class Bullet(Sprite):
    """A class to manage bullets from the ship"""
    def __init__(self, ship):
        super(Bullet, self).__init__()

        # Create bullet at the correct position
        self.image = GFX().bullets[0]
        self.mask = GFX().bullets_mask[0]
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.centerx = ship.rect.centerx
        self.rect.bottom = ship.rect.top

        # Attributes
        self.pos_y = float(self.rect.y)
        self.speed = CFG().bullet_speed

    def update(self, dt):
        """Move the bullet on screen"""
        self.pos_y -= self.speed * dt
        self.rect.y = self.pos_y

        if self.rect.bottom <= 0:

    def blitme(self, screen):
        """Draw the bullet"""
        screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)
class Asteroid(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, pos_x):
        """Init asteroid - square sprite with random image and rotation speed"""
        super(Asteroid, self).__init__()
        self.movement_speed = CFG().asteroid_small_speed

        # Stats
        self.health = 100
        self.reward = 100
        self.pickup = None

        # Select random asteroid image
        self.i = randint(0, len(GFX().asteroids)-1)
        self.image = GFX().asteroids[self.i][0]

        # Set starting position
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.centerx = pos_x
        self.rect.bottom = 0

        self.size = self.rect.height
        self.timer = 0

        self.num_frames = len(GFX().asteroids[self.i])    # Gen number of animation frames
        self.frame = randint(0, self.num_frames-1)   # Current frame number of animation - set random one
        self.rotation_speed = uniform(0.08, 0.2)     # time in seconds between animation frames
        self.direction = choice([1, -1])

        self.image = GFX().asteroids[self.i][self.frame]
        self.mask = GFX().asteroids_mask[self.i][self.frame]

    def update(self, dt, enemy_bullets, ship):
        """Update movement and animation"""
        # If time between frames elapsed - set image of the sprite to the next frame
        if self.timer < time():
            self.timer = time() + self.rotation_speed

            self.frame += self.direction
            # loop animation
            if self.frame == self.num_frames:
                self.frame = 0
            if self.frame == -1:
                self.frame = self.num_frames-1

            self.image = GFX().asteroids[self.i][self.frame]
            self.mask = GFX().asteroids_mask[self.i][self.frame]

        # move the asteroid
        self.rect.bottom += self.movement_speed * dt

    def hit(self):
        self.health -= 20
class Ship():
    def __init__(self, screen):
        """Init the player ship and it's starting position"""
        self.screen = screen

        # load the ships image and get it's rect
        self.image = GFX().ship['c_0']
        self.mask = GFX().ship_mask['c_0']
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()

        # Start the ship at the bottom center of the screen
        self.rect.centerx = self.screen_rect.centerx
        self.rect.bottom = self.screen_rect.bottom

        # Attributes
        self.pos_x = float(self.rect.centerx)
        self.shooting_timer = 0

        # Flags
        self.moving_left = False
        self.moving_right = False
        self.moving_center = False  # Used for resetting ship image
        self.shooting = False

        self.effects = Group()

    def blitme(self):
        """Draw the ship"""
        self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)

    def update(self, dt):
        """Updates ship movement and graphics"""
        # After shooting timer runs out remove shooting flag and reset ship image
        if self.shooting_timer < time():
            self.shooting = False
            self.moving_center = True

        # Calculating ship movement and setting correct image
        if self.moving_left and self.rect.left > 0:
            self.pos_x -= CFG().ship_speed * dt
            self.image = GFX().ship['l_0']
            self.mask = GFX().ship_mask['l_0']
        elif self.moving_right and self.rect.right < self.screen_rect.right:
            self.pos_x += CFG().ship_speed * dt
            self.image = GFX().ship['r_0']
            self.mask = GFX().ship_mask['r_0']
        elif self.moving_center:
            self.image = GFX().ship['c_0']
            self.mask = GFX().ship_mask['c_0']
            self.moving_center = False

