 def test_valid_insert_operators_5(self):
     # Define A and cache
     A = np.zeros_like(self.true_A)
     A[2, 4], A[4, 2] = 1, 1  # x2 - x4
     A[4, 3] = 1  # x4 -> x3
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(self.obs_data)
     # Should fail as 2,4 are adjacent
         ges.score_valid_insert_operators(2, 4, A, cache, debug=False)
     except ValueError as e:
         print("OK:", e)
         ges.score_valid_insert_operators(4, 2, A, cache, debug=False)
     except ValueError as e:
         print("OK:", e)
         # Should fail as 3,4 are adjacent
         ges.score_valid_insert_operators(3, 4, A, cache, debug=False)
     except ValueError as e:
         print("OK:", e)
         ges.score_valid_insert_operators(4, 3, A, cache, debug=False)
     except ValueError as e:
         print("OK:", e)
 def test_valid_insert_operators_8(self):
     A = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0]])
     data = self.obs_data[:, 0:4]
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(data)
     # There should no valid operator for x2 -> x3
     #   1. na_yx = set(), T0 = {0}
     #   2. for T=set(), na_yx U T = set() which is a clique, but does not
     #   contain a node in the semi-directed path 2->1->3
     #   3. for T = {0}, na_yx U T = {0} which is a clique, but does not
     #   contain a node in the semi-directed path 2->1->3
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(3, 2, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(0, len(valid_operators))
 def test_valid_insert_operators_1b(self):
     # Define A and cache
     A = np.zeros_like(self.true_A)
     A[2, 4], A[4, 2] = 1, 1  # x2 - x4
     A[4, 3] = 1  # x4 -> x3
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(self.obs_data)
     # there should only be one valid operator, as
     #   1. X0 has no neighbors in A, so T0 = {set()}
     #   2. na_yx is also an empty set, thus na_yx U T is a clique
     #   3. there are no semi-directed paths from y to x
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(1, 0, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(valid_operators))
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[0]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[1, 0] = 1
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())
 def test_valid_insert_operators_4b(self):
     # Define A and cache
     A = np.zeros_like(self.true_A)
     A[2, 4], A[4, 2] = 1, 1  # x2 - x4
     A[4, 3] = 1  # x4 -> x3
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(self.obs_data)
     # there should be one valid operator, as T0 = set(), na_yx = set()
     #   1. insert(X2,X3,set()) should be valid
     #   2. na_yx U T = set() should be a clique
     #   3. there are no semi-directed paths between X3 and X2
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(2, 3, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(valid_operators))
     # Test outcome of insert(2,3,set())
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[0]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[2, 3] = 1
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())
 def test_valid_insert_operators_4a(self):
     # Define A and cache
     A = np.zeros_like(self.true_A)
     A[2, 4], A[4, 2] = 1, 1  # x2 - x4
     A[4, 3] = 1  # x4 -> x3
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(self.obs_data)
     # there should be one valid operator, as T0 = set(), na_yx = {4}
     #   1. insert(X0,X2,set()) should be valid
     #   2. na_yx U T = {X4} should be a clique
     #   3. the semi-directed path X2-X4->X3 contains one node in na_yx U T
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(3, 2, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(valid_operators))
     # Test outcome of insert(3,2,set())
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[0]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[3, 2] = 1
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())
 def test_valid_insert_operators_6(self):
     A = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0]])
     data = self.obs_data[:, 0:4]
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(data)
     # There should be one valid operator for x3 -> x2
     #   1. na_yx = {1}, T0 = {0}
     #   2. for T=set(), na_yx U T = {1} which is a clique, and
     #   contains a node in the semi-directed path 2-1->3
     #   3. for T = {0}, na_yx U T = {0,1} which is not a clique
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(3, 2, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(valid_operators))
     # Test outcome of insert(3,2,set())
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[0]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[3, 2] = 1
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())
 def test_valid_insert_operators_3a(self):
     # Define A and cache
     A = np.zeros_like(self.true_A)
     A[2, 4], A[4, 2] = 1, 1  # x2 - x4
     A[4, 3] = 1  # x4 -> x3
     cache = GaussObsL0Pen(self.obs_data)
     # there should be two valid operators, as T0 = {X4}
     #   1. insert(X1,X2,set()) should be valid
     #   2. and also insert(X1,X2,{X4}), as na_yx U T = {X4} and is a clique
     #   3. there are no semi-directed paths from y to x
     valid_operators = ges.score_valid_insert_operators(1, 2, A, cache, debug=False)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(valid_operators))
     # Test outcome of insert(0,2,set())
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[0]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[1, 2] = 1
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())
     # Test outcome of insert(1,2,4)
     _, new_A, _, _, _ = valid_operators[1]
     true_new_A = A.copy()
     true_new_A[1, 2], true_new_A[2, 4] = 1, 0
     self.assertTrue((new_A == true_new_A).all())