def mkmitral(gid): if ismitral(gid): nrn = genMitral(gid) m = h.Mitral(gid) else: nrn = genMTufted(gid) m = h.mTufted(gid) m.createsec(len(nrn.dend), len(nrn.tuft)) for i, d in enumerate(nrn.dend): if d.parent == nrn.soma[0]: m.secden[i].connect(m.soma(.5)) else: index = nrn.dend.index(d.parent) m.secden[i].connect(m.secden[index](1)) m.geometry() # again to get the hillock stylized shape fillall(nrn, m) m.subsets() m.topol() # need to connect secondary dendrites explicitly m.segments( ) # again to get the proper number of segments for tuft and secden m.memb() m.setup_orns(gid, params.stream_orn_w) if ismitral(gid): orn_g_std = params.orn_g_mc_std orn_g_baseline = params.orn_g_mc_baseline orn_g_max = params.orn_g_mc_max elif ismtufted(gid): orn_g_std = params.orn_g_mt_std orn_g_baseline = params.orn_g_mt_baseline orn_g_max = params.orn_g_mt_max for i in range(int(m.ntuft)): m.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_baseline = orn_g_baseline m.ornsyn.o(i).std_e = orn_g_std m.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_max = orn_g_max if mgid2glom(gid) in params.vclamp: m.vcinit() return m
def ev(self, time): ''' set odors stimulation intensity ''' model = getmodel() for gid, cell in model.mitrals.items(): if gidfunc.ismitral(gid): g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mc_baseline std_e = params.orn_g_mc_std g_e_max = params.orn_g_mc_max else: g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mt_baseline std_e = params.orn_g_mt_std g_e_max = params.orn_g_mt_max if h.section_exists("tuftden", 0, cell): for i in range(int(cell.ornsyn.count())): cell.ornsyn.o(i).cc_peak = self.w_odor[mgid2glom(gid)] cell.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_baseline = g_e_baseline cell.ornsyn.o(i).g_e_max = g_e_max cell.ornsyn.o(i).std_e = std_e for nc in self.netcons.values(): nc.event(h.t) if self.verbose and rank == 0: print 'activation of %s at %g (ms)\tinterval %g' % ( self.odorname, time, self.next_invl) # set up for next sniff self.next_invl = self.rng_act.repick() if (time + self.next_invl) < (self.start + self.dur): h.cvode.event(time + self.next_invl, (self.ev, (time + self.next_invl, )))
def _pd(mgid, isec, x): try: m = mitrals[mgid] except KeyError: if gidfunc.ismitral(mgid): m = grow.genMitral(mgid) elif gidfunc.ismtufted(mgid): m = grow.genMTufted(mgid) mitrals[mgid] = m d = x * (len(m.dend[isec].points)-1) sec = m.dend[isec].parent while sec != m.soma[0]: d += len(sec.points)-1 sec = sec.parent return d*20
def issynapse(gid): return not (gidfunc.ismitral(gid) or gidfunc.ismtufted(gid) or gidfunc.isgranule(gid))
gloms = set([37, glomid]) def issynapse(gid): return not (gidfunc.ismitral(gid) or gidfunc.ismtufted(gid) or gidfunc.isgranule(gid)) def glom2mgid(glomid): for i in range(glomid * params.Nmitral_per_glom, (glomid + 1) * params.Nmitral_per_glom): yield i + params.gid_mitral_begin for i in range(glomid * params.Nmtufted_per_glom, (glomid + 1) * params.Nmtufted_per_glom): yield i + params.gid_mtufted_begin with open(filename + '.weight.dat', 'w') as fo: for _glomid in gloms: for mgid in glom2mgid(_glomid): for gid in bindict.mgid_dict[mgid]: if issynapse(gid): ii = int(pathdist.pd(gid) / 20) if gidfunc.ismitral(mgid): wexc = wexc_mc[ii] winh = winh_mc[ii] else: wexc = wexc_mt[ii] winh = winh_mt[ii] fo.write('%d %d 0\n' % (gid, wexc)) fo.write('%d %d 0\n' % (gid - 1, winh)) print w_base, glomid, perc
