def test_001_enc(self): length = 2048 # DANGER: this fails for > 2048 for some reason data = [random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(length)] # last K-1 bits are padding, meaning last byte is lost data[-1] = 0 data = tuple(data) src = gr.vector_source_b(data) enc = raw.conv_enc() tofloat = gr.uchar_to_float() offset = gr.multiply_const_ff(255.0) touchar = gr.float_to_uchar() dec = raw.conv_dec(length * 8) dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, enc, tofloat, offset, touchar, dec, dst) #self.assertEqual (data, nerrors = 0 i = 0 for (a, b) in itertools.izip(data, nerr = bitCount(a ^ b) if nerr: print "%g " % (i / 2048.), nerr nerrors += nerr i += 1 print "Number or Errors %d BER %g" % (nerrors, (nerrors * 1.0 / (length * 8))) self.assertEqual(nerrors, 0)
def punctest(self, nc, np): length = 2046 # should be divisible by nc data = [random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(length)] # last K-1 bits are padding, meaning last byte is lost data[-1] = 0 data = tuple(data) src = gr.vector_source_b(data) enc = raw.conv_enc() dec = raw.conv_dec(length * 8) punc = raw.conv_punc(nc, np) depunc = raw.conv_punc(np, nc, 128) tofloat = gr.uchar_to_float() offset = gr.multiply_const_ff(255.0) touchar = gr.float_to_uchar() dst = gr.vector_sink_b() rx = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, enc, punc, tofloat, offset, touchar, depunc, dec, dst) self.tb.connect(punc, rx) rxlen = len( self.assertEqual(rxlen, (length * 8 * 2 * np) / nc) self.assertEqual(data,
def test_001_enc(self): length = 2048 # DANGER: this fails for > 2048 for some reason data = [random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(length)] # last K-1 bits are padding, meaning last byte is lost data[-1] = 0 data = tuple(data) src = gr.vector_source_b(data) enc = raw.conv_enc() tofloat = gr.uchar_to_float() offset = gr.multiply_const_ff(255.0) touchar = gr.float_to_uchar() dec = raw.conv_dec(length * 8) dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, enc, tofloat, offset, touchar, dec, dst) # self.assertEqual (data, nerrors = 0 i = 0 for (a, b) in itertools.izip(data, nerr = bitCount(a ^ b) if nerr: print "%g " % (i / 2048.0), nerr nerrors += nerr i += 1 print "Number or Errors %d BER %g" % (nerrors, (nerrors * 1.0 / (length * 8))) self.assertEqual(nerrors, 0)
def _setup_top_block(self): self.tb = gr.top_block() samp_rate = 96000 oversample = 10 center_freq = 868.280e6 # Radio receiver, initial downsampling args = str("nchan=1 rtl=%s,buffers=16,offset_tune=1" % self.device) osmosdr_source = osmosdr.source_c(args=args) osmosdr_source.set_sample_rate(samp_rate*oversample) osmosdr_source.set_center_freq(center_freq, 0) osmosdr_source.set_freq_corr(0, 0) osmosdr_source.set_gain_mode(1, 0) osmosdr_source.set_gain(0, 0) low_pass_filter = gr.fir_filter_ccf(oversample, firdes.low_pass(1, samp_rate*oversample, 90e3, 8e3, firdes.WIN_HAMMING, 6.76)) self.tb.connect((osmosdr_source, 0), (low_pass_filter, 0)) # Squelch self.noise_probe = gr.probe_avg_mag_sqrd_c(0, 1.0/samp_rate/1e2) self.squelch = gr.simple_squelch_cc(self.noise_level, 1) noise_probe_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._noise_probe_thread) noise_probe_thread.start() self.threads.append(noise_probe_thread) self.tb.connect((low_pass_filter, 0), (self.noise_probe, 0)) self.tb.connect((low_pass_filter, 0), (self.squelch, 0)) # FM demodulation quadrature_demod = gr.quadrature_demod_cf(1) self.tb.connect((self.squelch, 0), (quadrature_demod, 0)) # Binary slicing, transformation into capture-compatible format add_offset = gr.add_const_vff((-1e-3, )) binary_slicer = digital.binary_slicer_fb() char_to_float = gr.char_to_float(1, 1) multiply_const = gr.multiply_const_vff((255, )) float_to_uchar = gr.float_to_uchar() pipe_sink = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char*1, self.pipe) pipe_sink.set_unbuffered(False) self.tb.connect((quadrature_demod, 0), (add_offset, 0)) self.tb.connect((add_offset, 0), (binary_slicer, 0)) self.tb.connect((binary_slicer, 0), (char_to_float, 0)) self.tb.connect((char_to_float, 0), (multiply_const, 0)) self.tb.connect((multiply_const, 0), (float_to_uchar, 0)) self.tb.connect((float_to_uchar, 0), (pipe_sink, 0))
def test_002(self): src_data = (254.0, 255.0, 256.0) expected_result = [254, 255, 255] src = gr.vector_source_f(src_data) op = gr.float_to_uchar() dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, op, dst) result_data = list( self.assertEqual(expected_result, result_data)
def test_001(self): src_data = (0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, -1.1, -2.2, -3.3, -4.4, -5.5) expected_result = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] src = gr.vector_source_f(src_data) op = gr.float_to_uchar() dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, op, dst) result_data = list( self.assertEqual(expected_result, result_data)
def test_002(self): src_data = ( 254.0, 255.0, 256.0) expected_result = [ 254, 255, 255 ] src = gr.vector_source_f(src_data) op = gr.float_to_uchar() dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, op, dst) result_data = list( self.assertEqual(expected_result, result_data)
