def main(): global IDX_ORGN global lowpcut, highpcut parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-y", "--year", type=int, help="year") parser.add_argument("-m", "--month", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(12), help="month") parser.add_argument("-a", "--advect", type=str, choices=["EID", "EIZ"], help="source of advecting winds") parser.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", type=str, help="suffix") #parser.add_argument("-l","--level",type=int,help="P level") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], help="quiet (y) or not (n)") parser.add_argument("-ct", "--cloud_type", type=str, choices=["meanhigh", "veryhigh"], help="cloud type filter") parser.add_argument("-t", "--step", type=int, help="step in hours between two part files") parser.add_argument("-d", "--duration", type=int, help="duration of integration in hours") parser.add_argument("-gs", "--granule_size", type=int, help="size of the granule") parser.add_argument("-gn", "--granule_step", type=int, help="number of granules in a step") parser.add_argument("-ab", "--age_bound", type=int, help="age_bound") parser.add_argument("-binx", "--binx", type=int, help="number of grid points in longitude direction") parser.add_argument("-biny", "--biny", type=int, help="number of grid points in latitude direction") parser.add_argument("-hmax", "--hmax", type=int, help='maximum number of hours in traczilla simulation') parser.add_argument("-username", "--username", type=str, help='username') parser.add_argument("-userout", "--userout", type=str, help='userout') """ Parsed parameters""" # Parsed parameters # Interval between two part files (in hours) step = 6 # Largest time to be processed (in hours) hmax = 1464 # Age limit in days age_bound = 30 # start date of the backward run, corresponding to itime=0 year = 2017 # 8 +1 means we start on September 1 at 0h and cover the whole month of August month = 6 + 1 advect = 'EIZ' suffix = '_150_150hPa_500' quiet = False cloud_type = 'veryhigh' # Bound on the age of the parcel (in days) age_bound = 30 # Number of parcels launched per time slot (grid size) binx = 320 biny = 224 # Number of granules in a step betwwen two part files granule_step = 6 """ Non parsed parameters""" # Time width of the parcel slice slice_width = timedelta(minutes=5) # dtRange (now defined in satmap definition) #dtRange={'MSG1':timedelta(minutes=15),'Hima':timedelta(minutes=20)} # day=1 should not be changed day = 1 # low p cut applied in exiter lowpcut = 3000 # high p cut applied in exiter highpcut = 50000 args = parser.parse_args() if args.year is not None: year = args.year if args.month is not None: month = args.month + 1 if args.advect is not None: advect = args.advect if args.suffix is not None: suffix = args.suffix #if args.level is not None: level=args.level if args.quiet is not None: if args.quiet == 'y': quiet = True else: quiet = False if args.cloud_type is not None: cloud_type = args.cloud_type if args.step is not None: step = args.step if args.hmax is not None: hmax = args.hmax if args.binx is not None: binx = args.binx if args.biny is not None: biny = args.biny granule_size = binx * biny if args.granule_size is not None: granule_size = args.granule_size if args.duration is not None: hmax = args.duration if args.age_bound is not None: age_bound = args.age_bound if args.granule_step is not None: granule_step = args.granule_step if args.username is not None: username = args.username if args.userout is not None: userout = args.userout # Define main directories main_sat_dir = '/bdd/STRATOCLIM/flexpart_in' if 'ciclad' in socket.gethostname(): traj_dir = os.path.join('/data/', username, 'flexout', 'COCHIN', 'BACK') out_dir = os.path.join('/data', userout, 'STC') elif ('climserv' in socket.gethostname()) | ('polytechnique' in socket.gethostname()): traj_dir = os.path.join('/homedata/', username, 'flexout', 'COCHIN', 'BACK') out_dir = os.path.join('/homedata', userout, 'STC') else: print('CANNOT RECOGNIZE HOST - DO NOT RUN ON NON DEFINED HOSTS') exit() # Output diretories # Update the out_dir with the cloud type out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'STC-BACK-OUT-Cochin-SAF-' + cloud_type) sdate = datetime(year, month, day) # fdate defined to make output under the name of the month where parcels are released fdate = sdate - timedelta(days=1) # Number of slices between two outputs dstep = timedelta(hours=step) nb_slices = int(dstep / slice_width) # size of granules launched during a step granule_quanta = granule_size * granule_step # Manage the file that receives the print output if quiet: # Output file print_file = os.path.join( out_dir, 'out', 'BACK-' + advect + fdate.strftime('-%b-%Y') + suffix + '.out') fsock = open(print_file, 'w') sys.stdout = fsock print('year', year, 'month', month, 'day', day) print('advect', advect) print('suffix', suffix) # Directory of the backward trajectories ftraj = os.path.join(traj_dir, 'BACK-' + advect + fdate.strftime('-%b-%Y') + suffix) # Output file out_file = os.path.join( out_dir, 'BACK-' + advect + fdate.strftime('-%b-%Y') + suffix + '.hdf5z') #out_file1 = os.path.join(out_dir,'BACK-'+advect+fdate.strftime('-%b-%Y-')+str(level)+'K'+suffix+'.hdf5b') #out_file2 = os.path.join(out_dir,'BACK-'+advect+fdate.strftime('-%b-%Y-')+str(level)+'K'+suffix+'.pkl') # Directories for the satellite cloud top files satdir ={'MSG1':os.path.join(main_sat_dir,'msg1','S_NWC'),\ 'Hima':os.path.join(main_sat_dir,'himawari','S_NWC')} """ Initialization of the calculation """ # Initialize the grid gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') # Initialize the dictionary of the parcel dictionaries partStep = {} satmap = pixmap(gg) # Build the satellite field generator get_sat = {'MSG1': read_sat(sdate,'MSG1',['MSG1']['dtRange'],satdir['MSG1'],pre=True),\ 'Hima': read_sat(sdate,'Hima',['Hima']['dtRange'],satdir['Hima'],pre=True)} # Open the part_000 file that contains the initial positions part0 = readidx107(os.path.join(ftraj, 'part_000'), quiet=True) print('numpart', part0['numpart']) numpart = part0['numpart'] numpart_s = granule_size # stamp_date not set in these runs # current_date actually shifted by one day / sdate current_date = sdate # check flag is clean print('check flag is clean ',((part0['flag']&I_HIT)!=0).sum(),((part0['flag']&I_DEAD)!=0).sum(),\ ((part0['flag']&I_CROSSED)!=0).sum()) # check idx_orgn if part0['idx_orgn'] != 0: print('MINCHIA, IDX_ORGN NOT 0 AS ASSUMED, CORRECTED WITH READ VALUE') print('VALUE ', part0['idx_orgn']) IDX_ORGN = part0['idx_orgn'] idx1 = IDX_ORGN # Build a dictionary to host the results prod0 = defaultdict(dict) prod0['src']['x'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], fill_value=np.nan, dtype='float') prod0['src']['y'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], fill_value=np.nan, dtype='float') prod0['src']['p'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], fill_value=np.nan, dtype='float') prod0['src']['t'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], fill_value=np.nan, dtype='float') prod0['src']['age'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], fill_value=np.nan, dtype='int') prod0['flag_source'] = part0['flag'] prod0['rvs'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], 0.01, dtype='float') # truncate eventually to 32 bits at the output stage # read the part_000 file for the first granule partStep[0] = {} partStep[0]['x'] = part0['x'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['y'] = part0['y'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['t'] = part0['t'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['p'] = part0['p'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['t'] = part0['t'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['idx_back'] = part0['idx_back'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['ir_start'] = part0['ir_start'][:granule_size] partStep[0]['itime'] = 0 # number of hists and exits nhits = 0 nexits = 0 ndborne = 0 nnew = granule_size nold = 0 # used to get non borne parcels new = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='bool') new.fill(False) print('Initialization