def set_selective_phsann_settings(self, min_period, max_period): ''' Phase anneal some phases only. Phases having periods less than min_period and greater than max period are left untouched. Parameters: ---------- min_period : int or None Phases having periods less than min_period are not annealed/randomized. Should be greater than zero and less than max_period. An error is raised if min_period does not exist in the data. max_period : int or None Phases having periods greater than max_period are not annealed/randomized. Should be greater than zero and greater than min_period. An error is raised if max_period does not exist in the data. ''' if self._vb: print_sl() print('Setting selective phases for phase annealing...\n') if isinstance(min_period, int): assert min_period > 0, 'Invalid min_period!' elif min_period is None: pass else: raise AssertionError('min_period can only be None or an int!') if isinstance(max_period, int): assert max_period > 0, 'Invalid max_period!' elif max_period is None: pass else: raise AssertionError('max_period can only be None or an int!') if isinstance(min_period, int) and isinstance(max_period, int): assert max_period > min_period, ( 'max_period must be greater than min_period!') self._sett_sel_phs_min_prd = min_period self._sett_sel_phs_max_prd = max_period if self._vb: print('Minimum period:', self._sett_sel_phs_min_prd) print('Maximum period:', self._sett_sel_phs_max_prd) print_el() self._sett_sel_phs_set_flag = True return
def plot(self): if self._vb: print_sl() print('Plotting...') assert self._plt_verify_flag, 'Plot in an unverified state!' ftns_args = [] self._fill_osv_args_gnrc(ftns_args) # Variables specific to PA. if self._plt_osv_flag: ftns_args.extend([ (self._plot_phs_red_rates, []), (self._plot_phs_idxs_sclrs, []), ]) self._fill_ss_args_gnrc(ftns_args) self._fill_ms_args_gnrc(ftns_args) self._fill_qq_args_gnrc(ftns_args) assert ftns_args n_cpus = min(self._n_cpus, len(ftns_args)) if n_cpus == 1: for ftn_arg in ftns_args: self._exec(ftn_arg) else: mp_pool = Pool(n_cpus) # NOTE: # imap_unordered does not show exceptions, map does. # mp_pool.imap_unordered(self._exec, ftns_args), ftns_args, chunksize=1) mp_pool.close() mp_pool.join() mp_pool = None if self._vb: print('Done plotting.') print_el() return
def _show_rltzn_situ( self, iter_ctr, rltzn_iter, iters_wo_acpt, tol, temp, phs_red_rate, acpt_rate, new_obj_val, obj_val_min, iter_wo_min_updt): c1 = self._sett_ann_max_iters >= 10000 c2 = not (iter_ctr % (0.05 * self._sett_ann_max_iters)) if (c1 and c2) or (iter_ctr == 1): with self._lock: print_sl() print( f'Realization {rltzn_iter} finished {iter_ctr} out of ' f'{self._sett_ann_max_iters} iterations on {asctime()}.') print(f'Current objective function value: {new_obj_val:9.2E}') print( f'Running minimum objective function value: ' f'{obj_val_min:9.2E}\n') iter_wo_min_updt_ratio = ( iter_wo_min_updt / self._sett_ann_max_iter_wo_min_updt) print( f'Stopping criteria variables:\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[0]}: ' f'{iter_ctr/self._sett_ann_max_iters:6.2%}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[1]}: ' f'{iters_wo_acpt/self._sett_ann_max_iter_wo_chng:6.2%}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[2]}: {tol:9.2E}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[3]}: {temp:9.2E}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[4]}: ' f'{phs_red_rate:6.3%}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[5]}: {acpt_rate:6.3%}\n' f'{self._alg_cnsts_stp_crit_labs[6]}: ' f'{iter_wo_min_updt_ratio:6.2%}') print_el() return
