def generator( stop_event, partition_queue, step_count=1000, burn_in_ratio=0.1, thinning=5, seed=2020, ): """ Creates and runs generator of map proposals Parameters ---------- step_count : int, Default 1000 steps of chain to run (after burn-in) burn_in_ratio : float, Default 0.1 steps to burn-in for, as a ratio of the total step count (not to collect data) stop_event: multiprocessing.Event tells chain's workers if generation has stopped partition_queue: multiprocessing.Queue structure that takes each partition as it is generated thinning: int, Default 5 Take every <thinning>th result from the chain to minimize dependence seed: int, Default 2020 Random seed for reproducibility """ # FOR REPRODUCIBILITY from gerrychain.random import random random.seed(seed) init_partition = Partition( graph, assignment=race_matrix.to_dict()["partition"], updaters={"population": Tally("population")}, ) chain = MarkovChain( proposal=propose_chunk_flip, constraints=is_valid, accept=always_accept, initial_state=init_partition, total_steps=step_count + burn_in_ratio * step_count, ) iter(chain) burn_bar = trange(int(burn_in_ratio * step_count), desc=f"Burn-in", leave=True, position=0) pbar = trange( int(burn_in_ratio * step_count) + step_count, desc=f"Generating maps", leave=True, position=0, ) # burn-in # for _ in burn_bar: # next(chain) for i in pbar: map_proposal = (i, dict(next(chain).assignment)) # only push proposal to queue if it is <thinning>th proposal if i % thinning == 0: partition_queue.put(map_proposal) stop_event.set() # # send a text when done (SEE FIELDS) # client.messages.create( # to=<YOUR PHONE NUMBER>, # from_=<TWILIO SOUCE NUMBER>, # body=f"{_type.capitalize()} flip for {CITY_NAME} completed.", # ) print(f"{CITY_NAME} Generator: {stop_event.is_set()}")
#### the second argument is a dictionary matching political parties to their #### vote total columns in our shapefile. This will let us compute hypothetical #### election results for each districting plan in the ensemble. election = Election("SEN12", {"Dem": "USS12D", "Rep": "USS12R"}) #### Finally, we create a Partition of the graph. This will be the starting #### point for our Markov chain. initial_partition = Partition(graph, assignment="2011_PLA_1", updaters={ "cut_edges": cut_edges, "population": Tally("TOT_POP", alias="population"), "SEN12": election }) #### With the "population" updater configured, we can see the total population #### in each of our congressional districts. In an interactive Python session, #### we can print out the populations like this: for district, pop in initial_partition["population"].items(): print("District {}: {}".format(district, pop)) #### Notice that partition["population"] is a dictionary mapping the ID of each #### district to its total population (that’s why we can call the .items() #### method on it). Most updaters output values in this dictionary format.
node_shape="s", cmap="tab20", ) # ###CONFIGURE UPDATERS def step_num(partition): parent = partition.parent if not parent: return 0 return parent["step_num"] + 1 updaters = { "population": Tally("population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, "step_num": step_num, "Pink-Purple": Election("Pink-Purple", { "Pink": "pink", "Purple": "purple" }), } # ########BUILD PARTITION grid_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=cddict, updaters=updaters) # ADD CONSTRAINTS # FOr our 10x10 grid, will only allow districts of exactly 10 vertices popbound = within_percent_of_ideal_population(grid_partition, 0.1)
def run_full_chain(chain_name): # # twilio setup, requires proper env variables to be set up (so it will text you when the chain is done) # account = os.environ["TWILIO_ACCT"] # auth = os.environ["TWILIO_AUTH"] # client = Client(account, auth) # get hyperparams parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-s", "--steps", type=int, help="number of steps for each markov chain", default=100000, ) parser.add_argument("city", type=str, help="city name, i.e. Atlanta") parser.add_argument("state", type=str, help="state code, i.e. GA") parser.add_argument( "fips", help="state FIPS code (zero-padded on the end), i.e. 130") args = parser.parse_args() STEP_COUNT = args.steps BURN_IN_RATIO = 0.1 CITY_NAME = STATE = args.state STATE_FIPS = str(args.fips) THINNING_FACTOR = 5 # measure entropy only once every these many iterations of MC race_matrix = load_data(CITY_NAME, STATE, STATE_FIPS, fake=False) R_scratch = race_matrix[[ "partition", "geometry" ]] # scratch version of R for the polsby-popper computation print(race_matrix.head()) # build chain graph = Graph.from_geodataframe(race_matrix, adjacency="queen") nx.set_node_attributes(graph, race_matrix["total"].to_dict(), name="population") init_partition = Partition( graph, assignment=race_matrix.to_dict()["partition"], updaters={"population": Tally("population")}, ) # validators def mean_pop(part): return np.mean(list(part["population"].values())) def min_pop(part): return np.min(list(part["population"].values())) def sd_pop(part): return np.std(list(part["population"].values())) # TODO: only check if GISJOIN in minimum P-P partition have changed # TODO: cache set of GISJOINs for minimum partition for lowest P-P partition # TODO: compare this set to the new one when given a partition # TODO: if set is different, recompute P-P for whole partition, else do nothing def partition_polsby_popper(part, R=R_scratch): """Checks if partition is within polsby-popper metric Args: partition (gerrychain partition): partition map from a single step in the Markov Chain R (geopandas.GeoDataFrame): columns 'partition' and 'geometry' for getting the polygons Returns: function that takes partition and checks if it's within the bounds """ # get all shapes from each district # compute polsby-popper on all districts, get min pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None R.loc[:, "partition"] = R_temp = R.copy(deep=True).dissolve(by="partition") polsby_popper = lambda d: (4 * np.pi * d.area) / (d.length**2 ) # d is a polygon # srs = R["geometry"].map(polsby_popper).values # print(np.min(srs), np.mean(srs), np.max(srs)) # return srs.min() return R_temp["geometry"].map(polsby_popper).min() # return min(polsby_popper_from_R(R).values()) def polsby_popper_from_R(R): """A more stable version of geopandas dissolve.""" from shapely.ops import unary_union # loop through all partitons and unary join them, the return a dict indexed by partition id result = {} polsby_popper = lambda d: (4 * np.pi * d.area) / (d.length**2 ) # d is a polygon for pid in R["partition"].unique(): # get all geometries geom = R.loc[R["partition"] == pid]["geometry"].values result[pid] = polsby_popper(unary_union(geom)) return result def partition_polsby_popper_min( part, R=R_scratch, ): nonlocal