def deimos_spectrum1D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 1D spectra.

    This loads the 'Bxspf-B' (extension 1)
    and 'Bxspf-R' (extension 2) and appends them
    together to proudce the combined Red/Blue Spectrum
    along with their Wavelength and Inverse Variance
    with fits.open(file_name) as hdulist:
        data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
        hdulist[1].header['CTYPE1'] = 'WAVE'
        hdulist[1].header['CUNIT1'] = 'Angstrom'
        data.header = hdulist[1].header
        wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
        data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)

        full_wl = np.append(hdulist[1].data['LAMBDA'][0],
        full_spec = np.append(hdulist[1].data['SPEC'][0],
        full_ivar = np.append(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0],

        data.add_component(full_wl, 'Wavelength')
        data.add_component(full_spec, 'Flux')
        data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(full_ivar), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def nirspec_spectrum1d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for MOSViz 1D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    # make wavelength a seperate component in addition to coordinate
    # so you can plot it on the x axis
    wavelength = np.linspace(hdulist['DATA'].header['CRVAL1'],

    data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist['DATA'].header
    data.add_component(wavelength, 'Wavelength')
    data.add_component(hdulist['DATA'].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(hdulist['VAR'].data, 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def pre_nirspec_spectrum1d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for MOSViz 1D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    # make wavelength a seperate component in addition to coordinate
    # so you can plot it on the x axis
    wavelength = np.linspace(
        hdulist['DATA'].header['CRVAL1'] * hdulist['DATA'].header['CDELT1'],

    data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist['DATA'].header
    data.add_component(wavelength, 'Wavelength')
    data.add_component(hdulist['DATA'].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist['VAR'].data), 'Uncertainty')


    return data
def deimos_spectrum1D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 1D spectra.

    This loads the 'Bxspf-B' (extension 1)
    and 'Bxspf-R' (extension 2) and appends them
    together to proudce the combined Red/Blue Spectrum
    along with their Wavelength and Inverse Variance
    with fits.open(file_name) as hdulist:
        data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
        hdulist[1].header['CTYPE1'] = 'WAVE'
        hdulist[1].header['CUNIT1'] = 'Angstrom'
        data.header = hdulist[1].header
        wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
        data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)

        full_wl = np.append(hdulist[1].data['LAMBDA'][0], hdulist[2].data['LAMBDA'][0])
        full_spec = np.append(hdulist[1].data['SPEC'][0], hdulist[2].data['SPEC'][0])
        full_ivar = np.append(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0], hdulist[2].data['IVAR'][0])

        data.add_component(full_wl, 'Wavelength')
        data.add_component(full_spec, 'Flux')
        data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(full_ivar), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def deimos_spectrum1D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 1D spectra.

    This loads the 'Bxspf-B' (extension 1)
    and 'Bxspf-R' (extension 2) and appends them
    together to proudce the combined Red/Blue Spectrum
    along with their Wavelength and Inverse Variance
    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist[1].header

    full_wl = np.append(hdulist[1].data['LAMBDA'][0],
    full_spec = np.append(hdulist[1].data['SPEC'][0],
    full_ivar = np.append(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0],

    data.add_component(full_wl, 'Wavelength')
    data.add_component(full_spec, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(full_ivar), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def nirspec_spectrum1d_reader(file_name):
    with fits.open(file_name) as hdulist:
        header = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header

    tab = Table.read(file_name)

    data = Data(label="1D Spectrum")
    data.header = header
    data.add_component(tab['WAVELENGTH'], "Wavelength")
    data.add_component(tab['FLUX'], "Flux")
    data.add_component(tab['ERROR'], "Uncertainty")

    return data
def pre_nirspec_level2_reader(file_name):


    #TODO The level 2 file has multiple exposures.
    #TODO the level 2 test file has SCI extensions with different shapes.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectra')

    hdulist[1].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    data.header = hdulist[1].header

    # This is a stop gap fix to let fake data be ingested as
    # level 2 apectra. The level 2 file we have for testing
    # right now has SCI extensions with different sized arrays
    # among them. It remains to be seen if this is a expected
    # feature of level 2 spectra, or just a temporary glitch.
    # In case it's actually what lvel 2 spectral files look
    # like, proper handling must be put in place to allow
    # glue Data objects with different sized components. Or,
    # if that is not feasible, to properly cut the arrays so
    # as to make them all of the same size. The solution below
    # is a naive interpretation of this concept.
    x_min = 10000
    y_min = 10000
    for k in range(1, len(hdulist)):
        if 'SCI' in hdulist[k].header['EXTNAME']:
            x_min = min(x_min, hdulist[k].data.shape[0])
            y_min = min(y_min, hdulist[k].data.shape[1])

    # hdulist[k].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    # wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
    # original WCS has both axes named "LAMBDA", glue requires unique component names

    # data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    # data.header = hdulist[k].header
    # data.add_component(hdulist[1].data['FLUX'][0], 'Flux')

    count = 1
    for k in range(1, len(hdulist)):
        if 'SCI' in hdulist[k].header['EXTNAME']:
            data.add_component(hdulist[k].data[0:x_min, 0:y_min],
                               'Flux_' + '{:03d}'.format(count))
            count += 1
            # data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0]), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def acs_cutout_image_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for the ACS cut-outs for the DEIMOS spectra.

