 def __setitem__(self, name, flag):
     """Registers a new flag variable."""
     fl = self.FlagDict()
     if not isinstance(flag, _flag.Flag):
         raise exceptions.IllegalFlagValue(flag)
     if str is bytes and isinstance(name, unicode):
         # When using Python 2 with unicode_literals, allow it but encode it
         # into the bytes type we require.
         name = name.encode('utf-8')
     if not isinstance(name, type('')):
         raise exceptions.FlagsError('Flag name must be a string')
     if not name:
         raise exceptions.FlagsError('Flag name cannot be empty')
     if name in fl and not flag.allow_override and not fl[
         module, module_name = _helpers.GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
         if (self.FindModuleDefiningFlag(name) == module_name
                 and id(module) != self.FindModuleIdDefiningFlag(name)):
             # If the flag has already been defined by a module with the same name,
             # but a different ID, we can stop here because it indicates that the
             # module is simply being imported a subsequent time.
         raise exceptions.DuplicateFlagError(name, self)
     short_name = flag.short_name
     if short_name is not None:
         if (short_name in fl and not flag.allow_override
                 and not fl[short_name].allow_override):
             raise exceptions.DuplicateFlagError(short_name, self)
         fl[short_name] = flag
     if (name not in fl  # new flag
             or fl[name].using_default_value
             or not flag.using_default_value):
         fl[name] = flag
    def AppendFlagValues(self, flag_values):
        """Appends flags registered in another FlagValues instance.

      flag_values: registry to copy from
        for flag_name, flag in flag_values.FlagDict().iteritems():
            # Each flags with shortname appears here twice (once under its
            # normal name, and again with its short name).  To prevent
            # problems (DuplicateFlagError) with double flag registration, we
            # perform a check to make sure that the entry we're looking at is
            # for its normal name.
            if flag_name == flag.name:
                    self[flag_name] = flag
                except exceptions.DuplicateFlagError:
                    raise exceptions.DuplicateFlagError(
                        flag_name, self, other_flag_values=flag_values)