def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(width, height) progress = t / duration cut = int(progress * len(points_p)) + 430 points = np.concatenate( [points_[cut:], points_[:cut] + (0, 2 * np.pi * n_reps)]) points[:, 1] -= 2 * np.pi * progress points[:, 1] *= stretch r_coefficients = np.power(points[:, 1] / (2 * np.pi * n_reps * stretch), 3) points[:, 0] *= r_coefficients mean_rs = r * r_coefficients points[:, 0] = (points[:, 0] - mean_rs) * stretch + mean_rs points[:, 0] *= 0.8 points[:, 1] += 2 * np.pi * progress - 0.5 * np.pi points = polar_to_cartesian_np(points) + center surface = gz.Surface(width, height) n_segments = 50 for i in range(10, n_segments): color = [1, 1, 1, ((i + 1) / n_segments)**2] gz.polyline(points=points[len(points) * i // n_segments:len(points) * (i + 1) // n_segments + 1], stroke_width=2 * (i + 1) / n_segments, stroke=color).draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(self, t): """ Creates colored pointer. Background color is the blur color, pointer (rect) color is the color of the pointer. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=self.p_glow_color) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(0,1,0), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length, ly=self.p_width, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x + self.p_length * self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=self.p_color) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text('{0}'.format( int(self.gps_speed[int(t)] * self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=self.p_color) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None: self.parent.processBarExport(p=1) if self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(width, height) progress = t / duration t_floaters = (progress * repetitions + progresses) % 1.0 floaters = np.stack([ x_shifts + amplitudes * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t_floaters * (height / periods)), 50 + (width - 100) * (1 - t_floaters) ]).T d_center = np.sum(np.square(floaters - np.array([width / 2, height / 2])), axis=1) - (width / 2)**2 points = np.concatenate([symbol, floaters[d_center < 0, :]]) d = distance_matrix(symbol, floaters) for i in range(len(symbol)): for j in range(len(floaters)): if d[i, j] <= max_dist: alpha = (1 - d[i, j] / max_dist)**2 gz.polyline(points=[points[i, :], floaters[j, :]], stroke=(1, 1, 1, alpha), stroke_width=1).draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): inputs = sim.get_scaled_state() if hasattr(net, 'activate'): action = net.activate_cpu(inputs) #action = net.activate(inputs) #action = net.my_activate(inputs) else: action = net.advance(inputs, sim.time_step, sim.time_step) sim.step(force_function(action)) surface = gz.Surface(w, h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) # Convert position to display units visX = scale * sim.x # Draw cart. group = gz.Group((cart, )).translate((visX, 0)) group.draw(surface) # Draw pole. group = gz.Group((pole, )).translate( (visX, 0)).rotate(sim.theta, center=(150 + visX, 80)) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def draw_seconds(seconds): center = numpy.array([40 / 2, 16 / 2]) surface = gizeh.Surface(width=40, height=16, bg_color=(0, 0, 0)) # in pixels image = alpha_to_color(misc.imread('alpaka.png')) alpaka = gizeh.ImagePattern(image, pixel_zero=center) r = gizeh.rectangle(lx=40, ly=16, xy=(24, 8), fill=alpaka) r.draw(surface) text = gizeh.text("{:02d}".format(seconds), fontfamily="DIN Condensed", fontsize=20, fill=(0.99, 0.82, 0.25), xy=(32, 8), angle=0) # Pi/12) text.draw(surface) #surface.write_to_png("circle.png") out = surface.get_npimage() fb = out.tobytes() prepped = prepare_message(fb, unpack=False) send_array(prepped, '')
def render_text(t): surface = gz.Surface(640, 60, bg_color=WHITE_GIZEH) text = gz.text( "Let's build together", fontfamily="Charter", fontsize=30, fontweight='bold', fill=BLUE, xy=(320, 40)) text.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def _make_frame_per_frame(self, ind): if isinstance(self._picture, BaseForm): surface = gizeh.Surface(int(self.screen_size[0] * 2), int(self.screen_size[1] * 2)) self._picture.surface = surface for i in range(self.meta_multiplicity): for attr in ['center', 'angle']: if hasattr(self._picture, attr): attr_list = self.__getattribute__(attr + 's') if not isinstance(attr_list, type(None)): self._picture.__setattr__(attr, attr_list[i][ind]) self._picture.draw(ind) return self._picture.surface.get_npimage(transparent=True) else: pic = None for i in range(self.meta_multiplicity): = self.centers[i][ind] newpic = Image.fromarray(self._picture._make_frame_per_frame(ind)).convert('RGBA') if pic: pic.paste(newpic, (0, 0), newpic) else: pic = newpic return np.array(pic.convert('RGBA'))
