class TestPyBulletWorld(RuleBasedStateMachine): def __init__(self): super(TestPyBulletWorld, self).__init__() = PyBulletWorld() object_names = Bundle(u'object_names') robot_names = Bundle(u'robot_names') @invariant() def keeping_track_of_bodies(self): assert len( + ) == p.getNumBodies() @rule(target=object_names, name=variable_name(), length=small_float(), width=small_float(), height=small_float(), base_pose=transform()) def add_box(self, name, length, width, height, base_pose): robot_existed = object_existed = name in object = Box(name, length, width, height) try:, base_pose) assert name in except DuplicateNameException: assert object_existed or robot_existed return name @rule(target=object_names, name=variable_name(), radius=small_float(), base_pose=transform()) def add_sphere(self, name, radius, base_pose): robot_existed = object_existed = object = Sphere(name, radius) try:, base_pose) assert except DuplicateNameException: assert object_existed or robot_existed return name @rule(target=object_names, name=variable_name(), radius=small_float(), length=small_float(), base_pose=transform()) def add_cylinder(self, name, radius, length, base_pose): robot_existed = object_existed = object = Cylinder(name, radius, length) try:, base_pose) assert except DuplicateNameException: assert object_existed or robot_existed return name @rule(target=robot_names, name=variable_name(), robot_urdf=robot_urdfs(), base_pose=transform()) def spawn_robot(self, name, robot_urdf, base_pose): robot_existed = object_existed = try:, robot_urdf, base_pose) assert assert == name except RobotExistsException: assert robot_existed assert except DuplicateNameException: assert object_existed assert not return name @rule() def delete_robot(self): assert not assert is None @rule(name=object_names) def delete_object(self, name): object_existed = try:, except UnknownBodyException: assert not object_existed assert not @rule(remaining_objects=st.lists(object_names)) def delete_all_objects(self, remaining_objects): old_objects = set( for object_name in remaining_objects: if object_name in old_objects: assert assert len( == len( old_objects.intersection(set(remaining_objects))) @rule() def clear_world(self): assert 1 == p.getNumBodies() def teardown(self):
class PyBulletPlugin(PluginBase): def __init__(self, js_identifier, collision_identifier, closest_point_identifier, collision_goal_identifier, controllable_links_identifier, robot_description_identifier, map_frame, root_link, default_collision_avoidance_distance, path_to_data_folder='', gui=False, marker=False, enable_self_collision=True): self.collision_goal_identifier = collision_goal_identifier self.controllable_links_identifier = controllable_links_identifier self.path_to_data_folder = path_to_data_folder self.js_identifier = js_identifier self.collision_identifier = collision_identifier self.closest_point_identifier = closest_point_identifier self.default_collision_avoidance_distance = default_collision_avoidance_distance self.robot_description_identifier = robot_description_identifier self.enable_self_collision = enable_self_collision self.map_frame = map_frame self.robot_root = root_link self.robot_name = 'pr2' self.global_reference_frame_name = 'map' self.marker = marker self.gui = gui self.lock = Lock() self.object_js_subs = { } # JointState subscribers for articulated world objects self.object_joint_states = { } # JointStates messages for articulated world objects super(PyBulletPlugin, self).__init__() def copy(self): cp = self.__class__( js_identifier=self.js_identifier, collision_identifier=self.collision_identifier, closest_point_identifier=self.closest_point_identifier, collision_goal_identifier=self.collision_goal_identifier, controllable_links_identifier=self.controllable_links_identifier, map_frame=self.map_frame, root_link=self.robot_root, path_to_data_folder=self.path_to_data_folder, gui=self.gui, default_collision_avoidance_distance=self. default_collision_avoidance_distance, robot_description_identifier=self.robot_description_identifier, enable_self_collision=self.enable_self_collision) = cp.marker = self.marker # cp.srv = self.srv # cp.viz_gui = self.viz_gui cp.pub_collision_marker = self.pub_collision_marker return cp def start_once(self): = PyBulletWorld( enable_gui=self.gui, path_to_data_folder=self.path_to_data_folder) self.srv_update_world = rospy.Service('~update_world', UpdateWorld, self.update_world_cb) self.srv_viz_gui = rospy.Service('~enable_marker', SetBool, self.enable_marker_cb) self.pub_collision_marker = rospy.Publisher( '~visualization_marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) # TODO get robot description from god map urdf = rospy.get_param('robot_description'), urdf) def enable_marker_cb(self, setbool): """ :type setbool: std_srvs.srv._SetBool.SetBoolRequest :rtype: SetBoolResponse """ # TODO test me self.marker = return SetBoolResponse() def update_world_cb(self, req): """ Callback function of the ROS service to update the internal giskard world. :param req: Service request as received from the service client. :type req: UpdateWorldRequest :return: Service response, reporting back