文件: hub.py 项目: gevent/gevent
def kill(greenlet, exception=GreenletExit):
    Kill greenlet asynchronously. The current greenlet is not unscheduled.

    .. note::

        The method :meth:`Greenlet.kill` method does the same and
        more (and the same caveats listed there apply here). However, the MAIN
        greenlet - the one that exists initially - does not have a
        ``kill()`` method, and neither do any created with :func:`spawn_raw`,
        so you have to use this function.

    .. caution:: Use care when killing greenlets. If they are not prepared for
       exceptions, this could result in corrupted state.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1a2
        If the ``greenlet`` has a :meth:`kill <Greenlet.kill>` method, calls it. This prevents a
        greenlet from being switched to for the first time after it's been
        killed but not yet executed.
    if not greenlet.dead:
        if hasattr(greenlet, 'kill'):
            # dealing with gevent.greenlet.Greenlet. Use it, especially
            # to avoid allowing one to be switched to for the first time
            # after it's been killed
            greenlet.kill(exception=exception, block=False)
            _get_hub_noargs().loop.run_callback(greenlet.throw, exception)
文件: hub.py 项目: gevent/gevent
def spawn_raw(function, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a new :class:`greenlet.greenlet` object and schedule it to
    run ``function(*args, **kwargs)``.

    This returns a raw :class:`~greenlet.greenlet` which does not have all the useful
    methods that :class:`gevent.Greenlet` has. Typically, applications
    should prefer :func:`~gevent.spawn`, but this method may
    occasionally be useful as an optimization if there are many
    greenlets involved.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1a3
        Verify that ``function`` is callable, raising a TypeError if not. Previously,
        the spawned greenlet would have failed the first time it was switched to.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1b1
       If *function* is not callable, immediately raise a :exc:`TypeError`
       instead of spawning a greenlet that will raise an uncaught TypeError.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.1rc2
        Accept keyword arguments for ``function`` as previously (incorrectly)
        documented. Note that this may incur an additional expense.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a2
       Populate the ``spawning_greenlet`` and ``spawn_tree_locals``
       attributes of the returned greenlet.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
       *Only* populate ``spawning_greenlet`` and ``spawn_tree_locals``
       if ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` is enabled (the default). If not enabled,
       those attributes will not be set.

    if not callable(function):
        raise TypeError("function must be callable")

    # The hub is always the parent.
    hub = _get_hub_noargs()

    factory = TrackedRawGreenlet if GEVENT_CONFIG.track_greenlet_tree else RawGreenlet

    # The callback class object that we use to run this doesn't
    # accept kwargs (and those objects are heavily used, as well as being
    # implemented twice in core.ppyx and corecffi.py) so do it with a partial
    if kwargs:
        function = _functools_partial(function, *args, **kwargs)
        g = factory(function, hub)
        g = factory(function, hub)
        hub.loop.run_callback(g.switch, *args)

    return g
文件: hub.py 项目: gevent/gevent
    def __init__(self, signalnum, handler, *args, **kwargs):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise TypeError("signal handler must be callable.")

        self.hub = _get_hub_noargs()
        self.watcher = self.hub.loop.signal(signalnum, ref=False)
        self.handler = handler
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        if self.greenlet_class is None:
            from gevent import Greenlet
            self.greenlet_class = Greenlet
文件: hub.py 项目: gevent/gevent
def idle(priority=0):
    Cause the calling greenlet to wait until the event loop is idle.

    Idle is defined as having no other events of the same or higher
    *priority* pending. That is, as long as sockets, timeouts or even
    signals of the same or higher priority are being processed, the loop
    is not idle.

    .. seealso:: :func:`sleep`
    hub = _get_hub_noargs()
    watcher = hub.loop.idle()
    if priority:
        watcher.priority = priority
def sleep(seconds=0, ref=True):
    Put the current greenlet to sleep for at least *seconds*.

    *seconds* may be specified as an integer, or a float if fractional
    seconds are desired.

    .. tip:: In the current implementation, a value of 0 (the default)
       means to yield execution to any other runnable greenlets, but
       this greenlet may be scheduled again before the event loop
       cycles (in an extreme case, a greenlet that repeatedly sleeps
       with 0 can prevent greenlets that are ready to do I/O from
       being scheduled for some (small) period of time); a value greater than
       0, on the other hand, will delay running this greenlet until
       the next iteration of the loop.

    If *ref* is False, the greenlet running ``sleep()`` will not prevent :func:`gevent.wait`
    from exiting.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a1
       Sleeping with a value of 0 will now be bounded to approximately block the
       loop for no longer than :func:`gevent.getswitchinterval`.

    .. seealso:: :func:`idle`
    hub = _get_hub_noargs()
    loop = hub.loop
    if seconds <= 0:
        waiter = Waiter(hub)
        loop.run_callback(waiter.switch, None)
        with loop.timer(seconds, ref=ref) as t:
            # Sleeping is expected to be an "absolute" measure with
            # respect to time.time(), not a relative measure, so it's
            # important to update the loop's notion of now before we start
文件: hub.py 项目: gevent/gevent
def sleep(seconds=0, ref=True):
    Put the current greenlet to sleep for at least *seconds*.

    *seconds* may be specified as an integer, or a float if fractional
    seconds are desired.

    .. tip:: In the current implementation, a value of 0 (the default)
       means to yield execution to any other runnable greenlets, but
       this greenlet may be scheduled again before the event loop
       cycles (in an extreme case, a greenlet that repeatedly sleeps
       with 0 can prevent greenlets that are ready to do I/O from
       being scheduled for some (small) period of time); a value greater than
       0, on the other hand, will delay running this greenlet until
       the next iteration of the loop.

    If *ref* is False, the greenlet running ``sleep()`` will not prevent :func:`gevent.wait`
    from exiting.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.3a1
       Sleeping with a value of 0 will now be bounded to approximately block the
       loop for no longer than :func:`gevent.getswitchinterval`.

    .. seealso:: :func:`idle`
    hub = _get_hub_noargs()
    loop = hub.loop
    if seconds <= 0:
        waiter = Waiter(hub)
        loop.run_callback(waiter.switch, None)
        with loop.timer(seconds, ref=ref) as t:
            # Sleeping is expected to be an "absolute" measure with
            # respect to time.time(), not a relative measure, so it's
            # important to update the loop's notion of now before we start