min_partition_id nonlocal min_partition_gisjoins nonlocal min_partition_p_p pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None R.loc[:, "partition"] = same_gisjoins = (set( R.loc[R["partition"] == min_partition_id].index.values) == min_partition_gisjoins) if min_partition_id is not None and same_gisjoins: # no change, return the old one return min_partition_p_p else: # something changed, so recompute all partitions # R_temp = R.copy(deep=True).dissolve(by="partition") # p_p_scores = R_temp["geometry"].map(polsby_popper) # min_partition_p_p = p_p_scores.min() # min_partition_id = R_temp.iloc[np.argmin(p_p_scores.values)].name p_p_scores = polsby_popper_from_R(R) min_partition_p_p = min(p_p_scores.values()) min_partition_id = min(p_p_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] min_partition_gisjoins = set( R.loc[R["partition"] == min_partition_id].index.values) if (min_partition_p_p < 0.147): # initial oakland partition has min score of 0.147 print("Rejected with score", min_partition_p_p) return min_partition_p_p mean_one_sd_up = mean_pop(init_partition) + (2 / 3) * sd_pop(init_partition) mean_one_sd_down = mean_pop(init_partition) - (2 / 3) * sd_pop(init_partition) min_partition_id, min_partition_gisjoins, min_partition_p_p = None, set( ), None # initalize and run chains # TODO: record descent is_valid = Validator([ LowerBound(min_pop, min_pop(init_partition) % 50), UpperBound(mean_pop, mean_one_sd_up), LowerBound(mean_pop, mean_one_sd_down), WithinPercentRangeOfBounds(sd_pop, 25), # contiguous, # LowerBound( # partition_polsby_popper, bound=partition_polsby_popper(init_partition) # ), # LowerBound( # partition_polsby_popper_min, # bound=partition_polsby_popper_min(init_partition), # ), no_vanishing_districts, ]) # make sure init_partition passes validators assert is_valid(init_partition) chain = MarkovChain( proposal=propose_chunk_flip, constraints=is_valid, accept=always_accept, initial_state=init_partition, total_steps=(STEP_COUNT * THINNING_FACTOR) + int(STEP_COUNT * BURN_IN_RATIO), ) print(f"Prereqs created, {chain_name} running...") # burn-in of 1000 iter(chain) # print(f"Burn-in: ({int(STEP_COUNT * BURN_IN_RATIO)} steps)") for i in range(int(STEP_COUNT * BURN_IN_RATIO)): if i % 100 == 0: print( f"{chain_name} BURN IN => {i}/{int(STEP_COUNT * BURN_IN_RATIO)}" ) next(chain) # print(f"Measurement: ({STEP_COUNT} steps)") entropies = [] scores = [] start_time = time.time() for i in range(STEP_COUNT * THINNING_FACTOR): if i % 25 == 0: print( f"{chain_name} ELAPSED {round(time.time() - start_time, 1)}s => {len(entropies)}/{STEP_COUNT}" ) if i % THINNING_FACTOR == 0: part = next(chain) entropies.append(chain_to_entropy(part, race_matrix)) scores.append(partition_polsby_popper_min(part)) else: next(chain)"./results_2020/polsby_popper_oakland.npy", np.array(scores)) save_results( CITY_NAME, STEP_COUNT, chain_name, baseline=chain_to_entropy(init_partition, race_matrix), entropies=entropies, )
def run_ensemble_on_distro(graph, min_pop_col, maj_pop_col, tot_pop_col, num_districts, initial_plan, num_steps, pop_tol = 0.05, min_win_thresh = 0.5): """Runs a Recom chain on a given graph with a given minority/majority population distribution and returns lists of cut edges, minority seat wins, and tuples of minority percentage by district for each step of the chain. Parameters: graph (networkx.Graph) -- a NetworkX graph object representing the dual graph on which to run the chain. The nodes should have attributes for majority population, minority population, and total population. min_pop_col (string) -- the key/column name for the minority population attribute in graph maj_pop_col (string) -- the key/column name for the majority population attribute in graph tot_pop_col (string) -- the key/column name for the total population attribute in graph num_districts (int) -- number of districts to run for the chain initial_plan (gerrychain.Partition) -- an initial partition for the chain (which does not need updaters since the function will supply its own updaters) num_steps (int) -- the number of steps for which to run the chain pop_tol (float, default 0.05) -- tolerance for deviation from perfectly balanced populations between districts min_win_thresh (float, default 0.5) -- percent of minority population needed in a district for it to be considered a minority win. If the minority percentage in a district is greater than or equal to min_win_thresh then that district is considered a minority win. Returns: [cut_edges_list,min_seats_list,min_percents_list] (list) WHERE cut_edges_list (list) -- list where cut_edges_list[i] is the number of cut edges in the partition at step i of the Markov chain min_seats_list -- list where min_seats_list[i] is the number of districts won by the minority (according to min_win_thresh) at step i of the chain min_percents_list -- list where min_percents_list[i] is a tuple, with min_percents_list[i][j] being the minority percentage in district j at step i of the chain """ my_updaters = { "population": Tally(tot_pop_col, alias = "population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, "maj-min": Election("maj-min", {"maj": maj_pop_col, "min": min_pop_col}), } initial_partition = Partition(graph = initial_plan.graph, assignment = initial_plan.assignment, updaters = my_updaters) # ADD CONSTRAINTS popbound = within_percent_of_ideal_population(initial_partition, 0.1) # ########Setup Proposal ideal_population = sum(initial_partition["population"].values()) / len(initial_partition) tree_proposal = partial( recom, pop_col=tot_pop_col, pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=pop_tol, node_repeats=1, ) # ######BUILD MARKOV CHAINS recom_chain = MarkovChain( tree_proposal, Validator([popbound]), accept=always_accept, initial_state=initial_partition, total_steps=num_steps, ) cut_edges_list = [] min_seats_list = [] min_percents_list = [] for part in recom_chain: cut_edges_list.append(len(part["cut_edges"])) min_percents_list.append(part["maj-min"].percents("min")) min_seats = (np.array(part["maj-min"].percents("min")) >= min_win_thresh).sum() min_seats_list.append(min_seats) return [cut_edges_list,min_seats_list,min_percents_list]
graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, df[uid]) elections = [ Election("PRES16", { "Democratic": "PRES16D", "Republican": "PRES16R" }), Election("SEN16", { "Democratic": "SEN16D", "Republican": "SEN16R" }) ] #my_updaters = {"population" : updaters.Tally("TOTPOP", alias="population")} my_updaters = { "population": Tally(pop_col, alias="population"), "cpop": Tally(ccol, alias="cpop"), "cut_edges": cut_edges } election_updaters = { election for election in elections} my_updaters.update(election_updaters) tot_pop_col = 0 tot_ccol = 0 #for tallying over totpop: #for n in graph.nodes(): # graph.node[n][pop_col] = int(graph.node[n][pop_col]) # tot_pop_col += graph.node[n][pop_col] #cddict = recursive_tree_part(graph,range(num_districts),tot_pop_col/num_districts,pop_col,0.01,1)