        # if shooting use special ship image
        if self.shooting:
            if self.moving_left:
                self.image = GFX().ship['l_1']
            elif self.moving_right:
                self.image = GFX().ship['r_1']
                self.image = GFX().ship['c_1']

        # Apply ship movement
        self.rect.centerx = self.pos_x


    def hit(self):
class Story():
    """ Shows story before and after level """
    def __init__(self, start_story, end_story, screen):
        Init Story

        :param start_story: list of dict containing image name, time in seconds, and text
        :param end_story: list of dict containing image name, time in seconds, and text
        :param screen: surface to show the story on
        self.start_story = start_story
        self.end_story = end_story
        self.screen = screen
        self.font = Text(self.screen, CFG().font_main, 11, (255, 255, 255), True)

        self.story_image = None
        self.story_timer = 0
        self.story_text = ''

        rect = self.screen.get_rect()
        self.text_x = rect.width / 2
        self.text_y = rect.height - (rect.height / 16)

    def update(self, set='start'):
        Goes trough the story list, keeps duration for showing the story and updates current image and text

        :param set: string start or end - which part of story to show
        :return: True if showing image, False if all images have been shown
        # If it's time for next story
        if self.story_timer < time():
            self.story_image = None
            self.story_text = ''

            if set == 'start':
                story = self.start_story
                story = self.end_story

            if len(story):
                page = story.pop(0)
                # Set next story image, duration and text
                self.story_image = GFX().story[page['image']]
                self.story_timer = time() + page['time']
                if 'text' in page.keys():
                    self.story_text = page['text']
                return False
            # Allow skipping of story at the start of level
            if set == 'start':
                if Events().key_pressed:
                    self.story_timer = 0

        return True

    def draw(self):
        """ Draw current story image and text"""
        self.screen.blit(self.story_image, self.story_image.get_rect())

        if self.story_text != '':
            text = self.story_text.split('\n')
            # Set initial padding from bottom based on number of lines
            y = self.text_y - (16 * len(text))

            for line in text:
                self.font.write(line, self.text_x, y, origin='center')
                y += 16
class EnemyBullet(Sprite):
    """A class to manage enemy bullets"""
    def __init__(self, position, speed, look=1, target=None):
        """ Create and aim bullet

        Target angle is -90 left, 0 straight down, 90 right
        :param position: Starting position: Sprite or [x, y]
        :param gfx: game graphics lib
        :param speed: speed of the bullet
        :param look: index of the bullet image
        :param target: Target to aim at None/int angle/[x,y]
        super(EnemyBullet, self).__init__()

        # Set selected image, mask and rect
        self.image = GFX().bullets[look]
        self.mask = GFX().bullets_mask[look]
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        # Set starting position
        if isinstance(position, Sprite):
            self.rect.centerx = position.rect.centerx
            self.rect.bottom = position.rect.bottom
            self.rect.centerx = position[0]
            self.rect.centery = position[1]

        # Attributes
        self.pos_x = float(self.rect.x)
        self.pos_y = float(self.rect.y)
        self.speedx = 0
        self.speedy = 0
        self.angle = 0

        if target is None:
            self.speedy = speed
            if isinstance(target, list):
                # Calculate angle to target
                self.angle = rt_angle(target[0] - self.rect.x,
                                      target[1] - self.rect.y)
                self.angle = target

            # Rotate bullet image
            if self.angle != 0:
                self.image = rotate(self.image, self.angle)
                self.mask = from_surface(self.image)
                self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

            # Perform vectoring based on angle
            self.angle += 90
            self.angle = radians(self.angle)
            self.speedx = cos(self.angle) * speed * -1
            self.speedy = sin(self.angle) * speed

    def update(self, dt):
        """Calculate position and move bullet"""
        if self.speedx != 0:
            self.pos_x += self.speedx * dt
            self.rect.x = self.pos_x

        self.pos_y += self.speedy * dt
        self.rect.y = self.pos_y

        if self.rect.top > CFG().int_screen_height:

    def blitme(self, screen):
        """Draw the bullet"""
        screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)