def main(): """ Requests a random quote using forismatic API """ quote = gq.getQuote() text = quote.readJSON(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) print(text) # print the requested
def main(): """ Requests a random quote using forismatic API """ quote = gq.getQuote() try: text = quote.requestQuote() # get quote quote.parseJSON(text) # check if parsable quote.saveJSON(text, sys.argv.pop()) # saving except: pass
securList = ['AAPL', 'XLV', 'QQQ'] sharesList = {'AAPL':290, 'XLV':1400, 'QQQ':232} quotes = getQuotes(securList) #aapl = 96.25 02/22/16 290 #xlv = 71.41 04/27/16 1400 #qqq = 116.38 08/31/2016 232 from time import sleep from os import system from getQuote import getQuote while True: allOutput = [] header = 'Symbol\tTime\t\tPrice\tClose\t%Change\tDayGain' allOutput.append(header) totalGain = 0.0 for i in securList: stock = getQuote(getQuotes(i), sharesList) totalGain += stock.gain output = '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (stock.symbol, stock.time, stock.price, stock.prevClose, stock.dayChange, stock.gain) allOutput.append(output) sleep(1) system('clear') for i in allOutput: print i print 'Total Daily Gain: %f' % (totalGain)
def Main(argv):"Start van programma.") global smtp_para # open van status database try: rt_status_db.init(const.FILE_DB_STATUS, const.DB_STATUS_TAB) except Exception as e: flog.critical(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": Database niet te openen(1)." + const.FILE_DB_STATUS + ") melding:" + str(e.args[0])) sys.exit(1) flog.debug(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": database tabel " + const.DB_STATUS_TAB + " succesvol geopend.") # open van config database try: config_db.init(const.FILE_DB_CONFIG, const.DB_CONFIG_TAB) except Exception as e: flog.critical(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": database niet te openen(2)." + const.FILE_DB_CONFIG + ") melding:" + str(e.args[0])) sys.exit(1) flog.debug(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": database tabel " + const.DB_CONFIG_TAB + " succesvol geopend.") # update field from database, the cli switches overwrite the DB values! _id, smtp_para['mailuser'], _label = config_db.strget(63, flog) _id, smtp_para['mailuserpassword'], _label = config_db.strget(64, flog) _id, smtp_para['mailserver'], _label = config_db.strget(65, flog) _id, smtp_para['mailserverport_ssl'], _label = config_db.strget(66, flog) _id, smtp_para['mailserverport_starttls'], _label = config_db.strget( 67, flog) _id, smtp_para['mailserverport_plaintext'], _label = config_db.strget( 68, flog) _id, smtp_para['subject'], _label = config_db.strget(69, flog) _id, to, _label = config_db.strget(70, flog) smtp_para['to'] = to.split() _id, cc, _label = config_db.strget(74, flog) smtp_para['cc'] = cc.split() _id, bcc, _label = config_db.strget(75, flog) smtp_para['bcc'] = bcc.split() _id, smtp_para['fromalias'], _label = config_db.strget(71, flog) _id, smtp_para['timeout'], _label = config_db.strget(72, flog) flog.debug(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": parameters uit de DB:" + str(smtp_para)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="smtp....") # DB ID parser.add_argument('-u', '--mailuser', required=False) #63 parser.add_argument('-pw', '--mailuserpassword', required=False) #64 parser.add_argument('-srv', '--mailserver', required=False) #65 parser.add_argument('-pssl', '--mailserverport_ssl', required=False) #66 parser.add_argument('-pstls', '--mailserverport_starttls', required=False) #67 parser.add_argument('-pplain', '--mailserverport_plaintext', required=False) #68 parser.add_argument('-subject', '--subject', required=False) #69 parser.add_argument('-to', '--to', action='append', required=False) #70 parser.add_argument('-cc', '--cc', action='append', required=False) #74 parser.add_argument('-bcc', '--bcc', action='append', required=False) #75 parser.add_argument('-from', '--fromalias', required=False) #71 parser.add_argument('-msgtext', '--messagetext', required=False) #NONE parser.add_argument('-msghtml', '--messagehtml', required=False) #NONE parser.add_argument('-time', '--timeout', required=False) #72 parser.add_argument('-a', '--attachment', action='append', required=False) #NONE parser.add_argument('-test', '--testmail', action='store_true', required=False) #NONE args = parser.parse_args() # send a test mail with default value if args.testmail != None: smtp_para['messagetext'] = "Dit is een test mail van de P1 monitor en mag genegeert worden. De mail is op " + makeLocalTimeString() + " verzonden." + \ "\n\n" + getQuote() + "\n\nBezoek voor meer informatie over de P1 monitor." smtp_para[ 'subject'] = "P1 monitor test email van " + makeLocalTimeString( ) + "." if args.mailuser != None: smtp_para['mailuser'] = args.mailuser if args.mailuserpassword != None: smtp_para['mailuserpassword'] = args.mailuserpassword else: #decode password try: smtp_para['mailuserpassword'] = base64.standard_b64decode( crypto3.p1Decrypt(smtp_para['mailuserpassword'], 'mailpw')).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: flog.error(inspect.stack()[0][3]+": password decodering gefaald. Decoded password="******" Gestopt. melding:" + str(e.args[0]) ) sys.exit(16)"Password decryptie ok.") flog.debug("Decoded password = "******"P1 monitor version " + const.P1_VERSIE if args.messagehtml != None: smtp_para['messagehtml'] = args.messagehtml if args.messagetext != None: smtp_para['messagetext'] = args.messagetext if args.timeout != None: smtp_para['timeout'] = int(args.timeout) if args.attachment != None: #print ( args.attachment ) for a in args.attachment: smtp_para['attachments'].append(a) flog.debug(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": parameters na CLI parsing:" + str(smtp_para)) #check if at least one reciever is given. cnt_valid_senders = 0 for x in [smtp_para['to'], smtp_para['cc'], smtp_para['bcc']]: if len(x) > 0: cnt_valid_senders += 1 if cnt_valid_senders == 0: flog.critical(inspect.stack()[0][3] + ": geen TO,CC of BCC ontvangers opgegeven.") sys.exit(1) # 1 Start an SMTP connection that is secured from the beginning using SMTP_SSL(). # 2 Start an unsecured SMTP connection that can then be encrypted using .starttls() # 3 Fallback to unsecure plaintext email. if sendSmtpMail('ssl') == False:[0][3] + ": SSL/TSL verbinding is niet gelukt.") if sendSmtpMail('starttls') == False:[0][3] + ": STARTTLS verbinding is niet gelukt.") if sendSmtpMail('plaintext') == False: flog.error("plaintext is mislukt gestopt.") sys.exit(1) #print ( sendSmtpMail('plaintext') ) #print ( sendSmtpMail( 'starttls' ) ) #print ( sendSmtpMail('ssl') )[0][3] + ": Programma is succesvol gestopt.") rt_status_db.timestamp(82, flog) sys.exit(0) # all is well.