completed') """ Main loop on the output time steps """ for hour in range(step, hmax + 1, step): pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) # Get rid of dictionary no longer used if hour >= 2 * step: del partStep[hour - 2 * step] # Read the new data partStep[hour] = readpart107(hour, ftraj, quiet=True) # Link the names as views partante = partStep[hour - step] partpost = partStep[hour] if partpost['nact'] > 0: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact'], ' max p ', partpost['p'].max()) else: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact']) # New date valid for partpost current_date -= dstep # Processing of water mixing ratio # Select non stopped parcels in partante selec = (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_STOP) == 0 idx = partante['idx_back'][selec] prod0['rvs'][idx-IDX_ORGN] = np.minimum(prod0['rvs'][idx-IDX_ORGN],\ satratio(partante['p'][selec],partante['t'][selec])) """ Select the parcels that are common to the two steps ketp_a is a logical field with same length as partante kept_p is a logical field with same length as partpost After the launch of the earliest parcel along the flight track, there should not be any member in new. """ kept_a = np.in1d(partante['idx_back'], partpost['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) kept_p = np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'], partante['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) #new_p = ~np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'],partpost['idx_back'],assume_unique=True) print('kept a, p ', len(kept_a), len(kept_p), kept_a.sum(), kept_p.sum(), ' new ', len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum()) nnew += len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum() """ PROCESSING OF DEADBORNE PARCELS Manage the parcels launched during the last 6-hour which have already exited and do not appear in posold or posact (borne dead parcels). These parcels are stored in the last part of posact, at most the last granule_quanta parcels. """ if numpart_s < numpart: print("manage deadborne", flush=True) # First index of the current quanta """ numpart_s += granule_quanta print("idx1", idx1, " numpart_s", numpart_s) # Extract the last granule_size indexes from posacti, this is where the new parcels should be if hour == step: idx_act = partpost['idx_back'] else: idx_act = partpost['idx_back'][-granule_quanta:] # Generate the list of indexes that should be found in this range # ACHTUNG ACHTUNG : this works because IDX_ORGN=1, FIX THAT idx_theor = np.arange(idx1, numpart_s + IDX_ORGN) # Find the missing indexes in idx_act (make a single line after validation) kept_borne = np.in1d(idx_theor, idx_act, assume_unique=True) idx_deadborne = idx_theor[~kept_borne] # Process these parcels by assigning exit at initial location prod0['flag_source'][ idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = prod0['flag_source'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] | I_DEAD + I_DBORNE prod0['src']['x'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['x'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['y'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['y'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['p'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['p'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['t'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['t'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['age'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = 0. print("number of deadborne ", len(idx_deadborne)) ndborne += len(idx_deadborne) idx1 = numpart_s + IDX_ORGN """ PROCESSING OF CROSSED PARCELS """ if len(kept_a) > 0: exits = exiter(int((partante['itime']+partpost['itime'])/2), \ partante['x'][~kept_a],partante['y'][~kept_a],partante['p'][~kept_a],\ partante['t'][~kept_a],partante['idx_back'][~kept_a],\ prod0['flag_source'],prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ part0['ir_start'], satmap.range) nexits += exits print('exit ', nexits, exits, np.sum(~kept_a), len(kept_a) - len(kept_p)) """ PROCESSING OF PARCELS WHICH ARE COMMON TO THE TWO OUTPUTS """ # Select the kept parcels which have not been hit yet # !!! Never use and between two lists, the result is wrong if kept_p.sum() == 0: live_a = live_p = kept_p else: live_a = np.logical_and( kept_a, (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) live_p = np.logical_and( kept_p, (prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) print('live a, b ', live_a.sum(), live_p.sum()) del kept_a del kept_p """ Correction step that moves partante['x'] to avoid big jumps at the periodicity frontier on the x-axis """ diffx = partpost['x'][live_p] - partante['x'][live_a] bb = np.zeros(len(diffx)) bb[diffx > 180] = 360 bb[diffx < -180] = -360 partante['x'][live_a] += bb del bb del diffx # DOES not work in the following WAY #partante['x'][live_a][diffx>180] += 360 #partante['x'][live_a][diffx<-180] -= 360 # Build generator for parcel locations of the 5' slices gsp = get_slice_part(partante, partpost, live_a, live_p, current_date, dstep, slice_width) if verbose: print('built parcel generator for ', current_date) """ MAIN LOOP ON THE PARCEL TIME SLICES """ for i in range(nb_slices): # get the slice for the particles datpart = next(gsp) if verbose: print('part slice ', i, datpart['time']) # Check whether the present satellite image is valid # The while should ensure that the run synchronizes # when it starts. while satmap.check('MSG1', datpart['time']) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsat1 = next(get_sat['MSG1']) # Check that the image is available if datsat1 is not None: pm1 = geosat.SatGrid(datsat1, gg) pm1._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pm1 diag',len(datsat1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pm1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pm1._sat_togrid('CT') pm1.attr = datsat1.attr.copy() satmap.fill('MSG1', pm1, cloud_type) del pm1 del datsat1 else: # if the image is missing, extend the lease try: satmap.extend('MSG1') except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue while satmap.check('Hima', datpart['time']) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsath = next(get_sat['Hima']) # Check that the image is available if datsath is not None: pmh = geosat.SatGrid(datsath, gg) pmh._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pmh diag',len(datsath.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pmh.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pmh._sat_togrid('CT') pmh.attr = datsath.attr.copy() satmap.fill('Hima', pmh, cloud_type) del datsath del pmh else: # if the image is missing, extend the lease try: satmap.extend('Hima') except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue """ Select the parcels located within the domain """ # TODO TODO the values used here should be derived from parameters defined above indomain = np.all((datpart['x'] > -10, datpart['x'] < 160, datpart['y'] > 0, datpart['y'] < 50), axis=0) """ PROCESS THE COMPARISON OF PARCEL PRESSURES TO CLOUDS """ if indomain.sum() > 0: nhits += convbirth(datpart['itime'], datpart['x'][indomain],datpart['y'][indomain],datpart['p'][indomain],\ datpart['t'][indomain],datpart['idx_back'][indomain],\ prod0['flag_source'],prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ satmap.ptop, part0['ir_start'],\ satmap.range[0,0],satmap.range[1,0],satmap.stepx,satmap.stepy,satmap.binx,satmap.biny) sys.stdout.flush() """ End of of loop on slices """ # Check the age limit (easier to do it here) print("Manage age limit", flush=True) age_sec = part0['ir_start'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] - partante['itime'] IIold_o = age_sec > (age_bound - 0.25) * 86400 IIold_o = IIold_o & ( (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_STOP) == 0) idx_IIold = partante['idx_back'][IIold_o] j_IIold_o = np.where(IIold_o) prod0['flag_source'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = prod0['flag_source'][ idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] | I_DEAD + I_OLD