def rowstyle(self, form, fields, *args, **kwargs): """ Formstyle for subform edit-rows, using a vertical formstyle because multiple fields combined with location-selector are too complex for horizontal layout. """ # Use standard foundation formstyle from s3theme import formstyle_foundation as formstyle if args: col_id = form label = fields widget, comment = args hidden = kwargs.get("hidden", False) return formstyle(col_id, label, widget, comment, hidden) else: parent = TD(_colspan = len(fields)) for col_id, label, widget, comment in fields: parent.append(formstyle(col_id, label, widget, comment)) return TR(parent)
def rowstyle(self, form, fields, *args, **kwargs): """ Formstyle for subform edit-rows, using a vertical formstyle because multiple fields combined with location-selector are too complex for horizontal layout. """ # Use standard foundation formstyle from s3theme import formstyle_foundation as formstyle if args: col_id = form label = fields widget, comment = args hidden = kwargs.get("hidden", False) return formstyle(col_id, label, widget, comment, hidden) else: parent = TD(_colspan=len(fields)) for col_id, label, widget, comment in fields: parent.append(formstyle(col_id, label, widget, comment)) return TR(parent)
def grid( query, fields=None, field_id=None, left=None, join=None, #! orderby=None, groupby=None, groupfields=None, #! having=None, #! headers={}, searchable=False, #True, sortable=True, paginate=20, pagename="page", #! deletable=False, #! True, editable=True, details=False, #! True, selectable=None, create=False, #!True, csv=False, #!True, links=None, links_in_grid=True, upload='<default>', args=[], user_signature=False, #!True, maxtextlengths={}, maxtextlength=20, onvalidation=None, oncreate=None, onupdate=None, ondelete=None, sorter_icons=(XML('↑'), XML('↓')), ui='web2py', showbuttontext=True, _class="web2py_grid", formname='web2py_grid', search_widget='default', ignore_rw=False, formstyle='table3cols', exportclasses=None, formargs={}, createargs={}, editargs={}, viewargs={}, ): # jQuery UI ThemeRoller classes (empty if ui is disabled) if ui == 'jquery-ui': ui = dict( widget='ui-widget', header='ui-widget-header', content='ui-widget-content', default='ui-state-default', cornerall='ui-corner-all', cornertop='ui-corner-top', cornerbottom='ui-corner-bottom', button='ui-button-text-icon-primary', buttontext='ui-button-text', buttonadd='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick', buttonback='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w', buttonexport='ui-icon ui-icon-transferthick-e-w', buttondelete='ui-icon ui-icon-trash', buttonedit='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil', buttontable='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e', buttonview='ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin', ) elif ui == 'web2py': ui = dict( widget='', header='', content='', default='', cornerall='', cornertop='', cornerbottom='', button='button btn', buttontext='buttontext button', buttonadd='icon plus icon-plus', buttonback='icon leftarrow icon-arrow-left', buttonexport='icon downarrow icon-download', buttondelete='icon trash icon-trash', buttonedit='icon pen icon-pencil', buttontable='icon rightarrow icon-arrow-right', buttonview='icon magnifier icon-zoom-in', ) elif not isinstance(ui, dict): raise RuntimeError, 'SQLFORM.grid ui argument must be a dictionary' db = query._db T = current.T request = current.request session = current.session response = current.response wenabled = (not user_signature or (session.auth and session.auth.user)) create = wenabled and create editable = wenabled and editable deletable = wenabled and deletable def url(**b): b['args'] = args + b.get('args', []) b['hash_vars'] = False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) def url2(**b): b['args'] = request.args + b.get('args', []) b['hash_vars'] = False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) referrer = session.get('_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname, url()) # if not user_signature every action is accessible # else forbid access unless # - url is based url # - url has valid signature (vars are not signed, only path_info) # = url does not contain 'create','delete','edit' (readonly) if user_signature: if not ('/'.join(str(a) for a in args) == '/'.join(request.args) # or # URL.verify(request,user_signature=user_signature, # hash_vars=False) or not ('create' in request.args or 'delete' in request.args or 'edit' in request.args)): session.flash = T('not authorized') redirect(referrer) def gridbutton(buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext='Add', buttonurl=url(args=[]), callback=None, delete=None, trap=True): if showbuttontext: if callback: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), SPAN(T(buttontext), _title=buttontext, _class=ui.get('buttontext')), callback=callback, delete=delete, _class=trap_class(ui.get('button'), trap)) else: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), SPAN(T(buttontext), _title=buttontext, _class=ui.get('buttontext')), _href=buttonurl, _class=trap_class(ui.get('button'), trap)) else: if callback: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), callback=callback, delete=delete, _title=buttontext, _class=trap_class(ui.get('buttontext'), trap)) else: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), _href=buttonurl, _title=buttontext, _class=trap_class(ui.get('buttontext'), trap)) dbset = db(query) tablenames = db._adapter.tables(dbset.query) #if left!