def output(self): print(" # nu1 = ", gh.pretty(self.nu1)) print(" # dens = ", gh.pretty(self.dens)) print(" # delta1 = ", gh.pretty(self.delta1)) print(" # norm1 = ", gp.pretty(self.norm1)) if gp.pops == 2: print(" # nu2 = ", gh.pretty(self.nu2)) print(" # delta2 = ", gh.pretty(self.delta2)) print(" # norm2 = ", gh.pretty(self.norm2)) return
# We can also set the file's metadata via the PdfPages object: d = pp.infodict() d['Title'] = 'Profile for Dwarf Galaxy Mock Datasets' d['Author'] = u'Pascal Steger' d['Subject'] = 'dwarf spheroidal dark matter density and other profiles' d['Keywords'] = 'PdfPages multipage keywords Pascal Steger 2013' d['CreationDate'] = d['ModDate'] = pp.close() ioff() save_profile(basename, prof, M95lo, M68lo, Mmedi, M68hi, M95hi) analyt = M_anf(radii) import gl_helper as gh print '# radii lower 95% lower 68% median upper 68% upper 95% analytic' for i in range(len(radii)): print gh.pretty(radii[i]),\ gh.pretty(M95lo[i]),\ gh.pretty(M68lo[i]),\ gh.pretty(Mmedi[i]),\ gh.pretty(M68hi[i]),\ gh.pretty(M95hi[i]),\ gh.pretty(analyt[i]) show_plots()