    def saveSettings(self, settings, node=None, group=False):
        Saves the VirtualBox VM settings.

        :param settings: the settings (dictionary)
        :param node: Node instance
        :param group: indicates the settings apply to a group of VMs

        # these settings cannot be shared by nodes and updated
        # in the node configurator.
        if not group:

            if "name" in settings:
                name = self.uiNameLineEdit.text()
                if not name:
                        self, "Name", "VirtualBox name cannot be empty!")
                    settings["name"] = name

            if "console" in settings:
                settings["console"] = self.uiConsolePortSpinBox.value()

            if "linked_base" in settings:
                settings["linked_base"] = self.uiBaseVMCheckBox.isChecked()

                "enable_remote_console"] = self.uiEnableConsoleCheckBox.isChecked(

            del settings["name"]
            del settings["console"]
            del settings["enable_remote_console"]

        settings["ram"] = self.uiVMRamSpinBox.value()
        settings["adapter_type"] = self.uiAdapterTypesComboBox.currentText()
        settings["headless"] = self.uiHeadlessModeCheckBox.isChecked()
        settings["use_any_adapter"] = self.uiUseAnyAdapterCheckBox.isChecked()

        adapters = self.uiAdaptersSpinBox.value()
        if node:
            if settings["adapters"] != adapters:
                # check if the adapters settings have changed
                node_ports = node.ports()
                for node_port in node_ports:
                    if not node_port.isFree():
                            self, node.name(),
                            "Changing the number of adapters while links are connected isn't supported yet! Please delete all the links first."
                        raise ConfigurationError()
        settings["adapters"] = adapters
    def _checkForLinkConnectedToWIC(self, wic_number, settings, node):
        Checks if links are connected to a WIC.

        :param wic_number: WIC slot number
        :param settings: IOS router settings
        :param node: Node instance

        node_ports = node.ports()
        for node_port in node_ports:
            # ports > 15 are WICs ones.
            if node_port.adapterNumber() == wic_number and node_port.portNumber() > 15 and not node_port.isFree():
                wic = settings["wic" + str(wic_number)]
                index = self._widget_wics[wic_number].findText(wic)
                if index != -1:
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, node.name(), "A link is connected to port {} on {}, please remove it first".format(node_port.name(),
                raise ConfigurationError()
    def _checkForLinkConnectedToAdapter(self, slot_number, settings, node):
        Checks if links are connected to an adapter.

        :param slot_number: adapter slot number
        :param settings: IOS router settings
        :param node: Node instance

        node_ports = node.ports()
        for node_port in node_ports:
            # ports > 15 are WICs ones.
            if node_port.adapterNumber() == slot_number and node_port.portNumber() <= 15 and not node_port.isFree():
                adapter = settings["slot" + str(slot_number)]
                index = self._widget_slots[slot_number].findText(adapter)
                if index != -1:
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, node.name(), "A link is connected to port {} on adapter {}, please remove it first".format(node_port.name(),
                raise ConfigurationError()
    def saveSettings(self, settings, node, group=False):
        Saves the Ethernet hub settings.

        :param settings: the settings (dictionary)
        :param node: Node instance
        :param group: indicates the settings apply to a group

        if not group:
            # set the device name
            name = self.uiNameLineEdit.text()
            if not name:
                    self, "Name", "Ethernet hub name cannot be empty!")
                settings["name"] = name
            del settings["name"]

        nbports = self.uiPortsSpinBox.value()

        # check that a link isn't connected to a port
        # before we delete it
        ports = node.ports()
        for port in ports:
            if not port.isFree() and port.portNumber() > nbports:
                self.loadSettings(settings, node)
                    self, node.name(),
                    "A link is connected to port {}, please remove it first".
                raise ConfigurationError()

        settings["ports"] = []
        for port in range(1, nbports + 1):
    def saveSettings(self, settings, node=None, group=False):
        Saves the IOU device settings.

        :param settings: the settings (dictionary)
        :param node: Node instance
        :param group: indicates the settings apply to a group of routers

        # these settings cannot be shared by nodes and updated
        # in the node configurator.
        if not group:

            # set the device name
            name = self.uiNameLineEdit.text()
            if not name:
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Name",
                                           "IOU device name cannot be empty!")
            elif node and not node.validateHostname(name):
                    self, "Name",
                    "Invalid name detected for IOU device: {}".format(name))
                settings["name"] = name

            if "console" in settings:
                settings["console"] = self.uiConsolePortSpinBox.value()