def animation4(t): W = H = 480 WSQ = W/4 a = np.pi/8 points = [(0,0),(1,0),(1-np.cos(a)**2,np.sin(2*a)/2),(0,0)] surface = gz.Surface(W,H) for k, (c1,c2) in enumerate([[(.7,0.05,0.05),(1,0.5,0.5)], [(0.05,0.05,.7),(0.5,0.5,1)]]): grad = gz.ColorGradient("linear",xy1=(0,0), xy2 = (1,0), stops_colors= [(0,c1),(1,c2)]) r = min(np.pi/2,max(0,np.pi*(t-DURATION/3)/DURATION)) triangle = gz.polyline(points,xy=(-0.5,0.5), fill=grad, angle=r, stroke=(1,1,1), stroke_width=.02) square = gz.Group([triangle.rotate(i*np.pi/2) for i in range(4)]) squares = (gz.Group([square.translate((2*i+j+k,j)) for i in range(-3,4) for j in range(-3,4)]) .scale(WSQ) .translate((W/2-WSQ*t/DURATION,H/2))) squares.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def render_visual_state(state, pixels_per_worldunit, bg_color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), scale_to_multiple_of_ten=True) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a 'visual state' to a rendered image :param state: dict with entries 'display_objects' (iterable of tuples (int, DisplayableObject)) and 'camera' :param pixels_per_worldunit: number of rendered pixels per world unit :param bg_color: background-color-tuple (r,g,b) :return: rendered image as 3D-numpy array """ width, height = state['camera'].get_img_dims(pixels_per_worldunit) if bg_color is not None and len(bg_color) == 3: bg_color = bg_color + (1., ) if scale_to_multiple_of_ten: surface_dims = (int(np.ceil(width / 10)) * 10, int(np.ceil(height / 10)) * 10) else: surface_dims = (int(round(width)), int(round(height))) # Ensure that output image has dimensions as a multiple of 10 (video player compatibility) surface = gizeh.Surface(*surface_dims, bg_color) # The elements of state['display_objects'] have the drawing order as their first entry for _, display_object in sorted(state['display_objects'].values(), key=lambda t: t[0]): display_object.draw(surface, state['camera'], pixels_per_worldunit) img = surface.get_npimage() return img
def make_frame(t): dt = 1.0 * DURATION / 2 / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE N = int(NDISKS_PER_CYCLE / SPEED) t0 = 1.0 / SPEED surface = gz.Surface(W, H) for i in range(1, N): a = (np.pi / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE) * (N - i - 1) r = np.maximum(0, 0.05 * (t + t0 - dt * (N - i - 1))) center = W * (0.5 + gz.polar2cart(r, a)) color = 1 * ((1.0 * i / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE) % 1.0, 1, 0) circle = * W, xy=center, fill=color, stroke_width=0.01 * W) circle.draw(surface) contour1 = * W, xy=[W / 2, W / 2], stroke_width=0.5 * W) contour2 = * W, xy=[W / 2, W / 2], stroke_width=0.02 * W, stroke=(1, 1, 1)) contour1.draw(surface) contour2.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def half(t, side="left"): points = gz.geometry.polar_polygon(NFACES, R, NSQUARES) #ipoint = 0 if side=="left" else NSQUARES/2 #points = (points[ipoint:]+points[:ipoint])[::-1] #for point in points: # print point surface = gz.Surface(W, H) centerPoints = [] for (r, th, d) in points: center = W * (0.5 + gz.polar2cart(r, th)) angle = -(6 * np.pi * d + t * np.pi / DURATION) #color= colorsys.hls_to_rgb((2*d+t/DURATION)%1,.5,.5) centerPoints.append(center) color = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) square =, xy=center, fill=color) #square = gz.square(l=0.17*W, xy= center, angle=angle, # fill=color, stroke_width= 0.005*W, stroke=(1,1,1)) square.draw(surface) line = gz.polyline(points=centerPoints, stroke_width=1, stroke=(1, 0, 0)) line.draw(surface) im = surface.get_npimage() return (im[:, :W / 2] if (side == "left") else im[:, W / 2:])
