def do_process_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree):
    process_table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
  except ValueError:
    process_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable,
    ["process_id", "ifos", "comment", "program", "start_time", "jobid", 

  runids = set()
  for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()) :

    # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
    if sim_tree.run in runids :

    row = process_table.RowType()
    row.process_id = type(process_table.next_id)(sim_tree.run)

    # Imstruments involved in the search
    row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
    row.comment = "waveburst"
    row.program = "waveburst"

    # Begin and end time of the segment
    # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
    # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded
    setattr(row, "start_time", None)
    setattr(row, "end_time", None)
    setattr(row, "jobid", sim_tree.run)

def write_sky_map(
    """Write a gravitational-wave sky map to a file, populating the header
    with optional metadata."""

    # Populate optional header fieds.

    extra_metadata = []

    if objid is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("OBJECT", objid, "Unique identifier for this event"))

    if url is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("REFERENC", url, "URL of this event"))

    if instruments is not None:
        if not isinstance(instruments, basestring):
            instruments = str(lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(instruments))
        extra_metadata.append(("INSTRUME", instruments, "Instruments that triggered this event"))

    if gps_time is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("DATE-OBS", gps_to_iso8601(gps_time), "UTC date of the observation"))
        extra_metadata.append(("MJD-OBS", gps_to_mjd(gps_time), "modified Julian date of the observation"))

    if gps_creation_time is None:
        gps_creation_time = lal.GPSTimeNow()
    extra_metadata.append(("DATE", gps_to_iso8601(gps_creation_time), "UTC date of file creation"))

    if creator is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("CREATOR", creator, "Program that created this file"))

    if origin is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("ORIGIN", origin, "Organization responsible for this FITS file"))

    if runtime is not None:
        extra_metadata.append(("RUNTIME", runtime, "Runtime in seconds of the CREATOR program"))

 def set_ifos(self, instruments):
   Serialize a sequence of instruments into the ifos
   attribute.  The instrument names must not contain the ","
   self.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(instruments)
  def do_process_table_from_segment(self, xmldoc, sim_tree, segment, jobid=-1):
    Create the process_table for the cWB job(s) from a job segment.
      process_table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
      process_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable,
      ["process_id", "ifos", "comment", "program", "start_time", "jobid", 
      # Unused, but required for column synchronicity		
      "version", "cvs_repository", "cvs_entry_time", "is_online", "node",
      "username", "unix_procid", "domain"])

    # get run IDs
    if(jobid < 0):
      N = sim_tree.GetEntries()
      if N == 0:
        exit("There is no information available to parse from the ROOT file, and no external information was provided.")
      runs = set()
      for i in xrange(N):
        run = sim_tree.run
      run = jobid
    seg = segment
    # Imstruments involved in the search
    ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )

    if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): 
        if( self.instruments ):
            ifos = self.instruments
        else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
            sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.")

    for run in runs:
      row = process_table.RowType()
      row.process_id = type(process_table.next_id)(run)
      row.ifos = ifos
      row.comment = u"waveburst"
      row.program = u"waveburst"
      row.start_time = None
      row.end_time = None
      row.jobid = run
      row.version = __version__
      row.cvs_repository = u"lscsoft"
      # TODO: Need a handle on where this comes from
      row.cvs_entry_time = 0
      row.is_online = 0
      row.username = os.environ['USER']
      row.node = platform.node()
      row.unix_procid = os.getpid()
      row.domain = u"pylal"
  def __init__(self, joblist=None, start=None, end=None, instruments=None,
          waveoffset=0, verbose=False):
	self.job_list = joblist
	self.start = start
	self.end = end
	#self.cwbtable = cwbtables
	self.verbose = verbose
	self.instruments = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( instruments.split(",") )
	self.waveoffset = waveoffset
文件: fits.py 项目: cpankow/lalsuite
def write_sky_map(filename, prob, nest=False, objid=None, url=None, instruments=None,
    gps_time=None, gps_creation_time=None, creator=None, origin=None,
    """Write a gravitational-wave sky map to a file, populating the header
    with optional metadata."""

    # Populate optional header fieds.

    extra_header = []

    if objid is not None:
        extra_header.append(('OBJECT', objid,
            'Unique identifier for this event'))

    if url is not None:
        extra_header.append(('REFERENC', url,
            'URL of this event'))

    if instruments is not None:
        if not isinstance(instruments, six.string_types):
            instruments = str(lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(instruments))
        extra_header.append(('INSTRUME', instruments,
            'Instruments that triggered this event'))

    if gps_time is not None:
        extra_header.append(('DATE-OBS', gps_to_iso8601(gps_time),
            'UTC date of the observation'))
        extra_header.append(('MJD-OBS', gps_to_mjd(gps_time),
            'modified Julian date of the observation'))

    if gps_creation_time is None:
        gps_creation_time = lal.GPSTimeNow()
    extra_header.append(('DATE', gps_to_iso8601(gps_creation_time),
        'UTC date of file creation'))

    if creator is not None:
        extra_header.append(('CREATOR', creator,
            'Program that created this file'))

    if origin is not None:
        extra_header.append(('ORIGIN', origin,
            'Organization responsible for this FITS file'))

    if runtime is not None:
        extra_header.append(('RUNTIME', runtime,
            'Runtime in seconds of the CREATOR program'))

    hp.write_map(filename, prob, nest=nest, fits_IDL=True, coord='C',
        column_names=('PROB',), column_units=('pix-1',),
def do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree):
    search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
  except ValueError:
    search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable,
    ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
    "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
    "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"])

  process_id_type = lsctables.ProcessID

  runids = set()
  for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()) :

    # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
    if sim_tree.run in runids :

    row = search_summary.RowType()
    row.process_id = process_id_type(sim_tree.run)

    # Search Summary Table
    # events found in the run -> nevents
    setattr(row, "nevents", sim_tree.GetEntries())

    # Imstruments involved in the search
    row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
    setattr(row, "comment", "waveburst")

    # Begin and end time of the segment
    # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
    # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded
		# TODO: Make this work properly. We need a gps end from the livetime
    waveoffset = 8
    livetime = 600
    #live_entries = live_tree.GetEntries()
    # This is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow
    #for l in range(0, live_entries):
      #livetime = max(livetime, liv_tree.live)

    #if livetime < 0:
      #sys.exit("Could not find livetime, cannot fill all of summary table.")
    # in -- with waveoffset
    # out -- without waveoffset
    row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps - waveoffset), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime + waveoffset)))
    row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime)))

  def do_summary_table_from_segment(self, xmldoc, segment, sim_tree, jobid=-1):
    Create the search_summary table for a cWB from a segment specified from the command line. The function will try to determine the proper job intervals from the waveoffset, if specified.
      search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
      search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable,
      ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
      "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
      "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"])
    process_id_type = type(lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc).next_id)

    if(jobid < 0):
      run = sim_tree.run
    else: run = jobid
    seg = segment
    # Search Summary Table
    # events found in the run -> nevents
    row = search_summary.RowType()
    row.process_id = process_id_type(run)
    row.nevents = sim_tree.GetEntries()

    ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
    # Imstruments involved in the search
    if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): 
        if( self.instruments ):
            ifos = self.instruments
        else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
            sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.")

    row.ifos = ifos
    row.comment = "waveburst"
    # Begin and end time of the segment
    waveoffset = self.waveoffset
    if waveoffset == None: waveoffset = 0
    # in -- with waveoffset
    # out -- without waveoffset
    waveoffset = LIGOTimeGPS(waveoffset)
    row.set_out(segments.segment(seg[0]+waveoffset, seg[1]-waveoffset))
def playground_nonplayground_livetime(seglists, playground_segs=None, verbose=False):
	playground_livetime = {}
	nonplayground_livetime = {}
	instruments = frozenset(seglists.keys())
	for on_inst, off_inst in detector_combos(list(instruments)):
		on_inst = frozenset(on_inst)
		off_inst = frozenset(off_inst)
		key = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_inst)
		selected_segs = seglists.intersection(list(on_inst))-seglists.union(list(off_inst))
		if playground_segs:
			playground_livetime[on_inst] = float(abs(selected_segs & playground_segs))
			nonplayground_livetime[on_inst] = float(abs(selected_segs - playground_segs))
			playground_livetime[on_inst] = 0
			nonplayground_livetime[on_inst] = float(abs(selected_segs))

	return playground_livetime, nonplayground_livetime
def printmissed(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, livetime_program,
    param_name = None, param_ranges = None, exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = 'ALLINJ',
    limit = None, daily_ihope_pages_location = 'https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbc/ihope_daily', verbose = False):
    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils
    from pylal import ligolw_cbc_compute_durations as compute_dur
    from glue import segments
    from glue.ligolw import dbtables

    # Get simulation/recovery tables
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)
    # create the get_sim_tag function
    sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper( connection )
    connection.create_function( 'get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag )

    #   Create and prepare the CloseMissedTable to store summary information
    # Get simulation table column names from database
    simulation_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table( connection, simulation_table )
    column_names = simulation_table_columns + \
        ['rank', 'decisive_distance', 'gps_time', 'gps_time_ns', 'injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'instruments_on', 'veto_def_name', 'mini_followup','omega_scan', 'sim_tag']
    # define needed tables
    class CloseMissedTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "close_missed_injections:table"
        validcolumns = {}
        for col_name in column_names:
            if 'rank' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4u"
            elif 'instruments_on' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentTable.validcolumns['instruments']
            elif 'veto_def_name' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable.validcolumns['veto_def_name']
            elif 'decisive_distance' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, 'eff_dist_h')
            elif 'gps_time' == col_name or 'gps_time_ns' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif 'sim_tag' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "lstring"
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(simulation_table, col_name, default = 'lstring')
    class CloseMissed(object):
        __slots__ = CloseMissedTable.validcolumns.keys()
        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)
    # connect the rows to the tables
    CloseMissedTable.RowType = CloseMissed
    # create the table
    cmtable = lsctables.New(CloseMissedTable)

    # set up sim_rec_map table
    sqlutils.create_sim_rec_map_table(connection, simulation_table, recovery_table, map_label, None)
    #   Set table filters
    # we force the include/exclude filters to None; will check for excluded/included ifo time
    # when cycling through the ifo times
    filter = """
            simulation_id NOT IN (
                    sim_rec_map )"""
    af = create_filter( connection, simulation_table, param_name = param_name, param_ranges = param_ranges,
            exclude_coincs = None, include_only_coincs = None, sim_tag = sim_tag, verbose = verbose)
    af = re.sub(r'experiment_summary[.]sim_proc_id', 'process_id', af)
    if af != '':
        filter = '\n'.join([ filter, """
            AND""", af])
    # get desired instrument times
    if include_only_coincs is not None:
        include_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( include_only_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]
    if exclude_coincs is not None:
        exclude_times = [on_instruments for on_instruments, type in
            sqlutils.parse_coinc_options( exclude_coincs, verbose = verbose ).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type]

