def test_uncertain_loop():
    test one time step with uncertainty on the spill
    checks there is non-zero motion.

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time,
    component = ComponentMover(curr1_file, curr2_file, wind=wnd)
    component.ref_point = (-75.262319, 39.142987)
    u_delta = _uncertain_loop(pSpill, component)


    return u_delta
def test_loop():
    test one time step with no uncertainty on the spill
    checks there is non-zero motion.
    also checks the motion is same for all LEs

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time)
    component = ComponentMover(curr1_file, curr2_file, wind=wnd, ref_point = (-75.262319, 39.142987))
    component.ref_point = (-75.262319, 39.142987)
    delta = _certain_loop(pSpill, component)


    assert np.all(delta[:, 0] == delta[0, 0])  # lat move matches for all LEs
    assert np.all(delta[:, 1] == delta[0, 1])  # long move matches for all LEs
    assert np.all(delta[:, 2] == 0)  # 'z' is zeros

    return delta
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:

    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, './DelawareRiverMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # hours

    renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, size=(800, 800),

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2012, 8, 20, 13, 0)

    # 15 minutes in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=900, start_time=start_time,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False)

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, '')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 270))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 270))

    wind_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"ConstantWind.WND"))
   # wind = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s')
    w_mover = WindMover(wind)
    #w_mover = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units='knots'))
    model.movers += w_mover

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./FloodTides.cur"))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./FloodTidesShio.txt"))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-75.081667,38.7995)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = 1

    model.movers += c_mover

    # TODO: cannot add this till environment base class is created
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file)

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-74.7483333,38.898333)
    c_mover.scale_value = .03
    model.movers += c_mover
# pat1Angle 315; pat1Speed 30; pat1SpeedUnits knots; pat1ScaleToValue 0.314426 # these are from windows they don't match Mac values...
# pat2Angle 225; pat2Speed 30; pat2SpeedUnits knots; pat2ScaleToValue 0.032882
# scaleBy WindStress
    print 'adding a component mover:'

    curr_file1 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"NW30ktwinds.cur"))
    curr_file2 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"SW30ktwinds.cur"))
    comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2, wind)
    #todo: following is not working when model is saved out - fix
    #comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2, Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))
    #comp_mover = ComponentMover(curr_file1, curr_file2, wind=Wind(filename=wind_file))

    comp_mover.ref_point = (-75.263166,39.1428333)
    comp_mover.pat1_angle = 315
    comp_mover.pat1_speed = 30
    comp_mover.pat1_speed_units = 1
    #comp_mover.pat1ScaleToValue = .314426
    comp_mover.pat1_scale_to_value = .502035
    comp_mover.pat2_angle = 225
    comp_mover.pat2_speed = 30
    comp_mover.pat2_speed_units = 1
    #comp_mover.pat2ScaleToValue = .032882
    comp_mover.pat2_scale_to_value = .021869

    model.movers += comp_mover

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                                     39.142987, 0.0),

    model.spills += spill

    return model
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):

    # create the maps:

    print 'creating the maps'
    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, './MassBayMap.bna'))
    gnome_map = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=1)  # hours

    renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, size=(800, 800),

    print 'initializing the model'
    start_time = datetime(2013, 3, 12, 10, 0)

    # 15 minutes in seconds
    # Default to now, rounded to the nearest hour
    model = Model(time_step=900, start_time=start_time,
                  map=gnome_map, uncertain=False)

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, '')
    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=100000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'

    series = np.zeros((2, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    series[0] = (start_time, (5, 180))
    series[1] = (start_time + timedelta(hours=18), (5, 180))

    w_mover = WindMover(Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))
    model.movers += w_mover
    model.environment += w_mover.wind

    print 'adding a cats shio mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTides.cur"))
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./EbbTidesShio.txt"))

    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # this is the value in the file (default)
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.8875, 42.321333)
    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_value = -1

    model.movers += c_mover

    # TODO: cannot add this till environment base class is created
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats ossm mover:'

    #ossm_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,
    #                         r"./MerrimackMassCoastOSSM.txt"))
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,
    tide_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file, tide=Tide(tide_file))

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.65, 42.58333)
    c_mover.scale_value = 1.
    model.movers += c_mover
    model.environment += c_mover.tide

    print 'adding a cats mover:'

    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"MassBaySewage.cur"))
    c_mover = CatsMover(curr_file)

    # but do need to scale (based on river stage)

    c_mover.scale = True
    c_mover.scale_refpoint = (-70.78333, 42.39333)

    # the scale factor is 0 if user inputs no sewage outfall effects
    c_mover.scale_value = .04

    model.movers += c_mover

# pat1Angle 315; pat1Speed 19.44; pat1SpeedUnits knots; pat1ScaleToValue 0.138855
# pat2Angle 225; pat2Speed 19.44; pat2SpeedUnits knots; pat2ScaleToValue 0.05121
# scaleBy WindStress

    print "adding a component mover:"
    component_file1 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./WAC10msNW.cur"))
    component_file2 = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, r"./WAC10msSW.cur"))
    comp_mover = ComponentMover(component_file1, component_file2, w_mover.wind)
    #todo: callback did not work correctly below - fix!
    #comp_mover = ComponentMover(component_file1,component_file2,Wind(timeseries=series, units='m/s'))

    comp_mover.ref_point = (-70.855, 42.275)
    comp_mover.pat1_angle = 315
    comp_mover.pat1_speed = 19.44
    comp_mover.pat1_speed_units = 1
    comp_mover.pat1ScaleToValue = .138855
    comp_mover.pat2_angle = 225
    comp_mover.pat2_speed = 19.44
    comp_mover.pat2_speed_units = 1
    comp_mover.pat2ScaleToValue = .05121
    model.movers += comp_mover

    print 'adding a spill'

    end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=12)
    spill = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=1000,
                                                     42.369142, 0.0),

    model.spills += spill

    return model