def run(self): import lease self.dbthr.postinit() for thr in [ self.svrthr, self.sslsvrthr, self.dbthr, self.httpsvrthr ]: thr.start() heartbeat = 0 gm = gmetric.gmetric() gaddr = self.conf.gangliaaddr gport = self.conf.gangliaport gheartbeat = self.conf.gangliaheartbeat nodemgr_tag = self.conf.nodemgr_tag leases_tag = self.conf.leases_tag slivers_tag = self.conf.slivers_tag while 1: now = time.asctime(time.gmtime()) leases = "" for leasedata in self.dbthr.getleases(): l = leases = leases + " " + l.slice leases = leases.strip() slivers = "" for s in self.dbthr.getslivers(): slivers = slivers + " " + s slivers = slivers.strip() gm.sendsimple(gaddr, gport, nodemgr_tag, `heartbeat`, gheartbeat, gheartbeat) if leases != "": gm.send(gaddr, gport, leases_tag, leases, gheartbeat, gheartbeat, self.ip) if slivers != "": gm.send(gaddr, gport, slivers_tag, slivers, gheartbeat, gheartbeat, self.ip) time.sleep(gheartbeat) heartbeat += 1
def updateslices(self): """Extract names of active slices (allocated VMs) on PlanetLab""" import gmetric, string slices = {} metric = gmetric.gmetric() ipstoslices = metric.recvall(, self.port, self.slivers_tag) slicestoips = {} for ip in ipstoslices.keys(): ipstoslices[ip] = string.split(ipstoslices[ip]) for slice in ipstoslices[ip]: if slice not in slicestoips: slicestoips[slice] = [ ip ] else: slicestoips[slice].append(ip) self.lock.acquire() self.ipstoslices = ipstoslices self.slicestoips = slicestoips self.lock.release()
def updateleases(self): """Extract names of active leases on PlanetLab""" import gmetric, string leases = {} metric = gmetric.gmetric() ipstoleases = metric.recvall(, self.port, self.leases_tag) leasestoips = {} for ip in ipstoleases.keys(): ipstoleases[ip] = string.split(ipstoleases[ip]) for lease in ipstoleases[ip]: if lease not in leasestoips: leasestoips[lease] = [ ip ] else: leasestoips[lease].append(ip) self.lock.acquire() self.ipstoleases = ipstoleases self.leasestoips = leasestoips self.lock.release()
def updateslices(self): """Extract names of active slices (allocated VMs) on PlanetLab""" import gmetric, string slices = {} metric = gmetric.gmetric() ipstoslices = metric.recvall(, self.port, self.slivers_tag) slicestoips = {} for ip in ipstoslices.keys(): ipstoslices[ip] = string.split(ipstoslices[ip]) for slice in ipstoslices[ip]: if slice not in slicestoips: slicestoips[slice] = [ip] else: slicestoips[slice].append(ip) self.lock.acquire() self.ipstoslices = ipstoslices self.slicestoips = slicestoips self.lock.release()
def updateleases(self): """Extract names of active leases on PlanetLab""" import gmetric, string leases = {} metric = gmetric.gmetric() ipstoleases = metric.recvall(, self.port, self.leases_tag) leasestoips = {} for ip in ipstoleases.keys(): ipstoleases[ip] = string.split(ipstoleases[ip]) for lease in ipstoleases[ip]: if lease not in leasestoips: leasestoips[lease] = [ip] else: leasestoips[lease].append(ip) self.lock.acquire() self.ipstoleases = ipstoleases self.leasestoips = leasestoips self.lock.release()