def init(): data = {} for uid in range(nhost): data.update({ uid:(getmodel().mitrals.keys()) }) data = a2a.all2all(data) mgids = [] for _mgids in data.values(): mgids += _mgids mgids = set(mgids) # initialize source for mgid in getmodel().mitrals.keys(): mpriden = split.mpriden(mgid) if not mpriden: continue rgj = params.ranstream(mgid, params.stream_gap_junction) mpriden.push() secref = h.SectionRef() h.pop_section() h.mk_gj_src(pc, mgid, secref) glomid = mgid2glom(mgid) sistergids = [] # no longer all to all, only a chain if not (ismtufted(mgid) and (mgid - nmi) % nmt == (nmt - 1)): if ismitral(mgid) and mgid % nmxg == (nmxg - 1): sistergids += [glomid * nmt + nmi] else: sistergids += [mgid + 1] if not (ismitral(mgid) and mgid % nmxg == 0): if ismtufted(mgid) and (mgid - nmi) % nmt == 0: sistergids += [(glomid + 1) * nmxg - 1] else: sistergids += [mgid - 1] sistergids = mgids.intersection(range(glomid * nmxg, glomid * nmxg + nmxg) + range(glomid * nmt + nmi, glomid * nmt + nmt + nmi)).difference([ mgid ]) for sistermgid in sistergids: gap = h.Gap(mpriden(0.99)) if ismitral(mgid) and ismitral(sistermgid): gap.g = rgj.uniform(gj_min_g1, gj_max_g1) elif ismtufted(mgid) and ismtufted(sistermgid): gap.g = rgj.uniform(gj_min_g3, gj_max_g3) else: gap.g = rgj.uniform(gj_min_g2, gj_max_g2) getmodel().gj[(mgid, sistermgid)] = gap pc.barrier() # initialize targets for key, gap in getmodel().gj.items(): mgid, sistermgid = key pc.target_var(gap, gap._ref_vgap, sistermgid) util.elapsed('Gap junctions built')
def __init__(self, odorname, start, dur, conc): ''' Specifies the odor for an OdorStim. Note that the OdorStim is activated with setup which can only be called after the mitrals dict exists (usually from ''' if rank == 0: print("OdorStim %s start=%g dur=%g conc=%g" % (odorname, start, dur, conc)) self.odorname = odorname self.start = start self.dur = dur self.conc = conc self.verbose = True self.next_invl = 0 if params.glomerular_layer == 0: self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].getORNs(conc) # odor vector elif params.glomerular_layer == 1: self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].afterPG_1(conc) # odor vector elif params.glomerular_layer == 2: self.w_odor = odors.odors[odorname].afterPG_2(conc) # odor vector # set up the netcons to stimulate the ORNs self.netcons = {} if not use_OdorStimHelper: self.rng_act = params.ranstream(0, params.stream_orn_act) self.rng_act.uniform(params.sniff_invl_min, params.sniff_invl_max) model = getmodel() self.src = None if use_OdorStimHelper or allow_prcellstate_debug: src = h.OdorStimHelper() src.start = start src.dur = dur src.invl_min = params.sniff_invl_min src.invl_max = params.sniff_invl_max src.noiseFromRandom123(0, params.stream_orn_act, 0) self.src = src for gid, cell in model.mitrals.items(): peak = self.w_odor[mgid2glom(gid)] if gidfunc.ismitral(gid): g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mc_baseline std_e = params.orn_g_mc_std g_e_max = params.orn_g_mc_max else: g_e_baseline = params.orn_g_mt_baseline std_e = params.orn_g_mt_std g_e_max = params.orn_g_mt_max if h.section_exists("tuftden", 0, cell): for i in range(int(cell.ornsyn.count())): nc = h.NetCon(self.src, cell.ornsyn.o(i)) self.netcons[(gid, i)] = nc # NetCon weights are peak, base, gemax, stde nc.weight[0] = peak nc.weight[1] = g_e_baseline nc.weight[2] = g_e_max nc.weight[3] = std_e nc.delay = 0.0 if use_OdorStimHelper: pass else: self.fih = h.FInitializeHandler(0, (self.init_ev, (start, )))
def multisplit_distrib(model): enter = h.startsw() cxlist = determine_multisplit_complexity(model) #start over destroy_model(model) # fake cell to solve problem with gap junctions # init_fake_cell() # but we still have model.mconnections and model.rank_gconnections # from the round-robin distribution perspective. # we will need to tell the ranks where to distribute that information cxlist = load_bal( cxlist, nhost) #cxlist is the list of (cx,(gid,piece)) we want on this process # the new distribution of mitrals and granules model.gids = set([item[1][0] for item in cxlist]) model.mitral_gids = set( [gid for gid in model.gids if ismitral(gid) or ismtufted(gid)]) model.granule_gids = set([gid for gid in model.gids if isgranule(gid)]) model.blanes_gids = set([gid for gid in model.gids if isblanes(gid)]) # for splitting need gid:[pieceindices] gid2pieces = {} for item in cxlist: gid = item[1][0] piece = item[1][1] if not gid2pieces.has_key(gid): gid2pieces[gid] = [] gid2pieces[gid].append(piece) # get the correct mconnections and gconnections # Round-robin ranks that presently have the connection info for the gids rr = {} for gid in model.gids: r = gid % nhost if not rr.has_key(r): rr[r] = [] rr[r].append(gid) rr = all2all(rr) # rr is now the ranks for where to send the synapse information # all the gids in rr were 'owned' by the round-robin distribution # may wish to revisit so that only synapse info for relevant pieces is # scattered. mc = model.mconnections gc = model.rank_gconnections # construct a ggid2connection dict ggid2connection = {} for r in gc: for ci in gc[r]: ggid = ci[3] if not ggid2connection.has_key(ggid): ggid2connection[ggid] = [] ggid2connection[ggid].append(ci) for r in rr: gids = rr[r] mgci = [] rr[r] = mgci for gid in gids: if mc.has_key(gid): mgci.append(mc[gid]) elif gidfunc.isgranule(gid): mgci.append(ggid2connection[gid]) mgci = all2all(rr) # mgci contains all the connection info needed by the balanced distribution # create mitrals and granules, split and register and create synapses nmc.dc.mk_mitrals(model) # whole cells nmc.build_granules(model) nmc.build_blanes(model) for gid in gid2pieces: if ismitral(gid) or ismtufted(gid): split.splitmitral(gid, model.mitrals[gid], gid2pieces[gid]) pc.multisplit() nmc.register_mitrals(model) nmc.register_granules(model) nmc.register_blanes(model) # build_synapses() ... use mgci to build explicitly model.mgrss = {} for r in mgci: for cil in mgci[r]: for ci in cil: if not model.mgrss.has_key(mgrs.mgrs_gid(ci[0], ci[3], ci[6])): rsyn = mgrs.mk_mgrs(*ci[0:7]) if rsyn: model.mgrss[rsyn.md_gid] = rsyn nmultiple = int(pc.allreduce(mgrs.multiple_cnt(), 1)) # it is faster if generated again blanes.mk_gl2b_connections() # excitatory for mgid, blanes_gid, w in model.mt2blanes_connections: syn = blanes.mt2blanes(mgid, blanes_gid, w) model.mt2blanes[syn.gid] = syn blanes.mk_b2g_connections() # inhibitory synapses from blanes to gc for ggid, blanes_gid, w in model.blanes2gc_connections: syn = blanes.blanes2granule(blanes_gid, ggid, w) model.blanes2gc[syn.gid] = syn if rank == 0: print 'nmultiple = ', nmultiple detectors = h.List("AmpaNmda") util.elapsed('%d ampanmda for reciprocalsynapses constructed' % int(pc.allreduce(detectors.count(), 1))) detectors = h.List("FastInhib") util.elapsed('%d fi for reciprocalsynapses constructed' % int(pc.allreduce(detectors.count(), 1))) detectors = h.List("ThreshDetect") util.elapsed('%d ThreshDetect for reciprocalsynapses constructed' % int(pc.allreduce(detectors.count(), 1))) util.elapsed('%d mt to bc' % int(pc.allreduce(len(model.mt2blanes), 1))) util.elapsed('%d bc to gc' % int(pc.allreduce(len(model.blanes2gc), 1))) if rank == 0: print 'multisplit_distrib time ', h.startsw() - enter
def chk_gran_conn(): model = modeldata.getmodel() ggids = model.granule_gids mgids = model.mitral_gids mgrss = model.mgrss # for each granule, list of all mgid it connects to and vice versa g2m = {} m2g = {} for mgrs in mgrss.values(): ggid = mgrs.ggid mgid = mgrs.mgid if # granule exists on this rank if ggid not in g2m: g2m[ggid] = [] g2m[ggid].append(mgid) if # mitral or mtufted exists on this rank if mgid not in m2g: m2g[mgid] = [] m2g[mgid].append(ggid) a = 'Number of granules that go to mitral and mtufted (regardless of glomerulus)' na = 0 for ms in g2m.values(): nmit = 0 nmtuft = 0 for mgid in ms: nmit += 1 if gidfunc.ismitral(mgid) else 0 nmtuft += 1 if gidfunc.ismtufted(mgid) else 0 na += 1 if nmit > 0 and nmtuft > 0 else 0 na = int(pc.allreduce(na, 1)) if == 0: print("%d %s" % (na, a)) a = '[total,imin,imax,iavg,xmin,xmax,xavg] granule