prod0['src']['x'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['x'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['y'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['y'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['p'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['p'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['t'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['t'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['age'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = ( (part0['ir_start'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] - partante['itime']) / 86400) print("number of IIold ", len(idx_IIold)) nold += len(idx_IIold) # find parcels still alive if kept_p.sum()==0: try: nlive = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0).sum() n_nohit = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_HIT) == 0).sum() except: nlive = 0 n_nohit = 0 print('end hour ', hour, ' numact', partpost['nact'], ' nexits', nexits, ' nhits', nhits, ' nlive', nlive, ' nohit', n_nohit) # check that nlive + nhits + nexits = numpart, should be true after the first day if part0['numpart'] != nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne: print('@@@ ACHTUNG numpart not equal to sum ', part0['numpart'], nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne) """ End of the procedure and storage of the result """ pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use before clean: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) del partante del partpost del live_a del live_p del datpart prod0['rvs'] = prod0['rvs'].astype(np.float32) for var in ['age', 'p', 't', 'x', 'y']: prod0['src'][var] = prod0['src'][var].astype(np.float32) pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use after clean: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) #output file #pickle.dump(prod0,,'wb')) #try: #,prod0,compression='blosc') #except: # print('error with dd blosc') try:, prod0, compression='zlib') except: print('error with dd zlib') """ End of the procedure and storage of the result """ #output file,prod0,compression='zlib') #pickle.dump(prod0,,'wb')) # close the print file if quiet: fsock.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This is testing the SAFBox Created on Fri Jun 8 13:33:15 2018 @author: Bernard Legras """ import geosat from SAFNWCnc import SAFNWC_CTTH from datetime import datetime date = datetime(2017, 7, 22, 3, 45) dat = SAFNWC_CTTH(date, 'msg1', BBname='SAFBox') gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') dat._CTTH_PRESS() p1 = geosat.SatGrid(dat, gg) p1._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') p1.chart('CTTH_PRESS')
# Himawari read hima = geosat.Himawari(date) # read IR0 hima._get_IR0() hima._get_var('WV_062') hima._get_var('WV_073') hima.close() # MSG1 read msg1 = geosat.MSG1(date) msg1._get_IR0() msg1._get_var('WV_062') msg1._get_var('WV_073') msg1.close() # grid projection and match for grid in ['KTM', 'MesoInd', 'FullAMA']: gg = geosat.GeoGrid(grid) # associate grid and sat phima = geosat.SatGrid(hima, gg) pmsg1 = geosat.SatGrid(msg1, gg) # project by closest neigbour # and do angular correction for var in ['IR0', 'WV_062', 'WV_073']: phima._sat_togrid(var) pmsg1._sat_togrid(var) # angular correction for 'IR0' phima._sza_correc() pmsg1._sza_correc() # patching ppt = pmsg1.patch(phima, 90.75, ['IR0', 'WV_062', 'WV_073']) ppt.chart('IR0', txt='brightness temperature infrared 10.8')
def main(): global IDX_ORGN parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-y", "--year", type=int, help="year") parser.add_argument("-m", "--month", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(12), help="month") parser.add_argument("-d1", "--day1", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(31), help="day1") parser.add_argument("-d2", "--day2", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(31), help="day2") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--advect", type=str, choices=["OPZ", "EAD", "EAZ", "EID", "EIZ", "EID-FULL", "EIZ-FULL"], help="source of advecting winds") parser.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", type=str, help="suffix for special cases") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], help="quiet (y) or not (n)") #parser.add_argument("-c","--clean0",type=bool,help="clean part_000") parser.add_argument("-t", "--step", type=int, help="step in hour between two part files") parser.add_argument("-ct", "--cloud_type", type=str, choices=["meanhigh", "veryhigh", "silviahigh"], help="cloud type filter") parser.add_argument("-k", "--diffus", type=str, choices=['01', '1', '001'], help='diffusivity parameter') parser.add_argument("-v", "--vshift", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], help='vertical shift') parser.add_argument("-hm", "--hmax", type=int, help='maximum considered integration time') # to be updated # Define main directories if 'ciclad' in socket.gethostname(): main_sat_dir = '/data/legras/flexpart_in/SAFNWC' #SVC_Dir = '/bdd/CFMIP/SEL2' traj_dir = '/data/akottayil/flexout/STC/BACK' out_dir = '/data/legras/STC' elif ('climserv' in socket.gethostname()) | ('polytechnique' in socket.gethostname()): main_sat_dir = '/data/legras/flexpart_in/SAFNWC' #SVC_Dir = '/bdd/CFMIP/SEL2' traj_dir = '/data/akottayil/flexout/STC/BACK' out_dir = '/homedata/legras/STC' else: print('CANNOT RECOGNIZE HOST - DO NOT RUN ON NON DEFINED HOSTS') exit() """ Parameters """ step = 3 hmax = 732 dstep = timedelta(hours=step) # time width of the parcel slice slice_width = timedelta(minutes=5) # number of slices between two outputs nb_slices = int(dstep / slice_width) # default values of parameters # date of the flight year = 2017 month = 7 + 1 day1 = 1 day2 = 10 advect = 'EAD' suffix = '' quiet = False clean0 = True cloud_type = 'silviahigh' diffus = '01' vshift = 0 super = '' args = parser.parse_args() if args.year is not None: year = args.year if args.month is not None: month = args.month + 1 if args.advect is not None: advect = args.advect if args.day1 is not None: day1 = args.day1 if args.day2 is not None: day2 = args.day2 if args.suffix is not None: suffix = '-' + args.suffix if args.hmax is not None: hmax = args.hmax if args.quiet is not None: if args.quiet == 'y': quiet = True else: quiet = False #if args.clean0 is not None: clean0 = args.clean0 if args.cloud_type is not None: cloud_type = args.cloud_type if args.step is not None: step = args.step if args.diffus is not None: diffus = args.diffus diffus = '-D' + diffus if args.vshift is not None: vshift = args.vshift if vshift > 0: super = 'super' + str(vshift) # Update the out_dir with the cloud type and the super paramater out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'SVC-BACK-OUT-SAF-' + super + cloud_type) try: os.mkdir(out_dir) os.mkdir(out_dir + '/out') except: print('out_dir directory already created') # Dates beginning and end date_beg = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day1, hour=0) date_end = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day2, hour=0) # Manage the file that receives the print output if quiet: # Output file print_file = os.path.join( out_dir, 'out', 'BACK-SVC-EID-FULL-' + date_beg.strftime('%b-%Y-day%d-') + date_end.strftime('%d-D01') + '.out') fsock = open(print_file, 'w') sys.stdout = fsock # initial time to read the sat files # should be after the end of the flight sdate = date_end + timedelta(days=1) print('year', year, 'month', month, 'day', day2) print('advect', advect) print('suffix', suffix) # patch to fix the problem of the data hole on the evening of 2 August 2017 if sdate == datetime(2017, 8, 2): sdate = datetime(2017, 8, 3, 6) # Directories of the backward trajectories and name of the output file ftraj = os.path.join( traj_dir, 'BACK-SVC-EID-FULL-' + date_beg.strftime('%b-%Y-day%d-') + date_end.strftime('%d-D01')) out_file2 = os.path.join( out_dir, 'BACK-SVC-EID-FULL-' + date_beg.strftime('%b-%Y-day%d-') + date_end.strftime('%d-D01') + '.hdf5') # Directories for the satellite cloud top files satdir ={'MSG1':os.path.join(main_sat_dir,'msg1','S_NWC'),\ 'Hima':os.path.join(main_sat_dir,'himawari','S_NWC')} """ Initialization of the calculation """ # Initialize the grid gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') # Initialize the dictionary of the parcel dictionaries partStep = {} satmap = pixmap(gg) # Build the satellite field generator get_sat = {'MSG1': read_sat(sdate,'MSG1',['MSG1']['dtRange'],satdir['MSG1'],pre=True,vshift=vshift),\ 'Hima': read_sat(sdate,'Hima',['Hima']['dtRange'],satdir['Hima'],pre=True,vshift=vshift)} # Read the index file that contains the initial positions part0 = readidx107(os.path.join(ftraj, 'part_000'), quiet=True) print('numpart', part0['numpart']) # stamp_date not set in these runs # current_date actually shifted by one day / sdate # We assume here that part time is defined from this day at 0h # sdate defined above should be equal or posterior to current_date current_date = sdate # check flag is clean print('check flag is clean ',((part0['flag']&I_HIT)!