    # get the usertags of inspiral jobs in this database
    sqlquery = """
        SELECT value
        FROM process_params
        WHERE param == "-userTag"
        GROUP BY value
    usertags = set(usertag[0] for usertag in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery) )
    # Get the single-ifo science segments after CAT-1 vetoes
        if "FULL_DATA" in usertags:
            tag = "FULL_DATA"
            tag = list(usertags)[0]
    except IndexError:
        # This is hacky anyway, so let's just take a guess
        tag = "FULL_DATA"
    ifo_segments = compute_dur.get_single_ifo_segments(connection, program_name = livetime_program, usertag = tag)
    if ifo_segments == {}:
        raise ValueError, "Cannot find any analysis segments using %s as a livetime program; cannot get missed injections." % livetime_program
    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting all veto category names from the experiment_summary table..."

    xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection)
    # get veto_segments
    veto_segments = compute_dur.get_veto_segments(xmldoc, verbose)

    # make a dictionary of zerolag "shifts" needed for the get_coinc_segments function
    zerolag_dict = {}
    for ifo in ifo_segments:
        zerolag_dict[ifo] = 0.0

    # Cycle over available veto categories
    for veto_def_name, veto_seg_dict in veto_segments.items():
        post_vetoes_ifosegs = ifo_segments - veto_seg_dict
        # make a dictionary of coincident segments by exclusive on-ifos
        coinc_segs = compute_dur.get_coinc_segments(post_vetoes_ifosegs, zerolag_dict)
        #   Get all the on_instrument times and cycle over them
        sqlquery = """
            SELECT DISTINCT experiment.instruments
            FROM experiment
                JOIN experiment_summary ON (
                    experiment.experiment_id == experiment_summary.experiment_id )
            WHERE experiment_summary.veto_def_name == :1
        for on_instruments in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery, (veto_def_name,)).fetchall():
            on_instruments = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(on_instruments[0])
            # check if this on_instruments is desired; if not, skip
            if include_only_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) not in include_times:
            if exclude_coincs is not None and frozenset(on_instruments) in exclude_times:
            on_times = coinc_segs[','.join(sorted(on_instruments))]
            def is_in_on_time(gps_time, gps_time_ns):
                return gps_time + (1e-9 * gps_time_ns) in on_times
            connection.create_function('is_in_on_time', 2, is_in_on_time)
            # add the check for on time to the filter
            in_this_filter = filter
            # figure out if simulation_table has end_times or start_times
            end_or_start = any('end_time' in c for c in simulation_table_columns) and '_end_time' or '_start_time'
            for instrument in on_instruments:
                inst_time = instrument.lower()[0] + end_or_start
                inst_time_ns = inst_time + '_ns' 
                in_this_filter = ''.join([ in_this_filter,
                    '\n\tAND is_in_on_time(', inst_time, ',', inst_time_ns, ')' ])
            #   Set up decisive distance argument
            def get_decisive_distance( *args ):
               return sorted(args)[1]
            connection.create_function('get_decisive_distance', len(on_instruments), get_decisive_distance)
            decisive_distance = ''.join(['get_decisive_distance(', ','.join(['eff_dist_'+inst.lower()[0] for inst in on_instruments]), ')' ])
            #   Initialize ranking. Statistics for ranking are based on decisive distance
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting statistics for ranking..."
            ranker = sqlutils.rank_stats(simulation_table, decisive_distance, 'ASC')
            # add requirement that stats not be found in the sim_rec_table to in_this_filter
            ranker.populate_stats_list(connection, limit = limit, filter = in_this_filter)
            connection.create_function( 'rank', 1, ranker.get_rank )
            #   Get the Data
            sqlquery = ''.join(["""
                    """, decisive_distance, """,
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """)
                    """, simulation_table, """
                """, in_this_filter, """
                    %s""" % (limit is not None and ''.join(['AND rank(', decisive_distance, ') <= ', str(limit)]) or ''), """
                ORDER BY
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """) ASC
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting injections..."
                print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite query used is:"
                print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery
            for values in connection.cursor().execute( sqlquery ).fetchall():
                cmrow = CloseMissed()
                [ setattr(cmrow, column, values[ii]) for ii, column in enumerate(simulation_table_columns) ]
                cmrow.decisive_distance = values[-2]
                cmrow.rank = values[-1]
                cmrow.instruments_on = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_instruments)
                cmrow.veto_def_name = veto_def_name
                cmrow.sim_tag = values[-3]
                cmrow.mini_followup = None
                cmrow.omega_scan = None
                cmrow.gps_time = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start)
                cmrow.gps_time_ns = getattr(cmrow, sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start + '_ns')
                # set  elog page
                elog_pages = [(ifo, get_elog_page(ifo, cmrow.gps_time)) for ifo in on_instruments]
                cmrow.elogs = ','.join([ create_hyperlink(elog[1], elog[0]) for elog in sorted(elog_pages) ])
                # set daily_ihope page
                injection_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc( cmrow.gps_time ) 
                daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(cmrow.gps_time, pages_location = daily_ihope_pages_location)
                cmrow.injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink( daily_ihope_address, injection_time_utc ) 
                # add the row

