def testLoads(self): # test initiating from multiple chain arrays samps = [] for i in range(3): samps.append(Gaussian2D([1.5, -2], np.diagflat([1, 2])).MCSamples(1001 + i * 10, names=['x', 'y'])) fromChains = MCSamples(samples=[s.samples for s in samps], names=['x', 'y']) mean = np.sum([s.norm * s.mean('x') for s in samps]) / np.sum([s.norm for s in samps]) meanChains = fromChains.mean('x') self.assertAlmostEqual(mean, meanChains)
def _init_samples(self, mcmc_steps=5000, mcmc_batch_size=5, ignore_rows=0.3): u = 2 * (np.random.uniform(size=(mcmc_batch_size, self.x_dim)) - 0.5) v = self.transform(u) logl = self.loglike(v) samples = [] likes = [] for i in range(mcmc_steps): du = np.random.standard_normal(u.shape) * 0.1 u_prime = u + du v_prime = self.transform(u_prime) log_ratio_1 = np.zeros(mcmc_batch_size) prior = np.logical_or(np.abs(u) > 1, np.abs(u_prime) > 1) idx = np.where([np.any(p) for p in prior]) log_ratio_1[idx] = -np.inf rnd_u = np.random.rand(mcmc_batch_size) ratio = np.clip(np.exp(log_ratio_1), 0, 1) mask = (rnd_u < ratio).astype(int) logl_prime = np.full(mcmc_batch_size, logl) for idx, im in enumerate(mask): if im: lp = self.loglike(v_prime[idx]) if lp >= logl[idx]: logl_prime[idx] = lp elif rnd_u[idx] < np.clip(np.exp(lp - logl[idx]), 0, 1): logl_prime[idx] = lp else: mask[idx] = 0 m = mask[:, None] u = u_prime * m + u * (1 - m) v = v_prime * m + v * (1 - m) logl = logl_prime * mask + logl * (1 - mask) samples.append(v) likes.append(logl) samples = np.transpose(np.array(samples), axes=[1, 0, 2]) loglikes = -np.transpose(np.array(likes), axes=[1, 0]) weights = np.ones(loglikes.shape) self._chain_stats(samples) self._save_samples(samples, weights, loglikes) names = ['p%i' % i for i in range(int(self.x_dim))] labels = [r'x_%i' % i for i in range(int(self.x_dim))] files = chainFiles(os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'chain'), first_chain=1, last_chain=mcmc_batch_size) mc = MCSamples(self.logs['chains'], names=names, labels=labels, ignore_rows=ignore_rows) mc.readChains(files) return mc
def _read_samples(self, fileroot, match='', ignore_rows=0.3): names = ['p%i' % i for i in range(int(self.num_params))] labels = [r'x_%i' % i for i in range(int(self.num_params))] if match: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(fileroot, match)) else: files = chainFiles(fileroot) mc = MCSamples(fileroot, names=names, labels=labels, ignore_rows=ignore_rows) mc.readChains(files) return mc
def MCSamples(self, size, names=None, logLikes=False, random_state=None, **kwargs): """ Gets a set of independent samples from the mixture as a :class:`.mcsamples.MCSamples` object ready for plotting etc. :param size: number of samples :param names: set to override existing names :param logLikes: if True set the sample likelihood values from the pdf, if false, don't store log likelihoods :param random_state: random seed or Generator :return: a new :class:`.mcsamples.MCSamples` instance """ samples = self.sim(size, random_state=random_state) if logLikes: loglikes = -np.log(self.pdf(samples)) else: loglikes = None return MCSamples(samples=samples, loglikes=loglikes, paramNamesFile=copy.deepcopy(self.paramNames), names=names, ranges=self.lims, **kwargs)
def MCSamplesFromCobaya(info, collections, name_tag=None, ignore_rows=0, ini=None, settings=None): """ Creates a set of samples from Cobaya's output. Parameter names, ranges and labels are taken from the "info" dictionary (always use the "updated" one generated by ``). For a description of the various analysis settings and default values see `analysis_defaults.ini <>`_. :param collections: collection(s) of samples from Cobaya :param info: info dictionary, common to all collections (use the "updated" one, returned by ``) :param name_tag: name for this sample to be shown in the plots' legend :param ignore_rows: initial samples to skip, number (`int>=1`) or fraction (`float<1`) :param ini: The name of a .ini file with analysis settings to use :param settings: dictionary of analysis settings to override defaults :return: The :class:`MCSamples` instance """ if hasattr(collections, "data"): collections = [collections] # Check consistency between collections try: columns = list(collections[0].data) except AttributeError: raise TypeError( "The second argument does not appear to be a (list of) samples `Collection`.") if not all(list( == columns for c in collections[1:]): raise ValueError("The given collections don't have the same columns.") # Check consistency with info info_params = get_info_params(info) # if skip burn in *has already been done* skip = info.get(_post, {}).get("skip", 0) if ignore_rows != 0 and skip != 0: logging.warning("You are asking for rows to be ignored (%r), but some (%r) were " "already ignored in the original chain.", ignore_rows, skip) var_params = [k for k, v in info_params.items() if is_sampled_param(v) or is_derived_param(v)] assert set(columns[2:]) == set(var_params), ( "Info and collection(s) are not compatible, because their parameters differ: " "the collection(s) have %r and the info has %r. " % (columns[2:], var_params) + "Are you sure that you are using an *updated* info dictionary " "(i.e. the output of ``)?") # We need to use *collection* sorting, not info sorting! names = [p + ("*" if is_derived_param(info_params[p]) else "") for p in columns[2:]] labels = [(info_params[p] or {}).get(_p_label, p) for p in columns[2:]] ranges = {p: get_range(info_params[p]) for p in info_params} # include fixed parameters not in columns renames = {p: info_params.get(p, {}).get(_p_renames, []) for p in columns[2:]} samples = [c[[2:]].values for c in collections] weights = [c[_weight].values for c in collections] loglikes = [-c[_minuslogpost].values for c in collections] sampler = get_sampler_type(info) label = get_sample_label(info) from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples return MCSamples(samples=samples, weights=weights, loglikes=loglikes, sampler=sampler, names=names, labels=labels, ranges=ranges, renames=renames, ignore_rows=ignore_rows, name_tag=name_tag, label=label, ini=ini, settings=settings)
def testDensitySymmetries(self): # check flipping samples gives flipped density samps = Gaussian1D(0, 1, xmin=-1, xmax=4).MCSamples(12000) d = samps.get1DDensity('x') samps.samples[:, 0] *= -1 samps = MCSamples(samples=samps.samples, names=['x'], ranges={'x': [-4, 1]}) d2 = samps.get1DDensity('x') self.assertTrue(np.allclose(d.P, d2.P[::-1])) samps = Gaussian2D([0, 0], np.diagflat([1, 2]), xmin=-1, xmax=2, ymin=0, ymax=3).MCSamples(12000) d = samps.get2DDensity('x', 'y') samps.samples[:, 0] *= -1 samps = MCSamples(samples=samps.samples, names=['x', 'y'], ranges={'x': [-2, 1], 'y': [0, 3]}) d2 = samps.get2DDensity('x', 'y') self.assertTrue(np.allclose(d.P, d2.P[:, ::-1])) samps.samples[:, 0] *= -1 samps.samples[:, 1] *= -1 samps = MCSamples(samples=samps.samples, names=['x', 'y'], ranges={'x': [-1, 2], 'y': [-3, 0]}) d2 = samps.get2DDensity('x', 'y') self.assertTrue(np.allclose(d.P, d2.P[::-1, ::], atol=1e-5))
def MCSamples(self, size, names=None, logLikes=False, **kwargs): """ Gets a set of independent samples from the mixture as a :class:`.mcsamples.MCSamples` object ready for plotting etc. :param size: number of samples :param names: set to override existing names :param logLikes: if True set the sample likelihood values from the pdf, if false, don't store log likelihoods :return: list of [x,y] pair names """ samples = self.sim(size) if logLikes: loglikes = -np.log(self.pdf(samples)) else: loglikes = None return MCSamples(samples=samples, loglikes=loglikes, paramNamesFile=self.paramNames, names=names, ranges=self.lims, **kwargs)
def run(self, train_iters=200, mcmc_steps=5000, bootstrap_iters=1, bootstrap_mcmc_steps=5000, bootstrap_fileroot='', bootstrap_match='', bootstrap_batch_size=5, alpha=0, single_thin=1, ignore_rows=0.3): if alpha == 0.0: alpha = 1 / self.x_dim**0.5 if self.log:'Alpha [%5.4f]' % (alpha)) for t in range(bootstrap_iters): if t == 0: if bootstrap_fileroot: mc = self._read_samples(bootstrap_fileroot, match=bootstrap_match, ignore_rows=ignore_rows) else: mc = self._init_samples( mcmc_steps=bootstrap_mcmc_steps, mcmc_batch_size=bootstrap_batch_size, ignore_rows=ignore_rows) else: samples, likes, scale, nc = self.trainer.sample( loglike=self.loglike, transform=transform, mcmc_steps=bootstrap_mcmc_steps, alpha=alpha, dynamic=False, show_progress=True) samples = transform(samples) self._chain_stats(samples) loglikes = -np.array(likes) weights = np.ones(loglikes.shape) mc = MCSamples(samples=[samples[0]], weights=[weights[0]], loglikes=[loglikes[0]], ignore_rows=ignore_rows) samples = mc.makeSingleSamples(single_thin=single_thin) samples = samples[:, :self.x_dim] mean = np.mean(samples, axis=0) std = np.std(samples, axis=0) samples = (samples - mean) / std self.trainer.train(samples, max_iters=train_iters, noise=-1) def transform(x): return x * std + mean samples, likes, scale, nc = self.trainer.sample( loglike=self.loglike, transform=transform, mcmc_steps=mcmc_steps, alpha=alpha, dynamic=False, show_progress=True, out_chain=os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'chain')) samples = transform(samples) self._chain_stats(samples)
def MCSamplesFromCosmosis(chain_root, chain_min_root=None, param_name_dict=None, param_label_dict=None, name_tag=None, settings=None): """ Function to import Cosmosis chains in GetDist. :param chain_root: the name and path to the chain or the path to the folder that contains it. :param chain_min_root: (optional) name of the file containing the explicit best fit. :param param_name_dict: (optional) a dictionary with the mapping between cosmosis names and reasonable parameter names. :param param_label_dict: (optional) dictionary with the mapping between parameter names and parameter labels, since Cosmosis does not save the labels in the chain. :param name_tag: (optional) a string with the name tag for the chain. :param settings: (optional) dictionary of analysis settings to override getdist defaults :return: The :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` instance """ # decide if the user passed a folder or a chain: if os.path.isfile(chain_root + '.txt'): chain_file = chain_root + '.txt' elif os.path.isdir(chain_root): # look for the chain file: temp = list(filter(lambda x: 'chain.txt' in x, os.listdir(chain_root))) if len(temp) == 0: raise ValueError('No chain file found in folder', chain_root) chain_file = chain_root + '/' + temp[0] else: raise ValueError('Input chain root is not a folder nor a file.') # get all the commented lines in the chain file: info = get_cosmosis_info(chain_file) # get the parameter names: param_names = get_param_names(info) # get the parameter labels from the user provided dictionary: param_labels = get_param_labels(info, param_names, param_label_dict) # get the sampler: sampler = get_sampler_type(info) # get the name tag: if name_tag is None: name_tag = get_name_tag(info) # get the samples weights and likelihood: chain = loadNumpyTxt(chain_file, skiprows=0) # parse the chain depending on the sampler that produced it: if sampler == 'nested': # get number of samples to use: nsamples = int( list(filter(lambda x: 'nsample=' in x, info))[0].replace(' ', '').split('=')[1]) # get the chain: chain = chain[-nsamples:] # get all quantities: indexes = [ i for i in range(len(param_names)) if i != param_names.index('weight') and i != param_names.index('post') ] samples = chain[:, indexes] weights = chain[:, param_names.index('weight')] loglike = chain[:, param_names.index('post')] # delete the weights and likelihood from names: if param_labels is not None: param_labels.pop(param_names.index('weight')) param_labels.pop(param_names.index('post')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('weight')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('post')) elif sampler == 'mcmc': # get all quantities: indexes = [ i for i in range(len(param_names)) if i != param_names.index('post') ] samples = chain[:, indexes] loglike = chain[:, param_names.index('post')] # Cosmosis does not weight samples: samples, idx, weights = np.unique(samples, return_index=True, return_counts=True, axis=0) loglike = loglike[idx] # delete the weights and likelihood from names: if param_labels is not None: param_labels.pop(param_names.index('post')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('post')) elif sampler == 'uncorrelated': # get all quantities: indexes = [ i for i in range(len(param_names)) if i != param_names.index('post') ] samples = chain[:, indexes] loglike = chain[:, param_names.index('post')] weights = None # delete