    The cutouts contain only the image.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='ACS Cutout Image')
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[0].header)
    data.header = hdulist[0].header
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data, 'Flux')

    return data
def pre_nirspec_level2_reader(file_name):


    #TODO The level 2 file has multiple exposures.
    #TODO the level 2 test file has SCI extensions with different shapes.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectra')

    hdulist[1].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    data.header = hdulist[1].header

    # This is a stop gap fix to let fake data be ingested as
    # level 2 apectra. The level 2 file we have for testing
    # right now has SCI extensions with different sized arrays
    # among them. It remains to be seen if this is a expected
    # feature of level 2 spectra, or just a temporary glitch.
    # In case it's actually what lvel 2 spectral files look
    # like, proper handling must be put in place to allow
    # glue Data objects with different sized components. Or,
    # if that is not feasible, to properly cut the arrays so
    # as to make them all of the same size. The solution below
    # is a naive interpretation of this concept.
    x_min = 10000
    y_min = 10000
    for k in range(1, len(hdulist)):
        if 'SCI' in hdulist[k].header['EXTNAME']:
            x_min = min(x_min, hdulist[k].data.shape[0])
            y_min = min(y_min, hdulist[k].data.shape[1])

    # hdulist[k].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    # wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
    # original WCS has both axes named "LAMBDA", glue requires unique component names

    # data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    # data.header = hdulist[k].header
    # data.add_component(hdulist[1].data['FLUX'][0], 'Flux')

    count = 1
    for k in range(1, len(hdulist)):
        if 'SCI' in hdulist[k].header['EXTNAME']:
            data.add_component(hdulist[k].data[0:x_min, 0:y_min], 'Flux_' + '{:03d}'.format(count))
            count += 1
            # data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0]), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def acs_cutout_image_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for the ACS cut-outs for the DEIMOS spectra.

    The cutouts contain only the image.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='ACS Cutout Image')
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[0].header)
    data.header = hdulist[0].header
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data, 'Flux')

    return data
def nirspec_spectrum1d_reader(file_name):
    with fits.open(file_name) as hdulist:
        header = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header

    tab = Table.read(file_name, hdu=1)

    data = Data(label="1D Spectrum")
    data.header = header

    # This assumes the wavelength is in microns
    data.coords = SpectralCoordinates(tab['WAVELENGTH'] * u.micron)

    data.add_component(tab['WAVELENGTH'], "Wavelength")
    data.add_component(tab['FLUX'], "Flux")
    data.add_component(tab['ERROR'], "Uncertainty")

    return data
def nirspec_spectrum2d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRSpec 2D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist['DATA'].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[1].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist['DATA'].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist['VAR'].data), 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def deimos_spectrum2D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 2D spectra.

    This loads only the Flux and Inverse variance.
    Wavelength information comes from the WCS.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectrum')
    hdulist[1].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
    # original WCS has both axes named "LAMBDA", glue requires unique component names

    data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    data.header = hdulist[1].header
    data.add_component(hdulist[1].data['FLUX'][0], 'Flux')
    data.add_component(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0], 'Uncertainty')
    return data
def nirspec_spectrum1d_reader(file_name):
    file_name, ext = split_file_name(file_name, default_ext=1)

    with fits.open(file_name) as hdulist:
        header = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header

    tab = Table.read(file_name, hdu=ext)

    data = Data(label="1D Spectrum")
    data.header = header

    # This assumes the wavelength is in microns
    data.coords = SpectralCoordinates(np.array(tab['WAVELENGTH']) * u.micron)

    data.add_component(tab['WAVELENGTH'], "Wavelength")
    data.add_component(tab['FLUX'], "Flux")
    data.add_component(tab['ERROR'], "Uncertainty")

    return data
def nirspec_spectrum2d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRSpec 2D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist['DATA'].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[1].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist['DATA'].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(hdulist['VAR'].data, 'Uncertainty')

    return data
def deimos_spectrum2D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 2D spectra.

    This loads only the Flux and Inverse variance.
    Wavelength information comes from the WCS.

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='2D Spectrum')
    hdulist[1].header['CTYPE2'] = 'Spatial Y'
    wcs = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
    # original WCS has both axes named "LAMBDA", glue requires unique component names

    data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    data.header = hdulist[1].header
    data.add_component(hdulist[1].data['FLUX'][0], 'Flux')
    data.add_component(1 / np.sqrt(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0]), 'Uncertainty')
    return data
def pre_nircam_image_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRCam image. This is for the
    full image, where cut-outs will be created on the fly.