any runtime errors that occurred. :rtype UpdateWorldResponse """ # TODO block or queue updates while planning with self.lock: try: if req.operation is UpdateWorldRequest.ADD: if req.rigidly_attached: self.attach_object(req) else: self.add_object(req) elif req.operation is UpdateWorldRequest.REMOVE: self.remove_object( # TODO implement alter elif req.operation is UpdateWorldRequest.REMOVE_ALL: self.clear_world() else: return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.INVALID_OPERATION, u'Received invalid operation code: {}'.format( req.operation)) self.publish_object_as_marker(req) return UpdateWorldResponse() except CorruptShapeException as e: return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.CORRUPT_SHAPE_ERROR, str(e)) except UnknownBodyException as e: return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.MISSING_BODY_ERROR, str(e)) except DuplicateNameException as e: return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.DUPLICATE_BODY_ERROR, str(e)) except UnsupportedOptionException as e: return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.UNSUPPORTED_OPTIONS, str(e)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return UpdateWorldResponse( UpdateWorldResponse.UNSUPPORTED_OPTIONS, u'{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) def add_object(self, req): """ :type req: UpdateWorldRequest """ world_body = req.body global_pose = from_pose_msg( transform_pose(self.global_reference_frame_name, req.pose).pose) if world_body.type is WorldBody.URDF_BODY: #TODO test me, world_body.urdf, global_pose) else:, global_pose) # SUB-CASE: If it is an articulated object, open up a joint state subscriber if world_body.joint_state_topic: callback = (lambda msg: self.object_js_cb(, msg)) self.object_js_subs[] = \ rospy.Subscriber(world_body.joint_state_topic, JointState, callback, queue_size=1) def attach_object(self, req): """ :type req: UpdateWorldResponse """ if req.body.type is WorldBody.URDF_BODY: raise UnsupportedOptionException( u'Attaching URDF bodies to robots is not supported.'), req.pose.header.frame_id, from_pose_msg(req.pose.pose)) def remove_object(self, name): if if self.object_js_subs.has_key(name): self.object_js_subs[name].unregister() del (self.object_js_subs[name]) try: del (self.object_joint_states[name]) except: pass elif else: raise UnknownBodyException( u'Cannot delete unknown object {}'.format(name)) def publish_object_as_marker(self, req): try: ma = to_marker(req) self.pub_collision_marker.publish(ma) except: pass def clear_world(self): self.pub_collision_marker.publish( MarkerArray([Marker(action=Marker.DELETEALL)])) for object_name in if object_name != u'plane': #TODO get rid of this hard coded special case self.remove_object(object_name) def update(self): """ Computes closest point info for all robot links and safes it to the god map. """ with self.lock: # TODO only update urdf if it has changed self.god_map.set_data([self.robot_description_identifier], js = self.god_map.get_data([self.js_identifier]) if js is not None: for object_name, object_joint_state in self.object_joint_states.items( ): object_joint_state) # TODO we can look up the transform outside of this loop p = lookup_transform(self.map_frame, self.robot_root)[ p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y, p.pose.position.z ], orientation=[ p.pose.orientation.x, p.pose.orientation.y, p.pose.orientation.z, p.pose.orientation.w ]) # TODO not necessary to parse collision goals every time collision_goals = self.god_map.get_data( [self.collision_goal_identifier]) collision_matrix = self.collision_goals_to_collision_matrix( collision_goals) collisions = collision_matrix, enable_self_collision=self.enable_self_collision) closest_point = self.collisions_to_closest_point( collisions, collision_matrix) if self.marker: self.publish_cpi_markers(closest_point) self.god_map.set_data([self.closest_point_identifier], closest_point) def collision_goals_to_collision_matrix(self, collision_goals): """ :param collision_goals: list of CollisionEntry :type collision_goals: list :return: dict mapping (robot_link, body_b, link_b) -> min allowed distance :rtype: dict """ if collision_goals is None: collision_goals = [] min_allowed_distance = dict() if len([ x for x in collision_goals if x.type in [ CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS, CollisionEntry.ALLOW_ALL_COLLISIONS ] ]) == 0: # add avoid all collision if there is no other avoid or allow all collision_goals.insert( 0, CollisionEntry( type=CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS, min_dist=self.default_collision_avoidance_distance)) controllable_links = self.god_map.get_data( [self.controllable_links_identifier]) for collision_entry in collision_goals: # type: CollisionEntry # check if msg got properly filled if collision_entry.body_b == u'' and collision_entry.link_b != u'': raise PhysicsWorldException( u'body_b is empty but link_b is not') # if robot link is empty, use all robot links if collision_entry.robot_link == u'': robot_links = set( elif collision_entry.robot_link in ).get_link_names(): # TODO this check is linear but could be constant