def depuncture_puncture(self, P, seq_len=100): """ Tests that the depuncture block is matched to the puncture block Note: This method itself is not a unit test method. """ src_data = [random.randint(0,1) for _ in range(seq_len)] expected_result = tuple(src_data) src = gr.vector_source_f(src_data) depuncture = dvb_swig.depuncture_ff(P) f2c = gr.float_to_uchar() puncture = dvb_swig.puncture_bb(P) dst = gr.vector_sink_b() self.tb.connect(src, depuncture, f2c, puncture, dst) self.assertEqual(expected_result,
def __init__(self): gr.top_block.__init__(self) usage=("%prog: [options] output_filename.\nSpecial output_filename" + \ "\"sdl\" will use video_sink_sdl as realtime output window. " + \ "You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed.\n" +\ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved " + \ "shorts not complex floats") parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--args", type="string", default="", help="UHD device address args [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--spec", type="string", default=None, help="Subdevice of UHD device where appropriate") parser.add_option("-A", "--antenna", type="string", default=None, help="select Rx Antenna where appropriate") parser.add_option("-s", "--samp-rate", type="eng_float", default=1e6, help="set sample rate") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option("-i", "--in-filename", type="string", default=None, help="Use input file as source. samples must be " + \ "interleaved shorts \n Use or " + \ " --output-shorts.\n Special " + \ "name \"usrp\" results in realtime capturing " + \ "and processing using usrp.\n" + \ "You then probably need a decimation factor of 64 or higher.") parser.add_option( "-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=519.25e6, help= "set frequency to FREQ.\nNote that the frequency of the video carrier is not at the middle of the TV channel", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat in_file in a loop") parser.add_option("-N", "--nframes", type="eng_float", default=None, help="number of frames to collect [default=+inf]") parser.add_option("", "--freq-min", type="eng_float", default=50.25e6, help="Set a minimum frequency [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--freq-max", type="eng_float", default=900.25e6, help="Set a maximum frequency [default=%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not (len(args) == 1): parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the output. FILENAME or sdl \n') sys.exit(1) filename = args[0] self.tv_freq_min = options.freq_min self.tv_freq_max = options.freq_max if options.in_filename is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write( 'You must specify the input -i FILENAME or -i usrp\n') raise SystemExit, 1 if not (filename == "sdl"): options.repeat = False input_rate = options.samp_rate print "video sample rate %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(input_rate)) if not (options.in_filename == "usrp"): # file is data source, capture with self.filesource = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short, options.in_filename, options.repeat) self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource, self.istoc) self.src = self.istoc else: if options.freq is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write( 'You must specify the frequency with -f FREQ\n') raise SystemExit, 1 # build the graph self.u = uhd.usrp_source(device_addr=options.args, stream_args=uhd.stream_args('fc32')) # Set the subdevice spec if (options.spec): self.u.set_subdev_spec(options.spec, 0) # Set the antenna if (options.antenna): self.u.set_antenna(options.antenna, 0) self.u.set_samp_rate(input_rate) dev_rate = self.u.get_samp_rate() self.src = self.u if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.u.get_gain_range() options.gain = float(g.start() + g.stop()) / 2.0 self.u.set_gain(options.gain) r = self.u.set_center_freq(options.freq) if not r: sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n') raise SystemExit, 1 self.agc = gr.agc_cc(1e-7, 1.0, 1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag() self.set_blacklevel = gr.add_const_ff(options.brightness + 255.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(-options.contrast * 128.0 * 255.0 / (200.0)) self.f2uc = gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal = True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame = 625.0 frames_per_sec = 25.0 show_width = 768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame = 525.0 frames_per_sec = 29.97002997 show_width = 640 width = int(input_rate / (lines_per_frame * frames_per_sec)) height = int(lines_per_frame) if filename == "sdl": #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install #gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs #for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc(frames_per_sec, width, height, 0, show_width, height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst = video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " + str(width) + "x" + str( height) + " gray:" + filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" file_sink = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, filename) self.dst = file_sink if options.nframes is None: self.connect(self.src, self.agc) else: self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, int(options.nframes * width * height)) self.connect(self.src, self.head, self.agc) self.connect(self.agc, self.am_demod, self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel, self.f2uc, self.dst)