def partition_with_pop(graph_with_pop): return Partition( graph_with_pop, {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1}, updaters={"pop": Tally("pop"), "cut_edges": cut_edges}, )
def demo(): graph_path = "./Data/PA_VTDALL.json" graph = Graph.from_json(graph_path) k = 18 ep = 0.05 pop_col = "TOT_POP" plot_path = "./Data/VTD_FINAL" unit_df = gpd.read_file(plot_path) unit_col = "GEOID10" division_col = "COUNTYFP10" divisions = unit_df[[division_col, 'geometry']].dissolve(by=division_col, aggfunc='sum') county_dict = pd.Series(unit_df[division_col].values, index=unit_df[unit_col]).to_dict() for v in graph.nodes: graph.nodes[v]['division'] = county_dict[v] graph.nodes[v][unit_col] = v updaters = { "population": Tally("TOT_POP", alias="population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, } cddict = recursive_tree_part(graph, range(k), unit_df[pop_col].sum() / k, pop_col, .01, node_repeats=1) initial_partition = Partition(graph, cddict, updaters) ideal_population = sum( initial_partition["population"].values()) / len(initial_partition) division_proposal = partial(recom, pop_col=pop_col, pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=0.05, method=partial(division_bipartition_tree, division_col='division'), node_repeats=2) chain = MarkovChain(proposal=division_proposal, constraints=[ constraints.within_percent_of_ideal_population( initial_partition, 0.05), ], accept=accept.always_accept, initial_state=initial_partition, total_steps=1000) t = 0 snapshot = 100 for part in chain: if t % snapshot == 0: draw_graph(graph, part.assignment, unit_df, divisions, './figs/chain_' + str(t) + '.png', geo_id=unit_col) print( "t: ", t, ", num_splits: ", num_splits(part, unit_df, geo_id=unit_col, division_col=division_col), ", cut_length", cut_length(part)) t += 1
# get enacted map open graph = Graph.from_file( "/Users/hopecj/projects/gerryspam/MO/dat/final_prec/prec_labeled.shp") elections = [ Election("USSEN16", { "Dem": "G16USSDKAN", "Rep": "G16USSRBLU" }), Election("PRES16", { "Dem": "G16PREDCLI", "Rep": "G16PRERTRU" }) ] mo_updaters = { "population": Tally("POP10", alias="population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, } election_updaters = { election for election in elections} mo_updaters.update(election_updaters) sen_part = Partition(graph, assignment="SLDUST", updaters=mo_updaters) sen_part["PRES16"].efficiency_gap() sen_part.plot(cmap="tab20") # show the state senate map cong_part = Partition(graph, assignment="SLDLST", updaters=mo_updaters) # load parts (aka district maps) from gerrychain # "assignment" = mapping of node IDs to district IDs sen_parts = np.load( "/Users/hopecj/projects/gerryspam/MO/res/MO_state_senate_100000_0.05_parts.p"
def chain(iterations): idef = random.randint(1, 10000) graph = Graph.from_json("./PA_VTD.json") election = Election("SEN12", {"Dem": "USS12D", "Rep": "USS12R"}) initial_partition = GeographicPartition(graph, assignment="2011_PLA_1", updaters={ "cut_edges": cut_edges, "population": Tally("TOT_POP", alias="population"), "SEN12": election }) ideal_population = sum( initial_partition["population"].values()) / len(initial_partition) # We use functools.partial to bind the extra parameters (pop_col, pop_target, epsilon, node_repeats) # of the recom proposal. proposal = partial(recom, pop_col="TOT_POP", pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=0.02, node_repeats=2) chain = MarkovChain(proposal=proposal, constraints=[], accept=contiguous, initial_state=initial_partition, total_steps=iterations + 100) count = 0 metrics = [] boundary_nodes = [] boundary_weighted = [] for partition in chain.with_progress_bar(): mm = mean_median(partition["SEN12"]) p = pp(partition) bias = partisan_bias(partition["SEN12"]) gini = partisan_gini(partition["SEN12"]) gap = efficiency_gap(partition["SEN12"]) cut = len(partition["cut_edges"]) if count >= 100: metrics.append((mm, p, bias, gini, gap, cut)) nodes = [0] * 8921 bnodes = [0] * 8921 for edge in partition["cut_edges"]: nodes[edge[0]] = 1 nodes[edge[1]] = 1 bnodes[edge[0]] += 1 bnodes[edge[1]] += 1 boundary_nodes.append(nodes) boundary_weighted.append(bnodes) if count % 100 == 0: print(idef, count, mm, p, bias, gini, gap, cut) count += 1 return metrics, boundary_nodes, boundary_weighted
largest_component_size = max(len(c) for c in components) to_delete = [c for c in components if len(c) != largest_component_size] for c in to_delete: for node in c: graph.remove_node(node) election = Election("PRETOT16", {"Dem": "PREDEM16", "Rep": "PREREP16"}) #Create initial parition based on congressional districts initial_partition = Partition( graph, assignment="CON", updaters={ "cut_edges": cut_edges, "population": Tally("PERSONS", alias="population"), "PRETOT16": election } ) # Example set of NoInitialChains to run: pop_constraint = constraints.within_percent_of_ideal_population(initial_partition, 0.06) compactness_bound = constraints.UpperBound( lambda p: len(p["cut_edges"]), 2*len(initial_partition["cut_edges"]) ) chainFlipAlwaysShort = NoInitialChain( proposal=propose_random_flip, constraints=[single_flip_contiguous, pop_constraint,
def main(config_data, id): """Runs a single experiment with the given config file. Loads a graph, runs a Chain to search for a Gerrymander, metamanders around that partition, runs another chain, and then saves the generated data. Args: config_data (Object): configuration of experiment loaded from JSON file id (String): id of experiment, used in tags to differentiate between experiments """ try: timeBeg = time.time() print('Experiment', id, 'has begun') # Save configuration into global variable global config config = config_data # Get graph and dual graph, dual = preprocessing(config["INPUT_GRAPH_FILENAME"]) # List of districts in original graph parts = list(set([graph.nodes[node][config['ASSIGN_COL']] for node in graph.nodes()])) # Ideal population of districts ideal_pop = sum([graph.nodes[node][config['POP_COL']] for node in graph.nodes()]) / len(parts) # Initialize partition election = Election( config['ELECTION_NAME'], {'PartyA': config['PARTY_A_COL'], 'PartyB': config['PARTY_B_COL']} ) updaters = {'population': Tally(config['POP_COL']), 'cut_edges': cut_edges, config['ELECTION_NAME'] : election } origPartition = Partition(graph=graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) minAvg, minPartition = float('inf'), None for i in range(config['RUNS_PER_K_VAL']): tempGraph = copy.deepcopy(origPartition.graph) face_sierpinski_mesh(origPartition, tempGraph , getKFaces(dual, config['k'])) # Refresh assignment and