    def update(self,
        """Update the screen.

        stats: Stats database to display
        duration: duration of the loop
            "None": standalone or server mode
            "Connected": Client is connected to the server
            "Disconnected": Client is disconnected from the server
            True: Do not exist, return to the browser list
            False: Exit and return to the shell

        True: Exit key has been pressed
        False: Others cases...
        # Flush display
        self.flush(stats, cs_status=cs_status)

        # If the duration is < 0 (update + export time > refresh_time)
        # Then display the interface and log a message
        if duration <= 0:
            logger.warning('Update and export time higher than refresh_time.')
            duration = 0.1

        # Wait duration (in s) time
        exitkey = False
        countdown = Timer(duration)
        # Set the default timeout (in ms) for the getch method
        self.term_window.timeout(int(duration * 1000))
        while not countdown.finished() and not exitkey:
            # Getkey
            pressedkey = self.__catch_key(return_to_browser=return_to_browser)
            # Is it an exit key ?
            exitkey = (pressedkey == ord('\x1b') or pressedkey == ord('q'))
            if not exitkey and pressedkey > -1:
                # Redraw display
                self.flush(stats, cs_status=cs_status)
                # Overwrite the timeout with the countdown
                self.term_window.timeout(int(countdown.get() * 1000))

        return exitkey
class GlancesAmp(object):
    """Main class for Glances AMP."""

    NAME = '?'
    VERSION = '?'
    AUTHOR = '?'
    EMAIL = '?'

    def __init__(self, name=None, args=None):
        """Init AMP classe."""
        logger.debug("AMP - Init {} version {}".format(self.NAME, self.VERSION))

        # AMP name (= module name without glances_)
        if name is None:
            self.amp_name = self.__class__.__module__[len('glances_'):]
            self.amp_name = name

        # Init the args
        self.args = args

        # Init the configs
        self.configs = {}

        # A timer is needed to only update every refresh seconds
        # Init to 0 in order to update the AMP on startup
        self.timer = Timer(0)

    def load_config(self, config):
        """Load AMP parameters from the configuration file."""

        # Read AMP confifuration.
        # For ex, the AMP foo should have the following section:
        # [foo]
        # enable=true
        # regex=\/usr\/bin\/nginx
        # refresh=60
        # and optionnaly:
        # one_line=false
        # option1=opt1
        # ...
        amp_section = 'amp_' + self.amp_name
        if (hasattr(config, 'has_section') and
            logger.debug("AMP - {}: Load configuration".format(self.NAME))
            for param, _ in config.items(amp_section):
                    self.configs[param] = config.get_float_value(amp_section, param)
                except ValueError:
                    self.configs[param] = config.get_value(amp_section, param).split(',')
                    if len(self.configs[param]) == 1:
                        self.configs[param] = self.configs[param][0]
                logger.debug("AMP - {}: Load parameter: {} = {}".format(self.NAME, param, self.configs[param]))
            logger.debug("AMP - {}: Can not find section {} in the configuration file".format(self.NAME, self.amp_name))
            return False

        # enable, regex and refresh are mandatories
        # if not configured then AMP is disabled
        if self.enable():
            for k in ['regex', 'refresh']:
                if k not in self.configs:
                    logger.warning("AMP - {}: Can not find configuration key {} in section {}".format(self.NAME, k, self.amp_name))
                    self.configs['enable'] = 'false'
            logger.debug("AMP - {} is disabled".format(self.NAME))

        # Init the count to 0
        self.configs['count'] = 0

        return self.enable()

    def get(self, key):
        """Generic method to get the item in the AMP configuration"""
        if key in self.configs:
            return self.configs[key]
            return None

    def enable(self):
        """Return True|False if the AMP is enabled in the configuration file (enable=true|false)."""
        ret = self.get('enable')
        if ret is None:
            return False
            return ret.lower().startswith('true')

    def regex(self):
        """Return regular expression used to identified the current application."""
        return self.get('regex')

    def refresh(self):
        """Return refresh time in seconds for the current application monitoring process."""
        return self.get('refresh')

    def one_line(self):
        """Return True|False if the AMP shoukd be displayed in oneline (one_lineline=true|false)."""
        ret = self.get('one_line')
        if ret is None:
            return False
            return ret.lower().startswith('true')

    def time_until_refresh(self):
        """Return time in seconds until refresh."""
        return self.timer.get()

    def should_update(self):
        """Return True is the AMP should be updated:
        - AMP is enable
        - only update every 'refresh' seconds
        if self.timer.finished():
            return self.enable()
        return False

    def set_count(self, count):
        """Set the number of processes matching the regex"""
        self.configs['count'] = count

    def count(self):
        """Get the number of processes matching the regex"""
        return self.get('count')

    def count_min(self):
        """Get the minimum number of processes"""
        return self.get('countmin')

    def count_max(self):
        """Get the maximum number of processes"""
        return self.get('countmax')

    def set_result(self, result, separator=''):
        """Store the result (string) into the result key of the AMP
        if one_line is true then replace \n by separator
        if self.one_line():
            self.configs['result'] = str(result).replace('\n', separator)
            self.configs['result'] = str(result)

    def result(self):
        """ Return the result of the AMP (as a string)"""
        ret = self.get('result')
        if ret is not None:
            ret = u(ret)
        return ret

    def update_wrapper(self, process_list):
        """Wrapper for the children update"""
        # Set the number of running process
        # Call the children update method
        if self.should_update():
            return self.update(process_list)
            return self.result()