    From the header:
    If ISWFS is T, structure is:

            -  Plane 1: Signal [frame3 - frame1] in ADU
            -  Plane 2: Signal uncertainty [sqrt(2*RN/g + \|frame3\|)]

    If ISWFS is F, structure is:

            -  Plane 1: Signal from linear fit to ramp [ADU/sec]
            -  Plane 2: Signal uncertainty [ADU/sec]

    Note that in the later case, the uncertainty is simply the formal
    uncertainty in the fit parameter (eg. uncorrelated, WRONG!). Noise
    model to be implemented at a later date.
    In the case of WFS, error is computed as SQRT(2*sigma_read + \|frame3\|)
    which should be a bit more correct - ~Fowler sampling.

    The FITS file has a single extension with a data cube.
    The data is the first slice of the cube and the uncertainty
    is the second slice.


    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='NIRCam Image')
    data.header = hdulist[0].header
    wcs = WCS(hdulist[0].header)

    # drop the last axis since the cube will be split
    data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data / 100, 'Uncertainty')


    return data
def pre_nircam_image_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRCam image. This is for the
    full image, where cut-outs will be created on the fly.

    From the header:
    If ISWFS is T, structure is:

            -  Plane 1: Signal [frame3 - frame1] in ADU
            -  Plane 2: Signal uncertainty [sqrt(2*RN/g + \|frame3\|)]

    If ISWFS is F, structure is:

            -  Plane 1: Signal from linear fit to ramp [ADU/sec]
            -  Plane 2: Signal uncertainty [ADU/sec]

    Note that in the later case, the uncertainty is simply the formal
    uncertainty in the fit parameter (eg. uncorrelated, WRONG!). Noise
    model to be implemented at a later date.
    In the case of WFS, error is computed as SQRT(2*sigma_read + \|frame3\|)
    which should be a bit more correct - ~Fowler sampling.

    The FITS file has a single extension with a data cube.
    The data is the first slice of the cube and the uncertainty
    is the second slice.


    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='NIRCam Image')
    data.header = hdulist[0].header
    wcs = WCS(hdulist[0].header)

    # drop the last axis since the cube will be split
    data.coords = coordinates_from_wcs(wcs)
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(hdulist[0].data / 100, 'Uncertainty')


    return data
def nirspec_level2_reader(file_name):
    Data Loader for level2 products.
    Uses extension information to index
    fits hdu list. The ext info is included
    in the file_name as follows: <file_path>[<ext>]
    file_name, ext = split_file_name(file_name, default_ext=1)

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    data = Data(label="2D Spectra")
    data.header = hdulist[ext].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[ext].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist[ext].data, 'Level2 Flux')

    # TODO: update uncertainty once data model becomes clear
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist[ext + 2].data), 'Level2 Uncertainty')


    return data
def nirspec_level2_reader(file_name):
    Data Loader for level2 products.
    Uses extension information to index
    fits hdu list. The ext info is included
    in the file_name as follows: <file_path>[<ext>]
    file_name, ext = split_file_name(file_name)

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    data = Data(label="2D Spectra")
    data.header = hdulist[ext].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[ext].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist[ext].data, 'Level2 Flux')

    # TODO: update uncertainty once data model becomes clear
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist[ext + 2].data), 'Level2 Uncertainty')


    return data
def nirspec_spectrum2d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRSpec 2D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    file_name, ext = split_file_name(file_name, default_ext=1)

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    data = Data(label="2D Spectrum")
    data.header = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[ext].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist[ext].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist[ext + 2].data), 'Uncertainty')


    return data
def nirspec_spectrum2d_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for simulated NIRSpec 2D spectrum.

    This function extracts the DATA, QUALITY, and VAR
    extensions and returns them as a glue Data object.

    It then uses the header keywords of the DATA extension
    to detemine the wavelengths.

    file_name, ext = split_file_name(file_name, default_ext=1)

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)

    data = Data(label="2D Spectrum")
    data.header = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header
    data.coords = coordinates_from_header(hdulist[ext].header)
    data.add_component(hdulist[ext].data, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(np.sqrt(hdulist[ext + 2].data), 'Uncertainty')


    return data
def deimos_spectrum1D_reader(file_name):
    Data loader for Keck/DEIMOS 1D spectra.

    This loads the 'Bxspf-B' (extension 1)
    and 'Bxspf-R' (extension 2) and appends them
    together to proudce the combined Red/Blue Spectrum
    along with their Wavelength and Inverse Variance

    hdulist = fits.open(file_name)
    data = Data(label='1D Spectrum')
    data.header = hdulist[1].header

    full_wl = np.append(hdulist[1].data['LAMBDA'][0], hdulist[2].data['LAMBDA'][0])
    full_spec = np.append(hdulist[1].data['SPEC'][0], hdulist[2].data['SPEC'][0])
    full_ivar = np.append(hdulist[1].data['IVAR'][0], hdulist[2].data['IVAR'][0])

    data.add_component(full_wl, 'Wavelength')
    data.add_component(full_spec, 'Flux')
    data.add_component(full_ivar, 'Uncertainty')

    return data