def __init__(self,frame,panel,vbox,argv): stdgui2.std_top_block.__init__ (self,frame,panel,vbox,argv) usage="%prog: [options] [input_filename]. \n If you don't specify an input filename the usrp will be used as source\n " \ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved shorts not complex floats" parser=OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--args", type="string", default="", help="UHD device address args [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--spec", type="string", default=None, help="Subdevice of UHD device where appropriate") parser.add_option("-A", "--antenna", type="string", default=None, help="select Rx Antenna where appropriate") parser.add_option("-s", "--samp-rate", type="eng_float", default=1e6, help="set sample rate") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=519.25e6, help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-o", "--out-filename", type="string", default="sdl", help="For example out_raw_uchar.gray. If you don't specify an output filename you will get a video_sink_sdl realtime output window. You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed)") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat file in a loop") parser.add_option("", "--freq-min", type="eng_float", default=50.25e6, help="Set a minimum frequency [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--freq-max", type="eng_float", default=900.25e6, help="Set a maximum frequency [default=%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ((len(args) == 1) or (len(args) == 0)): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 1: filename = args[0] else: filename = None self.frame = frame self.panel = panel self.contrast = options.contrast self.brightness = options.brightness self.state = "FREQ" self.freq = 0 self.tv_freq_min = options.freq_min self.tv_freq_max = options.freq_max # build graph self.u=None if not (options.out_filename=="sdl"): options.repeat=False usrp_rate = options.samp_rate if not ((filename is None) or (filename=="usrp")): # file is data source self.filesource = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short,filename,options.repeat) self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource,self.istoc) self.src=self.istoc options.gain=0.0 self.gain=0.0 else: # use a UHD device self.u = uhd.usrp_source(device_addr=options.args, stream_args=uhd.stream_args('fc32')) # Set the subdevice spec if(options.spec): self.u.set_subdev_spec(options.spec, 0) # Set the antenna if(options.antenna): self.u.set_antenna(options.antenna, 0) self.u.set_samp_rate(usrp_rate) dev_rate = self.u.get_samp_rate() if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.u.get_gain_range() options.gain = float(g.start()+g.stop())/2.0 self.src=self.u self.gain = options.gain f2uc=gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal=True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame=625.0 frames_per_sec=25.0 show_width=768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame=525.0 frames_per_sec=29.97002997 show_width=640 width=int(usrp_rate/(lines_per_frame*frames_per_sec)) height=int(lines_per_frame) if (options.out_filename=="sdl"): #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install #gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs #for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc ( frames_per_sec, width, height, 0, show_width, height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst=video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " +str(width)+ "x" + str(height) \ + " gray:" + options.out_filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" options.repeat=False file_sink=gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, options.out_filename) self.dst =file_sink self.agc=gr.agc_cc(1e-7,1.0,1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag () self.set_blacklevel=gr.add_const_ff(0.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff (0.0) #-self.contrast *128.0*255.0/(200.0) # now wire it all together #sample_rate=options.width*options.height*options.framerate process_type='do_no_sync' if process_type=='do_no_sync': self.connect (self.src, self.agc,self.am_demod, self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel, f2uc,self.dst) elif process_type=='do_tv_sync_adv': #defaults: gr.tv_sync_adv (double sampling_freq, unsigned #int tv_format,bool output_active_video_only=false, bool #do_invert=false, double wanted_black_level=0.0, double #wanted_white_level=255.0, double avg_alpha=0.1, double #initial_gain=1.0, double initial_offset=0.0,bool #debug=false) #note, this block is not yet in cvs self.tv_sync_adv=gr.tv_sync_adv(usrp_rate, 0, False, False, 0.0, 255.0, 0.01, 1.0, 0.0, False) self.connect (self.src, self.am_demod, self.invert_and_scale, self.tv_sync_adv, s2f, f2uc, self.dst) elif process_type=='do_nullsink': #self.connect (self.src, self.am_demod,self.invert_and_scale,f2uc,video_sink) c2r=gr.complex_to_real() nullsink=gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float) self.connect (self.src, c2r,nullsink) #video_sink) elif process_type=='do_tv_sync_corr': frame_size=width*height #int(usrp_rate/25.0) nframes=10# 32 search_window=20*nframes debug=False video_alpha=0.3 #0.1 corr_alpha=0.3 #Note: this block is not yet in cvs tv_corr=gr.tv_correlator_ff(frame_size,nframes, search_window, video_alpha, corr_alpha,debug) shift=gr.add_const_ff(-0.7) self.connect (self.src, self.agc, self.am_demod, tv_corr, self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel, f2uc, self.dst) else: # process_type=='do_test_image': src_vertical_bars = gr.sig_source_f (usrp_rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 10.0 *usrp_rate/320, 255,128) self.connect(src_vertical_bars, f2uc, self.dst) self._build_gui(vbox, usrp_rate, usrp_rate, usrp_rate) frange = self.u.get_freq_range() if(frange.start() > self.tv_freq_max or frange.stop() < self.tv_freq_min): sys.stderr.write("Radio does not support required frequency range.\n") sys.exit(1) if(options.freq < self.tv_freq_min or options.freq > self.tv_freq_max): sys.stderr.write("Requested frequency is outside of required frequency range.\n") sys.exit(1) # set initial values self.set_gain(options.gain) self.set_contrast(self.contrast) self.set_brightness(options.brightness) if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)): self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency")
def __init__(self): gr.top_block.__init__(self) usage=("%prog: [options] output_filename.\nSpecial output_filename" + \ "\"sdl\" will use video_sink_sdl as realtime output window. " + \ "You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed.\n" +\ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved " + \ "shorts not complex floats") parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--args", type="string", default="", help="UHD device address args [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--spec", type="string", default=None, help="Subdevice of UHD device where appropriate") parser.add_option("-A", "--antenna", type="string", default=None, help="select Rx Antenna where appropriate") parser.add_option("-s", "--samp-rate", type="eng_float", default=1e6, help="set sample rate") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option("-i", "--in-filename", type="string", default=None, help="Use input file as source. samples must be " + \ "interleaved shorts \n Use or " + \ " --output-shorts.\n Special " + \ "name \"usrp\" results in realtime capturing " + \ "and processing using usrp.\n" + \ "You then probably need a decimation factor of 64 or higher.") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=519.25e6, help="set frequency to FREQ.\nNote that the frequency of the video carrier is not at the middle of the TV channel", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat in_file in a loop") parser.add_option("-N", "--nframes", type="eng_float", default=None, help="number of frames to collect [default=+inf]") parser.add_option("", "--freq-min", type="eng_float", default=50.25e6, help="Set a minimum frequency [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--freq-max", type="eng_float", default=900.25e6, help="Set a maximum frequency [default=%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if not (len(args) == 1): parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the output. FILENAME or sdl \n'); sys.exit(1) filename = args[0] self.tv_freq_min = options.freq_min self.tv_freq_max = options.freq_max if options.in_filename is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the input -i FILENAME or -i usrp\n'); raise SystemExit, 1 if not (filename=="sdl"): options.repeat=False input_rate = options.samp_rate print "video sample rate %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(input_rate)) if not (options.in_filename=="usrp"): # file is data source, capture with self.filesource = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short, options.in_filename, options.repeat) self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource,self.istoc) self.src=self.istoc else: if options.freq is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the frequency with -f FREQ\n'); raise SystemExit, 1 # build the graph self.u = uhd.usrp_source(device_addr=options.args, stream_args=uhd.stream_args('fc32')) # Set the subdevice spec if(options.spec): self.u.set_subdev_spec(options.spec, 0) # Set the antenna if(options.antenna): self.u.set_antenna(options.antenna, 0) self.u.set_samp_rate(input_rate) dev_rate = self.u.get_samp_rate() self.src=self.u if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.u.get_gain_range() options.gain = float(g.start()+g.stop())/2.0 self.u.set_gain(options.gain) r = self.u.set_center_freq(options.freq) if not r: sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n') raise SystemExit, 1 self.agc = gr.agc_cc(1e-7,1.0,1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag () self.set_blacklevel = gr.add_const_ff(options.brightness +255.