    # drop the sim_rec_map table
    connection.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE sim_rec_map")
    return cmtable
 def _get_ifo_string(self):
   return lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(self.ifos)
  def do_summary_table(self, xmldoc, sim_tree):
    Create the search_summary table for the cWB job(s). This function exists as a backup in case no job list exists. It will try and reconstruct the job segments from the event data, but this list will be incomplete in the case where no events were found during a job.
      search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
      search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable,
      ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
      "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
      "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"])
    process_id_type = type(lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc).next_id)
    runids = set()
    entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()
    for i in range(0, entries) :
      if self.start != None :
        if float(self.start) > sim_tree.start[0] : continue
      if self.end != None :
        if float(self.end) < sim_tree.stop[0] : continue
      # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
      run = sim_tree.run
      if run in runids :
      row = search_summary.RowType()
      row.process_id = process_id_type(run)
      # Search Summary Table
      # events found in the run -> nevents
	  # TODO: Destroy ROOT, because it hates me
      #row.nevents = sim_tree.nevent
      row.nevents = 0
      # Imstruments involved in the search
      ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
      # Imstruments involved in the search
      if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): 
          if( self.instruments ):
              ifos = self.instruments
          else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
              sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.")

      row.ifos = ifos
      row.comment = "waveburst"
      # Begin and end time of the segment
      if self.waveoffset != None :
          waveoffset = self.waveoffset
          waveoffset = 0
      livetime = -1
	  # WARNING: This will fail miserably if there are no events in analyzed 
	  # see do_search_summary_from_joblist for a better solution
      livetime = sim_tree.left[0] + sim_tree.duration[0] + sim_tree.right[0]
      if livetime < 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: Run %d will have zero livetime because no events are recorded in this run, and therefore livetime cannot be calculated." % run
        # in -- with waveoffset
        row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
        # out -- without waveoffset
        row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))

        seg_start_with_offset = sim_tree.gps - waveoffset
        seg_start_without_offset = sim_tree.gps
        seg_end_with_offset = sim_tree.gps + waveoffset + livetime
        seg_end_without_offset = sim_tree.gps + livetime 
        # in -- with waveoffset
        row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(seg_start_with_offset), LIGOTimeGPS(seg_end_with_offset)))
        # out -- without waveoffset
        row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(seg_start_without_offset), LIGOTimeGPS(seg_end_without_offset)))
  if 'PLAYGROUND' in tag:
    datatypes = ['playground', 'slide']
    datatypes = ['all_data', 'playground', 'slide']

  lc_nodes = []

  for datatype in datatypes:
    print("\t\tfor %s..." % datatype)

    # set file naming type
    type_prefix = tag
    type = '_'.join([ type_prefix, 'LOUDEST', datatype.upper(), 'EVENTS_BY', cp.get('printlc', 'ranking-stat').upper()])
    # cycle over all ifos times, creating different tables for each
    for on_instruments in distinct_instrument_sets:
      on_instruments = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_instruments)
      # set output and extracted xml file names
      if cp.has_option('printlc', 'output-format'):
        summ_file_type = cp.get('printlc', 'output-format')
        summ_file_type = 'xml'
      summary_filename = '.'.join([
        '-'.join([ ''.join(on_instruments.split(',')), type + '_SUMMARY', experiment_start, experiment_duration ]),
        summ_file_type ])
      full_filename = '-'.join([ ''.join(on_instruments.split(',')), type, experiment_start, experiment_duration ])
      # set node options
      printlc_node = inspiral.PrintLCNode( printlc_job )
      printlc_node.set_tmp_space( tmp_space )
      printlc_node.set_input( result_db.path )
      printlc_node.set_output( summary_filename )
def printmissed(

    from pylal import ligolw_sqlutils as sqlutils
    from pylal import ligolw_cbc_compute_durations as compute_dur
    from glue import segments
    from glue.ligolw import dbtables

    # Get simulation/recovery tables
    simulation_table = sqlutils.validate_option(simulation_table)
    recovery_table = sqlutils.validate_option(recovery_table)

    # create the get_sim_tag function
    sim_map = sqlutils.sim_tag_proc_id_mapper(connection)
    connection.create_function('get_sim_tag', 1, sim_map.get_sim_tag)

    #   Create and prepare the CloseMissedTable to store summary information

    # Get simulation table column names from database
    simulation_table_columns = sqlutils.get_column_names_from_table(
        connection, simulation_table)
    column_names = simulation_table_columns + \
        ['rank', 'decisive_distance', 'gps_time', 'gps_time_ns', 'injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'instruments_on', 'veto_def_name', 'mini_followup','omega_scan', 'sim_tag']

    # define needed tables
    class CloseMissedTable(table.Table):
        tableName = "close_missed_injections:table"
        validcolumns = {}
        for col_name in column_names:
            if 'rank' in col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4u"
            elif 'instruments_on' == col_name:
                    col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentTable.validcolumns[
            elif 'veto_def_name' == col_name:
                    col_name] = lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable.validcolumns[
            elif 'decisive_distance' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(
                    simulation_table, 'eff_dist_h')
            elif 'gps_time' == col_name or 'gps_time_ns' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "int_4s"
            elif 'sim_tag' == col_name:
                validcolumns[col_name] = "lstring"
                validcolumns[col_name] = sqlutils.get_col_type(
                    simulation_table, col_name, default='lstring')

    class CloseMissed(object):
        __slots__ = CloseMissedTable.validcolumns.keys()

        def get_pyvalue(self):
            return generic_get_pyvalue(self)