robot_links = {collision_entry.robot_link} else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'robot_link \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.robot_link)) # remove all non controllable links # TODO make pybullet robot know which links are controllable # TODO on first look controllable links are none if controllable_links is not None: robot_links.intersection_update(controllable_links) # if body_b is empty, use all objects if collision_entry.body_b == u'': bodies_b = elif bodies_b = [collision_entry.body_b] else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'body_b \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.body_b)) for body_b in bodies_b: # if link_b is empty, use all links from body_b if collision_entry.link_b == u'': # empty link b means every link from body b links_b = elif collision_entry.link_b in body_b).get_link_names(): links_b = [collision_entry.link_b] else: raise UnknownBodyException(u'link_b \'{}\' unknown'.format( collision_entry.link_b)) for robot_link, link_b in product(robot_links, links_b): key = (robot_link, body_b, link_b) if collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.ALLOW_COLLISION or \ collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.ALLOW_ALL_COLLISIONS: if key in min_allowed_distance: del min_allowed_distance[key] elif collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.AVOID_COLLISION or \ collision_entry.type == CollisionEntry.AVOID_ALL_COLLISIONS: min_allowed_distance[key] = collision_entry.min_dist return min_allowed_distance def collisions_to_closest_point(self, collisions, min_allowed_distance): """ :param collisions: (robot_link, body_b, link_b) -> ContactInfo :type collisions: dict :param min_allowed_distance: (robot_link, body_b, link_b) -> min allowed distance :type min_allowed_distance: dict :return: robot_link -> ClosestPointInfo of closest thing :rtype: dict """ closest_point = keydefaultdict(lambda k: ClosestPointInfo((10, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0), 1e9, self.default_collision_avoidance_distance, k, '', (1, 0, 0))) for key, collision_info in collisions.items( ): # type: ((str, str, str), ContactInfo) if collision_info is None: continue link1 = key[0] a_in_robot_root = msg_to_list( transform_point( self.robot_root, to_point_stamped(self.map_frame, collision_info.position_on_a))) b_in_robot_root = msg_to_list( transform_point( self.robot_root, to_point_stamped(self.map_frame, collision_info.position_on_b))) n_in_robot_root = msg_to_list( transform_vector( self.robot_root, to_vector3_stamped(self.map_frame, collision_info.contact_normal_on_b))) try: cpi = ClosestPointInfo(a_in_robot_root, b_in_robot_root, collision_info.contact_distance, min_allowed_distance[key], key[0], u'{} - {}'.format(key[1], key[2]), n_in_robot_root) except KeyError: continue if link1 in closest_point: closest_point[link1] = min(closest_point[link1], cpi, key=lambda x: x.contact_distance) else: closest_point[link1] = cpi return closest_point def stop(self): self.clear_world() self.srv_update_world.shutdown() self.srv_viz_gui.shutdown() self.pub_collision_marker.unregister() def publish_cpi_markers(self, closest_point_infos): """ Publishes a string for each ClosestPointInfo in the dict. If the distance is below the threshold, the string is colored red. If it is below threshold*2 it is yellow. If it is below threshold*3 it is green. Otherwise no string will be published. :type closest_point_infos: dict """ m = Marker() m.header.frame_id = self.robot_root m.action = Marker.ADD m.type = Marker.LINE_LIST = 1337 # TODO make namespace parameter m.ns = u'pybullet collisions' m.scale = Vector3(0.003, 0, 0) if len(closest_point_infos) > 0: for collision_info in closest_point_infos.values( ): # type: ClosestPointInfo red_threshold = collision_info.min_dist yellow_threshold = collision_info.min_dist * 2 green_threshold = collision_info.min_dist * 3 if collision_info.contact_distance < green_threshold: m.points.append(Point(*collision_info.position_on_a)) m.points.append(Point(*collision_info.position_on_b)) m.colors.append(ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 1)) m.colors.append(ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 1)) if collision_info.contact_distance < yellow_threshold: m.colors[-2] = ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1) m.colors[-1] = ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1) if collision_info.contact_distance < red_threshold: m.colors[-2] = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) m.colors[-1] = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) else: m.action = Marker.DELETE ma = MarkerArray() ma.markers.append(m) self.pub_collision_marker.publish(ma) def object_js_cb(self, object_name, msg): """ Callback message for ROS Subscriber on JointState to get states of articulated objects into world. :param object_name: Name of the object for which the Joint State message is. :type object_name: str :param msg: Current state of the articulated object that shall be set in the world. :type msg: JointState """ self.object_joint_states[object_name] = to_joint_state_dict(msg)