election of partition updaters[config['ELECTION_NAME']] = Election( config['ELECTION_NAME'], {'PartyA': config['PARTY_A_COL'], 'PartyB': config['PARTY_B_COL']} ) newPartition = Partition(graph=tempGraph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) if (avg := run_chain(newPartition, config['CHAIN_TYPE'], config['TEST_META_LENGTH'], ideal_pop, id + 'a' + str(i), config['TEST_RUN_STATS_TAG'] + id + str(i))) < minAvg: minAvg, minPartition = avg, newPartition updaters[config['ELECTION_NAME']] = Election( config['ELECTION_NAME'], {'PartyA': config['PARTY_A_COL'], 'PartyB': config['PARTY_B_COL']} ) partition = Partition(graph=minPartition.graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) # Run chain again run_chain(partition, config['CHAIN_TYPE'], config['FULL_CHAIN_LENGTH'], ideal_pop, id + 'b', config['FULL_RUN_STATS_TAG'] + id) # Save data from experiment to JSON files drawGraph(partition.graph, 'cut_times', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_single_raw_' + id) drawGraph(partition.graph, 'sibling_cuts', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_single_adjusted_' + id) drawDoubleGraph(partition.graph, 'cut_times', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_double_raw_' + id) drawDoubleGraph(partition.graph, 'sibling_cuts', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_double_adjusted_' + id) saveGraphStatistics(partition.graph, config['GRAPH_STATISTICS_TAG'] + id) print('Experiment {} completed in {:.2f} seconds'.format(id, time.time() - timeBeg))
POP_COL = "TOTPOP" NUM_DISTRICTS = num_districts_in_map[] ITERS = args.n EPS = args.eps #epsilons[] ## Pull in graph and set up updaters print("Reading in Data/Graph") df = gpd.read_file("data/OR_blocks/OR_blocks.shp") with open("data/OR_blocks/OR_block_graph.p", "rb") as f_in: graph = pickle.load(f_in) or_updaters = {"population" : Tally(POP_COL, alias="population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, "VAP": Tally("VAP"), "WVAP": Tally("WVAP"), "HVAP": Tally("HVAP"), "ASIANVAP": Tally("ASIANVAP"), "HVAP_perc": lambda p: {k: (v / p["VAP"][k]) for k, v in p["HVAP"].items()}, "WVAP_perc": lambda p: {k: (v / p["VAP"][k]) for k, v in p["WVAP"].items()}, "ASIANVAP_perc": lambda p: {k: (v / p["VAP"][k]) for k, v in p["ASIANVAP"].items()}, "HAVAP_perc": lambda p: {k: ((p["HVAP"][k] + p["ASIANVAP"][k]) / v) for k, v in p["VAP"].items()},} # election_updaters = { election for election in elections} # or_updaters.update(election_updaters) ## Create seed plans and Set up Markov chain
Election("AG16", { "Dem": "AG16D", "Rep": "AG16R" }), Election("SOS16", { "Dem": "SOS16D", "Rep": "SOS16R" }), Election("GOV18", { "Dem": "GOV18D", "Rep": "GOV18R" }) ] or_updaters = { "population": Tally(POP_COL, alias="population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges } election_updaters = { election for election in elections} or_updaters.update(election_updaters) ## Create seed plans and Set up Markov chain print("Creating seed plan") total_pop = sum(df[POP_COL]) ideal_pop = total_pop / NUM_DISTRICTS cddict = recursive_tree_part(graph=graph, parts=range(NUM_DISTRICTS),
def main(): #gerrychain parameters #num districts k = 12 epsilon = .05 updaters = { 'population': Tally('population'), 'cut_edges': cut_edges, } graph, dual = preprocessing("json/NC.json") ideal_population = sum(graph.nodes[x]["population"] for x in graph.nodes()) / k faces = graph.graph["faces"] faces = list(faces) #random.choice(faces) will return a random face #TODO: run gerrychain on graph totpop = 0 for node in graph.nodes(): totpop += int(graph.nodes[node]['population']) # length of chain steps = 30000 #beta thereshold, how many steps to hold beta at 0 temperature = 1 beta_threshold = 10000 #length of each gerrychain step gerrychain_steps = 250 #faces that are currently sierp special_faces = [] chain_output = {'dem_seat_data': [], 'rep_seat_data': [], 'score': []} #start with small score to move in right direction chain_output['score'].append(1 / 1100000) z = 0 for i in range(steps): if z % 100 == 0: z += 1 print("step ", z) face = random.choice(faces) ##Makes the Markov chain lazy -- this just makes the chain aperiodic. if random.random() > .5: if not face in special_faces: special_faces.append(face) else: special_faces.remove(face) face_sierpinski_mesh(graph, special_faces) initial_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) # Sets up Markov chain popbound = within_percent_of_ideal_population(initial_partition, epsilon) tree_proposal = partial( recom, pop_col=config['POP_COL'], pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=epsilon, node_repeats=1, method=facefinder.my_mst_bipartition_tree_random) #make new function -- this computes the energy of the current map exp_chain = MarkovChain(tree_proposal, Validator([popbound]), accept=accept.always_accept, initial_state=initial_partition, total_steps=gerrychain_steps) seats_won_for_republicans = [] seats_won_for_democrats = [] for part in exp_chain: rep_seats_won = 0 dem_seats_won = 0 for i in range(k): rep_votes = 0 dem_votes = 0 for n in graph.nodes(): if part.assignment[n] == i: rep_votes += graph.nodes[n]["EL16G_PR_R"] dem_votes += graph.nodes[n]["EL16G_PR_D"] total_seats_dem = int(dem_votes > rep_votes) total_seats_rep = int(rep_votes > dem_votes) rep_seats_won += total_seats_rep dem_seats_won += total_seats_dem seats_won_for_republicans.append(rep_seats_won) seats_won_for_democrats.append(dem_seats_won) score = statistics.mean(seats_won_for_republicans) ##This is the acceptance step of the Metropolis-Hasting's algorithm. if random.random() < min( 1, (math.exp(score) / chain_output['score'][z - 1]) **(1 / temperature)): #if code acts weird, check if sign is wrong, unsure #rand < min(1, P(x')/P(x)) chain_output['dem_seat_data'].append(seats_won_for_democrats) chain_output['rep_seat_data'].append(seats_won_for_republicans) chain_output['score'].append( math.exp(statistics.mean(seats_won_for_republicans))) else: chain_output['dem_seat_data'].append( chain_output['dem_seat_data'][z - 1]) chain_output['rep_seat_data'].append( chain_output['rep_seat_data'][z - 1]) chain_output['score'].append(chain_output['score'][z - 1])