    # connect the rows to the tables
    CloseMissedTable.RowType = CloseMissed

    # create the table
    cmtable = lsctables.New(CloseMissedTable)

    # set up sim_rec_map table
    sqlutils.create_sim_rec_map_table(connection, simulation_table,
                                      recovery_table, map_label, None)

    #   Set table filters

    # we force the include/exclude filters to None; will check for excluded/included ifo time
    # when cycling through the ifo times
    filter = """
            simulation_id NOT IN (
                    sim_rec_map )"""
    af = create_filter(connection,
    af = re.sub(r'experiment_summary[.]sim_proc_id', 'process_id', af)
    if af != '':
        filter = '\n'.join([filter, """
            AND""", af])
    # get desired instrument times
    if include_only_coincs is not None:
        include_times = [
            for on_instruments, type in sqlutils.parse_coinc_options(
                verbose=verbose).get_coinc_types().items() if 'ALL' in type
    if exclude_coincs is not None:
        exclude_times = [
            for on_instruments, type in sqlutils.parse_coinc_options(
                exclude_coincs, verbose=verbose).get_coinc_types().items()
            if 'ALL' in type

    # get the usertags of inspiral jobs in this database
    sqlquery = """
        SELECT value
        FROM process_params
        WHERE param == "-userTag"
        GROUP BY value
    usertags = set(usertag[0]
                   for usertag in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery))

    # Get the single-ifo science segments after CAT-1 vetoes
        if "FULL_DATA" in usertags:
            tag = "FULL_DATA"
            tag = list(usertags)[0]
    except IndexError:
        # This is hacky anyway, so let's just take a guess
        tag = "FULL_DATA"
    ifo_segments = compute_dur.get_single_ifo_segments(
        connection, program_name=livetime_program, usertag=tag)
    if ifo_segments == {}:
        raise ValueError, "Cannot find any analysis segments using %s as a livetime program; cannot get missed injections." % livetime_program

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Getting all veto category names from the experiment_summary table..."

    xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection)
    # get veto_segments
    veto_segments = compute_dur.get_veto_segments(xmldoc, verbose)

    # make a dictionary of zerolag "shifts" needed for the get_coinc_segments function
    zerolag_dict = {}
    for ifo in ifo_segments:
        zerolag_dict[ifo] = 0.0

    # Cycle over available veto categories
    for veto_def_name, veto_seg_dict in veto_segments.items():
        post_vetoes_ifosegs = ifo_segments - veto_seg_dict

        # make a dictionary of coincident segments by exclusive on-ifos
        coinc_segs = compute_dur.get_coinc_segments(post_vetoes_ifosegs,

        #   Get all the on_instrument times and cycle over them
        sqlquery = """
            SELECT DISTINCT experiment.instruments
            FROM experiment
                JOIN experiment_summary ON (
                    experiment.experiment_id == experiment_summary.experiment_id )
            WHERE experiment_summary.veto_def_name == :1
        for on_instruments in connection.cursor().execute(
                sqlquery, (veto_def_name, )).fetchall():
            on_instruments = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(

            # check if this on_instruments is desired; if not, skip
            if include_only_coincs is not None and frozenset(
                    on_instruments) not in include_times:
            if exclude_coincs is not None and frozenset(
                    on_instruments) in exclude_times:

            on_times = coinc_segs[','.join(sorted(on_instruments))]

            def is_in_on_time(gps_time, gps_time_ns):
                return LIGOTimeGPS(gps_time, gps_time_ns) in on_times

            connection.create_function('is_in_on_time', 2, is_in_on_time)

            # add the check for on time to the filter
            in_this_filter = filter
            # figure out if simulation_table has end_times or start_times
            end_or_start = any('end_time' in c
                               for c in simulation_table_columns
                               ) and '_end_time' or '_start_time'
            for instrument in on_instruments:
                inst_time = instrument.lower()[0] + end_or_start
                inst_time_ns = inst_time + '_ns'
                in_this_filter = ''.join([
                    in_this_filter, '\n\tAND is_in_on_time(', inst_time, ',',
                    inst_time_ns, ')'

            #   Set up decisive distance argument

            def get_decisive_distance(*args):
                return sorted(args)[1]

            decisive_distance = ''.join([
                'get_decisive_distance(', ','.join([
                    'eff_dist_' + inst.lower()[0] for inst in on_instruments
                ]), ')'

            #   Initialize ranking. Statistics for ranking are based on decisive distance
            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting statistics for ranking..."
            ranker = sqlutils.rank_stats(simulation_table, decisive_distance,
            # add requirement that stats not be found in the sim_rec_table to in_this_filter
            connection.create_function('rank', 1, ranker.get_rank)

