def main(): if not git_tools.verify_toolchain({ PIP_PATH: 'sudo apt-get install python-pip', CLANG_FORMAT_PATH: 'sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.7', FIXJSSTYLE_PATH: 'pip install --user' }): sys.exit(1) args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='lints javascript', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend/www/(js|ux)/.*\.js$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*js/omegaup/lang\..*']) if not args.files: return 0 validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' file_violations = run_linter(args, args.files, validate_only) if file_violations: if validate_only: if git_tools.attempt_automatic_fixes(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations): return 1 print('%sValidation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments( tool_description='lints javascript', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend/www/(js|ux)/.*\.js$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*js/omegaup/lang\..*']) if not args.files: return 0 validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' file_violations = run_linter(args, args.files, validate_only) if file_violations: if validate_only: if git_tools.attempt_automatic_fixes(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations): return 1 print('%sValidation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments( tool_description='purges whitespace', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend.*\.(php|css|js|sql|tpl|py|vue)$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*']) if not args.files: return 0 validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' file_violations = run_validations(args, args.files, validate_only) if file_violations: if validate_only: if git_tools.attempt_automatic_fixes(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations): return 1 print('%sWhitespace validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): if not git_tools.verify_toolchain({ PIP_PATH: 'sudo apt-get install python-pip', CLANG_FORMAT_PATH: 'sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.7', GJSLINT_PATH: 'pip install --user' }): sys.exit(1) args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='lints javascript', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend/www/(js|ux)/.*\.js$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*js/omegaup/lang\..*']) if not args.files: return 0 validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' if not run_linter(args, args.files, validate_only): if validate_only: print('%sValidation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='PHP linter', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend.*\.php$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*']) if not args.files: return 0 root = git_tools.root_dir() phpcs_args = [which('phpcbf'), '--encoding=utf-8', '--standard=%s' % os.path.join(root, 'stuff/phpcbf/Standards/OmegaUp/ruleset.xml')] validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' file_violations = set() for filename in args.files: contents = git_tools.file_contents(args, root, filename) cmd = phpcs_args + ['--stdin-path=%s' % filename] if args.verbose: print('Executing "%s".' % ( ' '.join(pipes.quote(arg) for arg in cmd)), file=sys.stderr) with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=root) as p: replaced = p.communicate(contents)[0] if p.returncode != 0 and not replaced: # phpcbf returns 1 if there was no change to the file. If there was an # actual error, there won't be anything in stdout. file_violations.add(filename) print('Execution of "%s" %sfailed with return code %d%s.' % ( ' '.join(cmd), COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) if contents != replaced: file_violations.add(filename) if validate_only: print('File %s%s%s has %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Fixing %s%s%s for %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(replaced) if file_violations: if validate_only: if git_tools.attempt_automatic_fixes(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations): return 1 print('%sPHP validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='PHP linter', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend.*\.php$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*dao/base.*', br'frontend/server/libs/dao/Estructura.php', br'frontend/server/libs/dao/']) if not args.files: return 0 root = git_tools.root_dir() phpcs_args = [which('phpcbf'), '--encoding=utf-8', '--standard=%s' % os.path.join(root, 'stuff/omegaup-standard.xml')] validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' validation_passed = True for filename in args.files: contents = git_tools.file_contents(args, root, filename) cmd = phpcs_args + ['--stdin-path=%s' % filename] with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=root) as p: replaced = p.communicate(contents)[0] if p.returncode != 0 and not replaced: # phpcbf returns 1 if there was no change to the file. If there was an # actual error, there won't be anything in stdout. validation_passed = False print('Execution of "%s" %sfailed with return code %d%s.' % ( ' '.join(cmd), COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) if contents != replaced: validation_passed = False if validate_only: print('File %s%s%s has %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Fixing %s%s%s for %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(replaced) if not validation_passed: if validate_only: print('%sPHP validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='PHP linter', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend.*\.php$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*dao/base.*', br'frontend/server/libs/dao/Estructura.php']) if not args.files: return 0 root = git_tools.root_dir() phpcs_args = [which('phpcbf'), '--encoding=utf-8', '--standard=%s' % os.path.join(root, 'stuff/omegaup-standard.xml')] validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' validation_passed = True for filename in args.files: contents = git_tools.file_contents(args, root, filename) cmd = phpcs_args + ['--stdin-path=%s' % filename] with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=root) as p: replaced = p.communicate(contents)[0] if p.returncode != 0 and not replaced: # phpcbf returns 1 if there was no change to the file. If there was an # actual error, there won't be anything in stdout. validation_passed = False print('Execution of "%s" %sfailed with return code %d%s.' % ( ' '.join(cmd), COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) if contents != replaced: validation_passed = False if validate_only: print('File %s%s%s has %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Fixing %s%s%s for %slint errors%s.' % (COLORS.HEADER, filename, COLORS.NORMAL, COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) with open(os.path.join(root, filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(replaced) if not validation_passed: if validate_only: print('%sPHP validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='purges whitespace', file_whitelist=[br'^frontend.*\.(php|css|js|sql|tpl|py)$'], file_blacklist=[br'.*third_party.*', br'.*dao/base.*']) if not args.files: return 0 validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' if not run_validations(args, args.files, validate_only): if validate_only: print('%sWhitespace validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (COLORS.FAIL, COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (COLORS.HEADER, COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(): '''Runs the linters against the chosen files.''' args = git_tools.parse_arguments(tool_description='lints a project') if not args.files: return # If running in an automated environment, we can close stdin. # This will disable all prompts. if (args.continuous_integration or os.environ.get('CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION') == 'true'): sys.stdin.close() validate_only = args.tool == 'validate' with open(args.config_file, 'r') as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) file_violations = set() fixable = False for linter, options in config['lint'].items(): if linter not in _LINTER_MAPPING: print('Unknown linter %s%s%s.' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, linter, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) filtered_files = args.files # Filter only the files in the whitelist. whitelist = [re.compile(r) for r in options.get('whitelist', [])] filtered_files = [ filename for filename in filtered_files if any( r.match(filename) for r in whitelist) ] # And not in the blacklist. blacklist = [re.compile(r) for r in options.get('blacklist', [])] filtered_files = [ filename for filename in filtered_files if all(not r.match(filename) for r in blacklist) ] local_violations, local_fixable = _run_linter( args, _LINTER_MAPPING[linter](options), filtered_files, validate_only) file_violations |= local_violations fixable |= local_fixable if file_violations: if not fixable: print('%sErrors cannot be automatically fixed.%s' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) elif validate_only: if git_tools.attempt_automatic_fixes(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations): sys.exit(1) print('%sLinter validation errors.%s ' 'Please run `%s` to fix them.' % (git_tools.COLORS.FAIL, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL, git_tools.get_fix_commandline(sys.argv[0], args, file_violations)), file=sys.stderr) else: print('Files written to working directory. ' '%sPlease commit them before pushing.%s' % (git_tools.COLORS.HEADER, git_tools.COLORS.NORMAL), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)