def task_cleanup(e):
    Since files written by docker containers are owned by root, we can't
    clean them up in the worker process since that typically doesn't run
    as root. So, we run a lightweight container to make the temp dir cleanable.
    if e.info['task']['mode'] == 'docker' and '_tempdir' in e.info['kwargs']:
        tmpdir = e.info['kwargs']['_tempdir']
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        default_temp_volume = _RequestDefaultTemporaryVolume()
        self.request._default_temp_volume = default_temp_volume

        volumes = kwargs.setdefault('volumes', {})
        # If we have a list of volumes, the user provide a list of Volume objects,
        # we need to transform them.
        temp_volumes = []
        if isinstance(volumes, list):
            # See if we have been passed any TemporaryVolume instances.
            for v in volumes:
                if isinstance(v, TemporaryVolume):

            # First call the transform method, this we replace default temp volumes
            # with the instance associated with this task create above. That is any
            # reference to TemporaryVolume.default
            _walk_obj(volumes, self._maybe_transform_argument)

            # Now convert them to JSON
            def _json(volume):
                return volume._repr_json_()

            volumes = _walk_obj(volumes, _json)
            # We then need to merge them into a single dict and it will be ready
            # for docker-py.
            volumes = {k: v for volume in volumes for k, v in volume.items()}
            kwargs['volumes'] = volumes


        super(DockerTask, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Set the permission to allow cleanup of temp directories
        temp_volumes = [v for v in temp_volumes if os.path.exists(v.host_path)]
        to_chmod = temp_volumes[:]
        # If our default_temp_volume instance has been transformed then we
        # know it has been used and we have to clean it up.
        if default_temp_volume._transformed:

        if len(to_chmod) > 0:
            utils.chmod_writable([v.host_path for v in to_chmod])

        for v in temp_volumes: