    def get_alert(self,
        """Return the alert status relative to a current value.

        Use this function for minor stats.

        If current < CAREFUL of max then alert = OK
        If current > CAREFUL of max then alert = CAREFUL
        If current > WARNING of max then alert = WARNING
        If current > CRITICAL of max then alert = CRITICAL

        If highlight=True than 0.0 is highlighted

        If defined 'header' is added between the plugin name and the status.
        Only useful for stats with several alert status.

        If defined, 'action_key' define the key for the actions.
        By default, the action_key is equal to the header.

        If log=True than add log if necessary
        elif log=False than do not log
        elif log=None than apply the config given in the conf file
        # Manage 0 (0.0) value if highlight_zero is not True
        if not highlight_zero and current == 0:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Compute the %
            value = (current * 100) / maximum
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 'DEFAULT'
        except TypeError:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Build the stat_name
        stat_name = self.get_stat_name(header=header)

        # Manage limits
        # If is_max is set then display the value in MAX
        ret = 'MAX' if is_max else 'OK'
            if value >= self.get_limit('critical', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'CRITICAL'
            elif value >= self.get_limit('warning', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'WARNING'
            elif value >= self.get_limit('careful', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'CAREFUL'
            elif current < minimum:
                ret = 'CAREFUL'
        except KeyError:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Manage log
        log_str = ""
        if self.get_limit_log(stat_name=stat_name, default_action=log):
            # Add _LOG to the return string
            # So stats will be highlited with a specific color
            log_str = "_LOG"
            # Add the log to the list
            glances_events.add(ret, stat_name.upper(), value)

        # Manage threshold
        self.manage_threshold(stat_name, ret)

        # Manage action
        self.manage_action(stat_name, ret.lower(), header, action_key)

        # Default is 'OK'
        return ret + log_str
    def get_alert(self,
        """Return the alert status relative to a current value.

        Use this function for minor stats.

        If current < CAREFUL of max then alert = OK
        If current > CAREFUL of max then alert = CAREFUL
        If current > WARNING of max then alert = WARNING
        If current > CRITICAL of max then alert = CRITICAL

        If highlight=True than 0.0 is highlighted

        If defined 'header' is added between the plugin name and the status.
        Only useful for stats with several alert status.

        If defined, 'action_key' define the key for the actions.
        By default, the action_key is equal to the header.

        If log=True than add log if necessary
        elif log=False than do not log
        elif log=None than apply the config given in the conf file
        # Manage 0 (0.0) value if highlight_zero is not True
        if not highlight_zero and current == 0:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Compute the %
            value = (current * 100) / maximum
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 'DEFAULT'
        except TypeError:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Build the stat_name
        stat_name = self.get_stat_name(header=header)

        # Manage limits
        # If is_max is set then display the value in MAX
        ret = 'MAX' if is_max else 'OK'
            if value >= self.get_limit('critical', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'CRITICAL'
            elif value >= self.get_limit('warning', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'WARNING'
            elif value >= self.get_limit('careful', stat_name=stat_name):
                ret = 'CAREFUL'
            elif current < minimum:
                ret = 'CAREFUL'
        except KeyError:
            return 'DEFAULT'

        # Manage log
        log_str = ""
        if self.get_limit_log(stat_name=stat_name, default_action=log):
            # Add _LOG to the return string
            # So stats will be highlited with a specific color
            log_str = "_LOG"
            # Add the log to the list
            glances_events.add(ret, stat_name.upper(), value)

        # Manage threshold
        self.manage_threshold(stat_name, ret)

        # Manage action
        self.manage_action(stat_name, ret.lower(), header, action_key)

        # Default is 'OK'
        return ret + log_str