=0).sum(),((part0['flag']&I_DEAD)!=0).sum(),\ ((part0['flag']&I_CROSSED)!=0).sum()) # check idx_orgn if part0['idx_orgn'] != 0: print('MINCHIA, IDX_ORGN NOT 0 AS ASSUMED, CORRECTED WITH READ VALUE') print('VALUE ', part0['idx_orgn']) IDX_ORGN = part0['idx_orgn'] # Build a dictionary to host the results prod0 = defaultdict(dict) prod0['src']['x'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['y'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['p'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['t'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['age'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='int') prod0['flag_source'] = part0['flag'] # truncate eventually to 32 bits at the output stage # read the part_000 file partStep[0] = readpart107(0, ftraj, quiet=True) # cleaning is necessary for runs starting in the fake restart mode # otherwise all parcels are thought to exit at the first step if clean0: partStep[0]['idx_back'] = [] # number of hists and exits nhits = 0 nexits = 0 ndborne = 0 nnew = 0 # used to get non borne parcels new = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='bool') new.fill(False) print('Initialization completed') """ Main loop on the output time steps """ for hour in range(step, hmax + 1, step): pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) # Get rid of dictionary no longer used if hour >= 2 * step: del partStep[hour - 2 * step] # Read the new data partStep[hour] = readpart107(hour, ftraj, quiet=True) # Link the names partante = partStep[hour - step] partpost = partStep[hour] if partpost['nact'] > 0: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact'], ' max p ', partpost['p'].max()) else: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact']) # New date valid for partpost current_date -= dstep """ Select the parcels that are common to the two steps ketp_a is a logical field with same length as partante kept_p is a logical field with same length as partpost After the launch of the earliest parcel along the flight track, there should not be any member in new The parcels """ kept_a = np.in1d(partante['idx_back'], partpost['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) kept_p = np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'], partante['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) #new_p = ~np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'],partpost['idx_back'],assume_unique=True) print('kept a, p ', len(kept_a), len(kept_p), kept_a.sum(), kept_p.sum(), ' new ', len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum()) """ IDENTIFY AND TAKE CARE OF DEADBORNE AS NON BORNE PARCELS """ if (hour < ((day2 - day1 + 5) * 24)) & (partpost['nact'] > 0): new[partpost['idx_back'][~kept_p] - IDX_ORGN] = True nnew += len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum() if hour == ((day2 - day1 + 5) * 24): ndborne = np.sum(~new) prod0['flag_source'][~new] |= I_DBORNE + I_DEAD prod0['src']['x'][~new] = part0['x'][~new] prod0['src']['y'][~new] = part0['y'][~new] prod0['src']['p'][~new] = part0['p'][~new] prod0['src']['t'][~new] = part0['t'][~new] prod0['src']['age'][~new] = 0 print('number of dead borne', ndborne, part0['numpart'] - nnew) del new """ INSERT HERE CODE FOR NEW PARCELS """ # nothing to be done for new parcels, just wait and see """ PROCESSING OF CROSSED PARCELS """ if len(kept_a) > 0: exits = exiter(int((partante['itime']+partpost['itime'])/2), \ partante['x'][~kept_a],partante['y'][~kept_a],partante['p'][~kept_a],\ partante['t'][~kept_a],partante['idx_back'][~kept_a],\ prod0['flag_source'],prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ part0['ir_start'], satmap.range) nexits += exits print('exit ', nexits, exits, np.sum(~kept_a), len(kept_a) - len(kept_p)) """ PROCESSING OF PARCELS WHICH ARE COMMON TO THE TWO OUTPUTS """ # Select the kept parcels which have not been hit yet # !!! Never use and between two lists, the result is wrong if kept_p.sum() == 0: live_a = live_p = kept_p else: live_a = np.logical_and( kept_a, (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) live_p = np.logical_and( kept_p, (prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) print('live a, b ', live_a.sum(), live_p.sum()) # Build generator for parcel locations of the 5' slices gsp = get_slice_part(partante, partpost, live_a, live_p, current_date, dstep, slice_width) if verbose: print('built parcel generator for ', current_date) """ MAIN LOOP ON THE PARCEL TIME SLICES """ for i in range(nb_slices): # get the slice for the particles datpart = next(gsp) if verbose: print('part slice ', i, datpart['time']) # Check whether the present satellite image is valid # The while should ensure that the run synchronizes # when it starts. while satmap.check('MSG1', datpart['time']) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsat1 = next(get_sat['MSG1']) # Check that the image is available if datsat1 is not None: pm1 = geosat.SatGrid(datsat1, gg) pm1._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pm1 diag',len(datsat1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pm1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pm1._sat_togrid('CT') if vshift > 0: pm1._sat_togrid('CTTH_TEMPER') pm1.attr = datsat1.attr.copy() satmap.fill('MSG1', pm1, cloud_type, vshift=vshift) del pm1 del datsat1 else: # if the image is missing, extend the lease try: satmap.extend('MSG1') except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue while satmap.check('Hima', datpart['time']) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsath = next(get_sat['Hima']) # Check that the image is available if datsath is not None: pmh = geosat.SatGrid(datsath, gg) pmh._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pmh diag',len(datsath.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pmh.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pmh._sat_togrid('CT') if vshift > 0: pmh._sat_togrid('CTTH_TEMPER') pmh.attr = datsath.attr.copy() satmap.fill('Hima', pmh, cloud_type, vshift=vshift) del datsath del pmh else: # if the image is missing, extend the lease try: satmap.extend('Hima') except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue """ PROCESS THE COMPARISON OF PARCEL PRESSURES TO CLOUDS """ if len(datpart['x']) > 0: nhits += convbirth(datpart['itime'], datpart['x'],datpart['y'],datpart['p'],datpart['t'],datpart['idx_back'],\ prod0['flag_source'],prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ satmap.ptop, part0['ir_start'],\ satmap.range[0,0],satmap.range[1,0],satmap.stepx,satmap.stepy,satmap.binx,satmap.biny) sys.stdout.flush() """ End of of loop on slices """ # find parcels still alive if kept_p.sum()==0: try: nlive = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0).sum() n_nohit = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_HIT) == 0).sum() except: nlive = 0 n_nohit = 0 print('end hour ', hour, ' numact', partpost['nact'], ' nexits', nexits, ' nhits', nhits, ' nlive', nlive, ' nohit', n_nohit) # check that nlive + nhits + nexits = numpart, should be true after the first day if part0['numpart'] != nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne: print('@@@ ACHTUNG numpart not equal to sum ', part0['numpart'], nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne) """ End of the procedure and storage of the result """ #output file, prod0, compression='zlib') #pickle.dump(prod0,,'wb')) # close the print file if quiet: fsock.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This script tests the behavior of geosat with a MSG1 image with missing lines Created on Sat Jun 10 16:16:30 2017 @author: Bernard Legras """ import geosat from datetime import datetime date = datetime(2017, 6, 8, 7) ah = geosat.MSG1(date) gg = geosat.GeoGrid('MesoInd') ah._get_IR0() ph = geosat.SatGrid(ah, gg) ph._sat_togrid('IR0')'IR0') ph.chart('IR0', txt='BT MSG1')
