def placeFood():
    """Compute doboggi screen positions and instantiate doboggi objects.
     Returns: a list of doboggi objects.
    food = []
    Upper = True
    for i in range(0, FOODMAX):
        ok = False
        while not ok:  # loop until proper position was computed:
            r_x = random.randrange(-X_MAX + 20, X_MAX - 20)
            if Upper:
                # Position above the ghosts:
                r_y = random.randrange(160, Y_MAX)
                # Position below the ghosts:
                r_y = random.randrange(-Y_MAX, -40)
            new_pos = (r_x, r_y)
            HaveCollision = False
            for i in food:
                HaveCollision = HaveCollision or checkCollision(
                    new_pos, i.getPosition())
            if not HaveCollision:
                food.append(doboggi(r_x, r_y))
                ok = True
        Upper = not Upper  # toggle between ``above'' and ``below" ghost's
        # screen part.
    return food
def periodicTimer():

  global isQuit
  global food
  global score        # pacman's achieved score
  turtle.tracer(0, 0) # disable screen updates

  p_old = pm.getPosition()
  pm.move()           # move pacman
  p_new = pm.getPosition()
  # Check for illegal moves:
  if (abs(p_old[0] - p_new[0]) > 12) or (abs(p_old[1] - p_new[1]) > 12):
    print('Illegal move, game terminated.')
    isQuit = True
  turtle.update()      # force turtle module's screen update
  turtle.tracer(1, 10) # re-enable periodic screen updates
  pm.decrementSteps()  # pacman made one step, decrement counter
  if pm.getRemainingSteps() == 0:
    print('You ran out of steps!')
    isQuit = True 

  pm_pos = pm.getPosition()

  # check collisions pm versus food:
  eaten_dishes = []
  for dish in food:
    if checkCollision(pm_pos, dish.getPosition()):
      score += 1
  # Remove eaten dishes (cannot remove while iterating!):
  for dish in eaten_dishes:
  # Check if all food has been eaten already:
  if len(food) == 0:
    print('Congratulation, all food collected.')
    isQuit = True

  if isQuit:
    # Game will terminate, put the "Game Over" image:
    game_over.setposition(0, -HEIGHT//2 + 22)
    # Trigger the shutdown handler function to be called in MS_TO_QUIT ms
    # from now:
    window.ontimer(shutDownHander, MS_TO_QUIT)
    # Trigger the next firing of our timer function, in 90ms from now:
    window.ontimer(periodicTimer, 90)
def periodicTimer():
    """Timer function which is called periodically by Python.
     This function implements the game logic:
     - creating all objects
     - arranging objects on the screen
     - calling object's move() methods
     - checking for collisions
     - checking for invalid moves
     - detection program termination conditions (all food eaten, ...)
     - initiate termination
    global phase
    global isQuit
    global food
    global score  # doboggi_man's achieved score
    turtle.tracer(0, 0)  # disable screen updates
    for g in ghosts:
        g.updateShape()  # make ghost change its shape
        g.move()  # move ghost
    if phase % 4 == 0:
        # pm shape is updated every 4th iteration.
        pm.updateShape()  # make doboggi_man change its shape
    p_old = pm.getPosition()
    pm.move()  # move doboggi_man
    p_new = pm.getPosition()
    # Check for illegal moves:
    if (abs(p_old[0] - p_new[0]) > 12) or (abs(p_old[1] - p_new[1]) > 12):
        print('Illegal move, game terminated.')
        isQuit = True
    turtle.update()  # force turtle module's screen update
    turtle.tracer(1, 10)  # re-enable periodic screen updates
    pm.decrementSteps()  # doboggi_man made one step, decrement counter
    if pm.getRemainingSteps() == 0:
        print('You ran out of steps!')
        isQuit = True
    # check collisions pm versus ghosts:
    pm_pos = pm.getPosition()
    for g in ghosts:
        if checkCollision(pm_pos, g.getPosition()):
            isQuit = True
            print('You bumped into a ghost!')
    # check collisions pm versus food:
    eaten_dishes = []
    for dish in food:
        if checkCollision(pm_pos, dish.getPosition()):
            score += 1
    # Remove eaten dishes (cannot remove while iterating!):
    for dish in eaten_dishes:
    # Check if all food has been eaten already:
    if len(food) == 0:
        print('Congratulation, all food collected.')
        isQuit = True

    if phase == 7:
        phase = 0
        phase += 1
    if isQuit:
        # Game will terminate, put the "Game Over" image:
        game_over.setposition(0, -HEIGHT // 2 + 22)
        # Trigger the shutdown handler function to be called in MS_TO_QUIT ms
        # from now:
        window.ontimer(shutDownHander, MS_TO_QUIT)
        # Trigger the next firing of our timer function, in 90ms from now:
        window.ontimer(periodicTimer, 90)