def scan( host=get_hostname(), db=None, pyro_timeout=None, verbose=False, silent=False ): #print 'SCANNING PORTS' # scan all cylc Pyro ports for cylc suites gcfg = get_global_cfg(verbose=verbose) pyro_base_port = gcfg.cfg['pyro']['base port'] pyro_port_range = gcfg.cfg['pyro']['maximum number of ports'] # In non-verbose mode print nothing (scan is used by cylc db viewer). # load my suite passphrases reg = localdb(db) reg_suites = reg.get_list() my_passphrases = {} for item in reg_suites: rg = item[0] di = item[1] try: pp = passphrase( rg, user, host ).get( suitedir=di ) except Exception, x: #print >> sys.stderr, x # no passphrase defined for this suite pass else: my_passphrases[ rg ] = pp
def get_host_ip_address( verbose=False ): global host_ip_address if host_ip_address is None: gcfg = get_global_cfg( verbose=verbose ) target = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['target'] # external IP address of the suite host: host_ip_address = get_local_ip_address( target ) return host_ip_address
def __init__( self, suite ): gcfg = get_global_cfg() self.ldir = gcfg.get_derived_host_item( suite, 'suite log directory' ) self.path = os.path.join( self.ldir, 'log' ) self.err_path = os.path.join( self.ldir, 'err' ) self.roll_at_startup = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['roll over at start-up'] self.n_keep = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['rolling archive length'] self.max_bytes = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['maximum size in bytes']
def get_host_ip_address(verbose=False): global host_ip_address if host_ip_address is None: gcfg = get_global_cfg(verbose=verbose) target = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['target'] # external IP address of the suite host: host_ip_address = get_local_ip_address(target) return host_ip_address
def prompt( reason, force=False ): gcfg = get_global_cfg() if force or gcfg.cfg['disable interactive command prompts']: return response = raw_input( reason + ' (y/n)? ' ) if response == 'y': return else: sys.exit(0)
def __init__(self, suite, host, owner, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.suite = suite = host self.owner = owner self.locn = None gcfg = get_global_cfg() self.local_path = os.path.join( gcfg.cfg['pyro']['ports directory'], suite )
def __init__( self, suite ): gcfg = get_global_cfg() sodir = gcfg.get_derived_host_item( suite, 'suite log directory' ) self.opath = os.path.join( sodir, 'out' ) self.epath = os.path.join( sodir, 'err' ) # use same archive length as logging (TODO: document this) self.roll_at_startup = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['roll over at start-up'] self.arclen = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['rolling archive length']
def __init__(self, suite): gcfg = get_global_cfg() sodir = gcfg.get_derived_host_item(suite, 'suite log directory') self.opath = os.path.join(sodir, 'out') self.epath = os.path.join(sodir, 'err') # use same archive length as logging (TODO: document this) self.roll_at_startup = gcfg.cfg['suite logging'][ 'roll over at start-up'] self.arclen = gcfg.cfg['suite logging']['rolling archive length']
def get_port( suite, owner=user, host=get_hostname(), pphrase=None, pyro_timeout=None, verbose=False ): # Scan ports until a particular suite is found. gcfg = get_global_cfg(verbose=verbose) pyro_base_port = gcfg.cfg['pyro']['base port'] pyro_port_range = gcfg.cfg['pyro']['maximum number of ports'] for port in range( pyro_base_port, pyro_base_port + pyro_port_range ): uri = cylcid_uri( host, port ) try: proxy = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(uri) except Pyro.errors.URIError, x: # No such host? raise SuiteNotFoundError, x if pyro_timeout: # convert from string pyro_timeout = float( pyro_timeout ) proxy._setTimeout(pyro_timeout) proxy._setIdentification( pphrase ) before = try: name, xowner = except Pyro.errors.TimeoutError: warn_timeout( host, port, pyro_timeout ) pass except Pyro.errors.ConnectionDeniedError: #print >> sys.stderr, "Wrong suite or wrong passphrase at " + portid( host, port ) pass except Pyro.errors.ProtocolError: #print >> sys.stderr, "No Suite Found at " + portid( host, port ) pass except Pyro.errors.NamingError: #print >> sys.stderr, "Non-cylc pyro server found at " + portid( host, port ) pass else: if verbose: after = print "Pyro connection on port " +str(port) + " took: " + str( after - before ) if name == suite and xowner == owner: if verbose: print suite, owner, host, port # RESULT return port else: # ID'd some other suite. #print 'OTHER SUITE:', name, xowner, host, port pass
def __init__(self, suite, run_mode='live', clock=None, ict=None, stop_tag=None): self.run_mode = run_mode self.clock = clock self.ict = ict self.stop_tag = stop_tag gcfg = get_global_cfg() self.dir = gcfg.get_derived_host_item(suite, 'suite state directory') self.path = os.path.join(self.dir, 'state') arclen = gcfg.cfg['state dump rolling archive length'] self.archive = rolling_archive(self.path, arclen)
def __init__(self, suite, port, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.suite = suite # the ports directory is assumed to exist gcfg = get_global_cfg() pdir = gcfg.cfg['pyro']['ports directory'] self.local_path = os.path.join( pdir, suite ) try: self.port = str(int(port)) except ValueError, x: print >> sys.stderr, x raise PortFileError( "ERROR, illegal port number: " + str(port) )
def get_suite_host( verbose=False ): global suite_host if suite_host is None: gcfg = get_global_cfg( verbose=verbose ) hardwired = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['host'] method = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['method'] # the following is for suite host self-identfication in task job scripts: if method == 'name': suite_host = hostname elif method == 'address': suite_host = host_ip_address elif method == 'hardwired': if not hardwired: sys.exit( 'ERROR, no hardwired hostname is configured' ) suite_host = hardwired else: sys.exit( 'ERROR, unknown host method: ' + method ) return suite_host
def get_suite_host(verbose=False): global suite_host if suite_host is None: gcfg = get_global_cfg(verbose=verbose) hardwired = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['host'] method = gcfg.cfg['suite host self-identification']['method'] # the following is for suite host self-identfication in task job scripts: if method == 'name': suite_host = hostname elif method == 'address': suite_host = host_ip_address elif method == 'hardwired': if not hardwired: sys.exit('ERROR, no hardwired hostname is configured') suite_host = hardwired else: sys.exit('ERROR, unknown host method: ' + method) return suite_host
def main(name, start): # Parse the command line: server = start() # Print copyright and license information print_blurb() # Before daemonizing attempt to create the suite output tree and get # the suite port file. try: if server.__class__.__name__ != 'restart': gcfg = get_global_cfg() gcfg.create_cylc_run_tree(server.suite, server.options.verbose) server.configure_pyro() except Exception, x: if server.options.debug: raise else: print >> sys.stderr, x sys.exit(1)
def main(name, start): # Parse the command line: server = start() # Print copyright and license information print_blurb() # Before daemonizing attempt to create the suite output tree and get # the suite port file. try: if server.__class__.__name__ != "restart": gcfg = get_global_cfg() gcfg.create_cylc_run_tree(server.suite, server.options.verbose) server.configure_pyro() except Exception, x: if server.options.debug: raise else: print >> sys.stderr, x sys.exit(1)