            # save the IOU image path
            ios_path = self.uiIOUImageLineEdit.text().strip()
            if ios_path:
                settings["path"] = ios_path
            del settings["name"]
            del settings["console"]

        if not node:
            initial_config = self.uiInitialConfigLineEdit.text().strip()
            if not initial_config:
                settings["initial_config"] = ""
            elif initial_config != settings["initial_config"]:
                if os.access(initial_config, os.R_OK):
                    settings["initial_config"] = initial_config
                        self, "Initial-config",
                        "Cannot read the initial-config file")

        # save advanced settings
        settings["l1_keepalives"] = self.uiL1KeepalivesCheckBox.isChecked()
            "use_default_iou_values"] = self.uiDefaultValuesCheckBox.isChecked(
        settings["ram"] = self.uiRamSpinBox.value()
        settings["nvram"] = self.uiNvramSpinBox.value()

        ethernet_adapters = self.uiEthernetAdaptersSpinBox.value()
        serial_adapters = self.uiSerialAdaptersSpinBox.value()
        if ethernet_adapters + serial_adapters > 16:
                self, settings["name"],
                "The total number of adapters cannot exceed 16")
            raise ConfigurationError()

        if node:
            if settings["ethernet_adapters"] != ethernet_adapters or settings[
                    "serial_adapters"] != serial_adapters:
                # check if the adapters settings have changed
                node_ports = node.ports()
                for node_port in node_ports:
                    if not node_port.isFree():
                            self, node.name(),
                            "Changing the number of adapters while links are connected isn't supported yet! Please delete all the links first."
                        raise ConfigurationError()

        settings["ethernet_adapters"] = ethernet_adapters
        settings["serial_adapters"] = serial_adapters
    def saveSettings(self, settings, node=None, group=False):
        Saves the QEMU VM settings.

        :param settings: the settings (dictionary)
        :param node: Node instance
        :param group: indicates the settings apply to a group of VMs

        # these settings cannot be shared by nodes and updated
        # in the node configurator.
        if not group:

            name = self.uiNameLineEdit.text()
            if not name:
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Name", "The QEMU VM name cannot be empty!")
                settings["name"] = name

            if "console" in settings:
                settings["console"] = self.uiConsolePortSpinBox.value()
            settings["hda_disk_image"] = self.uiHdaDiskImageLineEdit.text().strip()
            settings["hdb_disk_image"] = self.uiHdbDiskImageLineEdit.text().strip()
            settings["hdc_disk_image"] = self.uiHdcDiskImageLineEdit.text().strip()
            settings["hdd_disk_image"] = self.uiHddDiskImageLineEdit.text().strip()
            settings["initrd"] = self.uiInitrdLineEdit.text().strip()
            settings["kernel_image"] = self.uiKernelImageLineEdit.text().strip()

            del settings["name"]
            if "console" in settings:
                del settings["console"]
            del settings["hda_disk_image"]
            del settings["hdb_disk_image"]
            del settings["hdc_disk_image"]
            del settings["hdd_disk_image"]
            del settings["initrd"]
            del settings["kernel_image"]

        if self.uiQemuListComboBox.count():
            qemu_path = self.uiQemuListComboBox.itemData(self.uiQemuListComboBox.currentIndex())
            settings["qemu_path"] = qemu_path

        settings["adapter_type"] = self.uiAdapterTypesComboBox.itemData(self.uiAdapterTypesComboBox.currentIndex())
        settings["kernel_command_line"] = self.uiKernelCommandLineEdit.text()

        adapters = self.uiAdaptersSpinBox.value()
        if node and settings["adapters"] != adapters:
            # check if the adapters settings have changed
            node_ports = node.ports()
            for node_port in node_ports:
                if not node_port.isFree():
                    QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, node.name(), "Changing the number of adapters while links are connected isn't supported yet! Please delete all the links first.")
                    raise ConfigurationError()

        settings["adapters"] = adapters
        settings["legacy_networking"] = self.uiLegacyNetworkingCheckBox.isChecked()
        settings["ram"] = self.uiRamSpinBox.value()
        if self.uiActivateCPUThrottlingCheckBox.isChecked():
            settings["cpu_throttling"] = self.uiCPUThrottlingSpinBox.value()
            settings["cpu_throttling"] = 0
        settings["process_priority"] = self.uiProcessPriorityComboBox.currentText().lower()
        settings["options"] = self.uiQemuOptionsLineEdit.text()
    def saveSettings(self, settings, node=None, group=False):
        Saves the router settings.

