gq',
                   'technoproxy.cf', 'mawoop.ml', 'proxyfree.party', 'accessproxy.org',
                   'proxyeuro.pw', 'zqal.xyz', 'bukus.ga', 'popeyeprox.info', 'b2bproxy.cf',
                   'buzy.ml', 'limeproxy.gq', 'web.proxygogo.info', 'broccoliproxy.gq',
                   'xyzproxy.gq', 'franceproxy.pw', 'ispvpn.com'
        return proxies[randint(0, len(proxies) - 1)]