def main(): """ Contains majority of expermiment. Runs a markov chain on the state dual graph, determining how the distribution is affected to changes in the state dual graph. Raises: RuntimeError if PROPOSAL_TYPE of config file is neither 'sierpinski' nor 'convex' """ output_directory = createDirectory(config) epsilon = config["epsilon"] k = config["NUM_DISTRICTS"] updaters = { 'population': Tally('population'), 'cut_edges': cut_edges, } graph, dual = preprocessing(config["INPUT_GRAPH_FILENAME"], output_directory) ideal_population = sum(graph.nodes[x]["population"] for x in graph.nodes()) / k faces = graph.graph["faces"] faces = list(faces) square_faces = [face for face in faces if len(face) == 4] totpop = 0 for node in graph.nodes(): totpop += int(graph.nodes[node]['population']) #length of chain steps = config["CHAIN_STEPS"] #length of each gerrychain step gerrychain_steps = config["GERRYCHAIN_STEPS"] #faces that are currently modified. Code maintains list of modified faces, and at each step selects a face. if face is already in list, #the face is un-modified, and if it is not, the face is modified by the specified proposal type. special_faces = set( [face for face in square_faces if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < .5]) chain_output = defaultdict(list) #start with small score to move in right direction print("Choosing", math.floor(len(faces) * config['PERCENT_FACES']), "faces of the dual graph at each step") max_score = -math.inf #this is the main markov chain for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, steps + 1), ncols=100, desc="Chain Progress"): special_faces_proposal = copy.deepcopy(special_faces) proposal_graph = copy.deepcopy(graph) if (config["PROPOSAL_TYPE"] == "sierpinski"): for i in range(math.floor(len(faces) * config['PERCENT_FACES'])): face = random.choice(faces) ##Makes the Markov chain lazy -- this just makes the chain aperiodic. if random.random() > .5: if not (face in special_faces_proposal): special_faces_proposal.append(face) else: special_faces_proposal.remove(face) face_sierpinski_mesh(proposal_graph, special_faces_proposal) elif (config["PROPOSAL_TYPE"] == "add_edge"): for j in range( math.floor(len(square_faces) * config['PERCENT_FACES'])): face = random.choice(square_faces) ##Makes the Markov chain lazy -- this just makes the chain aperiodic. if random.random() > .5: if not (face in special_faces_proposal): special_faces_proposal.add(face) else: special_faces_proposal.remove(face) add_edge_proposal(proposal_graph, special_faces_proposal) else: raise RuntimeError( 'PROPOSAL TYPE must be "sierpinski" or "convex"') initial_partition = Partition(proposal_graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) # Sets up Markov chain popbound = within_percent_of_ideal_population(initial_partition, epsilon) tree_proposal = partial(recom, pop_col=config['POP_COL'], pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=epsilon, node_repeats=1) #make new function -- this computes the energy of the current map exp_chain = MarkovChain(tree_proposal, Validator([popbound]), accept=accept.always_accept, initial_state=initial_partition, total_steps=gerrychain_steps) seats_won_for_republicans = [] seats_won_for_democrats = [] for part in exp_chain: rep_seats_won = 0 dem_seats_won = 0 for j in range(k): rep_votes = 0 dem_votes = 0 for n in graph.nodes(): if part.assignment[n] == j: rep_votes += graph.nodes[n]["EL16G_PR_R"] dem_votes += graph.nodes[n]["EL16G_PR_D"] total_seats_dem = int(dem_votes > rep_votes) total_seats_rep = int(rep_votes > dem_votes) rep_seats_won += total_seats_rep dem_seats_won += total_seats_dem seats_won_for_republicans.append(rep_seats_won) seats_won_for_democrats.append(dem_seats_won) seat_score = statistics.mean(seats_won_for_republicans) #implement modified mattingly simulated annealing scheme, from evaluating partisan gerrymandering in wisconsin if i <= math.floor(steps * .67): beta = i / math.floor(steps * .67) else: beta = (i / math.floor(steps * .67)) * 100 temperature = 1 / (beta) weight_seats = 1 weight_flips = -.2 config['PERCENT_FACES'] = config['PERCENT_FACES'] flip_score = len( special_faces) # This is the number of edges being swapped score = weight_seats * seat_score + weight_flips * flip_score ##This is the acceptance step of the Metropolis-Hasting's algorithm. Specifically, rand < min(1, P(x')/P(x)), where P is the energy and x' is proposed state #if the acceptance criteria is met or if it is the first step of the chain def update_outputs(): chain_output['dem_seat_data'].append(seats_won_for_democrats) chain_output['rep_seat_data'].append(seats_won_for_republicans) chain_output['score'].append(score) chain_output['seat_score'].append(seat_score) chain_output['flip_score'].append(flip_score) def propagate_outputs(): for key in chain_output.keys(): chain_output[key].append(chain_output[key][-1]) if i == 1: update_outputs() special_faces = copy.deepcopy(special_faces_proposal) #this is the simplified form of the acceptance criteria, for intuitive purposes #exp((1/temperature) ( proposal_score - previous_score)) elif np.random.uniform(0, 1) < (math.exp(score) / math.exp( chain_output['score'][-1]))**(1 / temperature): update_outputs() special_faces = copy.deepcopy(special_faces_proposal) else: propagate_outputs() #if score is highest seen, save map. if score > max_score: #todo: all graph coloring for graph changes that produced this score nx.write_gpickle(proposal_graph, output_directory + '/' + "max_score", pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f = open(output_directory + "/max_score_data.txt", "w+") f.write("maximum score: " + str(score) + "\n" + "edges changed: " + str(len(special_faces)) + "\n" + "Seat Score: " + str(seat_score)) save_obj(special_faces, output_directory + '/', "special_faces") max_score = score plt.plot(range(len(chain_output['score'])), chain_output['score']) plt.xlabel("Meta-Chain Step") plt.ylabel("Score") plot_name = output_directory + '/' + 'score' + '.png' plt.savefig(plot_name) ## Todo: Add scatter plot of the seat_score and flip_score here. save_obj(chain_output, output_directory, "chain_output")
return parent["step_num"] + 1 bnodes = [ x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.node[x]["boundary_node"] == 1 ] def bnodes_p(partition): return [ x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.node[x]["boundary_node"] == 1 ] updaters = { 'population': Tally('population'), "boundary": bnodes_p, "slope": boundary_slope, 'cut_edges': cut_edges, 'step_num': step_num, 'b_nodes': b_nodes_bi, 'base': new_base, 'geom': geom_wait, #"Pink-Purple": Election("Pink-Purple", {"Pink":"pink","Purple":"purple"}) } #########BUILD PARTITION grid_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=cddict, updaters=updaters)