            #   Get the Data
            sqlquery = ''.join([
                    """, decisive_distance, """,
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """)
                    """, simulation_table, """
                """, in_this_filter,
                    %s""" % (limit is not None and ''.join(
                    ['AND rank(', decisive_distance, ') <= ',
                     str(limit)]) or ''), """
                ORDER BY
                    rank(""", decisive_distance, """) ASC

            if verbose:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Getting injections..."
                print >> sys.stderr, "SQLite query used is:"
                print >> sys.stderr, sqlquery

            for values in connection.cursor().execute(sqlquery).fetchall():
                cmrow = CloseMissed()
                    setattr(cmrow, column, values[ii])
                    for ii, column in enumerate(simulation_table_columns)
                cmrow.decisive_distance = values[-2]
                cmrow.rank = values[-1]
                cmrow.instruments_on = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                cmrow.veto_def_name = veto_def_name
                cmrow.sim_tag = values[-3]
                cmrow.mini_followup = None
                cmrow.omega_scan = None
                cmrow.gps_time = getattr(
                    sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start)
                cmrow.gps_time_ns = getattr(
                    sorted(on_instruments)[0][0].lower() + end_or_start +
                # set  elog page
                elog_pages = [(ifo, get_elog_page(ifo, cmrow.gps_time))
                              for ifo in on_instruments]
                cmrow.elogs = ','.join([
                    create_hyperlink(elog[1], elog[0])
                    for elog in sorted(elog_pages)
                # set daily_ihope page
                injection_time_utc = format_end_time_in_utc(cmrow.gps_time)
                daily_ihope_address = get_daily_ihope_page(
                    cmrow.gps_time, pages_location=daily_ihope_pages_location)
                cmrow.injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_ = create_hyperlink(
                    daily_ihope_address, injection_time_utc)

                # add the row

    # drop the sim_rec_map table
    connection.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE sim_rec_map")

    return cmtable
  def do_summary_table_from_joblist(self, xmldoc, sim_tree):
    Create the search_summary table for the cWB job(s) and a provided cWB joblist. The function will try to determine the proper job intervals from the waveoffset, if specified.
      search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
      search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable,
      ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
      "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
      "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"])
    process_id_type = type(lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc).next_id)
    runid = dict()
    itr = 0 
    for line in file(self.job_list) :
      if line[0] == '#' :
        continue # skip comments
      # Determine the file type
      # WARNING: Mixing the two types could cause overwrite behavior
      line = line.split()
      if len(line) == 2 :  # start and stop
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[0:2]) ) )
        runid[itr] = seg
        itr += 1
      elif len(line) == 3 :  # index start and stop
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3]) ) )
        runid[int(line[0])] = seg
      elif len(line) == 4 :  # index start and stop and length
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3]) ) )
        runid[int(line[0])] = seg
      else : # dunno!
        sys.exit("Unable to understand job list segment format.")
    for run, seg in runid.iteritems() :
      if self.start != None :
        if float(self.start) > seg[0] : continue
      if self.end != None :
        if float(self.end) < seg[1] : continue
      row = search_summary.RowType()
      row.process_id = process_id_type(run)
      # Search Summary Table
      # events found in the run -> nevents
      row.nevents = 0
      #entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()
      # Imstruments involved in the search
      ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
      # Imstruments involved in the search
      if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): 
          if( self.instruments ):
              ifos = self.instruments
          else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
              sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.")

      row.ifos = ifos
      row.comment = "waveburst"
      # Begin and end time of the segment
      # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
      # It can, and probably will change in the future, and shouldn't be hardcoded
      #waveoffset, livetime = 8, -1
      waveoffset, livetime = self.waveoffset, -1
      if waveoffset == None: waveoffset = 0
      livetime = abs(seg)
      if livetime < 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: Run %d will have zero livetime because no events are recorded in this run, and therefore livetime cannot be calculated." % run
        # in -- with waveoffset
        row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
        # out -- without waveoffset
        row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
        # in -- with waveoffset
        # out -- without waveoffset
        row.set_out(segments.segment(seg[0]+waveoffset, seg[1]-waveoffset))
  def do_process_table(self, xmldoc, sim_tree):
    Create the process_table for the cWB job(s)
      process_table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
      process_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable,
      ["process_id", "ifos", "comment", "program", "start_time", "jobid", 
      # Unused, but required for column synchronicity		
      "version", "cvs_repository", "cvs_entry_time", "is_online", "node",
      "username", "unix_procid", "domain"])
    runids = set()
    runid = dict()
    itr = 0 
    for line in file(self.job_list) :
      if line[0] == '#' :
        continue # skip comments
      # Determine the file type
      # WARNING: Mixing the two types could cause overwrite behavior
      line = line.split()
      if len(line) == 2 :  # start and stop
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[0:2]) ) )
        runid[itr] = seg
        itr += 1
      elif len(line) == 3 :  # index start and stop
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3]) ) )
        runid[int(line[0])] = seg
      elif len(line) == 4 :  # index start and stop and length
        seg = segments.segment( map( LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3]) ) )
        runid[int(line[0])] = seg
      else : # dunno!
        sys.exit("Unable to understand job list segment format. Why do you confused me so?")
    for run, seg in runid.iteritems() :
      if self.start != None :
        if float(self.start) > seg[0] : continue
      if self.end != None :
        if float(self.end) < seg[1] : continue
      row = process_table.RowType()
      row.process_id = type(process_table.next_id)(run)
      #print "Run id %d was given process_id %d" % (sim_tree.run, row.process_id)
      # Imstruments involved in the search
      ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )

      if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): 
          if( self.instruments ):
              ifos = self.instruments
          else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
              sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.")
      row.ifos = ifos
      row.comment = u"waveburst"
      row.program = u"waveburst"
      row.start_time = None
      row.end_time = None
      row.jobid = run
      row.version = __version__
      row.cvs_repository = u"lscsoft"
      # TODO: Need a handle on where this comes from
      row.cvs_entry_time = 0
      row.is_online = 0
      row.username = os.environ['USER']
      row.node = platform.node()
      row.unix_procid = os.getpid()
      row.domain = "pylal"
    # Add Coinc table entry.
    coinc = lsctables.Coinc()
    coinc.coinc_event_id = coinc_table.get_next_id()
    coinc.process_id = process.process_id
    coinc.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
    coinc.time_slide_id = time_slide_id
    coinc.nevents = len(opts.detector)
    coinc.likelihood = None

