        def grading_list_collector():

            sha_tag, dt_tag = extract_commit_datetime(tag)
            if sha_tag is None:
                logger.debug("This assignment hasn't been graded yet")
                return True

            sha_head, dt_head = extract_commit_datetime("head")

            if sha_head == sha_tag:
                    "SHA's for commits matched\n\tGRADED MOST RECENT SUBMISSION"
            elif dt_tag < dt_head:
                    "Instructor feedback was tagged then more work was submitted"
                print_error("This directory has graded feedback, "\
                    "but the most recent commit is prior to the instructor's"\
                    " feedback commit & tag.  This might indicate a problem"\
                    " with a timezone on the server\n\t"+\
            return True
    def git_do_core(self, root_dir, git_cmds):
        """Searches for git repos in & under <root_dir>, and then
        invokes each of the commands listed in <git_cmds> on the repo."""
        logger.info("Walking through " + root_dir)
        cwd_prev = os.getcwd()

        for current_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
            for dir in dirs:
                if dir == ".git":

                    # make the directory more readable by truncating
                    # the common root
                    local_dir = current_dir.replace(root_dir, "")
                    logger.info( Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "Found repo at "\
                        + local_dir + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n")

                    for git_cmd in git_cmds:
                        if callable(git_cmd):
                            if not git_cmd():
                                break  # we're done here
                        elif isinstance(git_cmd, basestring):
                            call_shell(git_cmd, exit_on_fail=False)
                            print_error( "This is neither a string nor a function:\n\t"\

                    #print "="*20 + "\n"

                    # note that we don't restore the current
                    # working dir between git commands!

 def print_errors(self):
     """If there are any UserErrorDescs in the students_with_errors list
     then print them out.
     Otherwise print nothing"""
     if self.students_with_errors:
         print "The following student accounts had problems:"
         for error in self.students_with_errors:
             print_error(str(error.student) + "\n\tERROR:" + error.error_desc)
 def print_errors(self):
     """If there are any UserErrorDescs in the students_with_errors list
     then print them out.
     Otherwise print nothing"""
     if self.students_with_errors:
         print "The following student accounts had problems:"
         for error in self.students_with_errors:
                 str(error.student) + "\n\tERROR:" + error.error_desc)
def connect_to_gitlab(env):
    """make an API request to create the glc.user object. This is mandatory
        if you use the username/password authentication."""
    glc = gitlab.Gitlab(env[EnvOptions.SERVER], \
        email=env[EnvOptions.USERNAME], \

    # print 'Connecting to GitLab server'
    except gitlab.GitlabError as exc:
        print_error('Unable to connect to the GitLab server', exc)
    return glc
def connect_to_gitlab(env):
    """make an API request to create the glc.user object. This is mandatory
        if you use the username/password authentication."""
    glc = gitlab.Gitlab(env[EnvOptions.SERVER], \
        email=env[EnvOptions.USERNAME], \

    # print 'Connecting to GitLab server'
    except gitlab.GitlabError as exc:
        print_error( 'Unable to connect to the GitLab server', exc )
    return glc
def call_shell(cmd, exit_on_fail = True):
    """Invokes git in a command-line shell"""
    logger.info( 'About to do:' + cmd)

    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(cmd)

    # git sometimes uses '1' to indicate that something didn't have
    # a problem, but didn't do anything, either
    if ret != 0 and ret != 1:
        print_error("Problem executing '"+cmd+"'\n\tIn: " + os.getcwd() +\
            "\n\tReturn code:"+str(ret))
        if exit_on_fail:
        logger.debug('\nGit Command:\n\t' + cmd + ' - SUCCEEDED\n')
def call_shell(cmd, exit_on_fail=True):
    """Invokes git in a command-line shell"""
    logger.info('About to do:' + cmd)

    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(cmd)

    # git sometimes uses '1' to indicate that something didn't have
    # a problem, but didn't do anything, either
    if ret != 0 and ret != 1:
        print_error("Problem executing '"+cmd+"'\n\tIn: " + os.getcwd() +\
            "\n\tReturn code:"+str(ret))
        if exit_on_fail:
        logger.debug('\nGit Command:\n\t' + cmd + ' - SUCCEEDED\n')
    def add_student_to_project(self, glc, project_id, student):
        """Tells the GitLab server to give the student 'reporter'
        level permissions on the project"""

        user_permission = {'project_id': project_id, \
            'access_level': 20, \
            'user_id': student.glid}
        # access_level:
        # 10 = guest, 20 = reporter, 30 = developer, 40 = master
        # Anything else causes an error (e.g., 31 != developer)

