    def _medfilter(self,im,r,rad):
           Median filtering of each slice in the cube
        log =     self.log
        pa =      self.pa
        bsize =   self.boxcar_size     # Boxcar smoothing size (def:5)
        mdfw =    self.medfilt_width    # Medfiltering width  (def:11)

        # to accelerate the code, we bin the image and the 'r'
        # image down to 256x256 and do the radial profile on the binned versions
        sz = np.shape(im)
        bsy = sz[0]/4
        bsx = sz[1]/4
        rbin = nt.rebin(r,bsy,bsx)

        tmp = np.zeros(self.imsize,dtype=np.float32)

        # COPY: We are not modifying input image
        tmp[:,:] = im

        #NOTE: We are not using reset_num so far

        imbin = nt.rebin(tmp, bsy,bsx)   # bin down to 256x256

        for rr in range(8,np.size(rad)):
            # determine the median profile beyond r=8
            # (irrelevant inside this because of focal plane mask)
            if rr < 50:
                ss = tmp[abs(r-rr) < .5]
                rad[rr] = np.median(ss[np.where(np.isfinite(ss))])
                ss = imbin[abs(rbin-rr) < 3]
                rad[rr] = np.median(ss[np.where(np.isfinite(ss))])

        # smooth the radial profile beyond r=22
        rad[22:] = boxcar(rad,(bsize,))[22:]
        rad[40:] = boxcar(rad,(bsize,))[40:] # smooth even more

        tmp[:,:] -= gi.ginterpolate(rad,r)

        tmp[:,:] -= scipy.signal.medfilt2d(np.nan_to_num(tmp),mdfw)

        #t = time.time()
        #line = '%.2f' % (t-ti)
        #log.info('medfilter['+chan+']: ['+str(i+1)+'/'+str(sz[0])+']' +line)
        return tmp
def TTlinearize_image(image,zzfunction):
      Linearize image using the 2D funcion zz

     Linearize the image applying the surface function 
     evaluator from the method 'fit_image'.         

     Using the inverse function evaluator for each row of the 
     input image:
     pixel = self.zinv(lambda, row)

     Generating a set of lambdas with a dispertion value
     (cdelt = (self.z(nx) - self.z(1))/nx) as 
     (lambdas = (ixx-crpix)*cdelt + crval), where 'ixx' is the
     array of indices (1..nx) along the dispersion axis.
     With the inverse function we obtain the pixel coordinates
     corresponding to each lambda value. Interpolating the
     input image values at each of these new pixel coordinates
     using spline interpolation we linearize the input image.

        image: (None) 
           If an ndarray is supplied use this one as the input
           image to linearize. It should have the same dispersion
           characteristics since it uses the ARC image dispersion
           and fitting functions.
           Dictionary with functions evaluator {'zzfit' and 'zzinvfit'}.
           These are constructed using the class Eval2 (see above)

           Ndarray of the same shape as the input image.

    import ginterpolate as gi

    zz = zzfunction['zzfit']
    zinv = zzfunction['zinvfit'] 
    data = image 

    # The output arrays
    ny,nx = np.shape(data)
    outdtype = data.dtype
    linear_im = np.zeros((ny,nx),dtype=outdtype)
    ym = ny/2

    z = lambda x: zz(x,ym)
    # ----- Linearize ------
    # Dispersion. We use the already calculated mapping function z
    # such that lambda=z(pixels).  The dispersion direction is 
    # along the x-axis.
    cdelt = (z(nx) - z(1))/nx
    crpix = 1
    if cdelt < 0:
        crval = z(nx)
        cdelt = -cdelt
        crval = z(1)

    # The linear array in wavelength units for the dispersion axis 
    lams = (np.arange(nx)-crpix)*cdelt + crval
    lamf = lambda x: (x-crpix)*cdelt + crval

    for y in range(ny):
        # Calculate the pixel position for each lambda
        # using the inverse function.
        pixels = zinv(lams,y)
        line = gi.ginterpolate(data[y,:],pixels,order=4)
        linear_im[y,:] = np.asarray(line,dtype=outdtype)    # Keep the input datatype

    # Calculate the linear WCS 

    return linear_im