=None: tablenames+=db._adapter.tables(left) if left != None: if isinstance(left, list): for _left in left: tablenames = tablenames + db._adapter.tables(_left) else: tablenames = tablenames + db._adapter.tables(left) if join != None: if isinstance(join, list): for _join in join: tablenames = tablenames + db._adapter.tables(_join) else: tablenames = tablenames + db._adapter.tables(join) tables = [db[tablename] for tablename in tablenames] if not fields: fields = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [[field for field in table] for table in tables]) if not field_id: field_id = tables[0]._id columns = [str(field) for field in fields \ if field._tablename in tablenames] if not str(field_id) in [str(f) for f in fields]: fields.append(field_id) table = field_id.table tablename = table._tablename if upload == '<default>': upload = lambda filename: url(args=['download', filename]) if len(request.args) > 1 and request.args[-2] == 'download': stream =, db) raise HTTP(200, stream, **response.headers) def buttons(edit=False, view=False, record=None): buttons = DIV( gridbutton('buttonback', 'Back', referrer), _class='form_header row_buttons %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) if edit and (not callable(edit) or edit(record)): args = ['edit', table._tablename, request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=args))) if view: args = ['view', table._tablename, request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonview', 'View', url(args=args))) if record and links: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): buttons.append(link['body'](record)) elif link(record): buttons.append(link(record)) return buttons formfooter = DIV( _class='form_footer row_buttons %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s' % ui) create_form = update_form = view_form = search_form = None sqlformargs = dict(formargs) if create and len(request.args) > 1 and request.args[-2] == 'new': table = db[request.args[-1]] sqlformargs.update(createargs) create_form = SQLFORM(table, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, _class='web2py_form', **sqlformargs) create_form.process(formname=formname, next=referrer, onvalidation=onvalidation, onsuccess=oncreate) res = DIV(buttons(), create_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res elif details and len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'view': table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) sqlformargs.update(viewargs) view_form = SQLFORM(table, record, upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, readonly=True, _class='web2py_form', **sqlformargs) res = DIV(buttons(edit=editable, record=record), view_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res # elif editable and len(request.args)>2 and request.args[-3]=='edit': # table = db[request.args[-2]] # record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) # sqlformargs.update(editargs) # update_form = SQLFORM(table, record, upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, # formstyle=formstyle, deletable=deletable, # _class='web2py_form', # submit_button=T('Submit'), # delete_label=T('Check to delete'), # **sqlformargs) # update_form.process(formname=formname, # onvalidation=onvalidation, # onsuccess=onupdate, # next=referrer) # res = DIV(buttons(view=details, record=record), # update_form, formfooter, _class=_class) # res.create_form = create_form # res.update_form = update_form # res.view_form = view_form # res.search_form = search_form # return res elif deletable and len( request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'delete': table = db[request.args[-2]] if ondelete: ondelete(table, request.args[-1]) ret = db(table[] == request.args[-1]).delete() return ret exportManager = dict( csv_with_hidden_cols=(ExporterCSV,'CSV (hidden cols)'), csv=(ExporterCSV,'CSV'), xml=(ExporterXML, 'XML'), html=(ExporterHTML, 'HTML'), tsv_with_hidden_cols=\ (ExporterTSV,'TSV (Excel compatible, hidden cols)'), tsv=(ExporterTSV, 'TSV (Excel compatible)')) if not exportclasses is None: exportManager.update(exportclasses) export_type = request.vars._export_type if export_type: order = request.vars.order or '' if sortable: if order and not order == 'None': if order[:1] == '~': sign, rorder = '~', order[1:] else: sign, rorder = '', order tablename, fieldname = rorder.split('.', 1) orderby = db[tablename][fieldname] if sign == '~': orderby = ~orderby table_fields = [f for f in fields if f._tablename in tablenames] if export_type in ('csv_with_hidden_cols', 'tsv_with_hidden_cols'): if request.vars.keywords: try: dbset = dbset( SQLFORM.build_query( fields, request.vars.get('keywords', ''))) rows = except Exception: response.flash = T('Internal Error') rows = [] else: rows = else: rows =, orderby=orderby, cacheable=True * columns) if export_type in exportManager: value = exportManager[export_type] clazz = value[0] if hasattr(value, '__getitem__') else value oExp = clazz(rows) filename = '.'