            #membership = glc.project_members.create(user_permission)
        except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError as exc:
            print_error("ERROR: unable to add " + student.first_name + " " \
                + student.last_name + " to the project!")
            print_error(str(exc.response_code) + ": " + exc.error_message)
            return False
        return True
        def grading_list_collector():

            sha_tag, dt_tag = extract_commit_datetime(tag)
            if sha_tag is None:
                logger.debug( "This assignment hasn't been graded yet" )
                return True

            sha_head, dt_head = extract_commit_datetime("head")

            if sha_head == sha_tag:
                logger.debug( "SHA's for commits matched\n\tGRADED MOST RECENT SUBMISSION" )
            elif dt_tag < dt_head:
                logger.debug( "Instructor feedback was tagged then more work was submitted")
                print_error("This directory has graded feedback, "\
                    "but the most recent commit is prior to the instructor's"\
                    " feedback commit & tag.  This might indicate a problem"\
                    " with a timezone on the server\n\t"+\
            return True
        def commit_feedback():
            """ Go through all the directories and if we find
            a file that matches the pattern try to commit it and
            tag it. """

            # The expectation is that there's a single file that
            # matches and either it's already been committed & tagged,
            # or else that it's not yet in the repo (in which case,
            # commit and tag it)
            # The full outline of what happens when is listed after
            # the code to determine if the tag exists and if any 
            # matching files still need to be committed
            git_tag_cmd = "git tag -a -m INSTRUCTOR_FEEDBACK "+ tag
            path_to_repo = os.getcwd()
            regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

            # First figure out if the tag already exists:
            logger.debug("Looking for tag \"" + tag + "\" in " + os.getcwd() )
            git_cmd = "git tag -l " + tag
            sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(git_cmd, True)
            if sz_stdout == "":
                tagged = False
                tagged = True

            # Next, figure out if any matching files need to be committed:
            logger.debug("Looking for untracked and/or committed, modified files")
            git_cmd = "git status --porcelain"
            sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(git_cmd, True)

            modified_staged = list()
            modified_not_staged = list()
            untracked = list()
            untracked_subdirs = list()

            for line in sz_stdout.splitlines():
                # line format: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Git/mingw64/share/doc/git-doc/git-status.html#_short_format
                # [index][working tree]<space>filename
                # examples of lines:
                # M File.txt            # present in repo, but not staged
                #M  NewFile.txt         # modified, added to index
                #A  SubDir/FooFile.txt  # added to index
                #?? ExtraFile.txt       # untracked
                # Note that git does NOT include the contents of untracked
                # subdirs in this output, so if a new file is put into a new
                # subdir (say, SubDir2\Grade.txt) git status will list
                #?? SubDir2             # note that Grade.txt is NOT listed
                # Thus, we actually do need to traverse the file system to
                # find new files

                # does this line's file match the pattern?
                both_codes = line[0:2]
                filename = line[3:]
                match = re.search(regex, filename) 

                # If there's a new, untracked subdir
                # then we'll need to os.walk it to find
                # any matching files
                # (otherwise we can skip that)
                if both_codes == "??" and \
                    filename[len(filename)-1:] == '/':
                    untracked_subdirs.append(os.path.join(path_to_repo, filename) )

                if match:
                    code_index = line[0]
                    code_working = line[1]

                    if both_codes == "??":
                    if both_codes == "!!":
                        print_error(filename + " (in "+os.getcwd()+"):"\
                            "\n\tWARNIG: This matched the pattern but it"\
                            " also matches something in .gitignore\n"\
                            "(This will NOT be committed now)\n")

                    codes_changed = "M ARC"

                    if codes_changed.find(code_index) != -1:
                        # changed in the index
                        if code_working == " ":
                            # code_working & _index will never both be blank
                            # (that would mean no changes)
                        elif code_working == "M":

