	def process_element(self, element):
		gl_XML.gl_function.process_element(self, element)

		# If the function already has a vector equivalent set, don't
		# set it again.  This can happen if an alias to a function
		# appears after the function that it aliases.

		if not self.vectorequiv:
			self.vectorequiv = element.nsProp("vectorequiv", None)

		name = element.nsProp("name", None)
		if name == self.name:
			for param in self.parameters:
				self.parameters_by_name[ param.name ] = param
				if len(param.count_parameter_list):
					self.count_parameter_list.extend( param.count_parameter_list )
				if param.counter and param.counter not in self.counter_list:

		child = element.children
		while child:
			if child.type == "element" and child.name == "glx":
				rop = child.nsProp( 'rop', None )
				sop = child.nsProp( 'sop', None )
				vop = child.nsProp( 'vendorpriv', None )

				if rop:
					self.glx_rop = int(rop)

				if sop:
					self.glx_sop = int(sop)

				if vop:
					self.glx_vendorpriv = int(vop)

				self.img_reset = child.nsProp( 'img_reset', None )

				# The 'handcode' attribute can be one of 'true',
				# 'false', 'client', or 'server'.

				handcode = child.nsProp( 'handcode', None )
				if handcode == "false":
					self.server_handcode = 0
					self.client_handcode = 0
				elif handcode == "true":
					self.server_handcode = 1
					self.client_handcode = 1
				elif handcode == "client":
					self.server_handcode = 0
					self.client_handcode = 1
				elif handcode == "server":
					self.server_handcode = 1
					self.client_handcode = 0
					raise RuntimeError('Invalid handcode mode "%s" in function "%s".' % (handcode, self.name))

				self.ignore               = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'ignore' )
				self.can_be_large         = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'large' )
				self.glx_doubles_in_order = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'doubles_in_order' )
				self.reply_always_array   = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'always_array' )
				self.dimensions_in_reply  = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'dimensions_in_reply' )

			child = child.next

		# Do some validation of the GLX protocol information.  As
		# new tests are discovered, they should be added here.

		for param in self.parameters:
			if param.is_output and self.glx_rop != 0:
				raise RuntimeError("Render / RenderLarge commands cannot have outputs (%s)." % (self.name))

    def process_element(self, element):
        gl_XML.gl_function.process_element(self, element)

        # If the function already has a vector equivalent set, don't
        # set it again.  This can happen if an alias to a function
        # appears after the function that it aliases.

        if not self.vectorequiv:
            self.vectorequiv = element.get("vectorequiv")

        name = element.get("name")
        if name == self.name:
            for param in self.parameters:
                self.parameters_by_name[param.name] = param

                if len(param.count_parameter_list):

                if param.counter and param.counter not in self.counter_list:

        for child in element.getchildren():
            if child.tag == "glx":
                rop = child.get('rop')
                sop = child.get('sop')
                vop = child.get('vendorpriv')

                if rop:
                    self.glx_rop = int(rop)

                if sop:
                    self.glx_sop = int(sop)

                if vop:
                    self.glx_vendorpriv = int(vop)

                self.img_reset = child.get('img_reset')

                # The 'handcode' attribute can be one of 'true',
                # 'false', 'client', or 'server'.

                handcode = child.get('handcode', 'false')
                if handcode == "false":
                    self.server_handcode = 0
                    self.client_handcode = 0
                elif handcode == "true":
                    self.server_handcode = 1
                    self.client_handcode = 1
                elif handcode == "client":
                    self.server_handcode = 0
                    self.client_handcode = 1
                elif handcode == "server":
                    self.server_handcode = 1
                    self.client_handcode = 0
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Invalid handcode mode "%s" in function "%s".' %
                        (handcode, self.name))

                self.ignore = gl_XML.is_attr_true(child, 'ignore')
                self.can_be_large = gl_XML.is_attr_true(child, 'large')
                self.glx_doubles_in_order = gl_XML.is_attr_true(
                    child, 'doubles_in_order')
                self.reply_always_array = gl_XML.is_attr_true(
                    child, 'always_array')
                self.dimensions_in_reply = gl_XML.is_attr_true(
                    child, 'dimensions_in_reply')

        # Do some validation of the GLX protocol information.  As
        # new tests are discovered, they should be added here.

        for param in self.parameters:
            if param.is_output and self.glx_rop != 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Render / RenderLarge commands cannot have outputs (%s)." %

	def process_element(self, element):
		gl_XML.gl_function.process_element(self, element)

		self.vectorequiv = element.nsProp( "vectorequiv", None )

		if element.nsProp( "name", None ) == self.name:
			for param in self.parameters:
				self.parameters_by_name[ param.name ] = param
				if len(param.count_parameter_list):
					self.count_parameter_list.extend( param.count_parameter_list )
				if param.counter and param.counter not in self.counter_list:

		child = element.children
		while child:
			if child.type == "element":
				if child.name == "glx":
					rop = child.nsProp( 'rop', None )
					sop = child.nsProp( 'sop', None )
					vop = child.nsProp( 'vendorpriv', None )

					if rop:
						self.glx_rop = int(rop)
						self.glx_rop = 0

					if sop:
						self.glx_sop = int(sop)
						self.glx_sop = 0

					if vop:
						self.glx_vendorpriv = int(vop)
						self.glx_vendorpriv = 0

					self.img_reset = child.nsProp( 'img_reset', None )

					# The 'handcode' attribute can be one of 'true',
					# 'false', 'client', or 'server'.

					handcode = child.nsProp( 'handcode', None )
					if handcode == "false":
						self.server_handcode = 0
						self.client_handcode = 0
					elif handcode == "true":
						self.server_handcode = 1
						self.client_handcode = 1
					elif handcode == "client":
						self.server_handcode = 0
						self.client_handcode = 1
					elif handcode == "server":
						self.server_handcode = 1
						self.client_handcode = 0
						raise RuntimeError('Invalid handcode mode "%s" in function "%s".' % (handcode, self.name))

					self.ignore               = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'ignore' )
					self.can_be_large         = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'large' )
					self.glx_doubles_in_order = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'doubles_in_order' )
					self.reply_always_array   = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'always_array' )
					self.dimensions_in_reply  = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'dimensions_in_reply' )

			child = child.next

		# Do some validation of the GLX protocol information.  As
		# new tests are discovered, they should be added here.

		for param in self.parameters:
			if param.is_output and self.glx_rop != 0:
				raise RuntimeError("Render / RenderLarge commands cannot have outputs (%s)." % (self.name))