.join(('rows', oExp.file_ext)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = oExp.content_type response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename='+filename+';' raise HTTP(200, oExp.export(), **response.headers) elif request.vars.records and not isinstance(request.vars.records, list): request.vars.records = [request.vars.records] elif not request.vars.records: request.vars.records = [] session['_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname] = url2(vars=request.vars) console = DIV(_class='web2py_console %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) error = None search_actions = DIV(_class='web2py_search_actions') if create: search_actions.append( gridbutton(buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext=T('Add'), buttonurl=url(args=['new', tablename]))) console.append(search_actions) # if create: # add = gridbutton( # buttonclass='buttonadd', # buttontext='Add', # buttonurl=url(args=['new',tablename])) # if not searchable: # console.append(add) else: add = '' if searchable: sfields = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [[f for f in t if f.readable] for t in tables]) if isinstance(search_widget, dict): search_widget = search_widget[tablename] if search_widget == 'default': search_menu = SQLFORM.search_menu(sfields) search_widget = lambda sfield, url: CAT( add, FORM(INPUT( _name='keywords', _value=request.vars.keywords, _id='web2py_keywords', _onfocus= "jQuery('#w2p_query_fields').change();jQuery('#w2p_query_panel').slideDown();" ), INPUT( _type='submit', _value=T('Search'), _class="btn"), INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Clear'), _class="btn", _onclick="jQuery('#web2py_keywords').val('');"), _method="GET", _action=url), search_menu) form = search_widget and search_widget(sfields, url()) or '' console.append(form) keywords = request.vars.get('keywords', '') try: if callable(searchable): subquery = searchable(sfields, keywords) else: subquery = SQLFORM.build_query(sfields, keywords) except RuntimeError: subquery = None error = T('Invalid query') else: subquery = None if subquery: dbset = dbset(subquery) try: if groupby: nrows = len(*groupfields, join=join, left=left, groupby=groupby, having=having, cacheable=True)) elif left or join: nrows ='count(*)', join=join, left=left, cacheable=True).first()['count(*)'] # if left or groupby: # c = 'count(*)' # nrows =,left=left,cacheable=True, # groupby=groupby).first()[c] else: nrows = dbset.count() except: nrows = 0 error = T('Unsupported query') order = request.vars.order or '' if sortable: if order and not order == 'None': if groupby: if str(groupby[0]).find(order) > -1: tablename, fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split( '.', 1) sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname] exception = sort_field.type in ('date', 'datetime', 'time') if exception: orderby = (order[:1] == '~' and sort_field) or ~sort_field else: orderby = (order[:1] == '~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field else: tablename, fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split( '.', 1) gfields = str(groupfields[0]).split(",") for gfield in gfields: if len(gfield.split(" AS ")) > 1: if gfield.split(" AS ")[1] == fieldname: if str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find( "SUM") > -1: sort_field = db[tablename][ fieldname].sum() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find( "COUNT") > -1: sort_field = db[tablename][ fieldname].count() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find( "MIN") > -1: sort_field = db[tablename][ fieldname].min() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find( "MAX") > -1: sort_field = db[tablename][ fieldname].max() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find( "LENGTH") > -1: sort_field = db[tablename][ fieldname].len() else: break orderby = (order[:1] == '~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field break else: tablename, fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.', 1) sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname] exception = sort_field.type in ('date', 'datetime', 'time') if exception: orderby = (order[:1] == '~' and sort_field) or ~sort_field else: orderby = (order[:1] == '~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field head = TR(_class=ui.get('header')) if selectable: head.