def main(): # to be updated if socket.gethostname() == 'graphium': pass elif 'ciclad' in socket.gethostname(): #main_sat_dirSAF = '/data/legras/flexpart_in/SAFNWC' main_sat_dir1 = '/bdd/STRATOCLIM/flexpart_in' output_dir = '/data/legras/STC/pixmaps' elif ('climserv' in socket.gethostname()) | ('polytechnique' in socket.gethostname()): #main_sat_dirSAF = '/data/legras/flexpart_in/SAFNWC' main_sat_dir1 = '/bdd/STRATOCLIM/flexpart_in' else: print ('CANNOT RECOGNIZE HOST - DO NOT RUN ON NON DEFINED HOSTS') exit() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #parser.add_argument("-y","--year",type=int,help="year") parser.add_argument("-m1","--month1",type=int,choices=1+np.arange(12),help="month") parser.add_argument("-d1","--day1",type=int,choices=1+np.arange(31),help="day") parser.add_argument("-m2","--month2",type=int,choices=1+np.arange(12),help="month") parser.add_argument("-d2","--day2",type=int,choices=1+np.arange(31),help="day") #parser.add_argument("-N","--NewSAF",type=bool,help='NewSAF') #parser.add_argument("-H","--doHima",type=bool,help='doHima') """ Parameters """ # Starting time # This date must fall on a cloudtop boundary, that it 0 or 12h month1 = 8 day1 = 16 #sdate = datetime(2017,month1,day1,0) #sdate = datetime(2017,7,21,0) # Ending time (backward) month2 = 7 day2 = 13 #edate = datetime(2017,7,13,0) # time between two comparisons dstep = timedelta (hours=2) # dtRange #dtRangeSAF = {'MSG1':timedelta(minutes=15),'Hima':timedelta(minutes=20)} #dtRange1 = {'MSG1':timedelta(minutes=30),'Hima':timedelta(minutes=20)} # SAF filters #good = True #opaq = True args = parser.parse_args() if args.month1 is not None: month1 = args.month1 if args.month2 is not None: month2 = args.month2 if args.day1 is not None: day1 = args.day1 if args.day2 is not None: day2 = args.day2 #if args.NewSAF is not None: NewSAF = args.NewSAF #if args.doHima is not None: doHima = args.doHima sdate = datetime(2017,month1,day1,0) edate = datetime(2017,month2,day2,0) # Directories for the satellite cloud top files #satdirSAF ={'MSG1':os.path.join(main_sat_dirSAF,'msg1','S_NWC'),\ # 'Hima':os.path.join(main_sat_dirSAF,'himawari','S_NWC')} satdir1 = {'MSG1':os.path.join(main_sat_dir1,'StratoClim+1kmD_msg1-c'),\ 'Hima':os.path.join(main_sat_dir1,'StratoClim+1kmD_himawari-d')} """ Initialization of the calculation """ # Initialize the grid if NewSAF: gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') else: gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA') output_dir += '-StdSAF' satmapSAF = pixmap(gg,'SAF') satmap1 = pixmap(gg,'1') satfill = {} # Build the satellite field generator get_sat1 = {'MSG1': read_sat1(sdate,['MSG1']['dtRange1'],satdir1['MSG1'],pre=True),\ 'Hima': read_sat1(sdate,['Hima']['dtRange1'],satdir1['Hima'],pre=True)} #get_satSAF = {'MSG1': read_satSAF(sdate,'MSG1',['MSG1']['dtRangeSAF'],satdirSAF['MSG1'],pre=True),\ # 'Hima': read_satSAF(sdate,'Hima',['Hima']['dtRangeSAF'],satdirSAF['Hima'],pre=True)} get_satSAF = {'MSG1': read_satSAF(sdate,'MSG1',['MSG1']['dtRangeSAF'],pre=True),\ 'Hima': read_satSAF(sdate,'Hima',['Hima']['dtRangeSAF'],pre=True)} current_date = sdate """ Main loop on the output time steps """ while current_date > edate: print('searching ',current_date) # Fill the pixmap for cloudtops while satmap1.check('MSG1',current_date) is False: # if not get next satellite slice try: next(satfill['MSG1']) # read new satellite file if the slice generator is over except: datsatm = next(get_sat1['MSG1']) satfill['MSG1'] = satmap1.fill1('MSG1',datsatm) next(satfill['MSG1']) if verbose: print('check 1 MSG1 ',satmap1.check('MSG1',current_date),'##',current_date, '##',['MSG1']['ti'],'##',['MSG1']['tf']) if doHima: while satmap1.check('Hima',current_date) is False: try: next(satfill['Hima']) except: datsath = next(get_sat1['Hima']) satfill['Hima'] = satmap1.fill1('Hima',datsath) next(satfill['Hima']) if verbose: print('check 1 Hima ',satmap1.check('Hima',current_date),'##',current_date, '##',['Hima']['ti'],'##',['Hima']['tf']) # Fill the pixmap for SAF # Check whether the present satellite image is valid # The while should ensure that the run synchronizes when it starts. while satmapSAF.check('MSG1',current_date) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsatm = next(get_satSAF['MSG1']) # Check that the image is available if datsatm is not None: # all the data need to be read because of possible gaps # and extensions to be done in such cases pmm = geosat.SatGrid(datsatm,gg) pmm._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pm1 diag',len(datsat1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pm1.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_alti') pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_tempe') pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_quality') pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_conditions') pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_status_flag') pmm._sat_togrid('ctth_method') pmm._sat_togrid('CT') pmm._sat_togrid('ct_cumuliform') pmm._sat_togrid('ct_multilayer') pmm._sat_togrid('ct_status_flag') pmm._sat_togrid('CMa') pmm._sat_togrid('cma_status_flag') pmm._sat_togrid('cma_quality') pmm.attr = datsatm.attr.copy() satmapSAF.fillSAF('MSG1',pmm) del pmm #del datsat1 else: # if the image is missing, extend the lease of previous image try: satmapSAF.extend('MSG1') if debug2: print ('MSG1 extension ',['MSG1']['ti']) except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue #print('match MSG1 ',datsatm.attr['date'],datsatm.attr['lease_time']) if verbose: print('check SAF MSG1 ',satmapSAF.check('MSG1',current_date),'##',current_date, '##',['MSG1']['ti'],'##',['MSG1']['tf']) if doHima: while satmapSAF.check('Hima',current_date) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsath = next(get_satSAF['Hima']) # Check that the image is available if datsath is not None: # not elegant as it duplicates the while test but saves # some processing #if (current_date <= datsath.attr['lease_time']) | \ # (current_date > datsath.attr['date']): continue # not a good odea when some image is missing pmh = geosat.SatGrid(datsath,gg) pmh._sat_togrid('CTTH_PRESS') #print('pmh diag',len(datsath.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed()), # len(pmh.var['CTTH_PRESS'][:].compressed())) pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_tempe') pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_alti') pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_quality') pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_conditions') pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_status_flag') pmh._sat_togrid('ctth_method') pmh._sat_togrid('CT') pmh._sat_togrid('ct_cumuliform') pmh._sat_togrid('ct_multilayer') pmh._sat_togrid('ct_status_flag') pmh._sat_togrid('CMa') pmh._sat_togrid('cma_status_flag') pmh._sat_togrid('cma_quality') pmh.attr = datsath.attr satmapSAF.fillSAF('Hima',pmh) #del datsath del pmh else: # if the image is missing, extend the leaseof previous image try: satmapSAF.extend('Hima') if debug2: print ('Hima extension ',['Hima']['ti']) except: # This handle the unlikely case where the first image is missing continue #print('match Hima ',datsath.attr['date'],datsath.attr['lease_time']) if verbose: print('check SAF Hima ',satmapSAF.check('Hima',current_date),'##',current_date, '##',['Hima']['ti'],'##',['Hima']['tf']) outfile = os.path.join(output_dir,current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M')) with,'wb') as f: pickle.dump([satmapSAF,satmap1],f) print('OUTPUT