            # find matching file(s) in untracked subdirs:
            # Skip this unless there's an untracked directory
            # (these can contain more stuff, and git doesn't scan through
            # the untracked dir)
            if untracked_subdirs:
                for subdir in untracked_subdirs:
                    # walk through the subdir
                    # (starting the walk here avoids any of the
                    # files that git told us about)
                    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(subdir):
                        for name in files:

                            match = re.search(regex, name) 
                            if match:
                                path = os.path.join(root, name)
                                local_dir = path.replace(path_to_repo, "")
                                # remove the leading /
                                if local_dir[0] == os.sep: 
                                    local_dir = local_dir[1:]
                                logger.debug( "found a match at " + local_dir )
                                untracked.append( local_dir )

            #print_list(path_to_repo, modified_staged, Fore.CYAN, "modified, staged files:")
            #print_list(path_to_repo, modified_not_staged, Fore.YELLOW, "modified, unstaged files:")
            #print_list(path_to_repo, untracked, Fore.RED, "untracked files:")
            if modified_staged:
                need_commit = True
                need_commit = False

            files_to_add = modified_not_staged + untracked
            # The two 'expected' cases are listed at the top
            # Here's the full  outline:
            # if not tagged:
            #   if file absent:
            #       note and skip
            #   if file present but untracked:
            #       add, commit, tag, done
            #   if file committed and unchanged:
            #       tag it?  <ERROR>
            # if tagged:
            #   file should be in repo (else error)
            #   if file not updated:
            #       note and skip
            #   if file has been updated:
            #       update existing tag to have number after it
            #       commit changes
            #       tag the current commit with the desired tag

            if not tagged:
            #   if file absent:
                if not need_commit and not files_to_add:
            #       note and skip
                    self.no_feedback_ever.append(os.getcwd() )
            #   if file present but untracked:
            #       add, commit, tag, done
                    git_cmd = "git add " + " ".join(files_to_add)

                    call_shell("git commit -m Adding_Instructor_Feedback")
                    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output( git_tag_cmd )


            #   if file committed and unchanged:
            #       tag it?  <ERROR>
            #   we're not checking for previously committed files
            #   so we don't handle this case
            #   It *shouldn't* happen, anyways, so hopefully it won't
            #       (It might happen if the teacher commits their
            #       feedback manually)

            if tagged:
            #   file should be in repo (else error)
            #   if file not updated:
                if not need_commit and not files_to_add:
            #       note and skip
                    self.current_feedback_not_changed.append(os.getcwd() )
            #   if file has been updated:
            #       update existing tag to have number after its

                    git_cmd = "git add " + " ".join(files_to_add)

            #       commit changes
                    call_shell("git commit -m Adding_Instructor_Feedback")

            #       tag the current commit with the desired tag:
                    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output( git_tag_cmd )

    def download_homework(self, glc, env):

        if not self.assignments:
            print_error( self.section + " doesn't have any assignments "\
               " to download")

        new_student_projects = list()
        updated_student_projects = list()
        unchanged_student_projects = list()

        # After this, one of three things is true:
        #   1) hw_to_download is a list of all the homework project
        #   2) hw_to_download is a list of exactly one homework project
        #   3) EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME didn't match anything and we exit
        # 'homework project' is a copy of the HomeworkDesc named tuple (name,id)

        if env[EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME].lower() == 'all':
            # we're going to make a new list with all the projects
            hw_name = 'all'
            hw_to_download = list(self.assignments)
            # we're going to make a new list that should match just one
            # homework assignment
            hw_name = self.homework_to_project_name(
            hw_to_download = [item for item in self.assignments \
                if item.name == env[EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME]]

        if not hw_to_download:  # if list is empty
            print_error( env[EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME] + " (internal name: " +\
                hw_name + " ) doesn't match any of the have any assignments"\
               " in section " + env[EnvOptions.SECTION])

        # First make sure that we can at least create the 'root'
        # directory for saving all the homework projects:
        dest_dir = env[EnvOptions.STUDENT_WORK_DIR]
        if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
            os.makedirs(dest_dir)  # throws an exception on fail

        # Next, go through all the projects and see which
        # (if any) were forked from the target project
        foundAny = False
        whichPage = 1
        cProject = 0