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default'))) for field in fields: if columns and not str(field) in columns: continue if not field.readable: continue key = str(field) header = headers.get( str(field), hasattr(field, 'label') and field.label or key) if sortable: if key == order: key, marker = '~' + order, sorter_icons[0] elif key == order[1:]: marker = sorter_icons[1] else: marker = '' header = A( header, marker, _href=url(vars=dict(keywords=request.vars.keywords or '', order=key)), _class=trap_class()) head.append(TH(header, _class=ui.get('default'))) if links and links_in_grid: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): head.append(TH(link['header'], _class=ui.get('default'))) # Include extra column for buttons if needed. include_buttons_column = ( details or editable or deletable or (links and links_in_grid and not all([isinstance(link, dict) for link in links]))) if include_buttons_column: head.insert(0, TH(_class=ui.get('default', ''))) # head.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default'))) paginator = UL() if paginate and paginate < nrows: npages, reminder = divmod(nrows, paginate) if reminder: npages += 1 try: page = int( or 1) - 1 except ValueError: page = 0 limitby = (paginate * page, paginate * (page + 1)) def self_link(name, p): d = dict(page=p + 1) if order: d['order'] = order if request.vars.keywords: d['keywords'] = request.vars.keywords return A(name, _href=url(vars=d), _class=trap_class()) NPAGES = 5 # window is 2*NPAGES if page > NPAGES + 1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<<', 0))) if page > NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<', page - 1))) pages = range(max(0, page - NPAGES), min(page + NPAGES, npages)) for p in pages: if p == page: paginator.append( LI(A(p + 1, _onclick='return false'), _class=trap_class('current'))) else: paginator.append(LI(self_link(p + 1, p))) if page < npages - NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>', page + 1))) if page < npages - NPAGES - 1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>>', npages - 1))) else: limitby = None try: table_fields = [f for f in fields if f._tablename in tablenames] if groupby: rows =*groupfields, join=join, left=left, groupby=groupby, having=having, orderby=orderby, limitby=limitby, cacheable=True) else: rows =, left=left, orderby=orderby, limitby=limitby, cacheable=True, *table_fields) # rows =,orderby=orderby, # groupby=groupby,limitby=limitby, # cacheable=True,*table_fields) except SyntaxError: rows = None error = T("Query Not Supported") if nrows: message = error or T('%(nrows)s records found') % dict(nrows=nrows) console.append(DIV(message, _class='web2py_counter')) if rows: htmltable = TABLE(THEAD(head)) tbody = TBODY() numrec = 0 for row in rows: if numrec % 2 == 0: classtr = 'even' else: classtr = 'odd' numrec += 1 id = row[field_id] #@ReservedAssignment if id: rid = id if callable(rid): ### can this ever be callable? rid = rid(row) tr = TR(_id=rid, _class='%s %s' % (classtr, 'with_id')) else: tr = TR(_class=classtr) if selectable: tr.append( INPUT(_type="checkbox", _name="records", _value=id, value=request.vars.records)) for field in fields: if not str(field) in columns: continue if not field.readable: continue if field.type == 'blob': continue value = row[field] maxlength = maxtextlengths.get(str(field), maxtextlength) if field.represent: try: value = field.represent(value, row) except Exception: try: value = field.represent( value, row[field._tablename]) except Exception: pass elif field.type == 'boolean': value = INPUT(_type="checkbox", _checked=value, _disabled=True) elif field.type == 'upload': if value: if callable(upload): value = A(current.T('file'), _href=upload(value)) elif upload: value = A(current.T('file'), _href='%s/%s' % (upload, value)) else: value = '' if isinstance(value, str): value = truncate_string(value, maxlength) elif not isinstance(value, DIV): value = field.formatter(value) if not include_buttons_column: tr.append(TD(value, _style="padding:10px;")) else: tr.append(TD(value)) row_buttons = TD(_class='row_buttons') if links and links_in_grid: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): tr.append(TD(link['body'](row))) else: if link(row): row_buttons.append(link(row)) if include_buttons_column: if details and (not callable(details) or details(row)): row_buttons.append( gridbutton('buttonview', 'View', url(args=['view', tablename, id]))) if editable and (not callable(editable) or editable(row)): row_buttons.append( gridbutton('buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=['edit', tablename, id]))) if deletable and (not callable(deletable) or deletable(row)): row_buttons.append( gridbutton( 'buttondelete', 'Delete', callback=url(args=['delete', tablename, id]), delete='tr')) #tr.append(row_buttons) tr.insert(0, row_buttons) tbody.append(tr) htmltable.append(tbody) htmltable = DIV(htmltable, _style='width:100%;overflow-x:auto') if selectable: htmltable = FORM(htmltable, INPUT(_type="submit")) if htmltable.process(formname=formname).accepted: # htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records or [] htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records if type( htmltable.vars.records) == list else [ htmltable.vars.records ] records = [int(r) for r in htmltable.vars.records] selectable(records) redirect(referrer) else: htmltable = DIV(current.T('No records found')) if csv and nrows: export_links = [] for k, v in sorted(exportManager.items()): label = v[1] if hasattr(v, "__getitem__") else k link = url2(vars=dict(order=request.vars.order or '', _export_type=k, keywords=request.vars.keywords or '')) export_links.append(A(T(label), _href=link)) export_menu = \ DIV(T('Export:'),_class="w2p_export_menu",*export_links) else: export_menu = None res = DIV(console, DIV(htmltable, _class="web2py_table"), _class='%s %s' % (_class, ui.get('widget'))) if paginator.components: res.append( DIV(paginator, _class="web2py_paginator %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s" % ui)) if export_menu: res.append(export_menu) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res
def grid(query, fields=None, field_id=None, left=None, join=None, #! orderby=None, groupby=None, groupfields=None, #! having=None, #! headers={}, searchable=False, #True, sortable=True, paginate=20, pagename="page", #! deletable=False, #! True, editable=True, details=False, #! True, selectable=None, create=False, #!True, csv=False, #!True, links=None, links_in_grid=True, upload = '<default>', args=[], user_signature = False, #!True, maxtextlengths={}, maxtextlength=20, onvalidation=None, oncreate=None, onupdate=None, ondelete=None, sorter_icons=(XML('↑'),XML('↓')), ui = 'web2py', showbuttontext=True, _class="web2py_grid", formname='web2py_grid', search_widget='default', ignore_rw = False, formstyle = 'table3cols', exportclasses = None, formargs={}, createargs={}, editargs={}, viewargs={}, ): # jQuery UI ThemeRoller classes (empty if ui is disabled) if ui == 'jquery-ui': ui = dict(widget='ui-widget', header='ui-widget-header', content='ui-widget-content', default='ui-state-default', cornerall='ui-corner-all', cornertop='ui-corner-top', cornerbottom='ui-corner-bottom', button='ui-button-text-icon-primary', buttontext='ui-button-text', buttonadd='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick', buttonback='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w', buttonexport='ui-icon ui-icon-transferthick-e-w', buttondelete='ui-icon ui-icon-trash', buttonedit='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil', buttontable='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e', buttonview='ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin', ) elif ui == 'web2py': ui = dict(widget='', header='', content='', default='', cornerall='', cornertop='', cornerbottom='', button='button btn', buttontext='buttontext button', buttonadd='icon plus icon-plus', buttonback='icon leftarrow icon-arrow-left', buttonexport='icon downarrow icon-download', buttondelete='icon trash icon-trash', buttonedit='icon pen icon-pencil', buttontable='icon rightarrow icon-arrow-right', buttonview='icon magnifier icon-zoom-in', ) elif not isinstance(ui,dict): raise RuntimeError,'SQLFORM.grid ui argument must be a dictionary' db = query._db T = current.T request = current.request session = current.session response = current.response wenabled = (not user_signature or (session.auth and session.auth.user)) create = wenabled and create editable = wenabled and editable deletable = wenabled and deletable def url(**b): b['args'] = args+b.get('args',[]) b['hash_vars']=False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) def url2(**b): b['args'] = request.args+b.get('args',[]) b['hash_vars']=False b['user_signature'] = user_signature return URL(**b) referrer = session.get('_web2py_grid_referrer_'+formname, url()) # if not user_signature every action is accessible # else forbid access unless # - url is based url # - url has valid signature (vars are not signed, only path_info) # = url does not contain 'create','delete','edit' (readonly) if user_signature: if not( '/'.join(str(a) for a in args) == '/'.join(request.args) # or # URL.verify(request,user_signature=user_signature, # hash_vars=False) or not ( 'create' in request.args or 'delete' in request.args or 'edit' in request.args)): session.flash = T('not authorized') redirect(referrer) def gridbutton(buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext='Add', buttonurl=url(args=[]), callback=None, delete=None, trap=True): if showbuttontext: if callback: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), SPAN(T(buttontext),_title=buttontext, _class=ui.get('buttontext')), callback=callback,delete=delete, _class=trap_class(ui.get('button'),trap)) else: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), SPAN(T(buttontext),_title=buttontext, _class=ui.get('buttontext')), _href=buttonurl, _class=trap_class(ui.get('button'),trap)) else: if callback: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), callback=callback,delete=delete, _title=buttontext, _class=trap_class(ui.get('buttontext'),trap)) else: return A(SPAN(_class=ui.get(buttonclass)), _href=buttonurl,_title=buttontext, _class=trap_class(ui.get('buttontext'),trap)) dbset = db(query) tablenames = db._adapter.tables(dbset.query) #if left!