def run(af, gobgpd_addr, *prefixes, **kw): table_args = dict() table_args["family"] = libgobgp.get_route_family(_AF_NAME[af]) table_args["destinations"] = [ gobgp_pb2.Destination(prefix=p) for p in prefixes ] if kw["rib_in_neighbor"] is not None: table_args["type"] = gobgp_pb2.ADJ_IN table_args["name"] = kw["rib_in_neighbor"] elif kw["rib_out_neighbor"] is not None: table_args["type"] = gobgp_pb2.ADJ_OUT table_args["name"] = kw["rib_out_neighbor"] else: table_args["type"] = gobgp_pb2.GLOBAL # grpc request channel = grpc.insecure_channel(gobgpd_addr + ':50051') try: stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) response_table = stub.GetRib( gobgp_pb2.GetRibRequest(table=gobgp_pb2.Table(**table_args)), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS).table except ExpirationError: print >> sys.stderr, "grpc request timed out!" except RemoteError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "grpc stub method failed:", e.details
def run(): channel = grpc.insecure_channel('') stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) nlri = Any() nlri.Pack( attribute_pb2.IPAddressPrefix( prefix_len=24, prefix="", )) origin = Any() origin.Pack(attribute_pb2.OriginAttribute( origin=2, # INCOMPLETE )) next_hop = Any() next_hop.Pack(attribute_pb2.NextHopAttribute(next_hop="", )) attributes = [origin, next_hop] stub.AddPath( gobgp_pb2.AddPathRequest(table_type=gobgp_pb2.GLOBAL, path=gobgp_pb2.Path( nlri=nlri, pattrs=attributes, family=gobgp_pb2.Family( afi=gobgp_pb2.Family.AFI_IP, safi=gobgp_pb2.Family.SAFI_UNICAST), )), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS, )
def run(): channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) peers = stub.ListPeer( gobgp_pb2.ListPeerRequest(), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ) for peer in peers: print(peer)
def run(gobgpd_addr): channel = grpc.insecure_channel(gobgpd_addr + ':50051') stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) try: peers = stub.GetNeighbor(gobgp_pb2.GetNeighborRequest()).peers for peer in peers: print("BGP neighbor is %s, remote AS %d" % (peer.conf.neighbor_address, peer.conf.peer_as)) print(" BGP version 4, remote router ID %s" % ( print(" BGP state = %s, up for %s" % (, peer.timers.state.uptime)) print(" BGP OutQ = %d, Flops = %d" % (, print(" Hold time is %d, keepalive interval is %d seconds" % (peer.timers.state.negotiated_hold_time, peer.timers.state.keepalive_interval)) print(" Configured hold time is %d, keepalive interval is %d seconds" % (peer.timers.config.hold_time, peer.timers.config.keepalive_interval)) except ExpirationError, e: print str(e) sys.exit(-1)
def run(prefix, af, gobgpd_addr, withdraw=False, **kw): route_family = libgobgp.get_route_family(_AF_NAME[af]) joined_args = prefix + " " + " ".join( map(lambda x: "{} {}".format(*x), kw.items())) serialized_path = libgobgp.serialize_path( route_family, joined_args, ).contents # nlri nlri = unpack_buf(serialized_path.nlri) # pattrs pattrs = [] for pattr_p in serialized_path.path_attributes.contents[:serialized_path. path_attributes_len]: pattrs.append(unpack_buf(pattr_p.contents)) # path dict path = dict([ ("family", route_family), ("nlri", nlri), ("pattrs", pattrs), ]) # grpc request channel = grpc.insecure_channel(gobgpd_addr + ':50051') try: stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) if not withdraw: res = stub.AddPath(gobgp_pb2.AddPathRequest(path=path), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS) # AddPathResponse uuid seems to have become empty since uuid became a member of Path structure. if res.uuid: print str(UUID(bytes=res.uuid)) else: path["is_withdraw"] = True res = stub.DeletePath(gobgp_pb2.DeletePathRequest(path=path), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS) except ExpirationError: print >> sys.stderr, "grpc request timed out!" except: traceback.print_exc()
def run(): channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) nlri = Any() nlri.Pack(attribute_pb2.IPAddressPrefix( prefix_len=24, prefix="", )) origin = Any() origin.Pack(attribute_pb2.OriginAttribute( origin=2, # INCOMPLETE )) as_segment = attribute_pb2.AsSegment( # type=2, # "type" causes syntax error numbers=[100, 200], ) as_segment.type = 2 # SEQ as_path = Any() as_path.Pack(attribute_pb2.AsPathAttribute( segments=[as_segment], )) next_hop = Any() next_hop.Pack(attribute_pb2.NextHopAttribute( next_hop="", )) attributes = [origin, as_path, next_hop] stub.AddPath( gobgp_pb2.AddPathRequest( table_type=gobgp_pb2.GLOBAL, path=gobgp_pb2.Path( nlri=nlri, pattrs=attributes, family=gobgp_pb2.Family(afi=gobgp_pb2.Family.AFI_IP, safi=gobgp_pb2.Family.SAFI_UNICAST), ) ), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS, )
import grpc from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any import gobgp_pb2 import gobgp_pb2_grpc import attribute_pb2 channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) # stub.GetTable(gobgp_pb2.GetTableRequest()) # k = stub.ListPath(gobgp_pb2.ListPathRequest('ipv4')) k = stub.ListPath( gobgp_pb2.ListPathRequest(family=gobgp_pb2.Family( afi=gobgp_pb2.Family.AFI_IP, safi=gobgp_pb2.Family.SAFI_UNICAST))) z = print(z.destination.ListFields()) l = z.destination.paths[0] print(l.ListFields()) print(l.ListFields()[1][1][1].value)
