def mouseDragged(self, mousePoint, delta):
     if self.snatchedPoint is not None:
         snatchedPoint = self.snatchedPoint
         cut = False
         self._roundedGlyph = IntelGlyph(self._sourceGlyph)
         i1, i2 = self.getRoundedPointIndices(snatchedPoint)
         dx = snatchedPoint[0]-mousePoint[0]
         dy = snatchedPoint[1]-mousePoint[1]
         d = hypot(dx, dy)
         if self.shiftDown:
             d = round(d/5)*5
         d = int(d)
         limit = self.getLimit(snatchedPoint)
         if d > limit:
             d = limit
         if self.shiftDown and self.commandDown:
             d = 0
         if self.optionDown:
             cut = True
         self._roundedGlyph[i1][i2].labels['cornerRadius'] = d
         self._roundedGlyph[i1][i2].labels['cut'] = cut
         snatchedPoint.labels['cornerRadius'] = d
         snatchedPoint.labels['cut'] = cut
         self.snatchedPoint = snatchedPoint
 def getSelection(self, notification=None):
     glyph = CurrentGlyph()
     if len(glyph.selection) == 0:
         return []
     elif len(glyph.selection) > 0:
         iG = IntelGlyph(glyph)
         if self.currentMode == 'Build':
             selection = iG.getSelection(True)
         elif self.currentMode in ['Break', 'Pit']:
             selection = [point for point in iG.getSelection() if (point.segmentType is not None) and (abs(point.turn()) > pi/18)]
         return selection
 def breakCorners(self):
     g = CurrentGlyph()
     iG = IntelGlyph(g)
     radius = self.parameters['radius'].get()
     roundness = self.parameters['roundness'].get()
     for contour in iG:
         selection = contour.getSelection()
         for point in selection:
             contour.breakCorner(point, radius, velocity=roundness)
     return iG
 def pitCorners(self):
     g = CurrentGlyph()
     iG = IntelGlyph(g)
     depth = self.parameters['depth'].get()
     breadth = self.parameters['breadth'].get()
     bottom = self.parameters['bottom'].get()
     for contour in iG:
         selection = contour.getSelection()
         for point in selection:
             contour.pitCorner(point, depth, breadth, bottom)
     return iG
 def updateRoundablePoints(self):
     glyph = self._sourceGlyph = self.getGlyph()
     if glyph is not None:
         workingGlyph = IntelGlyph(glyph)
         self._roundedGlyph = IntelGlyph(glyph)
         roundablePoints = []
         for contour in workingGlyph:
             closed = contour.isClosed
             for point in contour:
                 nextPoint =
                 previousPoint = point.previous()
                 turnLimit = abs(point.turn()) < (10/180)*pi
                 if (point.segmentType is not None) and \
                     (self.getLimit(point) > 0) and \
                    (closed or (not closed and (not point.isFirst()) and (not point.isLast()))) and \
                    (((previousPoint.segmentType is not None) and (nextPoint.segmentType is not None)) or \
                     ((previousPoint.segmentType is None) and (nextPoint.segmentType is not None) and not turnLimit and not point.smooth) or \
                     ((previousPoint.segmentType is not None) and (nextPoint.segmentType is None) and not turnLimit and not point.smooth)):
         self.roundablePoints = roundablePoints
         self._workingGlyph = workingGlyph
 def buildCorners(self):
     g = CurrentGlyph()
     iG = IntelGlyph(g)
     for contour in iG:
         segments = contour.collectSegments()['selection']
         l = len(segments)
         lines, curves = self.checkComposition(segments)
         if l > 1 and lines and curves:
             segments = [segment for segment in segments if len(segment) == 4]
         elif l > 1 and lines and not curves:
             segments = segments[:1] + segments[-1:]
         for segment in reversed(segments):
     return iG