the weights and likelihood from names: if param_labels is not None: param_labels.pop(param_names.index('post')) param_names.pop(param_names.index('post')) else: raise ValueError('Unknown sampler') # get the ranges: ranges = get_ranges(info, param_names) # transform param names: if param_name_dict is not None: for i, name in enumerate(param_names): if name in param_name_dict.keys(): param_names[i] = param_name_dict[name] if name in ranges.keys(): ranges[param_name_dict[name]] = ranges.pop(name) #for i, name in enumerate(param_names): # if name in param_name_dict.keys(): # initialize the samples: mc_samples = MCSamples(samples=samples, weights=weights, loglikes=-2. * loglike, sampler=sampler, names=param_names, labels=param_labels, ranges=ranges, ignore_rows=0, name_tag=name_tag, settings=settings) # set running parameters: for name in mc_samples.getParamNames().parsWithNames( mc_samples.getParamNames().list()): if in ranges.keys(): name.isDerived = False else: name.isDerived = True # polish the samples removing nans: mc_samples = polish_samples(mc_samples) # get the best fit: if chain_min_root is not None: # since getdist does not cache the best fit we have to override the # method in this brute way: funcType = types.MethodType mc_samples.getBestFit = funcType( functools.partial(get_maximum_likelihood, chain_min_root=chain_min_root, param_name_dict=param_name_dict, param_label_dict=param_label_dict), mc_samples) # update statistics: mc_samples.updateBaseStatistics() # return mc_samples
def __init__(self, root, base_dir, use_nestcheck, transform=None, overwrite_transformed=False, **kwargs): filerootpath = _os.path.join(base_dir, root) _filerootpath = filerootpath if transform is not None: samples = _np.loadtxt(filerootpath + '.txt') ndims = samples.shape[1] - 2 temp = transform(samples[0, 2:], old_API=True) ntransform = len(temp) - ndims _exists = _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + '_transformed.txt') if not _exists or overwrite_transformed: transformed = _np.zeros( (samples.shape[0], samples.shape[1] + ntransform)) transformed[:, :2] = samples[:, :2] for i in range(samples.shape[0]): transformed[i, 2:] = transform(samples[i, 2:], old_API=True) _np.savetxt(filerootpath + '_transformed.txt', transformed) filerootpath += '_transformed' root += '_transformed' super(NestedBackend, self).__init__(filepath=filerootpath + '.txt', **kwargs) if getdist is not None: # getdist backend self._gd_bcknd = MCSamples( root=filerootpath, settings=self.kde_settings, sampler='nested', names=self.names, ranges=self.bounds, labels=[self.labels[name] for name in self.names]) self._gd_bcknd.readChains(getdist.chains.chainFiles(filerootpath)) self.use_nestcheck = use_nestcheck if self.use_nestcheck: # nestcheck backend if transform is not None: for ext in ['dead-birth.txt', 'phys_live-birth.txt']: _exists = _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + ext) if not _exists or overwrite_transformed: samples = _np.loadtxt(_filerootpath + ext) transformed = _np.zeros( (samples.shape[0], samples.shape[1] + ntransform)) transformed[:, ndims + ntransform:] = samples[:, ndims:] for i in range(samples.shape[0]): transformed[i,:ndims+ntransform] =\ transform(samples[i,:ndims], old_API=True) _np.savetxt(filerootpath + ext, transformed) # .stats file with same root needed, but do not need to modify # the .stats file contents if not _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + '.stats'): if _os.path.isfile(_filerootpath + '.stats'): try: from shutil import copyfile as _copyfile except ImportError: pass else: _copyfile(_filerootpath + '.stats', filerootpath + '.stats') try: kwargs['implementation'] except KeyError: print('Root %r sampling implementation not specified... ' 'assuming MultiNest for nestcheck...') self._nc_bcknd = process_multinest_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) else: if kwargs['implementation'] == 'multinest': self._nc_bcknd = process_multinest_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) elif kwargs['implementation'] == 'polychord': self._nc_bcknd = process_polychord_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) else: raise ValueError('Cannot process with nestcheck.')
