    def test_soft_qpsk_gen(self):
        prec = 8
        constel, code = digital.psk_4_0()

        rot_sym = 1
        side = 2
        width = 2
        c = digital.constellation_rect(constel, code, rot_sym,
                                       side, side, width, width)

        # Get max energy/symbol in constellation
        constel = c.points()
        Es = max([abs(constel_i) for constel_i in constel])

        table = digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_psk_4_0, prec, Es)
        c.set_soft_dec_lut(table, prec)

        x = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
        step = (x.real + x.real) / (2**prec - 1)
        samples = [-x - x * 1j,
                   -x + x * 1j,
                   x + x * 1j,
                   x - x * 1j,
                   (-x + 128 * step) + (-x + 128 * step) * 1j,
                   (-x + 64 * step) + (-x + 64 * step) * 1j,
                   (-x + 64 * step) + (-x + 192 * step) * 1j,
                   (-x + 192 * step) + (-x + 192 * step) * 1j,
                   (-x + 192 * step) + (-x + 64 * step) * 1j,

        y_python_raw_calc = []
        y_python_gen_calc = []
        y_python_table = []
        y_cpp_raw_calc = []
        y_cpp_table = []
        for sample in samples:
            y_python_raw_calc += slicer(
                    sample, constel, code))
            y_python_gen_calc += slicer(digital.sd_psk_4_0(sample, Es))
            y_python_table += slicer(
                    sample, table, prec, Es))

            y_cpp_raw_calc += c.calc_soft_dec(sample)
            y_cpp_table += c.soft_decision_maker(sample)

            y_python_raw_calc, y_python_gen_calc, 0)
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(y_python_gen_calc, y_python_table, 0)
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(y_cpp_raw_calc, y_cpp_table, 0)
    def test_soft_qpsk_gen(self):
        prec = 8
        constel, code = digital.psk_4_0()

        rot_sym = 1
        side = 2
        width = 2
        c = digital.constellation_rect(constel, code, rot_sym,
                                       side, side, width, width)

        # Get max energy/symbol in constellation
        constel = c.points()
        Es = max([abs(constel_i) for constel_i in constel])

        table = digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_psk_4_0, prec, Es)
        c.set_soft_dec_lut(table, prec)

        x = sqrt(2.0)/2.0
        step = (x.real+x.real) / (2**prec - 1)
        samples = [ -x-x*1j, -x+x*1j,
                     x+x*1j,  x-x*1j,
                   (-x+64*step) +(-x+64*step)*1j,  (-x+64*step) +(-x+192*step)*1j,
                   (-x+192*step)+(-x+192*step)*1j, (-x+192*step)+(-x+64*step)*1j,]

        y_python_raw_calc = []
        y_python_gen_calc = []
        y_python_table = []
        y_cpp_raw_calc = []
        y_cpp_table = []
        for sample in samples:
            y_python_raw_calc += digital.calc_soft_dec(sample, constel, code)
            y_python_gen_calc += digital.sd_psk_4_0(sample, Es)
            y_python_table += digital.calc_soft_dec_from_table(sample, table, prec, Es)

            y_cpp_raw_calc += c.calc_soft_dec(sample)
            y_cpp_table += c.soft_decision_maker(sample)

        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(y_python_raw_calc, y_python_gen_calc, 4)
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(y_python_raw_calc, y_python_table, 2)
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(y_cpp_raw_calc, y_cpp_table, 4)
    def helper_with_lut(self, prec, src_data, const_gen, const_sd_gen):
        cnst_pts, code = const_gen()
        Es = max([abs(c) for c in cnst_pts])
        lut = digital.soft_dec_table_generator(const_sd_gen, prec, Es)
        expected_result = list()
        for s in src_data:
            res = digital.calc_soft_dec_from_table(s, lut, prec, sqrt(2.0))
            expected_result += res

        cnst = digital.constellation_calcdist(cnst_pts, code, 2, 1)
        cnst.set_soft_dec_lut(lut, int(prec))
        src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
        op = digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(cnst.base())
        dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()

        self.tb.connect(src, op)
        self.tb.connect(op, dst)

        actual_result = dst.data()  # fetch the contents of the sink
        #print "actual result", actual_result
        #print "expected result", expected_result
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, actual_result, 5)
    def helper_with_lut(self, prec, src_data, const_gen, const_sd_gen):
        cnst_pts, code = const_gen()
        Es = max([abs(c) for c in cnst_pts])
        lut = digital.soft_dec_table_generator(const_sd_gen, prec, Es)
        expected_result = list()
        for s in src_data:
            res = digital.calc_soft_dec_from_table(s, lut, prec, sqrt(2.0))
            expected_result += res

        cnst = digital.constellation_calcdist(cnst_pts, code, 2, 1)
        cnst.set_soft_dec_lut(lut, int(prec))
        src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
        op = digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(cnst.base())
        dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()

        self.tb.connect(src, op)
        self.tb.connect(op, dst)

        actual_result = dst.data()  # fetch the contents of the sink
        # print "actual result", actual_result
        # print "expected result", expected_result
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, actual_result, 5)
    def test_constellation_soft_decoder_cf_qam16(self):
        prec = 8
  	src_data = (0.5 + 0.5j,  0.1 - 1.2j, -0.8 - 0.1j, -0.45 + 0.8j,
                    0.8 + 1.0j, -0.5 + 0.1j,  0.1 - 1.2j, 1+1j)
        lut = digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_qam_16_0x0_0_1_2_3, prec)
	expected_result = list()
        for s in src_data:
            expected_result += digital.calc_soft_dec_from_table(s, lut, prec)

        cnst_pts = digital.qam_16_0x0_0_1_2_3()
        cnst = digital.constellation_calcdist(cnst_pts[0], cnst_pts[1], 2, 1)
        cnst.set_soft_dec_lut(lut, int(prec))
        src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
        op = digital.constellation_soft_decoder_cf(cnst.base())
        dst = blocks.vector_sink_f()

        self.tb.connect(src, op)
        self.tb.connect(op, dst)
        self.tb.run()               # run the graph and wait for it to finish

        actual_result = dst.data()  # fetch the contents of the sink
	#print "actual result", actual_result
	#print "expected result", expected_result
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, actual_result, 5)