            # If we need to clone (download) any projects we'll put them
            # in the temp_dir, then move the dir containing .git (and
            # all subdirs) to the place where we want them to end up
            temp_dir_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # this is an absolute path

            projects = True
            while projects:
                logger.debug("About to retrieve page " + str(whichPage))
                projects = glc.projects.all(page=whichPage, per_page=10)
                whichPage = whichPage + 1

                if projects: foundAny = True

                if not foundAny and not projects:  # if projects list is empty
                    print "There are no projects present on the GitLab server"

                logger.info("Found the following projects:\n")
                for project in projects:
                    # For testing, to selectively download a single project:
                    #if project.id != 61:
                    #    continue

                    logger.info(project.name_with_namespace + " ID: " +

                    # See if the project matches any of the
                    # 1/many projects that we're trying to download
                    forked_project = None
                    if hasattr(project, 'forked_from_project'):
                        for hw in hw_to_download:
                            if project.forked_from_project['id'] == hw.id:
                                forked_project = hw

                    if forked_project is None:
                        logger.debug( "\tNOT a forked project (or not forked from "\
                            + env[EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME] + ")\n" )

                    logger.info( "\tProject was forked from " + forked_project.name \
                        + " (ID:"+str(forked_project.id)+")" )

                    owner_name = project.path_with_namespace.split('/')[0]
                    student = Student(username=owner_name, id=project.owner.id)

                        '.')  # This will slowly update the screen, so the
                    # user doesn't just wait till we're all done :)

                    # figure out the dir (path) for this project
                    student_dest_dir = student.generate_hw_dir( env,  \

                    #cProject = cProject + 1
                    #if cProject == 4:
                    #    return # exit early for testing purposes

                    if os.path.isdir(student_dest_dir):
                        # if there's already a .git repo there then refresh (pull) it
                        # instead of cloning it

                        repo_exists = False
                        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(student_dest_dir):
                            for dir in dirs:
                                if dir == '.git':
                                    git_dir = os.path.join(root, dir)
                                    logger.debug("Found an existing repo at " +
                                    cwd_prev = os.getcwd()

                                    # in order to know if the pull actually
                                    # changes anything we'll need to compare
                                    # the SHA ID's of the HEAD commit before & after
                                    sz_std_out, sz_std_err, ret_code = run_command_capture_output("git show-ref --head --heads HEAD"\
                                        , False)
                                    sha_pre_pull = sz_std_out.strip().split(

                                    # Update the repo
                                    call_shell("git pull")

                                    sz_std_out, sz_std_err, ret_code = run_command_capture_output("git show-ref --head --heads HEAD"\
                                        , False)
                                    sha_post_pull = sz_std_out.strip().split(


                                    hw_info = StudentHomeworkUpdateDesc(student, \
                                                        student_dest_dir, project, \

                                    if sha_pre_pull == sha_post_pull:

                                    # remember that we've updated it:
                                    repo_exists = True
                                if repo_exists: break
                            if repo_exists: break

                        if repo_exists:
                            continue  # don't try to clone it again
                            "local copy doesn't exist (yet), so clone it")

                        # clone the repo into the project
                        # The ssh connection string should look like:
                        #   git@ubuntu:root/bit142_assign_1.git
                        temp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir_root, "TEMP")

                        git_clone_repo(env[EnvOptions.SERVER_IP_ADDR], \
                            project, temp_dir)

                        # next, go find the .git dir:
                        found_git_dir = False
                        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(temp_dir):
                            for dir in dirs:
                                if dir == '.git':
                                    new_git_dir = root
                                    logger.debug("Found the git dir inside " +
                                    found_git_dir = True
                                if found_git_dir: break
                            if found_git_dir: break

                        if not found_git_dir:
                            raise Exception(
                                "Despite cloning new repo, couldn't find git dir!"

