class HMMModelCreation(ModelCreationAbstractclass):

    ex = Exception(
        "For the model creation from HMM, input is required. Please select a HMM file using [-i]."
    open_hmm = lambda _, i: gh.HMMOpen(fileName=i,

    def create_states(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "State look-up table creation for HMM currently not available.")

    def create_prediction_model(self, **kwargs):
        if kwargs["input"] == None:
            raise self.ex
        hmm = self.open_hmm(kwargs["input"])
        trans, _, _ = hmm.asMatrices()
        return trans

    def create_observation_model(self, **kwargs):
        if kwargs["input"] == None:
            raise self.ex
        hmm = self.open_hmm(kwargs["input"])
        _, emi, _ = hmm.asMatrices()
        return emi
def tffm_from_xml(xml, kind):
    Construct a TFFM described in an XML file.

    :arg xml: File containing the TFFM description in XML format.
    :type xml: str
    :arg kind: Type of TFFM to construct between '1st-order' and 'detailed'.
    :type kind: str

    :returns: The TFFM described in the XML file.
    :rtype: :class:`TFFM`


    hmm = ghmm.HMMOpen(xml)
    return TFFM(hmm.emissionDomain, hmm.distribution, hmm.cmodel, kind)
    def __create_hmm_from_xml(self, xml):
        """Creates a hmm from the xml representation. Not nice to use tempfile
        but not otherwise possible due to hidden code and swig in ghmm.

        :param xml: The xml string

        :return: the ghmm hmm object
        fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
        f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
        )  # File has to be closed before reading from it. Otherwise this will fail.
        hmm = gh.HMMOpen(fileName=name, filetype=gh.GHMM_FILETYPE_XML)
        return hmm
文件: 项目: ieee820/hmmhc
    def __init__(self, allele):
        ''' Initialize the predictor. For now, only H2-IAb is supported. '''

        if (allele != 'H2-IAb'):
            raise ValueError('Unsupported allele')

        self.allele = allele

        # range of allowed peptide lengths (percentile rank calibration was
        # done for this range)
        self.minPeptideLength = 12
        self.maxPeptideLength = 24

        # define the HMM emission alphabet, including a dedicated "stop"
        # emission (a GHMM-specific tweak)
        self.alphabet = ghmm.Alphabet(ghmm.AminoAcids.listOfCharacters + ['Z'])

        # a value to replace inf in the predictions. Same value as used in
        # percentile rank calibration
        self.infSubstitute = 1000

        # GHMM has an internal limitation of 1,500,000 sequences in a set
        self.sequencesPerBlock = 1500000

        # load the HMM model and the corresponding percentile rank calibration data
        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
        hmmFile = resource_filename(__name__,
        prCalibrationFile = resource_filename(
            __name__, 'models/precent-rank-model-h2iab.npz')

        self.hmm = ghmm.HMMOpen(hmmFile)

        prCalibration = np.load(prCalibrationFile)
        self.prCalibrationCdf = prCalibration['cdf']
        self.prCalibrationBinEdges = prCalibration['bin_edges']
文件: 项目: ncryer/hmm
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import ghmm
import hmm
import predictor
import pickle

# make a dataset
dm = predictor.FastaDataSetMaker()
ta = dm.read_from_file("TA_all.fasta", name="ta", label=1)
char_dic = {charlist[i]: i for i in xrange(20)}
ta_n = [[char_dic[c] for c in seq.sequence[::-1]] for seq in ta]

# convert hmm
g = ghmm.HMMOpen("ta2.1.2.xml")
h = hmm.convert_ghmm(g)

# Training
h.baum_welch(ta_n, iter_limit=1000, threshold=-1e-3, pseudocounts=[0, 1e-3, 0])
g2 = hmm.convert2ghmm(h)
f = open("ta_with_noise", "w")
pickle.dump(g2, f)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import ghmm as gh
import json
from qsrrep_lib.rep_hmm import RepHMM

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="The xml HMM file to convert", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="The new filename", type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    hmm = gh.HMMOpen(fileName=args.input, filetype=gh.GHMM_FILETYPE_XML)

    trans, emi, start = hmm.asMatrices()

    ret = {
        RepHMM.TRANS: trans,
        RepHMM.EMI: emi,
        RepHMM.START: start,

    with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(ret, f)