graph.nodes[node]["area"] = float(graph.nodes[node][area_name]) ####################################################################### # ititialize partitions tree_walk = False population_size = 10 #IOWA starting # init_dists = {88: 0, 75: 0, 98: 0, 82: 0, 45: 0, 29: 0, 33: 0, 37: 0, 96: 0, 80: 0, 78: 0, 40: 0, 81: 0, 63: 0, 83: 0, 1: 0, 74: 0, 0: 0, 62: 0, 4: 0, 86: 0, 27: 0, 6: 0, 52: 0, 89: 0, 11: 0, 91: 0, 15: 0, 23: 0, 31: 0, 85: 0, 59: 0, 5: 1, 10: 1, 38: 1, 8: 1, 92: 1, 16: 1, 24: 1, 53: 1, 76: 1, 94: 1, 28: 1, 35: 1, 34: 1, 51: 2, 93: 2, 54: 2, 95: 2, 25: 2, 73: 2, 22: 2, 47: 2, 71: 2, 41: 2, 60: 3, 17: 3, 12: 3, 30: 3, 65: 3, 79: 3, 36: 3, 50: 3, 56: 3, 58: 3, 49: 3, 18: 3, 9: 3, 7: 3, 87: 3, 90: 3, 44: 3, 77: 3, 13: 3, 14: 3, 66: 3, 42: 3, 20: 3, 69: 3, 55: 3, 70: 3, 46: 3, 19: 3, 61: 3, 2: 3, 67: 3, 97: 3, 43: 3, 72: 3, 26: 3, 39: 3, 84: 3, 32: 3, 64: 3, 21: 3, 57: 3, 3: 3, 48: 3, 68: 3} # cddict = {v:int(init_dists[v]) for v in graph.nodes()} #general starting cddict = recursive_tree_part(graph, range(k), ideal_pop, "TOTPOP", .02, 3) updaters = { "population": Tally("TOTPOP", alias="population"), "cut_edges": cut_edges, "centroids": centroids_x_y_area } init_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=cddict, updaters=updaters) if tree_walk: ideal_population = sum( init_partition["population"].values()) / len(init_partition) proposal = partial( recom, pop_col="TOTPOP", pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=0.02,
else: beta = 3 return beta fips = "05" graph = Graph.from_json("./BG05/BG05.json") totpop = sum([int(graph.nodes[n]["TOTPOP"]) for n in graph.nodes]) for n in graph.nodes: graph.nodes[n]["TOTPOP"] = int(graph.nodes[n]["TOTPOP"]) betas = [] ts = [] myupdaters = { 'population': Tally('TOTPOP', alias="population"), 'cut_edges': cut_edges, 'step_num': step_num, } runlist = [0] partdict = {r: [] for r in runlist} allparts = [] #run annealing flip for run in runlist: initial_ass = recursive_tree_part(graph, range(6), totpop / 6, "TOTPOP", .01, 1) initial_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=initial_ass, updaters=myupdaters)
def run_experiment(bases=[2 * 2.63815853], pops=[.1], time_between_outputs=10000, total_run_length=100000000000000): mu = 2.63815853 subsequence_step_size = 10000 balances_burn_in = 1000000 #ignore the first 10000 balances # creating the boundary figure plot plt.figure() fig = plt.figure() #fig_intervals = plt.figure() #ax2=fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') #ax.set_axis_off() #ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for pop1 in pops: for base in bases: for alignment in [1]: gn = 20 k = 2 ns = 120 p = .5 graph = nx.grid_graph([k * gn, k * gn]) ########## BUILD ASSIGNMENT #cddict = {x: int(x[0]/gn) for x in graph.nodes()} cddict = {x: 1 - 2 * int(x[0] / gn) for x in graph.nodes()} for n in graph.nodes(): if alignment == 0: if n[0] > 19: cddict[n] = 1 else: cddict[n] = -1 elif alignment == 1: if n[1] > 19: cddict[n] = 1 else: cddict[n] = -1 elif alignment == 2: if n[0] > n[1]: cddict[n] = 1 elif n[0] == n[1] and n[0] > 19: cddict[n] = 1 else: cddict[n] = -1 elif alignment == 10: #This is for debugging the case of reaching trivial partitions. if n[0] == 10 and n[1] == 10: cddict[n] = 1 else: cddict[n] = -1 for n in graph.nodes(): graph.nodes[n]["population"] = 1 graph.nodes[n]["part_sum"] = cddict[n] graph.nodes[n]["last_flipped"] = 0 graph.nodes[n]["num_flips"] = 0 if random.random() < p: graph.nodes[n]["pink"] = 1 graph.nodes[n]["purple"] = 0 else: graph.nodes[n]["pink"] = 0 graph.nodes[n]["purple"] = 1 if 0 in n or k * gn - 1 in n: graph.nodes[n]["boundary_node"] = True graph.nodes[n]["boundary_perim"] = 1 else: graph.nodes[n]["boundary_node"] = False #graph.add_edges_from([((0,1),(1,0)), ((0,38),(1,39)), ((38,0),(39,1)), ((38,39),(39,38))]) for edge in graph.edges(): graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['cut_times'] = 0 #this part adds queen adjacency #for i in range(k*gn-1): # for j in range(k*gn): # if j<(k*gn-1): # graph.add_edge((i,j),(i+1,j+1)) # graph[(i,j)][(i+1,j+1)]["shared_perim"]=0 # if j >0: # graph.add_edge((i,j),(i+1,j-1)) # graph[(i,j)][(i+1,j-1)]["shared_perim"]=0 #graph.remove_nodes_from([(0,0),(0,39),(39,0),(39,39)]) #del cddict[(0,0)] #del cddict[(0,39)] # cddict[(39,0)] #del cddict[(39,39)] ######PLOT GRIDS """ plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, pos = {x:x for x in graph.nodes()} ,node_size = ns, node_shape ='s') cdict = {1:'pink',0:'purple'} plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, pos = {x:x for x in graph.nodes()}, node_color = [cdict[graph.nodes[x]["pink"]] for x in graph.nodes()],node_size = ns, node_shape ='s' ) plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, pos = {x:x for x in graph.nodes()}, node_color = [cddict[x] for x in graph.nodes()] ,node_size = ns, node_shape ='s',cmap = 'tab20') """ ####CONFIGURE UPDATERS def new_base(partition): return base def step_num(partition): parent = partition.parent if not parent: return 0 return parent["step_num"] + 1 bnodes = [ x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.nodes[x]["boundary_node"] == 1 ] def bnodes_p(partition): return [ x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.nodes[x]["boundary_node"] == 1 ] updaters = { 'population': Tally('population'), "boundary": bnodes_p, #"slope": boundary_slope, 'cut_edges': cut_edges, 'step_num': step_num, 'b_nodes': b_nodes_bi, 'base': new_base, 'geom': geom_wait, #"Pink-Purple": Election("Pink-Purple", {"Pink":"pink","Purple":"purple"}) } balances = [] #########BUILD PARTITION grid_partition = Partition(graph, assignment=cddict, updaters=updaters) #ADD CONSTRAINTS popbound = within_percent_of_ideal_population( grid_partition, pop1) #plt.figure() #nx.draw(graph, pos = {x:x for x in graph.nodes()}, node_color = [dict(grid_partition.assignment)[x] for x in graph.nodes()] ,node_size = ns, node_shape ='s',cmap = 'tab20') #plt.savefig("./plots/"+str(alignment)+"B"+str(int(100*base))+"P"+str(int(100*pop1))+"start.png") #plt.close() #########Setup Proposal ideal_population = sum(grid_partition["population"].values() ) / len(grid_partition) tree_proposal = partial(recom, pop_col="population", pop_target=ideal_population, epsilon=pop1, node_repeats=1) #######BUILD MARKOV CHAINS exp_chain = MarkovChain( slow_reversible_propose_bi, Validator([ single_flip_contiguous, popbound #,boundary_condition ]), accept=cut_accept, initial_state=grid_partition, total_steps=total_run_length) #########Run MARKOV CHAINS rsw = [] rmm = [] reg = [] rce = [] rbn = [] waits = [] slopes = [] angles = [] angles_safe = [] ends_vectors_normalized = LinkedList() ends_vectors_normalized_bloated = LinkedList() import time st = time.time() total_waits = 0 last_total_waits = 0 t = 0 subsequence_timer = 0 balances = {} for b in np.linspace(0, 2, 100001): balances[int(b * 100) / 100] = 0 #first_partition = True for part in exp_chain: rce.append(len(part["cut_edges"])) wait_time_rv = part.geom waits.append(wait_time_rv) total_waits += wait_time_rv rbn.append(len(list(part["b_nodes"]))) if total_waits > subsequence_timer + subsequence_step_size: last_total_waits = total_waits ends = boundary_ends(part) if len(ends) == 2: ends_vector = np.asarray(ends[1]) - np.asarray( ends[0]) ends_vector_normalized = ends_vector / np.linalg.norm( ends_vector) #if first_partition == True: # ends_vectors_normalized.last_vector = ends_vector_normalized # first_partition = False if ends_vectors_normalized.last: # We choose the vector that preserves continuity # previous_angle = ends_vectors_normalized.last_value() previous = ends_vectors_normalized.last_vector d_previous = np.linalg.norm( previous - ends_vector_normalized) d_previous_neg = np.linalg.norm( previous + ends_vector_normalized) if d_previous < d_previous_neg: continuous_lift = ends_vector_normalized else: continuous_lift = -1 * ends_vector_normalized #print(previous, ends_vector_normalized) else: continuous_lift = ends_vector_normalized # *random.choice([-1,1]) # just to debias it, in the regime of very unbalanced partitions # that touch the empty partition frequently else: continuous_lift = [0, 0] ##############For Debugging############# ''' if total_waits > subsequence_timer + subsequence_step_size: last_total_waits = total_waits ends = boundary_ends(part) if ends: ends_vector = np.asarray(ends[1]) - np.asarray(ends[0]) ends_vector_normalized = ends_vector / np.linalg.norm(ends_vector) if ends_vectors_normalized_bloated.last: # We choose the vector that preserves continuity previous = ends_vectors_normalized_bloated.last_value() d_previous = np.linalg.norm( ends_vector_normalized - previous) d_previous_neg = np.linalg.norm( ends_vector_normalized + previous ) if d_previous < d_previous_neg: continuous_lift_bloated = ends_vector_normalized else: continuous_lift_bloated = -1* ends_vector_normalized else: continuous_lift_bloated = ends_vector_normalized # *random.choice([-1,1]) # just to debias it, in the regime of very unbalanced partitions # that touch the empty partition frequently else: continuous_lift_bloated = [0,0] ''' ################ # Pop balance stuff: left_pop, right_pop = part["population"].values() ideal_population = (left_pop + right_pop) / 2 left_bal = (left_pop / ideal_population) right_bal = (right_pop / ideal_population) while subsequence_timer < total_waits: subsequence_timer += subsequence_step_size if (continuous_lift == np.asarray([0, 0])).all(): lifted_angle = False print("false") draw_other_plots(balances, graph, alignment, "NonSimplyConnected", base, pop1, part, ns) #Flag to hold the exceptional case of the boundary vanishing else: lifted_angle = np.arctan2( continuous_lift[1], continuous_lift[0]) #+ np.pi ends_vectors_normalized.last_vector = continuous_lift ends_vectors_normalized.append(lifted_angle) if subsequence_timer > balances_burn_in: left_bal_rounded = int(left_bal * 100) / 100 right_bal_rounded = int(right_bal * 100) / 100 balances[ left_bal_rounded] += 1 #left_bal_rounded balances[ right_bal_rounded] += 1 # right_bal_rounded #NB wait times are accounted for by the while loops for edge in part["cut_edges"]: graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]["cut_times"] += wait_time_rv #print(graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]["cut_times"]) if part.flips is not None: f = list(part.flips.keys())[0] graph.nodes[f]["part_sum"] = graph.nodes[f][ "part_sum"] - part.assignment[f] * ( total_waits - graph.nodes[f]["last_flipped"]) graph.nodes[f]["last_flipped"] = total_waits graph.nodes[f]["num_flips"] = graph.nodes[f][ "num_flips"] + wait_time_rv t += 1 if t % time_between_outputs == 0: #ends_vectors_normalized[1:] #Remove the first one because it will overlap with last one of previous dump identifier_string = "state_after_num_steps" + str( t) + "and_time" + str(st - time.time()) #print("finished no", st-time.time()) with open( "./plots/" + str(alignment) + "B" + str(int(100 * base)) + "P" + str(int(100 * pop1)) + "wait.txt", 'w') as wfile: wfile.write(str(sum(waits))) #with open("./plots/"+str(alignment)+"B"+str(int(100*base))+"P"+str(int(100*pop1)) + "ends_vectors.txt",'w') as wfile: # wfile.write(str(ends_vectors_normalized)) #with open("./plots/"+str(alignment)+"B"+str(int(100*base))+"P"+str(int(100*pop1)) + "ends_vectors.pkl",'wb') as wfile: # pickle.dump(ends_vectors_normalized, wfile) with open( "./plots/" + str(alignment) + "B" + str(int(100 * base)) + "P" + str(int(100 * pop1)) + "balances.txt", 'w') as wfile: wfile.write(str(balances)) with open( "./plots/" + str(alignment) + "B" + str(int(100 * base)) + "P" + str(int(100 * pop1)) + "balances.pkl", 'wb') as wfile: pickle.dump(balances, wfile) for n in graph.nodes(): if graph.nodes[n]["last_flipped"] == 0: graph.nodes[n][ "part_sum"] = total_waits * part.assignment[ n] graph.nodes[n]["lognum_flips"] = math.log( graph.nodes[n]["num_flips"] + 1) total_part_sum = 0 for n in graph.nodes(): total_part_sum += graph.nodes[n]["part_sum"] for n in graph.nodes(): if total_part_sum != 0: graph.nodes[n][ "normalized_part_sum"] = graph.nodes[n][ "part_sum"] / total_part_sum else: graph.nodes[n]["normalized_part_sum"] = 0 #print(len(rsw[-1])) #print(graph[(1,0)][(0,1)]["cut_times"]) print("creating boundary plot, ", time.time()) max_time = ends_vectors_normalized.last.end_time non_simply_connected_intervals = [ [x.start_time, x.end_time] for x in ends_vectors_normalized if type( == bool ] for x in ends_vectors_normalized: if type( != bool: #times = np.linspace(x.start_time, x.end_time, 100) #times.append(x.end_time) times = [x.start_time, x.end_time] angles = [] * len(times) plt.polar(angles, times, lw=.1, color='b') next_point = #''' if next_point != None: if type( != bool: if np.abs( ( - % ( 2 * np.pi) < .1: # added that last if to avoid # the big jumps that happen with # small size subcritical plt.polar( [,], [ x.end_time, next_point.start_time ], lw=.1, color='b') #''' # Create the regular segments corresponding to time ''' for k in range(11): plt.polar ( np.arange(0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01), [int(max_time/10) * k ] * len( np.arange(0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01)), lw = .2, color = 'g' ) ''' # Create the intervals representing when the partition is null. # Removing these might be just as good, and a little cleaner. #''' for interval in non_simply_connected_intervals: start = interval[0] end = interval[1] for s in np.linspace(start, end, 10): plt.polar( np.arange(0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01), s * np.ones( len(np.arange(0, (2 * np.pi), 0.01))), lw=.3, color='r') #''' #plt.savefig("./plots/"+str(alignment)+"B"+str(int(100*base))+"P"+str(int(100*pop1)) + str("proposals_") + str( max_time * subsequence_step_size ) + "boundary_slope.svg") plt.savefig("./plots/" + str(alignment) + "B" + str(int(100 * base)) + "P" + str(int(100 * pop1)) + str("proposals_") + identifier_string + "boundary_slope.png", dpi=500) # now clear the ends vectors list last = ends_vectors_normalized.last last_non_zero = ends_vectors_normalized.last_non_zero last_vector = ends_vectors_normalized.last_vector # Explicit Garbage collection print( "finished boundary plot, doing garbage collection", time.time()) del ends_vectors_normalized gc.collect() ends_vectors_normalized = LinkedList() ends_vectors_normalized.head = last ends_vectors_normalized.last = last ends_vectors_normalized.last_non_zero = last_non_zero # can be ahead of head... ends_vectors_normalized.last_vector = last_vector #print(last) print("drawing other plots", time.time()) draw_other_plots(balances, graph, alignment, identifier_string, base, pop1, part, ns) print("finished drawing other plots, ", time.time())