=None: tablenames+=db._adapter.tables(left) if left!=None: if isinstance(left,list): for _left in left: tablenames=tablenames+db._adapter.tables(_left) else: tablenames=tablenames+db._adapter.tables(left) if join!=None: if isinstance(join,list): for _join in join: tablenames=tablenames+db._adapter.tables(_join) else: tablenames=tablenames+db._adapter.tables(join) tables = [db[tablename] for tablename in tablenames] if not fields: fields = reduce(lambda a,b:a+b, [[field for field in table] for table in tables]) if not field_id: field_id = tables[0]._id columns = [str(field) for field in fields \ if field._tablename in tablenames] if not str(field_id) in [str(f) for f in fields]: fields.append(field_id) table = field_id.table tablename = table._tablename if upload=='<default>': upload = lambda filename: url(args=['download',filename]) if len(request.args)>1 and request.args[-2]=='download': stream =,db) raise HTTP(200,stream,**response.headers) def buttons(edit=False,view=False,record=None): buttons = DIV(gridbutton('buttonback', 'Back', referrer), _class='form_header row_buttons %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) if edit and (not callable(edit) or edit(record)): args = ['edit',table._tablename,request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=args))) if view: args = ['view',table._tablename,request.args[-1]] buttons.append(gridbutton('buttonview', 'View', url(args=args))) if record and links: for link in links: if isinstance(link,dict): buttons.append(link['body'](record)) elif link(record): buttons.append(link(record)) return buttons formfooter = DIV( _class='form_footer row_buttons %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s' % ui) create_form = update_form = view_form = search_form = None sqlformargs = dict(formargs) if create and len(request.args)>1 and request.args[-2] == 'new': table = db[request.args[-1]] sqlformargs.update(createargs) create_form = SQLFORM( table, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, _class='web2py_form', **sqlformargs) create_form.process(formname=formname, next=referrer, onvalidation=onvalidation, onsuccess=oncreate) res = DIV(buttons(), create_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res elif details and len(request.args)>2 and request.args[-3]=='view': table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) sqlformargs.update(viewargs) view_form = SQLFORM(table, record, upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, formstyle=formstyle, readonly=True, _class='web2py_form', **sqlformargs) res = DIV(buttons(edit=editable, record=record), view_form, formfooter, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res # elif editable and len(request.args)>2 and request.args[-3]=='edit': # table = db[request.args[-2]] # record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) # sqlformargs.update(editargs) # update_form = SQLFORM(table, record, upload=upload, ignore_rw=ignore_rw, # formstyle=formstyle, deletable=deletable, # _class='web2py_form', # submit_button=T('Submit'), # delete_label=T('Check to delete'), # **sqlformargs) # update_form.process(formname=formname, # onvalidation=onvalidation, # onsuccess=onupdate, # next=referrer) # res = DIV(buttons(view=details, record=record), # update_form, formfooter, _class=_class) # res.create_form = create_form # res.update_form = update_form # res.view_form = view_form # res.search_form = search_form # return res elif deletable and len(request.args)>2 and request.args[-3]=='delete': table = db[request.args[-2]] if ondelete: ondelete(table,request.args[-1]) ret = db(table[]==request.args[-1]).delete() return ret exportManager = dict( csv_with_hidden_cols=(ExporterCSV,'CSV (hidden cols)'), csv=(ExporterCSV,'CSV'), xml=(ExporterXML, 'XML'), html=(ExporterHTML, 'HTML'), tsv_with_hidden_cols=\ (ExporterTSV,'TSV (Excel compatible, hidden cols)'), tsv=(ExporterTSV, 'TSV (Excel compatible)')) if not exportclasses is None: exportManager.update(exportclasses) export_type = request.vars._export_type if export_type: order = request.vars.order or '' if sortable: if order and not order=='None': if order[:1]=='~': sign, rorder = '~', order[1:] else: sign, rorder = '', order tablename,fieldname = rorder.split('.',1) orderby=db[tablename][fieldname] if sign=='~': orderby=~orderby table_fields = [f for f in fields if f._tablename in tablenames] if export_type in ('csv_with_hidden_cols','tsv_with_hidden_cols'): if request.vars.keywords: try: dbset = dbset(SQLFORM.build_query( fields,request.vars.get('keywords',''))) rows = except Exception: response.flash = T('Internal Error') rows = [] else: rows = else: rows =,orderby=orderby, cacheable=True*columns) if export_type in exportManager: value = exportManager[export_type] clazz = value[0] if hasattr(value, '__getitem__') else value oExp = clazz(rows) filename = '.'