def run(gobgpd_addr, timeout): # family family = _AF_NAME['LS'] table_type = _TT["global"] name = None channel = grpc.insecure_channel(gobgpd_addr + ":50051") stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) res = stub.ListPath( gobgp_pb2.ListPathRequest( table_type=table_type, name=name, family=family, ), timeout, ) destinations = [d for d in res] for p in [p for d in destinations for p in d.destination.paths]: print_path(p) #print('this is the final lnetd_links') ''' Links format [{'source': '0002.0020.0200', 'target': '0003.0030.0300', 'l_ip': '', 'r_ip': '', 'metric': 10}] ''' #print(lnetd_links) print('\nthis is the final routers\n') ''' Router Format [{'igp_router_id': '0007.0070.0700', 'local_router_id': '', 'name': 'fr-p7-mrs'}] ''' #print(lnetd_routers) #generate nsap_ip name mapping map_nsap = {} for entry in lnetd_routers: map_nsap[entry['igp_router_id']] = entry['name'] df_links = pd.DataFrame(lnetd_links) df_links['source'] = df_links.apply(lambda row: map_nsap[row['source']], axis=1) df_links['target'] = df_links.apply(lambda row: map_nsap[row['target']], axis=1) df_links.loc[:, 'l_ip_r_ip'] = pd.Series([ tuple(sorted(each)) for each in list( zip(df_links.l_ip.values.tolist(), df_links.r_ip.values.tolist())) ]) df_links['l_ip_r_ip'] = df_links['l_ip_r_ip'].astype(str) print('\nThis is the final lnetd_links ... writing to db now \n', df_links) try: disk_engine = create_engine('sqlite:////opt/lnetd/web_app/database.db') df_links.to_sql('rpc_links', disk_engine, if_exists='replace') except Exception as e: print(e) #generate final routers df_routers = pd.DataFrame(lnetd_routers) df_routers = df_routers.drop(['igp_router_id'], axis=1) df_routers = df_routers.rename(columns={'local_router_id': 'ip'}) df_routers.loc[:, 'country'] = df_routers['name'].str[0:2] df_routers = df_routers.fillna(0) print('\nThis is the final lnetd_routers ... writing to db now \n', df_routers) try: disk_engine = create_engine('sqlite:////opt/lnetd/web_app/database.db') df_routers.to_sql('rpc_routers', disk_engine, if_exists='replace') except Exception as e: print(e)
def go_bgp_subnet(color, endpoint_device, target_device, sid_list, bsid_value, nh): """ inject or delete an route with <ACME>-CIDR and <ACME>-SCRUBBING community NLRI ORIGIN AS_PATH LP EXTENDED COMMUNITIES RT TUNNEL ENCAP TLVs SR Policy SUB-TLVs Preference Binding-SID SEG-LIST WEIGHT SEGMENT(1..n) """ channel = grpc.insecure_channel("localhost:50051") stub = gobgp_pb2_grpc.GobgpApiStub(channel) attributes = [] segments = [] # bgp-sr-te safi family = gobgp_pb2.Family( afi=gobgp_pb2.Family.AFI_IP, safi=gobgp_pb2.Family.SAFI_SR_POLICY ) # sr-te policy nlri nlri = Any() nlri.Pack( attribute_pb2.SRPolicyNLRI( color=color, distinguisher=2, endpoint=bytes(map(int, endpoint_device.split("."))), length=96, ) ) # next-hop next_hop = Any() next_hop.Pack( attribute_pb2.NextHopAttribute( next_hop=nh, ) ) attributes.append(next_hop) # Origin origin = Any() origin.Pack(attribute_pb2.OriginAttribute(origin=0)) attributes.append(origin) # Ext RT Communities rt = Any() rt.Pack( attribute_pb2.IPv4AddressSpecificExtended( address=target_device, local_admin=0, sub_type=0x02, is_transitive=False ) ) communities = Any() communities.Pack( attribute_pb2.ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute( communities=[rt], ) ) attributes.append(communities) # generic sid used for bsid sid = Any() sid.Pack( attribute_pb2.SRBindingSID( s_flag=False, i_flag=False, sid=(bsid_value).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") ) ) # bsid bsid = Any() bsid.Pack(attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapSubTLVSRBindingSID(bsid=sid)) # generic segment lbl for n in sid_list: segment = Any() segment.Pack( attribute_pb2.SegmentTypeA( flags=attribute_pb2.SegmentFlags(s_flag=False), label=n << 12 ) ) segments.append(segment) # segment list seglist = Any() seglist.Pack( attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapSubTLVSRSegmentList( weight=attribute_pb2.SRWeight(flags=0, weight=12), segments=segments, ) ) # pref pref = Any() pref.Pack(attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapSubTLVSRPreference(flags=0, preference=11)) # path name not used for now cpn = Any() cpn.Pack( attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapSubTLVSRCandidatePathName( candidate_path_name="test-path" ) ) # priority not used for now pri = Any() pri.Pack(attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapSubTLVSRPriority(priority=10)) tun = Any() # generate tunnel tun.Pack( attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapAttribute( tlvs=[ attribute_pb2.TunnelEncapTLV( type=15, tlvs=[ pref, bsid, seglist, # cpn, # pri, ], ) ] ) ) attributes.append(tun) stub.AddPath( gobgp_pb2.AddPathRequest( table_type=gobgp_pb2.GLOBAL, path=gobgp_pb2.Path( nlri=nlri, pattrs=attributes, family=family, best=True, ), ), _TIMEOUT_SECONDS, )