def cluster_events(events,
	Cluster the events in an event list.  testfunc will be passed a
	pair of events in random order, and must return 0 (or False) if
	they should be clustered.  clusterfunc will be passed a pair of
	events in random order, and must return an event that is the
	"cluster" of the two.  clusterfunc is free to return a new events,
	or modify one or the other of its parameters in place and return

	If sortfunc and bailoutfunc are both not None (if one is provided
	the other must be as well), the events will be sorted into
	"increasing" order using sortfunc as a comparison operator, and
	then only pairs of events for which bailoutfunc returns 0 (or
	False) will be considered for clustering.

	The return value is True if the events in the event list were
	modified, and False if they were not (although their order might
	have changed).
    # changed indicates if the event list has changed
    changed = False
    while True:
        if verbose:
            progress = ProgressBar("clustering %d events" % len(events),
            progress = None

        if sortfunc is not None:

        # outer_did_cluster indicates if the event list changes on
        # this pass
        outer_did_cluster = False
        i = 0
        while i < len(events):
            if progress is not None:
            if events[i] is not None:
                # inner_did_cluster indicates if events[i]
                # has changed
                inner_did_cluster = False
                for j, event_j in enumerate(events[i + 1:], 1):
                    if event_j is not None:
                        if not testfunc(events[i], event_j):
                            events[i] = clusterfunc(events[i], event_j)
                            events[i + j] = None
                            inner_did_cluster = True
                        elif (sortfunc is not None) and bailoutfunc(
                                events[i], event_j):
                if inner_did_cluster:
                    outer_did_cluster = True
                    # don't advance until events[i]
                    # stops changing
            # events[i] has not changed
            i += 1
        del progress
        # repeat until we do a pass without the listing changing
        if not outer_did_cluster:
        iterutils.inplace_filter(lambda event: event is not None, events)
        changed = True
    return changed
def cluster_events(events, testfunc, clusterfunc, sortfunc = None, bailoutfunc = None, verbose = False):
	Cluster the events in an event list.  testfunc will be passed a
	pair of events in random order, and must return 0 (or False) if
	they should be clustered.  clusterfunc will be passed a pair of
	events in random order, and must return an event that is the
	"cluster" of the two.  clusterfunc is free to return a new events,
	or modify one or the other of its parameters in place and return

	If sortfunc and bailoutfunc are both not None (if one is provided
	the other must be as well), the events will be sorted into
	"increasing" order using sortfunc as a comparison operator, and
	then only pairs of events for which bailoutfunc returns 0 (or
	False) will be considered for clustering.

	The return value is True if the events in the event list were
	modified, and False if they were not (although their order might
	have changed).
	# changed indicates if the event list has changed
	changed = False
	while True:
		if verbose:
			progress = ProgressBar("clustering %d events" % len(events), max = len(events))
			progress = None

		if sortfunc is not None:

		# outer_did_cluster indicates if the event list changes on
		# this pass
		outer_did_cluster = False
		i = 0
		while i < len(events):
			if progress is not None:
			if events[i] is not None:
				# inner_did_cluster indicates if events[i]
				# has changed
				inner_did_cluster = False
				for j, event_j in enumerate(events[i + 1:], 1):
					if event_j is not None:
						if not testfunc(events[i], event_j):
							events[i] = clusterfunc(events[i], event_j)
							events[i + j] = None
							inner_did_cluster = True
						elif (sortfunc is not None) and bailoutfunc(events[i], event_j):
				if inner_did_cluster:
					outer_did_cluster = True
					# don't advance until events[i]
					# stops changing
			# events[i] has not changed
			i += 1
		del progress
		# repeat until we do a pass without the listing changing
		if not outer_did_cluster:
		iterutils.inplace_filter(lambda event: event is not None, events)
		changed = True
	return changed