class NestedBackend(Run): """ Container for nested samples generated by a single run, and backends for analysis of the run. The other keyword arguments are generic properties passed to the parent class, such as the identification (ID) string of the run. :param str root: The root filename of the sample file collection. :param str base_dir: The directly containing the sample file collection. :param bool use_nestcheck: Invoke :mod:`nestcheck` for nested sampling error analysis? :param callable transform: A function to transform the parameter vector to another space. """ def __init__(self, root, base_dir, use_nestcheck, transform=None, overwrite_transformed=False, **kwargs): filerootpath = _os.path.join(base_dir, root) _filerootpath = filerootpath if transform is not None: samples = _np.loadtxt(filerootpath + '.txt') ndims = samples.shape[1] - 2 temp = transform(samples[0, 2:], old_API=True) ntransform = len(temp) - ndims _exists = _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + '_transformed.txt') if not _exists or overwrite_transformed: transformed = _np.zeros( (samples.shape[0], samples.shape[1] + ntransform)) transformed[:, :2] = samples[:, :2] for i in range(samples.shape[0]): transformed[i, 2:] = transform(samples[i, 2:], old_API=True) _np.savetxt(filerootpath + '_transformed.txt', transformed) filerootpath += '_transformed' root += '_transformed' super(NestedBackend, self).__init__(filepath=filerootpath + '.txt', **kwargs) if getdist is not None: # getdist backend self._gd_bcknd = MCSamples( root=filerootpath, settings=self.kde_settings, sampler='nested', names=self.names, ranges=self.bounds, labels=[self.labels[name] for name in self.names]) self._gd_bcknd.readChains(getdist.chains.chainFiles(filerootpath)) self.use_nestcheck = use_nestcheck if self.use_nestcheck: # nestcheck backend if transform is not None: for ext in ['dead-birth.txt', 'phys_live-birth.txt']: _exists = _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + ext) if not _exists or overwrite_transformed: samples = _np.loadtxt(_filerootpath + ext) transformed = _np.zeros( (samples.shape[0], samples.shape[1] + ntransform)) transformed[:, ndims + ntransform:] = samples[:, ndims:] for i in range(samples.shape[0]): transformed[i,:ndims+ntransform] =\ transform(samples[i,:ndims], old_API=True) _np.savetxt(filerootpath + ext, transformed) # .stats file with same root needed, but do not need to modify # the .stats file contents if not _os.path.isfile(filerootpath + '.stats'): if _os.path.isfile(_filerootpath + '.stats'): try: from shutil import copyfile as _copyfile except ImportError: pass else: _copyfile(_filerootpath + '.stats', filerootpath + '.stats') try: kwargs['implementation'] except KeyError: print('Root %r sampling implementation not specified... ' 'assuming MultiNest for nestcheck...') self._nc_bcknd = process_multinest_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) else: if kwargs['implementation'] == 'multinest': self._nc_bcknd = process_multinest_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) elif kwargs['implementation'] == 'polychord': self._nc_bcknd = process_polychord_run(root, base_dir=base_dir) else: raise ValueError('Cannot process with nestcheck.') @property def getdist_backend(self): """ Get the :class:`getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` instance. """ return self._gd_bcknd @property def nestcheck_backend(self): """ Get the :mod:`nestcheck` backend for the nested samples. """ return self._nc_bcknd @property def margeStats(self): """ Return the marginal statistics using :mod:`getdist`. """ return self._mcsamples.getMargeStats()