def make_frame(t): W,H = np.array([box,box]) # width, height, in pixels radius = (box/256.0)*10 surface = gizeh.Surface(W,H) i = int((t/duration)*pt_N) dx = np.array([W/2.,H/2.]) pts = R[i] cx = np.sin(t/duration*(np.pi)) c = (cx, 0.5, 0, alpha) for x,y in pts: xy = dx + [x,y]*dx/1.5 scale = box/128. if use_circles: circle =*scale), xy=xy, fill=[1,1,1,alpha]) circle.draw(surface) circle =*scale), xy=xy, fill=[0,0,0,1]) circle.draw(surface) circle =, xy=xy, fill=c) circle.draw(surface) img = surface.get_npimage() return img
def prepare(): surface = gz.Surface(width, height) gz.rectangle(lx=width, ly=height, xy=(width / 2, height / 2), fill=(0, 0, 0)).draw(surface) / 2, height / 2), r=width / 2 - 10, fill=(1, 1, 1)).draw(surface) / 2, height / 2), r=width / 2 - 40, fill=(0, 0, 0)).draw(surface) surface.write_to_png('spiral_ring.png') points = stipple_image_points('spiral_ring.png', n_points=5000, scale_factor=2, max_iterations=50)'spiral_ring.npy', points) write_tsp('spiral_ring.tsp', points) run_linkern('spiral_ring.tsp', 'spiral_ring.cyc', '../../tools/linkern.exe') postprocess_cyc('spiral_ring.npy', 'spiral_ring.cyc', 'spiral_ring_processed.npy', (256, 256), segment_length=5, degree=3, normalize_points=False)
def prepare_data(): surface = gz.Surface(1000, 1000) offset = np.array((500, 500)) gz.square(l=1000, xy=offset, fill=(0, 0, 0)).draw(surface) radius, corners, stroke_width = get_extinction_symbol_params(400), xy=offset, stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=stroke_width).draw(surface) gz.polyline(points=corners + offset, close_path=True, fill=None, stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=stroke_width).draw(surface) surface.write_to_png('extinction_symbol.png') print('STIPPLING EXTINCTION SYMBOL') points = stipple_image_points('extinction_symbol.png', n_points=2500, scale_factor=1, max_iterations=50)'extinction_symbol', points) points = np.load('extinction_symbol.npy') write_tsp('extinction_symbol.tsp', points) run_linkern('extinction_symbol.tsp', 'extinction_symbol.cyc', '../../tools/linkern.exe') postprocess_cyc('extinction_symbol.npy', 'extinction_symbol.cyc', 'extinction_symbol_processed.npy', (width, height), radius=110 / 128, segment_length=5)
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (1, 0, 0, alpha)), (1, (0.9, 0, 0, alpha))], xy1=[0.3, -0.3], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) for i in range(numBalls): if (t < duration / 2): newRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce(2 * t / duration) * radius newCircleRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce( 2 * t / duration) * circleRadius else: newRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce(1 - (t / duration)) * radius newCircleRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce( 1 - (t / duration)) * circleRadius angle = (2 * np.pi / numBalls) * i #center = (W/2) + gz.polar2cart(newCircleRadius, angle) center = (W / 2) + gz.polar2cart(circleRadius, angle) #ball =, fill=gradient).translate((x, y)) ball =, fill=gradient).translate(center) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): speed = t * -20 surface = gz.Surface(w, h, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) x0 = (coords[0] + 1) * scale # change coords with neat x1 = (coords[1] + 1) * scale + speed # change coords with neat and remove +speed height_support = h / 2 + beamheight * 50 support0 = support.translate(xy=[x0, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support0,)) group.draw(surface) support1 = support.translate(xy=[x1, height_support]) group = gz.Group((support1,)) group.draw(surface) group = gz.Group((beam,)) group.draw(surface) # Get the moments momentenfunction(beamwidth) # Draw text text1 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[0])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x0, 30]) text2 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[1])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[(x0 + x1) / 2, 80]) text3 = gz.text(str(round(momenten[2])), fontfamily="Impact", fontsize=14, fill=(0, 0, 1), xy=[x1, 30]) group = gz.Group((text1, text2, text3)) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(width, height) progress = t / duration center = width / 2, height / 2 - 18 circles = [ geo.Point(center).buffer(r, resolution=32) for r in np.arange(5, 0.8 * width, 10) ] p = [ interval_progresses(progress + offset, 6, 'hermite') for offset in np.linspace(0, 1 / 3, len(circles))[::-1] ] angles = [ hermite(hermite(p[i][2] - p[i][5])) * 2 * np.pi for i in