def set_pa_sa_settings(self, phase_reduction_rate_type, mag_spec_index_sample_flag, phase_reduction_rate, min_phs_red_rate): ''' Addtional variables used during annealing realted to phase annealing. Parameters ---------- phase_reduction_rate_type : integer How to limit the magnitude of the newly generated phases. A number between 0 and 3. 0: No limiting performed. 1: A linear reduction with respect to the maximum iterations is applied. The more the iteration number the less the change. 2: Reduce the rate by multiplying the previous rate by phase_reduction_rate. 3: Reduction rate is equal to the mean acceptance rate of previous acceptance_rate_iterations. mag_spec_index_sample_flag : bool Whether to sample new freqeuncy indices on a magnitude spectrum CDF based weighting i.e. frequencies having more amplitude have a bigger chance of being sampled. phase_reduction_rate : float If phase_reduction_rate_type is 2, then the new phase reduction rate is previous multiplied by phase_reduction_rate_type. Should be > 0 and <= 1. min_phs_red_rate : float The minimum phase reduction rate, below which the change is considered as zero. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than one. ''' if self._vb: print_sl() print('Setting additonal phase annealing parameters...\n') assert isinstance(phase_reduction_rate_type, int), ('phase_reduction_rate_type not an integer!') assert 0 <= phase_reduction_rate_type <= 3, ( 'Invalid phase_reduction_rate_type!') assert isinstance(mag_spec_index_sample_flag, bool), ('mag_spec_index_sample_flag not a boolean!') if phase_reduction_rate_type == 2: assert isinstance(phase_reduction_rate, float), ('phase_reduction_rate is not a float!') assert 0 < phase_reduction_rate <= 1, ( 'Invalid phase_reduction_rate!') elif phase_reduction_rate_type in (0, 1, 3): pass else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown phase_reduction_rate_type!') assert isinstance(min_phs_red_rate, float), ('min_phs_red_rate not a float!') assert 0 <= min_phs_red_rate < 1.0, ('Invalid min_phs_red_rate!') self._sett_ann_phs_red_rate_type = phase_reduction_rate_type self._sett_ann_mag_spec_cdf_idxs_flag = mag_spec_index_sample_flag if phase_reduction_rate_type == 2: self._sett_ann_phs_red_rate = phase_reduction_rate elif phase_reduction_rate_type in (0, 1, 3): pass else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown phase_reduction_rate_type!') self._sett_ann_min_phs_red_rate = min_phs_red_rate if self._vb: print('Phase reduction rate type:', self._sett_ann_phs_red_rate_type) print('Magnitude spectrum based indexing flag:', self._sett_ann_mag_spec_cdf_idxs_flag) print('Phase reduction rate:', self._sett_ann_phs_red_rate) print('Minimum phase reduction rate:', self._sett_ann_min_phs_red_rate) print_el() self._sett_ann_pa_sa_sett_flag = True return
def set_limited_phase_randomization_settings(self, obj_val_lower_bound, obj_val_upper_bound, perturbation_lower_bound, perturbation_upper_bound, n_perturbation_intervals, iterations_per_attempt): ''' Limit the amount of randomization applied to phases such that the resulting objective function values stay in given bounds. The idea being that with full spectrum phase randomization, the resulting objective value becomes so large that it cannot be brought down in doable time period. This is done by perturbing all phases (excluding the phases that were set in set_mult_phase_settings) till the mean objective function value falls within given bounds by having smaller increments. Parameters ---------- obj_val_lower_bound : float Lower bound of the objective function. Should be greater than zero and less than obj_val_upper_bound. After attempted limited phase randomization, the search stops if the mean objective value is between obj_val_lower_bound and obj_val_upper_bound. obj_val_upper_bound : float Upper bound of the objective function. Should be greater than obj_val_lower_bound and less than infinity! perturbation_lower_bound : float How much perturbation ratio to apply at the beginning. For example a generated phase is 0.25 Pi and perturbation_lower_bound is 0.01 than the resulting phase is shifted by 0.0025 Pi. Should be greater than zero. perturbation_upper_bound : float Upper bound of the perturbation to apply. Should be greater than perturbation_lower_bound and less than or equal to 1.0. n_perturbation_intervals : int The number of values to use in between perturbation_lower_bound and perturbation_upper_bound while finding the optimum amount of perturbation. Numpy linspace is used for this. Should be greater than zero. iterations_per_attempt : int Number of iterations to take the mean of per perturbation attempt. Should be greater than zero. ''' if self._vb: print_sl() print('Setting limited phase randomization settings...