for time ',current_date,'\n') current_date -= dstep sys.stdout.flush()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--segment", type=str, choices=[ "May.11", "May.21", "Jun.01", "Jun.11", "Jun.21", "Jul.01", "Jul.11", "Jul.21", "Aug.01", "Aug.11", "Aug.21", "Sep.01", "Sep.11", "Sep.21", "OctBeg" ], help="segment to be processed") seg_dates = { 'Jul.01': [datetime(2017, 7, 1, 0), datetime(2017, 7, 11, 0)], 'Jul.11': [datetime(2017, 7, 11, 0), datetime(2017, 7, 21, 0)], 'Jul.21': [datetime(2017, 7, 21, 0), datetime(2017, 8, 1, 0)], 'Aug.01': [datetime(2017, 8, 1, 0), datetime(2017, 8, 11, 0)], 'Aug.11': [datetime(2017, 8, 11, 0), datetime(2017, 8, 21, 0)], 'Aug.21': [datetime(2017, 8, 21, 0), datetime(2017, 9, 1, 0)], 'Jun.01': [datetime(2017, 6, 1, 0), datetime(2017, 6, 11, 0)], 'Jun.11': [datetime(2017, 6, 11, 0), datetime(2017, 6, 21, 0)], 'Jun.21': [datetime(2017, 6, 21, 0), datetime(2017, 7, 1, 0)], 'Sep.01': [datetime(2017, 9, 1, 0), datetime(2017, 9, 11, 0)], 'Sep.11': [datetime(2017, 9, 11, 0), datetime(2017, 9, 21, 0)], 'Sep.21': [datetime(2017, 9, 21, 0), datetime(2017, 10, 1, 0)], 'May.21': [datetime(2017, 5, 21, 0), datetime(2017, 6, 1, 0)], 'May.11': [datetime(2017, 5, 11, 0), datetime(2017, 5, 21, 0)], 'OctBeg': [datetime(2017, 10, 1, 0), datetime(2017, 10, 3, 0)] } seg = 'Jul.11' args = parser.parse_args() if args.segment is not None: seg = args.segment date1 = seg_dates[seg][0] date2 = seg_dates[seg][1] gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') date = date1 output_dir = '/data/legras/STC/STC-SAFNWC-OUT' gM = get_msg1(date1, date2, gg) gH = get_himawari(date1, date2, gg) # date1 should correspond to a date where both images are available # in order to start properly phM = next(gM) phH = next(gH) make_new_comp = True while date < date2: # Check new msg1 to be loaded if phM.expiration == date: pp = next(gM) # If available image, get it # if not, extend validity of previous image if pp is not None: phM = pp make_new_comp = True else: phM.expiration += timedelta(minutes=delta_msg1) if phH.expiration == date: pp = next(gH) # If available image, get it # if not, extend validity of previous image if pp is not None: phH = pp make_new_comp = True else: phH.expiration += timedelta(minutes=delta_himawari) if make_new_comp: comb = phM.patch(phH, 90.75, [ 'CTTH_PRESS', 'CT', 'ctth_status_flag', 'ctth_quality', 'ct_multilayer' ]) comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'][comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'] < 0] = comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'][ comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'] > 65000] = # compact the CT field and the flags into a single 32 bit variable comb.var['cloud_flag'] = (comb.var['CT'].astype(np.uint32) << 24) \ + (comb.var['ctth_quality'].astype(np.uint32) << 16) \ + (comb.var['ct_multilayer'].astype(np.uint32) << 8) \ + comb.var['ctth_status_flag'].astype(np.uint32) comb.var['cloud_flag'].__setmask__(comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'].mask) filename = date.strftime('SAFNWC-PTOP-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M.pkl') day_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, date.strftime('%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d')) try: os.mkdir(day_dir) except: pass # output containing the cloud top pressure and the good/opaq flag fullname = os.path.join(day_dir, filename) with, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([comb.var['CTTH_PRESS'], comb.var['cloud_flag']], f, protocol=3) print('new file', date,['CTTH_PRESS'])) del comb date += timedelta(minutes=delta_time) make_new_comp = False
qual_data = v2018_data.ncid.variables['ctth_quality'][:].data # for i in range(len(flag_values)): if fname == 'All': fmask = np.zeros(flag_data.shape).astype(bool) else: fi = np.where(np.asarray(flag_meaning) == fname)[0][0] fval = flag_values[fi] fmask = ~(flag_data == fval) # qmaks = (qual_data == qual_values[2+3]) | (qual_data == qual_values[2+2]) | (qual_data == qual_values[2+4]) # mask = qmaks | fmask mask = fmask v2018_data._CTTH_PRESS() v2018_data.var['CTTH_PRESS'].data[mask] = v2018_maskprod.fill_value #: Change to new grid v2018_gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA_SAFBox') v2018_p1 = geosat.SatGrid(v2018_data, v2018_gg) v2018_p1._sat_togrid(grid_type) #: Decide which one to use if fm: #: hPa use_data = np.where(v2018_prod != v2018_maskprod.fill_value, v2018_prod / 100, v2018_prod) else: use_data = v2018_p1.var[grid_type].data #: Create mask width valid data v2018_valid_mask = createClimMask(use_data, clim[0], clim[1], v2018_maskprod.fill_value) #: Add to results
Created on Thu Apr 13 17:52:48 2017 This script tests and demonstrates the main features of @author: Bernard Legras """ import geosat #import pickle,gzip #import numpy as np from datetime import datetime #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #%% date = datetime(year=2017, month=3, day=15, hour=19) # Himawari read and plot ah = geosat.Himawari(date) gg = geosat.GeoGrid('FullAMA') ah._get_IR0() ph = geosat.SatGrid(ah, gg) ph._sat_togrid('IR0')'IR0') ph.chart('IR0', txt='BT himawari') # MSG1 read and plot a1 = geosat.MSG1(date) a1._get_IR0() p1 = geosat.SatGrid(a1, gg) p1._sat_togrid('IR0')'IR0') p1.chart('IR0', txt='BT msg1') # MSG3 read and plot a3 = geosat.MSG3(date) a3._get_IR0()
def main(): global IDX_ORGN parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-y", "--year", type=int, help="year") parser.add_argument("-m1", "--month1", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(12), help="month1") parser.add_argument("-m2", "--month2", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(12), help="month2") parser.add_argument("-d1", "--day1", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(31), help="day1") parser.add_argument("-d2", "--day2", type=int, choices=1 + np.arange(31), help="day2") parser.add_argument("-a", "--advect", type=str, choices=["OPZ", "EAD", "EAZ", "EID", "EIZ"], help="source of advecting winds") parser.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", type=str, help="suffix for special cases") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], help="quiet (y) or not (n)") parser.add_argument("-l", "--level", type=int, help="PT level") #parser.add_argument("-c","--clean0",type=bool,help="clean part_000") parser.add_argument("-t", "--step", type=int, help="step in hour between two part files") #parser.add_argument("-ct","--cloud_type",type=str,choices=["meanhigh","veryhigh","silviahigh"],help="cloud type filter") #parser.add_argument("-k","--diffus",type=str,choices=['01','1','001'],help='diffusivity parameter') parser.add_argument("-v", "--vshift", type=int, choices=[0, 10], help='vertical shift') parser.add_argument("-hm", "--hmax", type=int, help='maximum considered integration time (hour)') parser.add_argument("-b", "--bak", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], help="backup (y) or not (n)") parser.add_argument("-c", "--cont", type=str, choices=["y", "n"], help="continuation (y) or not (n)") parser.add_argument("-bs", "--bakstep", type=int, help='backup step (hour)') # to be updated # Define main directories if 'ciclad' in socket.gethostname(): #main_sat_dir = '/data/legras/flexpart_in/SAFNWC' #SVC_Dir = '/bdd/CFMIP/SEL2' traj_dir = '/data/legras/flexout/STC/Sivan' out_dir = '/data/legras/STC' #out_dir = '/data/legras/STC' elif ('climserv' in socket.gethostname()) | ('polytechnique' in socket.gethostname()): traj_dir = '/data/legras/flexout/STC/Sivan' out_dir = '/homedata/legras/STC' else: print('CANNOT RECOGNIZE HOST - DO NOT RUN ON NON DEFINED HOSTS') exit() """ Parameters """ # Output step of the trajectories in hour step = 6 hmax = 3360 #hmax = 18 dstep = timedelta(hours=step) # time width of the parcel slice # might be better passed as a parameter age_bound = 44.5 # time width of the parcel slice slice_width = timedelta(minutes=5) # number of slices between two outputs nb_slices = int(dstep / slice_width) # Number of parcels launched per time slot (1 per degree on a 170x50 grid) granule_size = 8500 # number