range(len(p)) ] arcs = [] for i, c in enumerate(circles): s = xr.intersection(c.exterior) if isinstance(s, geo.LineString): arcs.append((s, angles[i])) elif isinstance(s, geo.MultiLineString): arcs.extend([(arc, angles[i]) for arc in s]) for arc, angle in arcs: coords = np.array(arc.coords) rotate_around(coords, angle, center) gz.polyline(points=coords, stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=5, line_cap='round').draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def piano_surface(midi, size, offset, time): surface = gizeh.Surface(*size) current = midi.second2tick(time) hit_note_colors = { midi.notes[interval[2]]['note']: track_colors[midi.notes[interval[2]]['track'] % 4] for interval in midi.timeline[current] } ivory_params = lambda note: { 'lx' : size[0]/52, 'ly' : size[1], 'xy' : (size[0] * position[note], size[1] / 2), 'fill' : hit_note_colors[note][1] if note in hit_note_colors.keys() else RGB('#CBCFCC'), 'stroke': RGB('#3A3E42'), 'stroke_width': 1 } ebony_params = lambda note: { 'lx' : size[0]/52 * 0.7, 'ly' : size[1] * 2/3, 'xy' : (size[0] * position[note], size[1] / 3), 'fill': hit_note_colors[note][0] if note in hit_note_colors.keys() else RGB('#3A3E42') } for note in filter(is_ivory, range(21, 109)): gizeh.rectangle(**ivory_params(note)).draw(surface) for note in filter(is_ebony, range(21, 109)): gizeh.rectangle(**ebony_params(note)).draw(surface) return surface
def make_frame_mask(self, t): """ Creates pointer mask. """ surface = gz.Surface(self.width, self.height, bg_color=(0, 0, 0)) # rect = gz.rectangle(lx=150, ly=5, xy=(250,250), fill=(1,1,1), angle=3.1415926/(2*t+1)) rect = gz.rectangle( lx=self.p_length + 2 * self.p_glow_margin, ly=self.p_width + 2 * self.p_glow_margin, xy=(self.p_rot_center_x + self.p_length * self.p_shift, self.p_rot_center_y), fill=(1, 1, 1)) rect = rect.rotate(self.speed2angle(t), center=[self.p_rot_center_x, self.p_rot_center_y]) rect.draw(surface) if self.g_text_visible: txt = gz.text('{0}'.format( int(self.gps_speed[int(t)] * self.unit_conversion_factor)), fontfamily=self.g_text_fontFamily, fontsize=self.g_text_size, xy=(self.g_text_x, self.g_text_y), fill=(1, 1, 1)) txt.draw(surface) arr = surface.get_npimage() if self.parent is not None and self.parent.cancelExport is True: raise TypeError('Canceling...') return arr
def draw(self): surface = gizeh.Surface(width=self.width, height=self.height, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) if fill = gizeh.ImagePattern(,, filter='best') bg_circle = * 5, fill=fill) bg_circle.draw(surface) if self.dragon: xy_pos = self.dragon.pos dragon_circle =, xy=xy_pos, fill=(1, 0, 0)) dragon_circle.draw(surface) for target in self.target_list: circle =, xy=target.pos, fill=target.color) circle.draw(surface) surface.get_npimage() img_name = "temp/scr" + str(self.time) + ".png" surface.write_to_png(img_name) self.time += 1
def make_frame(t): progress = t / duration p = interval_progresses(progress, 2, 'hermite') p = interval_progresses(p[0], 2, 'none') + interval_progresses( p[1], 2, 'none') # circle surface = gz.Surface(2 * width, 2 * height), height), r=40 + 3 * (p[0] - p[1] - p[2] + p[3]), stroke_width=8 + 4 * (p[0] + p[1] - p[2] - p[3]), stroke=(1, 1, 1)).draw(surface) # FFT I = np.fft.fft2(surface.get_npimage()[:, :, 0] / 255) I = np.log(np.abs(I) + 0.00001).astype(np.float32) I = 1 - np.minimum(1, np.maximum(0, I)) I = resize(I, (width, height)) # border radius = (300 + 15 * (p[0] + p[1] - p[2] - p[3])) I *= get_circle_mask(width, height, radius) I = np.tile(I[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, 4)) * 255 surface = gz.Surface.from_image(I.astype(np.uint8)) / 2, height / 2), r=radius, stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=2).draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def render(self, volume, as_html=False): self._calc_M() surf = gizeh.Surface(width=self.width, height=self.height, bg_color=self.bg_color) ijks = np.asarray(np.nonzero(volume), dtype=np.float) cube = make_prism((0., 0., 0.), (1., 1., 1.)) faces, normals = [], [] for ijk in ijks.T: faces.extend([(face.T + ijk).T for face in cube]) faces = sorted(faces, key=iso_face_depth, reverse=True) normals = map(face_normal, faces) faces_flat = np.concatenate(faces, 1) faces_flat_h = np.vstack((faces_flat, np.ones(faces_flat.shape[1]))) uvs_flat =, faces_flat_h).T colors = np.outer(, self.light_angle), self.base_color) for face_ix in range(0, faces_flat.shape[1], 4): uvs = uvs_flat[face_ix:face_ix + 4] color = colors[face_ix // 4] gizeh.polyline(uvs, stroke=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width, close_path=True, fill=color).draw(surf) if as_html: return surf.get_html_embed_code() return surf.get_npimage()