\n') assert isinstance(obj_val_lower_bound, float), ('obj_val_lower_bound not a float!') assert isinstance(obj_val_upper_bound, float), ('obj_val_upper_bound not a float!') assert isinstance(perturbation_lower_bound, float), ('perturbation_lower_bound not a float!') assert isinstance(perturbation_upper_bound, float), ('perturbation_upper_bound not a float!') assert isinstance(n_perturbation_intervals, int), ('n_perturbation_intervals not an integer!') assert isinstance(iterations_per_attempt, int), ('iterations_per_attempt not an integer!') assert obj_val_lower_bound > 0, ( 'Invalid value of obj_val_lower_bound!') assert obj_val_lower_bound < np.inf, ( 'Invalid value of obj_val_lower_bound!') assert obj_val_upper_bound > obj_val_lower_bound, ( 'obj_val_upper_bound not greater than obj_val_lower_bound!') assert perturbation_lower_bound > 0, ( 'Invalid value of perturbation_lower_bound!') assert perturbation_upper_bound <= 1.0, ( 'Invalid value of perturbation_upper_bound!') assert perturbation_upper_bound > perturbation_lower_bound, ( 'perturbation_upper_bound not greater than ' 'perturbation_lower_bound!') assert n_perturbation_intervals > 0, ( 'Invalid value of n_perturbation_intervals!') assert iterations_per_attempt > 0, ( 'Invalid value of iterations_per_attempt!') self._sett_lim_phsrand_obj_lbd = obj_val_lower_bound self._sett_lim_phsrand_obj_ubd = obj_val_upper_bound self._sett_lim_phsrand_ptrb_lbd = perturbation_lower_bound self._sett_lim_phsrand_ptrb_ubd = perturbation_upper_bound self._sett_lim_phsrand_n_ptrb_vals = n_perturbation_intervals self._sett_lim_phsrand_iters_per_atpt = iterations_per_attempt if self._vb: print('Objective function lower bound:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_obj_lbd) print('Objective function upper bound:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_obj_ubd) print('Perturbation lower bound:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_ptrb_lbd) print('Perturbation upper bound:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_ptrb_ubd) print('Total perturbation intervals:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_n_ptrb_vals) print('Iterations per perturbation:', self._sett_lim_phsrand_iters_per_atpt) print_el() self._sett_lim_phsrand_set_flag = True return
def set_initial_phase_spectra_settings(self, initial_phase_spectra_type, initial_phase_spectra): ''' Specify initial phase spectra to use when phase annealing starts. Parameters ---------- initial_phase_spectra_type : int The type of phase spectra supplied. 0 refers to a single spectra used as the initial one for all realizations. 1 refers to the case where each realtization gets a seperate initial spectra. initial_phase_spectra : list or tuple of 2D np.float64 np.ndarray A container holding the initial spectra. The shape of the spectra must correspond to that of the reference data. If N is the number of time steps in the reference data and M is the number of columns then each spectra should have the shape (N//2 + 1, M). The length of initial_phase_spectra should be 1 if initial_phase_spectra_type is 0 or equal to the number of realizations if initial_phase_spectra_type is 1. All values must lie inbetween -pi and +pi. ''' if self._vb: print_sl() print('Setting initial phase spectra...\n') assert isinstance(initial_phase_spectra_type, int), ('initial_phase_spectra_type not an integer!') assert initial_phase_spectra_type in (0, 1), ( 'Invalid initial_phase_spectra_type!') assert isinstance( initial_phase_spectra, (tuple, list)), ('initial_phase_spectra not a list or a tuple!') assert len(initial_phase_spectra) > 0, ('Empty initial_phase_spectra!') for phs_spec in initial_phase_spectra: assert isinstance(phs_spec, np.ndarray), ('Phase spectra not a numpy array!') assert phs_spec.ndim == 2, 'Phase spectra not 2D!' assert phs_spec.dtype == np.float64, ( 'Incorrect data type of phase spectra!') assert np.all( np.isfinite(phs_spec)), ('Invalid values in phase spectra!') assert (np.all(phs_spec >= -np.pi) and np.all(phs_spec <= +np.pi)), ( 'Values in phase spectra out of range!') self._sett_init_phs_spec_type = initial_phase_spectra_type self._sett_init_phs_specs = tuple(initial_phase_spectra) if self._vb: print('Initial phase spectra type:', self._sett_init_phs_spec_type) print_el() self._sett_init_phs_spec_set_flag = True return