of granules in step hours granule_step = 6 # size of granules launched during step hours granule_quanta = granule_size * granule_step # default values of parameters # date of the flight year = 2017 month1 = 7 month2 = 9 day1 = 1 day2 = 30 advect = 'EAD' suffix = '' quiet = False clean0 = True backup = False backup_step = 40 * step restart = False #cloud_type = 'silviahigh' #diffus = '01' vshift = 0 level = 380 super = '' # Step of GridSat dtRange = timedelta(hours=3) args = parser.parse_args() if args.year is not None: year = args.year if args.month1 is not None: month1 = args.month1 if args.month2 is not None: month2 = args.month2 if args.advect is not None: advect = args.advect if args.day1 is not None: day1 = args.day1 if args.day2 is not None: day2 = args.day2 if args.level is not None: level = args.level if args.hmax is not None: hmax = args.hmax if args.suffix is not None: suffix = '-' + args.suffix if args.quiet is not None: if args.quiet == 'y': quiet = True else: quiet = False #if args.clean0 is not None: clean0 = args.clean0 #if args.cloud_type is not None: cloud_type = args.cloud_type if args.step is not None: step = args.step #if args.diffus is not None: diffus = args.diffus #diffus = '-D' + diffus if args.vshift is not None: vshift = args.vshift if vshift > 0: super = '-super' + str(vshift) if args.bak is not None: if args.bak == 'y': backup = True else: backup = False if args.bakstep is not None: backup_step = args.bakstep if args.cont is not None: if args.cont == 'y': restart = True else: restart = False # Update the out_dir with the cloud type and the super paramater out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'STC-Sivan-OUT-GridSat-WMO' + super) try: os.mkdir(out_dir) os.mkdir(out_dir + '/out') except: print('out_dir directory already created') # Dates beginning and end date_beg = datetime(year=year, month=month1, day=day1, hour=0) date_end = datetime(year=year, month=month2, day=day2, hour=0) # Manage the file that receives the print output if quiet: # Output file #print_file = os.path.join(out_dir,'out','BACK-SVC-EAD-'+date_beg.strftime('%b-%Y-day%d-')+date_end.strftime('%d-D01')+'.out') print_file = os.path.join( out_dir, 'out', 'Sivan-T2-' + advect + '-JAS-' + date_beg.strftime('%Y-') + str(level) + 'K.out') fsock = open(print_file, 'w') sys.stdout = fsock # initial time to read the sat files # should be after the latest launch date sdate = date_end + timedelta(days=1) print('year', year, 'month1', month1, 'day1', day1, 'month2', month2, 'day2', day2) print('advect', advect) print('suffix', suffix) # patch to fix the problem of the data hole on the evening of 2 August 2017 # should not happen #if sdate == datetime(2017,8,2): sdate = datetime(2017,8,3,6) # Directory of the backward trajectories (input) and name of the output file ftraj = os.path.join( traj_dir, 'Sivan-' + advect + '-JAS-' + date_beg.strftime('%Y-') + str(level) + 'K') out_file2 = os.path.join( out_dir, 'Sivan-T2-' + advect + '-JAS-' + date_beg.strftime('%Y-') + str(level) + 'K.hdf5') # backup file if backup: bak_file_prod0 = os.path.join( out_dir, 'Sivan-T2-' + advect + '-JAS-' + date_beg.strftime('%Y-') + str(level) + 'K-backup-prod0.hdf5') bak_file_params = os.path.join( out_dir, 'Sivan-T2-' + advect + '-JAS-' + date_beg.strftime('%Y-') + str(level) + 'K-backup-params.hdf5') """ Initialization of the calculation """ # Initialize the dictionary of the parcel dictionaries partStep = {} # initialize a grid that will be used to before actually doing any read gg = geosat.GeoGrid('GridSat') # Build the satellite field generator get_sat = read_sat(sdate, dtRange, pre=True, vshift=vshift) # Build the ECMWF field generator (both available at 3 hour interval) get_ERA5 = read_ERA5(sdate, dtRange, pre=True) # Read the index file that contains the initial positions part0 = readidx107(os.path.join(ftraj, 'part_000'), quiet=False) print('numpart', part0['numpart']) numpart = part0['numpart'] numpart_s = granule_size # because of parcels launched at time 0 # stamp_date not set in these runs # current_date actually shifted by one day / sdate # We assume here that part time is defined from this day at 0h # sdate defined above should be equal or posterior to current_date current_date = sdate # check flag is clean print('check flag is clean ',((part0['flag']&I_HIT)!=0).sum(),((part0['flag']&I_DEAD)!=0).sum(),\ ((part0['flag']&I_CROSSED)!=0).sum()) # check idx_orgn if part0['idx_orgn'] != 0: print( 'MINCHIA, IDX_ORGN NOT 0 ASSTC-M55-OUT-SAF-super1silviahigh ASSUMED, CORRECTED WITH READ VALUE' ) print('VALUE ', part0['idx_orgn']) IDX_ORGN = part0['idx_orgn'] idx1 = IDX_ORGN # Build a dictionary to host the results prod0 = defaultdict(dict) prod0['src']['x'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['y'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['p'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['t'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='float') prod0['src']['age'] = np.empty(part0['numpart'], dtype='int') prod0['flag_source'] = part0['flag'] # Set rvs at arbitrary large value prod0['rvs'] = np.full(part0['numpart'], 0.01, dtype='float') # truncate eventually to 32 bits at the output stage # read the part_000 file if not restart: partStep[0] = readpart107(0, ftraj, quiet=False) # cleaning is necessary for runs starting in the fake restart mode # otherwise all parcels are thought to exit at the first step if clean0: partStep[0]['idx_back'] = [] # parcels with longitude east of zero degree are set to negative values partStep[0]['x'][partStep[0]['x'] > 180] -= 360 # number of hists and exits nhits = 0 nexits = 0 ndborne = 0 nnew = granule_size # because of parcels launched at time 0 nold = 0 offset = 0 # initialize datsat to None to force first read datsat = None # used to get non borne parcels (presently unused) #new = np.empty(part0['numpart'],dtype='bool') #new.fill(False) print('Initialization completed') if restart: print('restart run') try: params = fl.load(bak_file_params) prod0 = fl.load(bak_file_prod0) except: print('cannot load backup') return -1 [ offset, nhits, nexits, nold, ndborne, nnew, idx1, numpart_s, current_date ] = params['params'] partStep[offset] = readpart107(offset, ftraj, quiet=True) partStep[offset]['x'][partStep[offset]['x'] > 180] -= 360 # Initialize sat and ERA5 yield one step ahead as a precaution get_sat = read_sat(current_date + dstep, dtRange, pre=True, vshift=vshift) get_ERA5 = read_ERA5(current_date + dstep, dtRange, pre=True) """ Main loop on the output time steps """ for hour in range(step + offset, hmax + 1, step): pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) # Get rid of dictionary no longer used if hour >= 2 * step: try: del partStep[hour - 2 * step] except: print('nothing to delete') # Read the new data partStep[hour] = readpart107(hour, ftraj, quiet=True) # Link the names as views partante = partStep[hour - step] partpost = partStep[hour] # parcels with longitude east of zero degree are set to negative values # done with try to prevent errors when the file is empty try: partpost['x'][partpost['x'] > 180] -= 360 #print("partpost x ",partpost['x'].min(),partpost['x'].max()) except: pass if partpost['nact'] > 0: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact'], ' max p ', partpost['p'].max()) else: print('hour ', hour, ' numact ', partpost['nact']) # New date valid for partpost current_date -= dstep # Processing of water mixing ratio # Select non stopped parcels in partante if len(partante['idx_back']) > 0: selec = (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_STOP) == 0 idx = partante['idx_back'][selec] prod0['rvs'][idx-IDX_ORGN] = np.minimum(prod0['rvs'][idx-IDX_ORGN],\ satratio(partante['p'][selec],partante['t'][selec])) """ Select the parcels that are common to the two steps ketp_a is a logical field with same length as partante kept_p is a logical field with same length as partpost After the launch of the earliest parcel along the flight track, there should not be any member in new The parcels """ kept_a = np.in1d(partante['idx_back'], partpost['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) kept_p = np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'], partante['idx_back'], assume_unique=True) #new_p = ~np.in1d(partpost['idx_back'],partpost['idx_back'],assume_unique=True) print('kept a, p ', len(kept_a), len(kept_p), kept_a.sum(), kept_p.sum(), ' new ', len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum()) nnew += len(partpost['x']) - kept_p.sum() """ PROCESSING OF DEADBORNE PARCELS Manage the parcels launched during the last 6-hour which have already exited and do not appear in posold or posact (borne dead parcels). These parcels are stored in the last part of posact, at most the last granule_quanta parcels. """ if numpart_s < numpart: # First index of the current quanta """ numpart_s += granule_quanta print("manage deadborne idx1", idx1, " numpart_s", numpart_s) # Extract the last granule_size indexes from posacti, this is where the new parcels should be if hour == step: idx_act = partpost['idx_back'] else: idx_act = partpost['idx_back'][-granule_quanta:] # Generate the list of indexes that should be found in this range # This should works for both values of IDX_orgn idx_theor = np.arange(idx1, numpart_s + IDX_ORGN) # Find the missing indexes in idx_act (make a single line after validation) kept_borne = np.in1d(idx_theor, idx_act, assume_unique=True) idx_deadborne = idx_theor[~kept_borne] # Process these parcels by assigning exit at initial location prod0['flag_source'][ idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = prod0['flag_source'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] | I_DEAD + I_DBORNE prod0['src']['x'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['x'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['y'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['y'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['p'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['p'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['t'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = part0['t'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] prod0['src']['age'][idx_deadborne - IDX_ORGN] = 0. print("number of deadborne ", len(idx_deadborne)) ndborne += len(idx_deadborne) idx1 = numpart_s + IDX_ORGN """ PROCESSING OF CROSSED PARCELS """ if len(kept_a) > 0: exits = exiter(int((partante['itime']+partpost['itime'])/2), \ partante['x'][~kept_a],partante['y'][~kept_a],partante['p'][~kept_a],\ partante['t'][~kept_a],partante['idx_back'][~kept_a],\ prod0['flag_source'],prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ part0['ir_start'], gg.box_range) nexits += exits print('exit ', nexits, exits, np.sum(~kept_a), len(kept_a) - len(kept_p)) """ PROCESSING OF PARCELS WHICH ARE COMMON TO THE TWO OUTPUTS """ # Select the kept parcels which have not been hit yet # !!! Never use and between two lists, the result is wrong if kept_p.sum() == 0: live_a = live_p = kept_p else: live_a = np.logical_and( kept_a, (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) live_p = np.logical_and( kept_p, (prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0) print('live a, b ', live_a.sum(), live_p.sum()) """ Correction step that moves partante['x'] to avoid big jumps at the periodicity frontier on the x-axis To be activated in the FULL version""" # if kept_p.sum()>0: # diffx = partpost['x'][live_p] - partante['x'][live_a] # bb = np.zeros(len(diffx)) # bb[diffx>180] = 360 # bb[diffx<-180] = -360 # partante['x'][live_a] += bb # del bb # del diffx # del kept_p # del kept_a # DOES not work in the following WAY #partante['x'][live_a][diffx>180] += 360 #partante['x'][live_a][diffx<-180] -= 360 # Build generator for parcel locations of the 5' slices gsp = get_slice_part(partante, partpost, live_a, live_p, current_date, dstep, slice_width) if verbose: print('built parcel generator for ', current_date) """ MAIN LOOP ON THE PARCEL TIME SLICES """ for i in range(nb_slices): # get the slice for the particles datpart = next(gsp) # Check x within (-180,180), necessary when GridSat is used #if datpart['x'] != []: if len(datpart['x']) > 0: datpart['x'] = (datpart['x'] + 180) % 360 - 180 if verbose: print('part slice ', i, datpart['time']) # Check whether the present satellite image is valid # The while should ensure that the run synchronizes # when it starts. while check(datsat, datpart['time']) is False: # if not get next satellite image datsat = next(get_sat) datera = next(get_ERA5) """ PROCESS THE COMPARISON OF PARCEL PRESSURES TO CLOUDS """ if len(datpart['x']) > 0: # tropopause pressure at the location of the parcels #print('ptropo x ',datpart['x'].min(),datpart['x'].max()) ptrop = datera.fP(np.transpose([datpart['y'], datpart['x']])) nhits += convbirth(datpart['itime'], datpart['x'],datpart['y'],datpart['p'],datpart['t'],datpart['idx_back'],\ prod0['flag_source'],ptrop,prod0['src']['x'],prod0['src']['y'],\ prod0['src']['p'],prod0['src']['t'],prod0['src']['age'],\ datsat.var['IR0'], part0['ir_start'],\ datsat.geogrid.box_range[0,0],datsat.geogrid.box_range[1,0],datsat.geogrid.stepx,\ datsat.geogrid.stepy,datsat.geogrid.box_binx,datsat.geogrid.box_biny) """ End of of loop on slices """ """ INSERT HERE CODE FOR PARCELS ENDING BY AGE Important: if the age limit is set in the run, the age_bound needs to be decremented by one output step. Otherwise, the parcel disappeared and is wrongly processed as crossed.""" # Check the age limit (easier to do it here) if len(partante['idx_back']) > 0: age_sec = part0['ir_start'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] - partante['itime'] IIold_o = age_sec > (age_bound - (step / 24)) * 86400 IIold_o = IIold_o & ( (prod0['flag_source'][partante['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_STOP) == 0) idx_IIold = partante['idx_back'][IIold_o] j_IIold_o = np.where(IIold_o) prod0['flag_source'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = prod0['flag_source'][ idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] | I_DEAD + I_OLD prod0['src']['x'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['x'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['y'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['y'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['p'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['p'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['t'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = partante['t'][j_IIold_o] prod0['src']['age'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] = ( (part0['ir_start'][idx_IIold - IDX_ORGN] - partante['itime']) / 86400) print("manage age limit: number of IIold ", len(idx_IIold)) nold += len(idx_IIold) # find parcels still alive after processing this step if kept_p.sum()==0: try: nlive = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_DEAD) == 0).sum() n_nohit = ((prod0['flag_source'][partpost['idx_back'] - IDX_ORGN] & I_HIT) == 0).sum() except: nlive = 0 n_nohit = 0 # check that nlive + nhits + nexits = numpart, should be true after the first day if numpart_s != nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne + nold: print('@@@ ACHTUNG numpart_s not equal to sum ', numpart_s, nexits + nhits + nlive + ndborne + nold) print('end hour ', hour, ' numact', partpost['nact'], ' nexits', nexits, ' nhits', nhits, ' nlive', nlive, ' nohit', n_nohit, ' nold', nold, flush=True) sys.stdout.flush() if backup & (hour % backup_step == 0):, prod0) bak_file_params, { 'params': [ hour, nhits, nexits, nold, ndborne, nnew, idx1, numpart_s, current_date ] }) """ End of the procedure and storage of the result """ pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use before clean: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) del partante del partpost del live_a del live_p del datpart prod0['rvs'] = prod0['rvs'].astype(np.float32) for var in ['age', 'p', 't', 'x', 'y']: prod0['src'][var] = prod0['src'][var].astype(np.float32) pid = os.getpid() py = psutil.Process(pid) memoryUse = py.memory_info()[0] / 2**30 print('memory use after clean: {:4.2f} gb'.format(memoryUse)) #output file, prod0, compression='zlib') #pickle.dump(prod0,,'wb')) # close the print file if quiet: fsock.close()