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff (-options.contrast *128.0*255.0/(200.0)) self.f2uc = gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal=True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame=625.0 frames_per_sec=25.0 show_width=768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame=525.0 frames_per_sec=29.97002997 show_width=640 width=int(input_rate/(lines_per_frame*frames_per_sec)) height=int(lines_per_frame) if filename=="sdl": #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install #gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs #for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc(frames_per_sec, width, height, 0, show_width,height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst=video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " +str(width)+ "x" + str(height) + " gray:" +filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" file_sink=gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, filename) self.dst =file_sink if options.nframes is None: self.connect(self.src, self.agc) else: self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, int(options.nframes*width*height)) self.connect(self.src, self.head, self.agc) self.connect (self.agc, self.am_demod, self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel, self.f2uc, self.dst)
def __init__(self,frame,panel,vbox,argv): stdgui2.std_top_block.__init__ (self,frame,panel,vbox,argv) usage="%prog: [options] [input_filename]. \n If you don't specify an input filename the usrp will be used as source\n " \ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved shorts not complex floats" parser=OptionParser(option_class=eng_option) parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=None, help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)") parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=64, help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=519.25e6, help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-o", "--out-filename", type="string", default="sdl", help="For example out_raw_uchar.gray. If you don't specify an output filename you will get a video_sink_sdl realtime output window. You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed)") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat file in a loop") parser.add_option("-N", "--no-hb", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't use halfband filter in usrp") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ((len(args) == 1) or (len(args) == 0)): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 1: filename = args[0] else: filename = None self.frame = frame self.panel = panel self.contrast = options.contrast self.brightness = options.brightness self.state = "FREQ" self.freq = 0 # build graph self.u=None usrp_decim = options.decim # 32 if not (options.out_filename=="sdl"): options.repeat=False if not ((filename is None) or (filename=="usrp")): self.filesource = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short,filename,options.repeat) # file is data source self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource,self.istoc) adc_rate=64e6 self.src=self.istoc options.gain=0.0 self.gain=0.0 else: if options.no_hb or (options.decim<8): self.fpga_filename="std_4rx_0tx.rbf" #contains 4 Rx paths without halfbands and 0 tx paths else: self.fpga_filename="std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf" # contains 2 Rx paths with halfband filters and 2 tx paths (the default) self.u = usrp.source_c(0,fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename) # usrp is data source if options.width_8: sample_width = 8 sample_shift = 8 format = self.u.make_format(sample_width, sample_shift) r = self.u.set_format(format) adc_rate = self.u.adc_rate() # 64 MS/s self.u.set_decim_rate(usrp_decim) if options.rx_subdev_spec is None: options.rx_subdev_spec = pick_subdevice(self.u) self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)) self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec) print "Using RX d'board %s" % (self.subdev.side_and_name(),) if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.subdev.gain_range() options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2 self.src=self.u usrp_rate = adc_rate / usrp_decim # 320 kS/s f2uc=gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal=True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame=625.0 frames_per_sec=25.0 show_width=768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame=525.0 frames_per_sec=29.97002997 show_width=640 width=int(usrp_rate/(lines_per_frame*frames_per_sec)) height=int(lines_per_frame) if (options.out_filename=="sdl"): #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc ( frames_per_sec, width, height,0,show_width,height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst=video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " +str(width)+ "x" + str(height) + " gray:" + options.out_filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" options.repeat=False file_sink=gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, options.out_filename) self.dst =file_sink self.agc=gr.agc_cc(1e-7,1.0,1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag () self.set_blacklevel=gr.add_const_ff(0.