def _add_prior_density(self, plotter, posterior, ndraws, normalize, KL_divergence, KL_base, bootstrap, n_simulate): """ Crudely estimate the prior density. Kullback-Leibler divergence estimated in bits for a combined run or the same run for which the credible intervals are calculated. """ run = posterior.subset_to_plot[0] yield 'Plotting prior for posterior %s...' % posterior.ID l = posterior.likelihood if l is None: return # quietly do nothing elif not hasattr(l, 'prior'): return elif not hasattr(l.prior, 'draw'): return elif not callable(l.prior.draw): return samples, _ = l.prior.draw(ndraws, transform=True) color, lw = (run.contours[key] for key in ('color', 'lw')) quantiles = [None] * 3 with verbose(KL_divergence, 'Estimating 1D marginal KL-divergences in %s' % KL_base, 'Estimated 1D marginal KL-divergences') as condition: for i, ax in enumerate([plotter.subplots[i,i] \ for i in range(plotter.subplots.shape[0])]): name = self.params.names[i] bounds = {name: posterior.bounds[name]} settings = {'fine_bins': 1024, 'smooth_scale_1D': 0.3, 'boundary_correction_order': 1, 'mult_bias_correction_order': 1} # adopt from posterior settings or take custom input? idx = l.index(name) if idx is None: idx = l.prior.index(name) bcknd = MCSamples(sampler='uncorrelated', samples=samples[:,idx], weights=None, names=[name], ranges=bounds, settings=settings) if normalize: bcknd.get1DDensity(name).normalize(by='integral', in_place=True) x = _np.linspace(ax.xaxis.get_view_interval()[0], ax.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], 1000) ax.plot(x, bcknd.get1DDensity(name).Prob(x), ls='-.', color=color, lw=lw) if not condition: continue # go to next iteration if no KL # a prototype Kullback-Leibler divergence callback # information in bits def KL(ns_run, logw): x = ns_run['theta'][:,posterior.get_index(name)] w_rel = _np.exp(logw - logw.max()) where = w_rel > run.kde_settings.get('min_weight_ratio', 1.0e-30) prior = bcknd.get1DDensity(name).Prob(x[where]) p = getdist_kde(x[where], x, w_rel, ranges=[posterior.bounds[name]], idx=0, normalize=normalize, settings=run.kde_settings) # Due to spline interpolation, very small densities can be # negative, so manually give a small postive value which # does not affect KL integral approximation p[p<=0.0] = p[p>0.0].min() KL = _np.sum(w_rel[where] \ * (_np.log(p) - _np.log(prior))) \ /_np.sum(w_rel[where]) if KL_base == 'bits': return KL / _np.log(2.0) elif KL_base == 'nats': return KL else: raise ValueError('Invalid base for KL-divergence.') if bootstrap: for j, cred_int in enumerate([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]): quantiles[j] = run_ci_bootstrap(run.nestcheck_backend, estimator_list=[KL], cred_int=cred_int, n_simulate=n_simulate, simulate_weights=True, flip_skew=True) # KL in bits interval = r'$D_{\mathrm{KL}}=%.2f_{-%.2f}^{+%.2f}$' \ % (quantiles[1], quantiles[1] - quantiles[0], quantiles[2] - quantiles[1]) yield ('%s KL-divergence = %.4f/-%.4f/+%.4f' % (name, quantiles[1], quantiles[1] - quantiles[0], quantiles[2] - quantiles[1])) if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.lab_fontsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.lab_fontsize ax.set_title(interval, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) else: where = run.samples[:,0] > 0.0 ns_run = {'theta': run.samples[where,2:]} divergence = KL(ns_run, _np.log(run.samples[where,0])) yield ('%s KL-divergence = %.4f' % (name, divergence)) divergence = (r'$D_{\mathrm{KL}}=%.2f$' % divergence) if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.lab_fontsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.lab_fontsize ax.set_title(divergence, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) yield None