    # Add CoincInspiral table entry.
    coinc_inspiral = lsctables.CoincInspiral()
    coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id = coinc.coinc_event_id
    coinc_inspiral.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
        sngl_inspiral.ifo for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals)
    coinc_inspiral.end = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(
        sum(sngl_inspiral.end.ns() for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals)
        // len(sngl_inspirals) * 1e-9) # FIXME: should only be detected sngls
    coinc_inspiral.mass = sim_inspiral.mass1 + sim_inspiral.mass2
    coinc_inspiral.mchirp = sim_inspiral.mchirp
    coinc_inspiral.combined_far = 0.0 # Not provided
    coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate = 0.0 # Not provided
    coinc_inspiral.minimum_duration = None # Not provided
    coinc_inspiral.snr = net_snr

    # Record all sngl_inspiral records and associate them with coincidences.
    for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals:
        # Give this sngl_inspiral record an id and add it to the table.
        sngl_inspiral.event_id = sngl_inspiral_table.get_next_id()
def do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree):
        search_summary = table.get_table(
            xmldoc, lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.tableName)
    except ValueError:
        search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [
            "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
            "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
            "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"

    process_id_type = type(
        table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName).next_id)

    runids = set()
    for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()):

        # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
        if sim_tree.run in runids:

        row = search_summary.RowType()
        row.process_id = process_id_type(sim_tree.run)

        # Search Summary Table
        # events found in the run -> nevents
        setattr(row, "nevents", sim_tree.GetEntries())

        # Imstruments involved in the search
        row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
        setattr(row, "comment", "waveburst")

        # Begin and end time of the segment
        # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
        # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded
        # TODO: Make this work properly. We need a gps end from the livetime
        waveoffset = 8
        livetime = 600
        #live_entries = live_tree.GetEntries()
        # This is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow
        #for l in range(0, live_entries):
        #livetime = max(livetime, liv_tree.live)

        #if livetime < 0:
        #sys.exit("Could not find livetime, cannot fill all of summary table.")
        # in -- with waveoffset
        # out -- without waveoffset
            segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps - waveoffset),
                             LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime +
                             LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime)))

  if 'PLAYGROUND' in tag:
    datatypes = ['playground', 'slide']
    datatypes = ['all_data', 'playground', 'slide']

  lc_nodes = []

  for datatype in datatypes:
    print "\t\tfor %s..." % datatype

    # set file naming type
    type_prefix = tag
    type = '_'.join([ type_prefix, 'LOUDEST', datatype.upper(), 'EVENTS_BY', cp.get('printlc', 'ranking-stat').upper()])
    # cycle over all ifos times, creating different tables for each
    for on_instruments in distinct_instrument_sets:
      on_instruments = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(on_instruments)
      # set output and extracted xml file names
      if cp.has_option('printlc', 'output-format'):
        summ_file_type = cp.get('printlc', 'output-format')
        summ_file_type = 'xml'
      summary_filename = '.'.join([
        '-'.join([ ''.join(on_instruments.split(',')), type + '_SUMMARY', experiment_start, experiment_duration ]),
        summ_file_type ])
      full_filename = '-'.join([ ''.join(on_instruments.split(',')), type, experiment_start, experiment_duration ])
      # set node options
      printlc_node = inspiral.PrintLCNode( printlc_job )
      printlc_node.set_tmp_space( tmp_space )
      printlc_node.set_input( result_db.path )
      printlc_node.set_output( summary_filename )
opts, filenames = parse_command_line()

if opts.veto_segments_name is not None:
  working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, verbose = opts.verbose)
  connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename)
  veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, opts.veto_segments_name)
  dbtables.discard_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, working_filename, verbose = opts.verbose)
  veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict()

if not opts.burst_found and not opts.burst_missed:
  FAR, seglists = get_far_threshold_and_segments(opts.full_data_file, opts.live_time_program, instruments=lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(opts.instruments),verbose = opts.verbose)

  # times when only exactly the required instruments are on
  seglists -= veto_segments
  zero_lag_segments = seglists.intersection(opts.instruments) - seglists.union(set(seglists.keys()) - opts.instruments)

  live_time = float(abs(zero_lag_segments))
  print(FAR, live_time)

  Found, Missed = get_injections(opts.injfnames, FAR, zero_lag_segments, verbose = opts.verbose)

  Found = get_burst_injections(opts.burst_found)
  Missed = get_burst_injections(opts.burst_missed)
  def create_tables(self, xmldoc, rootfiles):
    Sets up table structures and calls populating methods.

    if os.path.splitext(rootfiles[0])[1] == ".root":
      sim_tree = TChain("waveburst")
    else: # If the file is (for example) text, use a proxy class
      sim_tree = CWBTextConverter()

    for rootfile in rootfiles:

    # Define tables
    sngl_burst_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable,
	  ["peak_time_ns", "start_time_ns", "stop_time_ns",
	  "process_id", "ifo", "peak_time", "start_time", "stop_time", 
	  "duration", "time_lag", "peak_frequency", "search",
	  "flow", "fhigh", "bandwidth", "tfvolume", "hrss", "event_id", "snr"])
    coinc_event_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable,
	  [ "process_id", "coinc_event_id", "nevents", "instruments", "time_slide_id",
	  "coinc_def_id", "likelihood"])
    # TODO: Reimplement this when the cwb_table module is included
    #if self.cwbtable:
      #cohwb_table = lsctables.New(cwb_table.CoherentWaveburstTable,
	    #["ellipticity", "correlated_energy", "eff_correlated_energy", 
      #"coherent_network_amp", "penalty", "network_correlation", 
      #"energy_disbalance", "ellip_energy_disbalance", "process_id", 
      #"coinc_event_id", "cwb_id"])
    multi_burst_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.MultiBurstTable,
	  ["process_id", "peak_time", "peak_time_ns", "coinc_event_id", "snr", "ifos",
    # NOTE: Added to the table definition
    "false_alarm_rate", "ligo_axis_ra", "ligo_axis_dec"])
    coinc_event_map_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable)
    jobsegment = None
    if self.start and self.end :
      jobsegment = segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(self.start), LIGOTimeGPS(self.end))
    if self.verbose:
      print "Creating Process Table...",
    if self.job_list:
      self.do_process_table(xmldoc, sim_tree)
    else :
      self.do_process_table_from_segment(xmldoc, sim_tree, jobsegment)
    process_index = dict((int(row.process_id), row) for row in lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc))
    if self.verbose:
      print " done."
    if self.verbose:
      print "Creating Summary Table...",
    # If we are provided a joblist, use it to generate the list
    if self.job_list :
      self.do_summary_table_from_joblist(xmldoc, sim_tree)
    elif self.job_list == None and self.start and self.end :
      self.do_summary_table_from_segment(xmldoc, jobsegment, sim_tree)
    else :
      self.do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree)
    if self.verbose:
      print " done."
    # create coinc_definer row
    row = self.get_coinc_def_row(sim_tree)
    coinc_def_id = llwapp.get_coinc_def_id(xmldoc, row.search, row.search_coinc_type, description = row.description)
    entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()
    for i in range(0, entries):
      if self.start != None :
        if float(self.start) > sim_tree.start[0] : continue
      if self.end != None :
        if float(self.end) < sim_tree.stop[0] : continue
      offset_vector = dict((get_ifos_from_index(instrument_index), offset) for instrument_index, offset in zip(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.lag))
      coinc_event = coinc_event_table.RowType()
      coinc_event.process_id = process_index[sim_tree.run].process_id
      coinc_event.coinc_event_id = coinc_event_table.get_next_id()
      coinc_event.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
      coinc_event.nevents = sim_tree.ndim
      coinc_event.instruments = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
      coinc_event.time_slide_id = time_slide.get_time_slide_id(xmldoc, offset_vector, process_index[sim_tree.run])
      coinc_event.likelihood = sim_tree.likelihood
      for d in range(0, sim_tree.ndim):
        sngl_burst = self.get_sngl_burst_row(sngl_burst_table, sim_tree, d)
        sngl_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
        sngl_burst.event_id = sngl_burst_table.get_next_id()
        coinc_event_map = coinc_event_map_table.RowType()
        coinc_event_map.event_id = sngl_burst.event_id
        coinc_event_map.table_name = sngl_burst.event_id.table_name
        coinc_event_map.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id
      # TODO: Reimplement when cwb_table module is included
      #if self.cwbtable:
        #cwb = get_cwb_row(cohwb_table, sim_tree)
        #cwb.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
        #cwb.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id
        #cwb.cwb_id = cohwb_table.get_next_id()
      multi_burst = self.get_multi_burst_row(multi_burst_table, sim_tree)
      multi_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
      multi_burst.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id
      # NOTE: Until we have an embedded cwb table definition, this will be
      # copied here so official tools have a ranking statistic to use
        multi_burst.snr = sim_tree.rho[1]
      except TypeError: # difference in definition between ROOT and text
        multi_burst.snr = sim_tree.rho
      # NOTE: To be filled in later by farburst
      multi_burst.false_alarm_rate = -1.0 
      # Reconstructed right ascension and declination
      multi_burst.ligo_axis_ra = sim_tree.phi[2]
      multi_burst.ligo_axis_dec = sim_tree.theta[2]
      multi_burst.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) )
opts, filenames = parse_command_line()

if opts.veto_segments_name is not None:
  working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, verbose = opts.verbose)
  connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename)
  veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, opts.veto_segments_name)
  dbtables.discard_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, working_filename, verbose = opts.verbose)
  veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict()

if not opts.burst_found and not opts.burst_missed:
  FAR, seglists = get_far_threshold_and_segments(opts.full_data_file, opts.live_time_program, instruments=lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(opts.instruments),verbose = opts.verbose)

  # times when only exactly the required instruments are on
  seglists -= veto_segments
  zero_lag_segments = seglists.intersection(opts.instruments) - seglists.union(set(seglists.keys()) - opts.instruments)

  live_time = float(abs(zero_lag_segments))
  print FAR, live_time

  Found, Missed = get_injections(opts.injfnames, FAR, zero_lag_segments, verbose = opts.verbose)

  Found = get_burst_injections(opts.burst_found)
  Missed = get_burst_injections(opts.burst_missed)