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff (0.0) #-self.contrast *128.0*255.0/(200.0) # now wire it all together #sample_rate=options.width*options.height*options.framerate process_type='do_no_sync' if process_type=='do_no_sync': self.connect (self.src, self.agc,self.am_demod,self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel,f2uc,self.dst) elif process_type=='do_tv_sync_adv': #defaults: gr.tv_sync_adv (double sampling_freq, unsigned int tv_format,bool output_active_video_only=false, bool do_invert=false, double wanted_black_level=0.0, double wanted_white_level=255.0, double avg_alpha=0.1, double initial_gain=1.0, double initial_offset=0.0,bool debug=false) self.tv_sync_adv=gr.tv_sync_adv(usrp_rate,0,False,False,0.0,255.0,0.01,1.0,0.0,False) #note, this block is not yet in cvs self.connect (self.src, self.am_demod,self.invert_and_scale,self.tv_sync_adv,s2f,f2uc,self.dst) elif process_type=='do_nullsink': #self.connect (self.src, self.am_demod,self.invert_and_scale,f2uc,video_sink) c2r=gr.complex_to_real() nullsink=gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float) self.connect (self.src, c2r,nullsink) #video_sink) elif process_type=='do_tv_sync_corr': frame_size=width*height #int(usrp_rate/25.0) nframes=10# 32 search_window=20*nframes debug=False video_alpha=0.3 #0.1 corr_alpha=0.3 tv_corr=gr.tv_correlator_ff(frame_size,nframes, search_window, video_alpha, corr_alpha,debug) #Note: this block is not yet in cvs shift=gr.add_const_ff(-0.7) self.connect (self.src, self.agc,self.am_demod,tv_corr,self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel,f2uc,self.dst) #self.agc, else: # process_type=='do_test_image': src_vertical_bars = gr.sig_source_f (usrp_rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 10.0 *usrp_rate/320, 255,128) self.connect(src_vertical_bars,f2uc,self.dst) self._build_gui(vbox, usrp_rate, usrp_rate, usrp_rate) if abs(options.freq) < 1e6: options.freq *= 1e6 # set initial values self.set_gain(options.gain) self.set_contrast(self.contrast) self.set_brightness(options.brightness) if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)): self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency")
def __init__(self): gr.top_block.__init__(self) usage="%prog: [options] output_filename. \n Special output_filename \"sdl\" will use video_sink_sdl as realtime output window. " \ "You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed. \n" \ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved shorts not complex floats" parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0), help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=8, help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-i", "--in-filename", type="string", default=None, help="Use input file as source. samples must be interleaved shorts \n " + "Use or --output-shorts. \n" "Special name \"usrp\" results in realtime capturing and processing using usrp. \n" + "You then probably need a decimation factor of 64 or higher.") parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set frequency to FREQ.\nNote that the frequency of the video carrier is not at the middle of the TV channel", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat in_file in a loop") parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB") parser.add_option("-N", "--nframes", type="eng_float", default=None, help="number of frames to collect [default=+inf]") parser.add_option( "--no-hb", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't use halfband filter in usrp") (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if not (len(args) == 1): parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the output. FILENAME or sdl \n'); sys.exit(1) filename = args[0] if options.in_filename is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the input -i FILENAME or -i usrp\n'); raise SystemExit, 1 if not (filename=="sdl"): options.repeat=False if not (options.in_filename=="usrp"): self.filesource = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_short,options.in_filename,options.repeat) # file is data source, capture with self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource,self.istoc) self.adc_rate=64e6 self.src=self.istoc else: if options.freq is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the frequency with -f FREQ\n'); raise SystemExit, 1 if abs(options.freq) < 1e6: options.freq *= 1e6 if options.no_hb or (options.decim<8): self.fpga_filename="std_4rx_0tx.rbf" #contains 4 Rx paths without halfbands and 0 tx paths else: self.fpga_filename="std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf" # contains 2 Rx paths with halfband filters and 2 tx paths (the default) # build the graph self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim,fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename) self.src=self.u if options.width_8: sample_width = 8 sample_shift = 8 format = self.u.make_format(sample_width, sample_shift) r = self.u.set_format(format) self.adc_rate=self.u.adc_freq() if options.rx_subdev_spec is None: options.rx_subdev_spec = usrp.pick_rx_subdevice(self.u) self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)) # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec) print "Using RX d'board %s" % (self.subdev.side_and_name(),) if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.subdev.gain_range() options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2 self.subdev.set_gain(options.gain) r = self.u.tune(0, self.subdev, options.freq) if not r: sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n') raise SystemExit, 1 input_rate = self.adc_rate / options.decim print "video sample rate %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(input_rate)) self.agc=gr.agc_cc(1e-7,1.0,1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag () self.set_blacklevel=gr.add_const_ff(options.brightness +255.