def printoptions(self, widget): # problem: The print dialog wants to acquire a lock # in older GTK versions. # Hence the dialog is shown in a sub-process. cmd = ["python", "-c", "exec(%s)" % repr(printerdlg)] cfg = self.printconfig.to_string(0) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) # writing the current config to the dialog process is pointless: # We'll only get the error message "model not found", because # of the problem described above... Hell, what a mess # We could create a long running process, but that would # require to shut it down properly and whatever else -- just to # to work around a crazy Gnome bug res, err = p.communicate(input=cfg) #res, err = p.communicate(input="") if res: print "-------------------------------------" print res print "-------------------------------------" self.printconfig = gnomeprint.config_from_string(res, 0) self.printjob = gnomeprint.Job(self.printconfig) self.printconfig.dump()
def my_config_load_from_file(): try: file_ = file(CONFIG_FILE) except IOError: print "Config not found" return gnomeprint.config_default() return gnomeprint.config_from_string(, 0)