def get_endpoints(self):
     if isnan(self.m) and isnan(self.b) :
         p1 = (self.originalX,self.x1)
         p2 = (self.originalX,self.x2)
         p1 = (self.x1,self.gety(self.x1))
         p2 = (self.x2,self.gety(self.x2))
     return p1,p2
def delNaN(xlist,ylist):
    If nan values found in ylist associated values in xlist will be removed
    INPUT : two lists of equal length
    OUTPUT: two lists of equal length
    xy_tuplelist = get_tuples_from_lists(xlist,ylist)
    for xy_tuple in xy_tuplelist[:]:
        if isnan(xy_tuple[1]):
    xlist,ylist = get_lists_from_tuples(xy_tuplelist)
    return xlist,ylist
 def gety(self,x):
     # gety function that remembers and starts with the previous found segment index
     # the assumption is that linesegs will be queried linearly, thereor saving muuultiple passes
     iRange = deque(range(len(self.segs)))
     iRange.rotate(self.iRemember) # cycles to last remembered index
     for i in iRange:
         seg = self.segs[i]
         y = seg.gety(x) # if x outside the bounds of seg, returns None
         if not isnan(y): 
             return round(y,6)
         #if x>seg.x1 and x<seg.x2 and seg.originalX!=None:
         #    self.iRemember=i
         #    return seg.gety(x)
     # if no corresponging time found return nan
     return nan
def timeseries_subtraction(segs1, segs2, times):
    input two xbd_sensors and optionally xinterval in integer seconds
          xinterval=0 -> original-x points of both continuous-sensors is polled
          xinterval=positive -> second difference between polled points
          xinterval=negative -> 
    output a new xbd_sensor containing cont1-cont2 y-data polled xinterval seconds appart

    nancount = 0

    ylist = []
    for x in times:
        # gety is a function from's LineSegs class
        y = segs2.gety(x)-segs1.gety(x) 
        if isnan(y): nancount += 1
    print 'len(x),len(y),nancount=',len(times),len(ylist), nancount
    return ylist