def set_mult_phase_settings(self, n_beg_phss, n_end_phss, sample_type, number_reduction_rate): ''' Randomize multiple phases instead of just one. A random number of phases are generated for each iteration between n_beg_phss and n_end_phss (both inclusive). These values are adjusted if available phases/magnitudes are not enough, internally but these values are kept. Parameters ---------- n_beg_phss : integer Minimum phases/magnitudes to randomize per iteration. Should be > 0. n_end_phss : integer Maximum number of phases/magnitudes to randomize per iteration. Should be >= n_beg_phss. sample_type : integer How to sample the number of phases generated for each iteration. 0: New phase indices are generated randomly between n_beg_phss and n_end_phss, regardless of where in the optimization for each iteration. 1: The number of newly generated phases depends on the ratio of current iteration number and maximum_iterations. 2: The number of newly generated phase indices is reduced by multiplying with number_reduction_rate at every temperature update iteration. 3: The number of newly generated phase indices is proportional to the acceptance rate. number_reduction_rate : float Generated phase indices reduction rate. A value between > 0 and <= 1. The same as temperature reduction schedule. Required to have a valid value only is sample_type == 2. NOTE: In case the difference between n_beg_phss and n_end_phss is high and mag_spec_index_sample_flag is True and the distribution of the magnitude spectrum is highly skewed, it will take a while to get the indices (per iteration). So it might be a good idea to set mag_spec_index_sample_flag to False. ''' if self._vb: print_sl() print('Setting multiple phase annealing parameters...\n') assert isinstance(n_beg_phss, int), 'n_beg_phss not an integer!' assert isinstance(n_end_phss, int), 'n_end_phss not an integer!' assert isinstance(sample_type, int), 'sample_type is not an integer!' assert n_beg_phss > 0, 'Invalid n_beg_phss!' assert n_end_phss >= n_beg_phss, 'Invalid n_end_phss!' assert sample_type in (0, 1, 2, 3), 'Invalid sample_type!' if sample_type > 0: assert n_beg_phss < n_end_phss, ( 'n_beg_phss and n_end_phss cannot be equal for sample_type ' '> 0!') if sample_type == 2: assert isinstance(number_reduction_rate, float), ('number_reduction_rate not a float!') assert 0 < number_reduction_rate <= 1, ( 'Invalid number_reduction_rate!') elif sample_type in (0, 1, 3): pass else: raise NotImplementedError self._sett_mult_phs_n_beg_phss = n_beg_phss self._sett_mult_phs_n_end_phss = n_end_phss self._sett_mult_phs_sample_type = sample_type if sample_type == 2: self._sett_mult_phss_red_rate = number_reduction_rate if self._vb: print(f'Starting multiple phase indices: ' f'{self._sett_mult_phs_n_beg_phss}') print(f'Ending multiple phase indices: ' f'{self._sett_mult_phs_n_end_phss}') print(f'Multiple phase sampling type: ' f'{self._sett_mult_phs_sample_type}') print(f'Multiple phase number reduction rate: ' f'{self._sett_mult_phss_red_rate}') print_el() self._sett_mult_phs_flag = True return
def _update_wts_phsann(self, phs_red_rate, idxs_sclr): if self._sett_wts_lags_nths_set_flag: if self._vb: print_sl() print(f'Computing lag and nths weights...') self._set_lag_nth_wts(phs_red_rate, idxs_sclr) if self._vb: self._show_lag_nth_wts() print(f'Done computing lag and nths weights.') print_el() if self._sett_wts_label_set_flag: if self._vb: print_sl() print(f'Computing label weights...') self._set_label_wts(phs_red_rate, idxs_sclr) if self._vb: self._show_label_wts() print(f'Done computing label weights.') print_el() if self._sett_wts_obj_auto_set_flag: if self._vb: print_sl() print(f'Computing individual objective function weights...') self._set_auto_obj_wts(phs_red_rate, idxs_sclr) if self._vb: self._show_obj_wts() print(f'Done computing individual objective function weights.') print_el() if self._sett_lim_phsrand_set_flag: if self._vb: print_sl() print('Computing limited phase perturbation values...') self._cmpt_lim_phsrand_obj_vals(phs_red_rate, idxs_sclr) if self._vb: print('Done computing limited phase perturbation values.') print_el() return