                        shutil.copytree(new_git_dir, student_dest_dir)

                        # add the repo into the list of updated projects
                        new_student_projects.append( \
                            StudentHomeworkUpdateDesc(student, \
                                      student_dest_dir, project, \
                                      datetime.datetime.now()) )

                # return the list of updated projects
        # make sure we actually get rid of our temp directory:
            shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_root, onerror=rmtree_remove_readonly_files)

            return new_student_projects, updated_student_projects, unchanged_student_projects
    def create_homework(self, glc, env):
        """ Attempt to create a homework assignment for a course
        by creating a project in the GitLab server,
        adding a record of the assignment to the course data file,
        and giving all current students access to the project"""

        proj_name = self.homework_to_project_name( \

        project_data = {'name': proj_name, \
            'issues_enabled': False, \
            'wall_enabled': False, \
            'merge_requests_enabled': False, \
            'wiki_enabled': False, \
            'snippets_enabled': False, \
            'visibility_level': False, \
            'builds_enabled': False, \
            'public_builds': False, \
            'public': False, \

        # print(project_data)

        # If the user's account already we'll get an error here:
            project = glc.projects.create(project_data)
            print "Created : " + project.name_with_namespace

            # Remember that we created the assignment
            # This will be serialized to disk (in the section's data file)
            # at the end of this command
            self.assignments.append(HomeworkDesc(env[EnvOptions.HOMEWORK_NAME], \
                proj_name, project.id))

        except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError as exc:

            # If the project already exists, look up it's info
            # and then proceed to add students to it
            if exc.error_message['name'][0].find("already been taken") >= 0:
                proj_path = env[EnvOptions.USERNAME] + "/" + proj_name
                project = glc.projects.get(proj_path)
                logger.debug("Found existing project " +
                # For anything else, just exit here
                print_error("Unable to create project " + proj_name)
                    str(exc.response_code) + ": " + str(exc.error_message))

        #print project

        # add each student to the project as a reporter
        for student in self.roster.students_no_errors:

            if self.add_student_to_project(glc, project.id, student):
                print 'Added ' + student.first_name + " " + student.last_name
                print_error('ERROR: Unable to add ' + student.first_name + \
                            " " + student.last_name)

        cwd_prev = os.getcwd()
        dest_dir = os.path.join(env[EnvOptions.TEMP_DIR], project.name)
            # This is the part where we add the local, 'starter' repo to the
            # GitLab repo.
            # This should be idempotent:
            # If you already have a GitLab repo, and...
            # 1)    If the local, starter repo and the GitLab repo are the
            #       same then no changes will be made to the GitLab repo
            # 2)    If the local, starter repo is different from the GitLab
            #       repo  then we'll update the existing GitLab repo

                project, env[EnvOptions.TEMP_DIR])

            starter_project_name = "STARTER"

            # next, move into the directory
            # (so that subsequent commands affect the new repo)
            # TODO: Above line should be os.path.join
            # Next, add a 'remote' reference in the newly-cloned repo
            #       to the starter project on our local machine:
            call_shell("git remote add "+starter_project_name+" "\

            # Get all the files from the starter project:
            call_shell("git fetch " + starter_project_name)

            # Merge the starter files into our new project:
            call_shell("git merge " + starter_project_name + "/master")

            # Clean up (remove) the remove reference
            # TODO: Do we actually need to do this? Refs don't get pushed,
            #       and we delete the whole thing in the next step...
            call_shell("git remote remove " + starter_project_name)

            # Push the changes back up to GitLab
            call_shell("git push")

            # Clear the temporary directory
            shutil.rmtree(dest_dir, onerror=rmtree_remove_readonly_files)
        def commit_feedback():
            """ Go through all the directories and if we find
            a file that matches the pattern try to commit it and
            tag it. """

            # The expectation is that there's a single file that
            # matches and either it's already been committed & tagged,
            # or else that it's not yet in the repo (in which case,
            # commit and tag it)
            # The full outline of what happens when is listed after
            # the code to determine if the tag exists and if any
            # matching files still need to be committed
            git_tag_cmd = "git tag -a -m INSTRUCTOR_FEEDBACK " + tag
            path_to_repo = os.getcwd()
            regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

            # First figure out if the tag already exists:
            logger.debug("Looking for tag \"" + tag + "\" in " + os.getcwd())
            git_cmd = "git tag -l " + tag
            sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(
                git_cmd, True)
            if sz_stdout == "":
                tagged = False
                tagged = True