uid = "VTD" graph = Graph.from_geodataframe(df,ignore_errors=True) print("made graph") graph.add_data(df,list(df)) graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, df[uid]) counties = (set(list(df[county_col]))) countydict = dict(graph.nodes(data=county_col)) starting_partition = GeographicPartition( graph, assignment="2011_PLA_1", updaters={ "polsby_popper" : polsby_popper, "cut_edges": cut_edges, "population": Tally(pop_col, alias="population"), } ) county_edge_count = {} for i in counties: county_graph = graph.subgraph([n for n,v in graph.nodes(data = True) if v[county_col] == i]) total_edges = len(county_graph.edges()) county_edge_count[i] = total_edges def county_splits_dict(partition): """ From a partition, generates a dictionary of counter dictionaries. Args:
parent = partition.parent if not parent: return 0 return parent["step_num"] + 1 bnodes = [x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.node[x]["boundary_node"] == 1] def bnodes_p(partition): return [x for x in graph.nodes() if graph.node[x]["boundary_node"] == 1] updaters = {'population': Tally('population'), "boundary": bnodes_p, 'cut_edges': cut_edges, 'step_num': step_num, 'b_nodes': b_nodes_bi, 'base': new_base, 'geom': geom_wait, # "Pink-Purple": Election("Pink-Purple", {"Pink":"pink","Purple":"purple"}) } #########BUILD PARTITION # building partition dicitionary (assignment) # [ 1,2,3], [4,5,6] ... the dictionary will : {1 : 0, 2 : 0, ..., 5 : 1, 6 : 1 }$... partition_dict = {} partition_block = [] partition_block = my_mst_kpartition_tree_random(graph, pop_col="population", pop_target=0, epsilon=0.05,
TOT_WORKERS = args.workers manager = Manager() results = manager.dict() race_matrix = load_data(CITY_NAME, STATE, STATE_FIPS) # build chain graph = Graph.from_geodataframe(race_matrix, adjacency="queen") nx.set_node_attributes(graph, race_matrix["total"].to_dict(), name="population") init_partition = Partition( graph, assignment=race_matrix.to_dict()["partition"], updaters={"population": Tally("population")}, ) # validators def mean_pop(part): return np.mean(list(part["population"].values())) def min_pop(part): return min(list(part["population"].values())) def sd_pop(part): return np.std(list(part["population"].values())) mean_one_sd_up = mean_pop(init_partition) + (2 / 3) * sd_pop(init_partition) mean_one_sd_down = mean_pop(init_partition) - (2 /
import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import manifold map_json_file = "res/PA_VTD.json" vtd_column = "VTDST10" population_column = "TOT_POP" popper_column = "pop_percent" plans = dict([("2011", "2011_PLA_1"), ("GOV", "GOV"), ("TS", "TS"), ("REM", "REMEDIAL_P"), ("CPCT", "538CPCT__1"), ("DEM", "538DEM_PL"), ("REP", "538GOP_PL"), ("8TH", "8THGRADE_1")]) weight_by_population = True myupdaters = {"population": Tally(population_column, alias="population")} def rel_entropy(graph, X, Y): tot_pop = sum([graph.nodes[n][population_column] for n in graph.nodes() ]) if weight_by_population else len(graph.nodes()) res = 0 for j, Yj in qj_pop = sum([graph.nodes[n][population_column] for n in Yj]) if weight_by_population else len(Yj) entropy = 0 for i, Xi in p = sum([ graph.nodes[n][population_column] for n in Yj & Xi ]) / qj_pop if weight_by_population else len(Yj & Xi) / qj_pop if p == 0: continue
def main(config_data, id): """Runs a single experiment with the given config file. Loads a graph, runs a Chain to search for a Gerrymander, metamanders around that partition, runs another chain, and then saves the generated data. Args: config_data (Object): configuration of experiment loaded from JSON file id (String): id of experiment, used in tags to differentiate between experiments """ try: timeBeg = time.time() print('Experiment', id, 'has begun') # Save configuration into global variable global config config = config_data # Get graph and dual graph graph, dual = preprocessing(config["INPUT_GRAPH_FILENAME"]) # List of districts in original graph parts = list( set([ graph.nodes[node][config['ASSIGN_COL']] for node in graph.nodes() ])) # Ideal population of districts ideal_pop = sum( [graph.nodes[node][config['POP_COL']] for node in graph.nodes()]) / len(parts) # Initialize partition election = Election(config['ELECTION_NAME'], { 'PartyA': config['PARTY_A_COL'], 'PartyB': config['PARTY_B_COL'] }) updaters = { 'population': Tally(config['POP_COL']), 'cut_edges': cut_edges, config['ELECTION_NAME']: election } partition = Partition(graph=graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) # Run Chain to search for a gerrymander, and get it mander = run_chain(partition, config['CHAIN_TYPE'], config['FIND_GERRY_LENGTH'], ideal_pop, id + 'a', config['ORIG_RUN_STATS_TAG'] + id) savePartition(mander, config['LEFT_MANDER_TAG'] + id) # Metamanders around the found gerrymander metamander_around_partition(mander, dual, config['TARGET_TAG'] + id, config['SECRET'], config['META_PARAM']) # Refresh assignment and election of partition updaters[config['ELECTION_NAME']] = Election( config['ELECTION_NAME'], { 'PartyA': config['PARTY_A_COL'], 'PartyB': config['PARTY_B_COL'] }) partition = Partition(graph=graph, assignment=config['ASSIGN_COL'], updaters=updaters) # Run chain again run_chain(partition, config['CHAIN_TYPE'], config['SAMPLE_META_LENGTH'], ideal_pop, id + 'b', config['GERRY_RUN_STATS_TAG'] + id) # Save data from experiment to JSON files drawGraph(partition.graph, 'cut_times', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_single_raw_' + id) drawGraph(partition.graph, 'sibling_cuts', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_single_adjusted_' + id) drawDoubleGraph(partition.graph, 'cut_times', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_double_raw_' + id) drawDoubleGraph(partition.graph, 'sibling_cuts', config['GRAPH_TAG'] + '_double_adjusted_' + id) saveGraphStatistics(partition.graph, config['GRAPH_STATISTICS_TAG'] + id) print('Experiment {} completed in {:.2f} seconds'.format( id, time.time() - timeBeg)) except Exception as e: # Print notification if any experiment fails to complete track = traceback.format_exc() print(track) print('Experiment {} failed to complete after {:.2f} seconds'.format( id, time.time() - timeBeg))