connections to mitral' b = '[total,imin,imax,iavg,xmin,xmax,xavg] granule connections to mtuft' nab = [[[], [], [], []], [[], [], [], []]] for ms in g2m.values(): # assume if first is mitral then all are mitrals otherwise mtuft dat = nab[0] if gidfunc.ismitral(ms[0]) else nab[1] # want to distinguish intra mitral, distinct mitral, and any mitral # generate map of distinct:count for that distinct instance distinct = {} for d in set(ms): distinct[d] = 0 for m in ms: distinct[m] += 1 n_any = len(ms) n_distinct_m = len(distinct) n_intra_m_min = min(distinct.values()) n_intra_m_max = max(distinct.values()) dat[0].append(n_any) dat[1].append(n_distinct_m) dat[2].append(n_intra_m_min) dat[3].append(n_intra_m_max) def nhost_len(v): return int(pc.allreduce(len(v), 1)) def nhost_sum(v): return int(pc.allreduce(sum(v), 1)) def nhost_max(v): return int(pc.allreduce(max(v), 2)) def nhost_min(v): return int(pc.allreduce(min(v), 3)) def pr0(s): if == 0: print(s) def pr(title, dat): i = 0 pr0(title) totg = nhost_len(dat[i]) pr0("%d granules of this type" % totg) pr0("%d total connections" % nhost_sum(dat[i])) if totg: pr0("%d min ; %d max ; %g avg" % (nhost_min( dat[i]), nhost_max(dat[i]), float(nhost_sum(dat[i])) / totg)) pr(a, nab[0]) pr(b, nab[1])
def __init__(self, mgid, isec, xm, ggid, ipri, xg, slot): self.mgid = mgid self.ggid = ggid self.slot = slot self.xm = xm self.xg = xg self.isec = isec self.ipri = ipri self.msecden = split.msecden(mgid, isec) self.gpriden = split.gpriden(ggid, ipri) self.md_gid = mgrs_gid(mgid, ggid) self.gd_gid = mgrs_gid(ggid, mgid) = None #ThreshDetect on mitral = None #ThreshDetect on granule if params.use_fi_stdp: = None #FastInhibSTDP on mitral self.postspike2fi = None # negative weight NetCon from md to fi else: = None #FastInhib on mitral self.ampanmda = None #AmpaNmda on granule self.gd2fi = None #NetCon to fi self.md2ampanmda = None #NetCon to ampanmda if pc.gid_exists(self.md_gid) > 0. or pc.gid_exists(self.gd_gid) > 0.: print "md_gid=%d and/or gd_gid=%d already registered" % (self.md_gid, self.gd_gid) raise RuntimeError if self.msecden: = h.ThreshDetect(self.msecden(xm)) if params.use_fi_stdp: = h.FastInhibSTDP(self.msecden(xm)) nc = h.NetCon(, self.postspike2fi = nc nc.weight[0] = -1 nc.delay = 1 else: = h.FastInhib(self.msecden(xm)) try: if params.training_inh: = 1 else: = 0 except: # print 'error' = 1 if ismitral(mgid): = params.mc_inh_gmax = params.mc_fi_tau1 = params.mc_fi_tau2 elif ismtufted(mgid): = params.mt_inh_gmax = params.mt_fi_tau1 = params.mt_fi_tau2 pc.set_gid2node(self.md_gid, pc.cell(self.md_gid, h.NetCon(, None), 1) if self.gpriden: self.spine = h.GranuleSpine() if gcissup(self.ggid): self.spine.sup_deep_flag(1) else: self.spine.sup_deep_flag(0) self.spine.neck.connect(self.gpriden(xg)) #self.dsac = dSAC(self.ggid, self.spine) = h.ThreshDetect(self.spine.head(0.5)) = -50 self.ampanmda = h.AmpaNmda(self.spine.head(0.5)) if ismitral(mgid): self.ampanmda.gmax = params.mc_exc_gmax elif ismtufted(mgid): self.ampanmda.gmax = params.mt_exc_gmax try: if params.training_exc: = 1 else: = 0 except: # print 'error' = 1 pc.set_gid2node(self.gd_gid, pc.cell(self.gd_gid, h.NetCon(, None), 1) # Cannot be done above because output ports must exist prior to using # an output gid as an input port on the same process. if self.gd2fi = pc.gid_connect(self.gd_gid, if params.use_fi_stdp: self.gd2fi.weight[0] = 1 else: self.gd2fi.weight[0] = 1 # normalized try: init_inh_weight = params.init_inh_weight except: init_inh_weight = 0 self.gd2fi.weight[1] = init_inh_weight self.gd2fi.delay = 1 if self.ampanmda: self.md2ampanmda = pc.gid_connect(self.md_gid, self.ampanmda) self.md2ampanmda.weight[0] = 1 #normalized try: init_exc_weight = params.init_exc_weight except: init_exc_weight = 0 self.md2ampanmda.weight[1] = init_exc_weight self.md2ampanmda.delay = 1