def __init__(self, width = 720, height = 480): self.surface = gizeh.Surface(width=width, height=height) bg = gizeh.rectangle(lx = width, ly = height, xy=(width//2,height//2), fill=(1,1,1)) bg.draw(self.surface)
def make_frame(t): # See example: surface = gizeh.Surface(128, 128) radius = 100 * (1 + (t * (2 - t))**2) / 6 circle =, xy=(64, 64), fill=(1, 0, 0)) circle.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): progress = t / duration p = interval_progresses(progress, 2, 'hermite') center = (width / 2, height / 2) # star surface = gz.Surface(2 * width, 2 * height) n_lines = 24 length = 30 + 5 * (p[0] - p[1]) C = get_circle_coordinates(n_lines, length, center) rotate_around(C, -2 * np.pi * progress / n_lines, center) for i in range(n_lines): gz.polyline(points=[center, C[i, :]], stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=2).draw(surface) # FFT I = np.fft.fft2(surface.get_npimage()[:, :, 0] / 255) I = np.abs(I).astype(np.float32) I -= 1 I = 1 - np.minimum(1, np.maximum(0, I)) I = resize(I, (width, height)) # border radius = 300 I *= get_circle_mask(width, height, radius) I = np.tile(I[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, 4)) * 255 surface = gz.Surface.from_image(I.astype(np.uint8)) / 2, height / 2), r=radius, stroke=(1, 1, 1), stroke_width=3).draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def draw_wavy_lines(size: int, palette: 'models.Palette', count: int = 7, frequency: int = 6) -> gizeh.Surface: """ Draws series of wavy vertical lines. :param size: Width and height of resulting surface. :param palette: The color palette to source colors from. :param count: Number of lines. :param frequency: Frequency of waves per line. :returns: Resulting surface. """ colors = palette.monochromatic(2) surface = gizeh.Surface(width=size, height=size) for idx in range(count + 1): color = colors[idx % len(colors)] points = [ ( # Px (( ((p + p // (frequency + 2)) % 2) / 2 \ + idx + (p // (frequency + 2)) ) - 1) * (size / (count - 1)) \ + (-1 + (p // (frequency + 2)) * 2), # Py (jsin(p, frequency + 2) - 1) * (size / (frequency - 1)) ) for p in range((frequency + 2) * 2) ] line = gizeh.polyline(points=points, fill=color) line.draw(surface) return surface
def make_frame(t): dt = 1.0 * DURATION / 2 / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE # delay between disks N = int(NDISKS_PER_CYCLE / SPEED) # total number of disks t0 = 1.0 / SPEED # indicates at which avancement to start surface = gz.Surface(W, H) for i in range(1, N): a = (np.pi / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE) * (N - i - 1) r = np.maximum(0, .05 * (t + t0 - dt * (N - i - 1))) center = W * (0.5 + gz.polar2cart(r, a)) color = 3 * ((1.0 * i / NDISKS_PER_CYCLE) % 1.0, ) circle = * W, xy=center, fill=color, stroke_width=0.01 * W) circle.draw(surface) contour1 = * W, xy=[W / 2, W / 2], stroke_width=.5 * W) contour2 = * W, xy=[W / 2, W / 2], stroke_width=.02 * W, stroke=(1, 1, 1)) contour1.draw(surface) contour2.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=textgroesse, fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(t*(videobreite/2)/videolaenge,videohoehe/2), angle=winkel) text_img.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(width=1920, height=1080) line = gz.polyline(points=[(200, max(180, 180 + 100 * t)), (100, max(180, 180 + 100 * t))], stroke_width=25, stroke=(1, 0, 0)) line.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage(transparent=True)
def create_frame(t): img = gizeh.Surface(videobreite,videohoehe,bg_color=(hgfarbe_r,hgfarbe_g,hgfarbe_b)) text_img = gizeh.text(text, fontfamily=schrift, fontsize=textgroesse, fill=(textfarbe_r,textfarbe_g,textfarbe_b), xy=(videobreite/2,videohoehe-t*(videohoehe/2)/videolaenge)) text_rotation = text_img.rotate(t*(2*3.1415/videolaenge), center=[videobreite/2,videohoehe-t*(videohoehe/2)/videolaenge]) text_rotation.draw(img) return img.get_npimage()