            # Next, figure out if any matching files need to be committed:
                "Looking for untracked and/or committed, modified files")
            git_cmd = "git status --porcelain"
            sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(
                git_cmd, True)

            modified_staged = list()
            modified_not_staged = list()
            untracked = list()
            untracked_subdirs = list()

            for line in sz_stdout.splitlines():
                # line format: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Git/mingw64/share/doc/git-doc/git-status.html#_short_format
                # [index][working tree]<space>filename
                # examples of lines:
                # M File.txt            # present in repo, but not staged
                #M  NewFile.txt         # modified, added to index
                #A  SubDir/FooFile.txt  # added to index
                #?? ExtraFile.txt       # untracked
                # Note that git does NOT include the contents of untracked
                # subdirs in this output, so if a new file is put into a new
                # subdir (say, SubDir2\Grade.txt) git status will list
                #?? SubDir2             # note that Grade.txt is NOT listed
                # Thus, we actually do need to traverse the file system to
                # find new files

                # does this line's file match the pattern?
                both_codes = line[0:2]
                filename = line[3:]
                match = re.search(regex, filename)

                # If there's a new, untracked subdir
                # then we'll need to os.walk it to find
                # any matching files
                # (otherwise we can skip that)
                if both_codes == "??" and \
                    filename[len(filename)-1:] == '/':
                        os.path.join(path_to_repo, filename))

                if match:
                    code_index = line[0]
                    code_working = line[1]

                    if both_codes == "??":
                    if both_codes == "!!":
                        print_error(filename + " (in "+os.getcwd()+"):"\
                            "\n\tWARNIG: This matched the pattern but it"\
                            " also matches something in .gitignore\n"\
                            "(This will NOT be committed now)\n")

                    codes_changed = "M ARC"

                    if codes_changed.find(code_index) != -1:
                        # changed in the index
                        if code_working == " ":
                            # code_working & _index will never both be blank
                            # (that would mean no changes)
                        elif code_working == "M":

            # find matching file(s) in untracked subdirs:
            # Skip this unless there's an untracked directory
            # (these can contain more stuff, and git doesn't scan through
            # the untracked dir)
            if untracked_subdirs:
                for subdir in untracked_subdirs:
                    # walk through the subdir
                    # (starting the walk here avoids any of the
                    # files that git told us about)
                    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(subdir):
                        for name in files:

                            match = re.search(regex, name)
                            if match:
                                path = os.path.join(root, name)
                                local_dir = path.replace(path_to_repo, "")
                                # remove the leading /
                                if local_dir[0] == os.sep:
                                    local_dir = local_dir[1:]
                                logger.debug("found a match at " + local_dir)

            #print_list(path_to_repo, modified_staged, Fore.CYAN, "modified, staged files:")
            #print_list(path_to_repo, modified_not_staged, Fore.YELLOW, "modified, unstaged files:")
            #print_list(path_to_repo, untracked, Fore.RED, "untracked files:")
            if modified_staged:
                need_commit = True
                need_commit = False

            files_to_add = modified_not_staged + untracked
            # The two 'expected' cases are listed at the top
            # Here's the full  outline:
            # if not tagged:
            #   if file absent:
            #       note and skip
            #   if file present but untracked:
            #       add, commit, tag, done
            #   if file committed and unchanged:
            #       tag it?  <ERROR>
            # if tagged:
            #   file should be in repo (else error)
            #   if file not updated:
            #       note and skip
            #   if file has been updated:
            #       update existing tag to have number after it
            #       commit changes
            #       tag the current commit with the desired tag

            if not tagged:
                #   if file absent:
                if not need_commit and not files_to_add:
                    #       note and skip
            #   if file present but untracked:
                    #       add, commit, tag, done
                    git_cmd = "git add " + " ".join(files_to_add)

                    call_shell("git commit -m Adding_Instructor_Feedback")
                    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(


            #   if file committed and unchanged:
            #       tag it?  <ERROR>
            #   we're not checking for previously committed files
            #   so we don't handle this case
            #   It *shouldn't* happen, anyways, so hopefully it won't
            #       (It might happen if the teacher commits their
            #       feedback manually)

            if tagged:
                #   file should be in repo (else error)
                #   if file not updated:
                if not need_commit and not files_to_add:
                    #       note and skip
            #   if file has been updated:
                    #       update existing tag to have number after its

                    git_cmd = "git add " + " ".join(files_to_add)

                    #       commit changes
                    call_shell("git commit -m Adding_Instructor_Feedback")

                    #       tag the current commit with the desired tag:
                    sz_stdout, sz_stderr, ret = run_command_capture_output(
