def get_line_counts(data: GetLineCountsData) -> None:

    root: str
    files: List[str]

    # In gcov_prefix_dir, add symlinks to build_dir .gcno files.
    print("Adding symlinks.")

    # If the symlinks already exist, we will get an error.
    # os.symlink does not provide an option to overwrite.
    # We instead create the symlink with a randomized name and then rename it using os.replace, which atomically
    # overwrites any existing file.
    random_text = util.get_random_name()[:10]

    for root, _, files in os.walk(data.build_dir):
        gcno_files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".gcno")]
        if gcno_files:
            root_rel = strip_root(root)
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(data.gcov_prefix_dir, root_rel), exist_ok=True)
            for file_name in gcno_files:
                source = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                dest = os.path.join(data.gcov_prefix_dir, root_rel, file_name)
                temp = dest + random_text
                os.symlink(source, temp)
                os.replace(temp, dest)


    print("Processing .gcno files.")

    gcovs_thread = threading.Thread(target=_thread_gcovs, args=(data,))
    adder_thread = threading.Thread(target=_thread_adder, args=(data,))


    for root, _, files in os.walk(
        os.path.join(data.gcov_prefix_dir, strip_root(data.build_dir))
        gcno_files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".gcno")]
        # TODO: Could split further if necessary.
        if gcno_files:
            data.gcno_files_queue.put((os.path.join(root), gcno_files))

    # Send a "done" message for each thread.
    for _ in range(data.num_threads):
        data.gcno_files_queue.put(("", []))

    # wait for threads.

def get_random_name() -> str:
    # TODO: could change to human-readable random name or the date.
    return util.get_random_name()