temp = bl[:, :, list(blobs_names).index('temperature')] print('Last temperature: %s' % temp[-1, -1]) else: temp = np.ones(ln.shape) #################################################################################### #################################################################################### # If requested, make getdist-formatted version of the chain # if args.output_getdist is not None: if args.output_getdist: from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples gdist = MCSamples( ranges={par_names[i]: [lbs[i], ubs[i]] for i in range(n_par)}, samples=np.dstack((ch, bl)).reshape(-1, n_par + n_blobs), loglikes=(-1. * ln).reshape(-1), names=list(par_names) + list(blobs_names), labels=list(par_labels) + list(blobs_labels), ) gdist.saveAsText(ini_fname_nosuffix + '_gdist') #################################################################################### #################################################################################### if 1 in plot: fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax1.plot(-1. * ln, alpha=0.1) for p, ls in zip([2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], ['-.', '--', '-', '--', '-.']): ax1.axhline( np.percentile(-1. * ln, p, axis=1)[n_steps // 2:].mean(), color='blue',
def bootstrap( self, mcmc_steps, num_walkers, iters=1, thin=10, stats_interval=10, output_interval=None, initial_jitter=0.01, final_jitter=0.01, init_samples=None, moves=None): """ Args: num_walkers: mcmc_steps: iters: thin: stats_interval: output_interval: initial_jitter: final_jitter: init_samples: moves: Returns: """ def log_prob(x): logl, der = self.loglike(x) return logl + self.prior(x), der if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'emcee.h5')) and init_samples is None: if self.sample_prior is not None: init_samples = self.sample_prior(num_walkers) else: raise ValueError('Prior does not have sample method') try: import emcee except: raise ImportError if moves is not None: ensemble_moves = [] for k, v in moves.items(): if k.lower() == 'stretch': ensemble_moves.append((emcee.moves.StretchMove(), v)) elif k.lower() == 'kde': ensemble_moves.append((emcee.moves.KDEMove(), v)) elif k.lower() == 'de': ensemble_moves.append((emcee.moves.DEMove(), v)) elif k.lower() == 'snooker': ensemble_moves.append((emcee.moves.DESnookerMove(), v)) else: ensemble_moves = [(emcee.moves.StretchMove(), 1.0)]'Performing initial emcee run with [%d] walkers' % (num_walkers)) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(num_walkers, self.x_dim, log_prob, moves=ensemble_moves, backend=emcee.backends.HDFBackend(os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'emcee.h5'))) state = sampler.run_mcmc(init_samples, mcmc_steps)'Initial acceptance [%5.4f]' % (np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction))) self._chain_stats(np.transpose(sampler.get_chain(), axes=[1, 0, 2])) tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time() training_samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=int(2 * np.max(tau)), flat=True, thin=int(0.5 * np.min(tau))) for it in range(1, iters + 1): if iters > 1: jitter = initial_jitter + (it - 1) * (final_jitter - initial_jitter) / (iters - 1) else: jitter = initial_jitter mean = np.mean(training_samples, axis=0) std = np.std(training_samples, axis=0) # Normalise samples training_samples = (training_samples - mean) / std self.transform = lambda x: x * std + mean self.trainer.train(training_samples, jitter=jitter) init_samples = None init_loglikes = None init_derived = None samples, latent_samples, derived_samples, loglikes, ncall = self._ensemble_sample( mcmc_steps, num_walkers, init_samples=init_samples, init_loglikes=init_loglikes, init_derived=init_derived, stats_interval=stats_interval, output_interval=output_interval) # Remember last position and loglikes # init_samples = samples[:, -1, :] # init_loglikes = loglikes[:, -1] # init_derived = derived_samples[:, -1, :] samples = self.transform(samples) self._chain_stats(samples) mc = MCSamples(samples=[samples[i, :, :].squeeze() for i in range(samples.shape[0])], loglikes=[-loglikes[i, :].squeeze() for i in range(loglikes.shape[0])]) training_samples = mc.makeSingleSamples(single_thin=thin) return training_samples