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff (-options.contrast *128.0*255.0/(200.0)) self.f2uc=gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal=True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame=625.0 frames_per_sec=25.0 show_width=768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame=525.0 frames_per_sec=29.97002997 show_width=640 width=int(input_rate/(lines_per_frame*frames_per_sec)) height=int(lines_per_frame) if filename=="sdl": #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc ( frames_per_sec, width, height,0,show_width,height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst=video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " +str(width)+ "x" + str(height) + " gray:" +filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" file_sink=gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, filename) self.dst =file_sink if options.nframes is None: self.connect(self.src, self.agc) else: self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, int(options.nframes*width*height)) self.connect(self.src, self.head, self.agc) self.connect (self.agc,self.am_demod,self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel,self.f2uc,self.dst)
def __init__(self): gr.top_block.__init__(self) usage="%prog: [options] output_filename. \n Special output_filename \"sdl\" will use video_sink_sdl as realtime output window. " \ "You then need to have gr-video-sdl installed. \n" \ "Make sure your input capture file containes interleaved shorts not complex floats" parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage) parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0), help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)") parser.add_option("-c", "--contrast", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="set contrast (default is 1.0)") parser.add_option("-b", "--brightness", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="set brightness (default is 0)") parser.add_option( "-d", "--decim", type="int", default=8, help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]") parser.add_option( "-i", "--in-filename", type="string", default=None, help= "Use input file as source. samples must be interleaved shorts \n " + "Use or --output-shorts. \n" "Special name \"usrp\" results in realtime capturing and processing using usrp. \n" + "You then probably need a decimation factor of 64 or higher.") parser.add_option( "-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None, help= "set frequency to FREQ.\nNote that the frequency of the video carrier is not at the middle of the TV channel", metavar="FREQ") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)") parser.add_option("-p", "--pal", action="store_true", default=False, help="PAL video format (this is the default)") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntsc", action="store_true", default=False, help="NTSC video format") parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store_false", default=True, help="repeat in_file in a loop") parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB") parser.add_option("-N", "--nframes", type="eng_float", default=None, help="number of frames to collect [default=+inf]") parser.add_option("--no-hb", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't use halfband filter in usrp") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not (len(args) == 1): parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write('You must specify the output. FILENAME or sdl \n') sys.exit(1) filename = args[0] if options.in_filename is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write( 'You must specify the input -i FILENAME or -i usrp\n') raise SystemExit, 1 if not (filename == "sdl"): options.repeat = False if not (options.in_filename == "usrp"): self.filesource = gr.file_source( gr.sizeof_short, options.in_filename, options.repeat ) # file is data source, capture with self.istoc = gr.interleaved_short_to_complex() self.connect(self.filesource, self.istoc) self.adc_rate = 64e6 self.src = self.istoc else: if options.freq is None: parser.print_help() sys.stderr.write( 'You must specify the frequency with -f FREQ\n') raise SystemExit, 1 if abs(options.freq) < 1e6: options.freq *= 1e6 if options.no_hb or (options.decim < 8): self.fpga_filename = "std_4rx_0tx.rbf" #contains 4 Rx paths without halfbands and 0 tx paths else: self.fpga_filename = "std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf" # contains 2 Rx paths with halfband filters and 2 tx paths (the default) # build the graph self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim, fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename) self.src = self.u if options.width_8: sample_width = 8 sample_shift = 8 format = self.u.make_format(sample_width, sample_shift) r = self.u.set_format(format) self.adc_rate = self.u.adc_freq() if options.rx_subdev_spec is None: options.rx_subdev_spec = usrp.pick_rx_subdevice(self.u) self.u.set_mux( usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)) # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec) print "Using RX d'board %s" % (self.subdev.side_and_name(), ) if options.gain is None: # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB g = self.subdev.gain_range() options.gain = float(g[0] + g[1]) / 2 self.subdev.set_gain(options.gain) r = self.u.tune(0, self.subdev, options.freq) if not r: sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n') raise SystemExit, 1 input_rate = self.adc_rate / options.decim print "video sample rate %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(input_rate)) self.agc = gr.agc_cc(1e-7, 1.0, 1.0) #1e-7 self.am_demod = gr.complex_to_mag() self.set_blacklevel = gr.add_const_ff(options.brightness + 255.0) self.invert_and_scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(-options.contrast * 128.0 * 255.0 / (200.0)) self.f2uc = gr.float_to_uchar() # sdl window as final sink if not (options.pal or options.ntsc): options.pal = True #set default to PAL if options.pal: lines_per_frame = 625.0 frames_per_sec = 25.0 show_width = 768 elif options.ntsc: lines_per_frame = 525.0 frames_per_sec = 29.97002997 show_width = 640 width = int(input_rate / (lines_per_frame * frames_per_sec)) height = int(lines_per_frame) if filename == "sdl": #Here comes the tv screen, you have to build and install gr-video-sdl for this (subproject of gnuradio, only in cvs for now) try: video_sink = video_sdl.sink_uc(frames_per_sec, width, height, 0, show_width, height) except: print "gr-video-sdl is not installed" print "realtime \"sdl\" video output window is not available" raise SystemExit, 1 self.dst = video_sink else: print "You can use the imagemagick display tool to show the resulting imagesequence" print "use the following line to show the demodulated TV-signal:" print "display -depth 8 -size " + str(width) + "x" + str( height) + " gray:" + filename print "(Use the spacebar to advance to next frames)" file_sink = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, filename) self.dst = file_sink if options.nframes is None: self.connect(self.src, self.agc) else: self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, int(options.nframes * width * height)) self.connect(self.src, self.head, self.agc) self.connect(self.agc, self.am_demod, self.invert_and_scale, self.set_blacklevel, self.f2uc, self.dst)
def test(self, ebno, data=None): random.seed(0) (nc, np) = self.puncparam # round number of bytes and symbols (FIXME, this is probably not always round) # one symbol = self.ncarriers * self.qambits * 0.5 * (np / nc) bits symbits = self.ncarriers * self.qambits * nc / (2. * np) #print "symbits = ", symbits assert int(self.nsymbols * symbits) % 8 == 0 length = int(self.nsymbols * symbits) / 8 # incl padding #print 'src: %d' % (length-1) #print 'pad: %d' % length #print 'fenc: %d' % (length * 8 * 2) #print 'punc: %f' % (length * 8 * 2. * np / nc) #print 'intrlv: %f' % ((length * 8 * 2. * np / nc) / (self.ncarriers*self.qambits)) #print 'total bits: %d' % (self.nframes * length * 8 * 2) if data is None: data = [ random.randint(0,255) for i in range((length-1)*self.nframes) ] data = tuple(data) src = gr.vector_source_b(data) #src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_char, "src1.datb"); dst = gr.vector_sink_b() fenc = raw.conv_enc() fdec = raw.conv_dec(length*8) punc = raw.conv_punc(nc, np) depunc = raw.conv_punc(np, nc, 128) pad = raw.conv_punc(length-1, length) depad = raw.conv_punc(length, length-1) intrlv = raw.intrlv_bit(self.ncarriers, self.qambits, False) deintrlv = raw.intrlv_bit(self.ncarriers, self.qambits, True) qenc = raw.qam_enc(self.qambits) qdec = raw.qam_dec(self.qambits) SNR = 10.0**(ebno/10.0) noise_power_in_channel = 1.0/SNR noise_voltage = math.sqrt(noise_power_in_channel/2.0) # AWGN only noise = gr.noise_source_c(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN, noise_voltage, 0) chan = gr.add_cc() self.tb.connect(noise, (chan, 1)) #chan = gr.channel_model(noise_voltage, 0.0, 1.0, [1.0, 0.0]), tofloat = gr.uchar_to_float() offset = gr.multiply_const_ff(255.0) touchar = gr.float_to_uchar() self.tb.connect(src, # length-1 pad, # length fenc, # 2*length punc, # 2*length*np/nc intrlv, # 2*length*np/nc (% ncarriers*qambits) qenc, # 2*length*np/nc / qambits (% ncarriers) chan, qdec, #tofloat, offset, touchar, deintrlv, depunc, fdec, depad, dst) #self.tb.connect(src, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "src.datb")) #self.tb.connect(pad, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "pad.datb")) #self.tb.connect(fenc, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "fenc.datb")) #self.tb.connect(punc, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "punc.datb")) #self.tb.connect(qenc, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "qenc.dat")) #self.tb.connect(qdec, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "qdec.datb")) #self.tb.connect(touchar, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "qdec.datb")) #self.tb.connect(depunc, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "depunc.datb")) #self.tb.connect(fdec, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "fdec.datb")) #self.tb.connect(depad, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, "depad.datb")) nerrors = 0 for (a,b) in itertools.izip(data, count = bitCount(a ^ b) nerrors += count ber = nerrors*1.0/len(data)/8 print "%d x %g @ %g dB\t#errors = %d\tBER = %g" % (self.qambits, nc/(2.0*np), ebno, nerrors, ber) return nerrors