        :param settings: the settings (dictionary)
        :param node: Node instance
        :param group: indicates the settings apply to a group of routers

        if not group:

            # Check if the Idle-PC value has been validated okay
            if not self._idle_valid:
                idle_pc = self.uiIdlepcLineEdit.text()
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Idle-PC", "{} is not a valid Idle-PC value ".format(idle_pc))
                raise ConfigurationError()

            # set the device name
            name = self.uiNameLineEdit.text()
            if not name:
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Name", "IOS router name cannot be empty!")
            elif node and not node.validateHostname(name):
                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Name", "Invalid name detected for IOS router: {}".format(name))
                settings["name"] = name

            settings["console"] = self.uiConsolePortSpinBox.value()
            aux = self.uiAuxPortSpinBox.value()
            if aux:
                settings["aux"] = aux

            # check and save the base MAC address
            # mac = self.uiBaseMACLineEdit.text()
            # if mac and not re.search(r"""^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\.){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$""", mac):
            #    QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "MAC address", "Invalid MAC address (format required: hhhh.hhhh.hhhh)")
            # elif mac != "":
            #    settings["mac_addr"] = mac

            # save the IOS image path
            path = self.uiIOSImageLineEdit.text()
            # settings["path"] = path
            settings["image"] = path  # os.path.basename(path)

            del settings["name"]
            del settings["console"]
            del settings["aux"]
            del settings["mac_addr"]
            del settings["startup_config"]
            del settings["private_config"]
            del settings["image"]

        if not node:
            startup_config = self.uiStartupConfigLineEdit.text().strip()
            if startup_config and startup_config != settings["startup_config"]:
                if os.access(startup_config, os.R_OK):
                    settings["startup_config"] = startup_config
                    QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Startup-config", "Cannot read the startup-config file")

            private_config = self.uiPrivateConfigLineEdit.text().strip()
            if private_config and private_config != settings["private_config"]:
                if os.access(private_config, os.R_OK):
                    settings["private_config"] = private_config
                    QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Private-config", "Cannot read the private-config file")

        # get the platform and chassis if applicable
        platform = settings["platform"]
        if "chassis" in settings:
            settings["chassis"] = self.uiChassisTextLabel.text()

        if platform == "c7200":
            # save the midplane and NPE settings
            settings["midplane"] = self.uiMidplaneComboBox.currentText()
            settings["npe"] = self.uiNPEComboBox.currentText()

            sensors = []
            settings["sensors"] = sensors

            power_supplies = []
            if self.uiPowerSupply1ComboBox.currentIndex() == 0:

            if self.uiPowerSupply2ComboBox.currentIndex() == 0:
            settings["power_supplies"] = power_supplies
            # save the I/O memory setting
            settings["iomem"] = self.uiIomemSpinBox.value()

        # save the memories and disks settings
        settings["ram"] = self.uiRamSpinBox.value()
        settings["nvram"] = self.uiNvramSpinBox.value()
        settings["disk0"] = self.uiDisk0SpinBox.value()
        settings["disk1"] = self.uiDisk1SpinBox.value()

        # save the system ID (processor board ID in IOS) setting
        settings["system_id"] = self.uiSystemIdLineEdit.text()

        # save the exec area setting
        settings["exec_area"] = self.uiExecAreaSpinBox.value()

        # save the Idle-PC setting
        # TODO: check the format?
        settings["idlepc"] = self.uiIdlepcLineEdit.text()

        # save the idlemax setting
        settings["idlemax"] = self.uiIdlemaxSpinBox.value()

        # save the idlesleep setting
        settings["idlesleep"] = self.uiIdlesleepSpinBox.value()

        # save the mmap setting
        settings["mmap"] = self.uiMmapCheckBox.isChecked()

        # load the sparsemem setting
        settings["sparsemem"] = self.uiSparseMemoryCheckBox.isChecked()

        # save the adapters and WICs configuration and
        # check if a module port is connected before removing or replacing.
        for slot_number, widget in self._widget_slots.items():
            if not widget.isEnabled():
            module = widget.currentText()
            if module:
                if settings["slot" + str(slot_number)] and settings["slot" + str(slot_number)] != module:
                    if node:
                        self._checkForLinkConnectedToAdapter(slot_number, settings, node)
                settings["slot" + str(slot_number)] = module
            elif settings["slot" + str(slot_number)]:
                if node:
                    self._checkForLinkConnectedToAdapter(slot_number, settings, node)
                settings["slot" + str(slot_number)] = None

        for wic_number, widget in self._widget_wics.items():
            if not widget.isEnabled():
            wic_name = str(widget.currentText())
            if wic_name:
                if settings["wic" + str(wic_number)] and settings["wic" + str(wic_number)] != wic_name:
                    if node:
                        self._checkForLinkConnectedToWIC(wic_number, settings, node)
                settings["wic" + str(wic_number)] = wic_name
            elif settings["wic" + str(wic_number)]:
                if node:
                    self._checkForLinkConnectedToWIC(wic_number, settings, node)
                settings["wic" + str(wic_number)] = None