.join(('rows', oExp.file_ext)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = oExp.content_type response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \ 'attachment;filename='+filename+';' raise HTTP(200, oExp.export(),**response.headers) elif request.vars.records and not isinstance( request.vars.records,list): request.vars.records=[request.vars.records] elif not request.vars.records: request.vars.records=[] session['_web2py_grid_referrer_'+formname] = url2(vars=request.vars) console = DIV(_class='web2py_console %(header)s %(cornertop)s' % ui) error = None search_actions = DIV(_class='web2py_search_actions') if create: search_actions.append(gridbutton(buttonclass='buttonadd', buttontext=T('Add'), buttonurl=url(args=['new',tablename]))) console.append(search_actions) # if create: # add = gridbutton( # buttonclass='buttonadd', # buttontext='Add', # buttonurl=url(args=['new',tablename])) # if not searchable: # console.append(add) else: add = '' if searchable: sfields = reduce(lambda a,b:a+b, [[f for f in t if f.readable] for t in tables]) if isinstance(search_widget,dict): search_widget = search_widget[tablename] if search_widget=='default': search_menu = SQLFORM.search_menu(sfields) search_widget = lambda sfield, url: CAT(add,FORM( INPUT(_name='keywords',_value=request.vars.keywords, _id='web2py_keywords',_onfocus="jQuery('#w2p_query_fields').change();jQuery('#w2p_query_panel').slideDown();"), INPUT(_type='submit',_value=T('Search'),_class="btn"), INPUT(_type='submit',_value=T('Clear'),_class="btn", _onclick="jQuery('#web2py_keywords').val('');"), _method="GET",_action=url),search_menu) form = search_widget and search_widget(sfields,url()) or '' console.append(form) keywords = request.vars.get('keywords','') try: if callable(searchable): subquery = searchable(sfields, keywords) else: subquery = SQLFORM.build_query(sfields, keywords) except RuntimeError: subquery = None error = T('Invalid query') else: subquery = None if subquery: dbset = dbset(subquery) try: if groupby: nrows = len(*groupfields, join=join, left=left, groupby=groupby, having=having, cacheable=True)) elif left or join: nrows ='count(*)',join=join,left=left, cacheable=True).first()['count(*)'] # if left or groupby: # c = 'count(*)' # nrows =,left=left,cacheable=True, # groupby=groupby).first()[c] else: nrows = dbset.count() except: nrows = 0 error = T('Unsupported query') order = request.vars.order or '' if sortable: if order and not order=='None': if groupby: if str(groupby[0]).find(order)>-1: tablename,fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.',1) sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname] exception = sort_field.type in ('date','datetime','time') if exception: orderby = (order[:1]=='~' and sort_field) or ~sort_field else: orderby = (order[:1]=='~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field else: tablename,fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.',1) gfields = str(groupfields[0]).split(",") for gfield in gfields: if len(gfield.split(" AS "))>1: if gfield.split(" AS ")[1]==fieldname: if str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find("SUM")>-1: sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname].sum() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find("COUNT")>-1: sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname].count() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find("MIN")>-1: sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname].min() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find("MAX")>-1: sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname].max() elif str(gfield.split(" AS ")[0]).find("LENGTH")>-1: sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname].len() else: break orderby = (order[:1]=='~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field break else: tablename,fieldname = order.split('~')[-1].split('.',1) sort_field = db[tablename][fieldname] exception = sort_field.type in ('date','datetime','time') if exception: orderby = (order[:1]=='~' and sort_field) or ~sort_field else: orderby = (order[:1]=='~' and ~sort_field) or sort_field head = TR(_class=ui.get('header')) if selectable: head.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default'))) for field in fields: if columns and not str(field) in columns: continue if not field.readable: continue key = str(field) header = headers.get(str(field), hasattr(field,'label') and field.label or key) if sortable: if key == order: key, marker = '~'+order, sorter_icons[0] elif key == order[1:]: marker = sorter_icons[1] else: marker = '' header = A(header,marker,_href=url(vars=dict( keywords=request.vars.keywords or '', order=key)),_class=trap_class()) head.append(TH(header, _class=ui.get('default'))) if links and links_in_grid: for link in links: if isinstance(link,dict): head.append(TH(link['header'], _class=ui.get('default'))) # Include extra column for buttons if needed. include_buttons_column = (details or editable or deletable or (links and links_in_grid and not all([isinstance(link, dict) for link in links]))) if include_buttons_column: head.insert(0,TH(_class=ui.get('default',''))) # head.append(TH(_class=ui.get('default'))) paginator = UL() if paginate and paginate<nrows: npages,reminder = divmod(nrows,paginate) if reminder: npages+=1 try: page = int( or 1)-1 except ValueError: page = 0 limitby = (paginate*page,paginate*(page+1)) def self_link(name,p): d = dict(page=p+1) if order: d['order']=order if request.vars.keywords: d['keywords']=request.vars.keywords return A(name,_href=url(vars=d),_class=trap_class()) NPAGES = 5 # window is 2*NPAGES if page>NPAGES+1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<<',0))) if page>NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('<',page-1))) pages = range(max(0,page-NPAGES),min(page+NPAGES,npages)) for p in pages: if p == page: paginator.append(LI(A(p+1,_onclick='return false'), _class=trap_class('current'))) else: paginator.append(LI(self_link(p+1,p))) if page<npages-NPAGES: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>',page+1))) if page<npages-NPAGES-1: paginator.append(LI(self_link('>>',npages-1))) else: limitby = None try: table_fields = [f for f in fields if f._tablename in tablenames] if groupby: rows =*groupfields,join=join,left=left,groupby=groupby,having=having,orderby=orderby,limitby=limitby,cacheable=True) else: rows =,left=left,orderby=orderby,limitby=limitby,cacheable=True,*table_fields) # rows =,orderby=orderby, # groupby=groupby,limitby=limitby, # cacheable=True,*table_fields) except SyntaxError: rows = None error = T("Query Not Supported") if nrows: message = error or T('%(nrows)s records found') % dict(nrows=nrows) console.append(DIV(message,_class='web2py_counter')) if rows: htmltable = TABLE(THEAD(head)) tbody = TBODY() numrec=0 for row in rows: if numrec % 2 == 0: classtr = 'even' else: classtr = 'odd' numrec+=1 id = row[field_id] #@ReservedAssignment if id: rid = id if callable(rid): ### can this ever be callable? rid = rid(row) tr = TR(_id=rid, _class='%s %s' % (classtr, 'with_id')) else: tr = TR(_class=classtr) if selectable: tr.append(INPUT(_type="checkbox",_name="records",_value=id, value=request.vars.records)) for field in fields: if not str(field) in columns: continue if not field.readable: continue if field.type=='blob': continue value = row[field] maxlength = maxtextlengths.get(str(field),maxtextlength) if field.represent: try: value=field.represent(value,row) except Exception: try: value=field.represent(value,row[field._tablename]) except Exception: pass elif field.type=='boolean': value = INPUT(_type="checkbox",_checked = value, _disabled=True) elif field.type=='upload': if value: if callable(upload): value = A(current.T('file'), _href=upload(value)) elif upload: value = A(current.T('file'), _href='%s/%s' % (upload, value)) else: value = '' if isinstance(value,str): value = truncate_string(value,maxlength) elif not isinstance(value,DIV): value = field.formatter(value) if not include_buttons_column: tr.append(TD(value,_style="padding:10px;")) else: tr.append(TD(value)) row_buttons = TD(_class='row_buttons') if links and links_in_grid: for link in links: if isinstance(link, dict): tr.append(TD(link['body'](row))) else: if link(row): row_buttons.append(link(row)) if include_buttons_column: if details and (not callable(details) or details(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttonview', 'View', url(args=['view',tablename,id]))) if editable and (not callable(editable) or editable(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttonedit', 'Edit', url(args=['edit',tablename,id]))) if deletable and (not callable(deletable) or deletable(row)): row_buttons.append(gridbutton( 'buttondelete', 'Delete', callback=url(args=['delete',tablename,id]), delete='tr')) #tr.append(row_buttons) tr.insert(0,row_buttons) tbody.append(tr) htmltable.append(tbody) htmltable = DIV(htmltable,_style='width:100%;overflow-x:auto') if selectable: htmltable = FORM(htmltable,INPUT(_type="submit")) if htmltable.process(formname=formname).accepted:# htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records or [] htmltable.vars.records = htmltable.vars.records if type(htmltable.vars.records) == list else [htmltable.vars.records] records = [int(r) for r in htmltable.vars.records] selectable(records) redirect(referrer) else: htmltable = DIV(current.T('No records found')) if csv and nrows: export_links =[] for k,v in sorted(exportManager.items()): label = v[1] if hasattr(v, "__getitem__") else k link = url2(vars=dict( order=request.vars.order or '', _export_type=k, keywords=request.vars.keywords or '')) export_links.append(A(T(label),_href=link)) export_menu = \ DIV(T('Export:'),_class="w2p_export_menu",*export_links) else: export_menu = None res = DIV(console,DIV(htmltable,_class="web2py_table"), _class='%s %s' % (_class, ui.get('widget'))) if paginator.components: res.append( DIV(paginator, _class="web2py_paginator %(header)s %(cornerbottom)s"%ui)) if export_menu: res.append(export_menu) res.create_form = create_form res.update_form = update_form res.view_form = view_form res.search_form = search_form return res