def extract_feature(cls, genome, track, ref, option, regSpec, binSpec, trackFormat) : 
     #print 'genome, track, ref, option, regSpec, binSpec, trackFormat: ', genome, track, ref, option, regSpec, binSpec, trackFormat
     validFeature = FeatureCatalog.getFeaturesFromTracks(genome,track,ref)[option] #validFeature contains analysisDef and the key to get the needed number from the global result
     if option == 'Prop. of tr1-points falling inside segments of tr2' and trackFormat in ['Segments', 'Valued segments'] :
         analysisDef = 'dummy [tf1=SegmentToMidPointFormatConverter] -> DerivedPointCountsVsSegsStat'
     else :    
         analysisDef = validFeature[0] #or any other statistic from the HB collection
     userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
     result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, ref, track, userBinSource).run() if option == 'Prop. of tr2 covered by tr1' else AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track, ref, userBinSource).run()
     validAnalysisDef = validFeature[1]
     assert result.getGlobalResult() is not None, 'Did not get any global result for analysisDef: '+validAnalysisDef
     return result.getGlobalResult()[validAnalysisDef]
 def extract_feature(self, genome, track, ref, option) : 
     this function return the relation of clusterTrack to referenceTrack
     option is the statistical function used, should be named feature
     track, ref is clusterTrack and referenceTrack
     validFeature = FeatureCatalog.getFeaturesFromTracks(genome,track,ref)[option] #validFeature contains analysisDef and the key to get the needed number from the global result
     if option == 'Prop. of tr1-points falling inside segments of tr2' and cls.getTrackFormat(genome, track) in ['Segments', 'Valued segments'] :
         analysisDef = 'dummy [tf1=SegmentToMidPointFormatConverter] -> DerivedPointCountsVsSegsStat'
     else :    
         analysisDef = validFeature[0] #or any other statistic from the HB collection
     if self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosomes" :
         regSpec = "__chrs__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosomes")
     elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosome arms" :
         regSpec = "__chrArms__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosome_arms")
     elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Cytobands" :
         regSpec = "__chrBands__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Cytobands")
     else :
         regSpec = self.params.get("region")
         binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
     #regSpec = self.params.get("region")
     #binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
     #regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
     #binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
     #genome = 'hg18'
     userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
     if option == 'Prop. of tr2 covered by tr1' : #because the confuse of refTrack and clusterTrack in this statistics
         result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, ref, track, userBinSource).run()
     else :
         result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track, ref, userBinSource).run()
     mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
     return mainResultDict[validFeature[1]]
 def extract_feature(self, genome, track, ref, option) : 
     this function return the relation of clusterTrack to referenceTrack
     option is the statistical function used, should be named feature
     track, ref is clusterTrack and referenceTrack
     validFeature = FeatureCatalog.getFeaturesFromTracks(genome,track,ref)[option] #validFeature contains analysisDef and the key to get the needed number from the global result
     if option == 'Prop. of tr1-points falling inside segments of tr2' and self.getTrackFormat(genome, track) in ['Segments', 'Valued segments'] :
         analysisDef = 'dummy [tf1=SegmentToMidPointFormatConverter] -> DerivedPointCountsVsSegsStat'
     else :    
         analysisDef = validFeature[0] #or any other statistic from the HB collection
     if self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosomes" :
         regSpec = "__chrs__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosomes")
     elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosome arms" :
         regSpec = "__chrArms__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosome_arms")
     elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Cytobands" :
         regSpec = "__chrBands__"
         binSpec = self.params.get("Cytobands")
     else :
         regSpec = self.params.get("region")
         binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
     #regSpec = self.params.get("region")
     #binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
     #regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
     #binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
     #genome = 'hg18'
     userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
     if option == 'Prop. of tr2 covered by tr1' : #because the confuse of refTrack and clusterTrack in this statistics
         result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, ref, track, userBinSource).run()
     else :
         result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track, ref, userBinSource).run()
     mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
     return mainResultDict[validFeature[1]]
 def computeDistance(cls, genome, track1, track2, feature, regSpec, binSpec): #direct distance between track1, track2
     track1 and track2 are two lists like : ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE']
     feature specifies how the distance between track1 and track2 is defined 
     validFeature = DirectDistanceCatalog.getValidAnalyses(genome, track1, track2)[feature]
     analysisDef = validFeature[0] #'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
     userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
     result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track1, track2, userBinSource).run()
     mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
     return mainResultDict[validFeature[1]]
    def computeDistance(track1, track2, feature='direct distance'):
        track1 and track2 are two lists like : ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE']
        feature specifies how the distance between track1 and track2 is defined 
        analysisDef = 'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
        regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
        binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
        genome = 'hg18' # path /../../..../genome
        #allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False) #all elements in 'Repeating elements' directory, trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
        userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
        result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track1, track2, userBinSource).run()
        #result er av klassen Results..
        #from gold.result.Results import Results

        mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
        #from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
        #self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

        mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
        return mainValueOfInterest
    def computeDistance(self, genome, track1, track2, feature): #direct distance between track1, track2
        track1 and track2 are two lists like : ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE']
        feature specifies how the distance between track1 and track2 is defined 
        validFeature = DirectDistanceCatalog.getValidAnalyses(genome, track1, track2)[feature]
        analysisDef = validFeature[0] #'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
        if self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosomes" :
            regSpec = "__chrs__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosomes")
        elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosome arms" :
            regSpec = "__chrArms__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosome_arms")
        elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Cytobands" :
            regSpec = "__chrBands__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Cytobands")
        else :
            regSpec = self.params.get("region")
            binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
        #regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
        #binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
        #genome = 'hg18' # path /../../..../genome
        #allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False), trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
        userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
        result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track1, track2, userBinSource).run()
        #result er av klassen Results..
        #from gold.result.Results import Results

        mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
        #from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
        #self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

        #mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
        return mainResultDict[validFeature[1]]
    def computeDistance(self, genome, track1, track2, feature): #direct distance between track1, track2
        track1 and track2 are two lists like : ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE']
        feature specifies how the distance between track1 and track2 is defined 
        validFeature = DirectDistanceCatalog.getValidAnalyses(genome, track1, track2)[feature]
        analysisDef = validFeature[0] #'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
        if self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosomes" :
            regSpec = "__chrs__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosomes")
        elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Chromosome arms" :
            regSpec = "__chrArms__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Chromosome_arms")
        elif self.params.get("compare_in") == "Cytobands" :
            regSpec = "__chrBands__"
            binSpec = self.params.get("Cytobands")
        else :
            regSpec = self.params.get("region")
            binSpec = self.params.get("binsize")
        #regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
        #binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
        #genome = 'hg18' # path /../../..../genome
        #allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False), trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
        userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
        result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track1, track2, userBinSource).run()
        #result er av klassen Results..
        #from gold.result.Results import Results

        mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
        #from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
        #self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

        #mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
        return mainResultDict[validFeature[1]]
    def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
        '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
        Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history.
        If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
        choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.
        #print 'Executing...'    
        #print choices   
        #trackName1 = ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE'] #a list of subdirectories from 'genome' to the repeat file
        #trackName2 = ['Sequence','Repeating elements','SINE']
        #allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False) #all elements in 'Repeating elements' directory
        #analysisDef = 'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
        #regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
        #binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
        genome = 'hg18' # path /../../..../genome
        allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False) #all elements in 'Repeating elements' directory, trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
        #userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)

        #result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, trackName1, trackName2, userBinSource).run()
        #result er av klassen Results..
        #from gold.result.Results import Results

        #mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
        #from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
        #self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

        #mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
        #print 'first repeat', allRepeats[0]
        #print '\n all repeats', allRepeats
        #minValue = HiepsTool.computeDistance(trackName1,trackName2)
        #print minValue
        #choicedTracks = [['Sequence','Repeating elements',name] for name in choices]
        #print '\n choiced tracks', choicedTracks
        #d_matrix = HiepsTool.constructDistMatrix(choicedTracks)
        #tree = treecluster(distancematrix=d_matrix, method='s')
        #print tree

        #figure = StaticFile(['hiepln','dendro'],'jpg')
        #filepath = figure.getDiskPath()
        #print filepath           
        #print figure.getLink('clustring result')
        track1 = ['Sequence','Repeating elements', 'DNA']
        track2 = ['Gene regulation', 'TFBS', 'High Throughput']
        analysisDef = 'bla bla -> DerivedOverlapStat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
        regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
        binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
        genome = 'hg18' # path /../../..../genome
        #allRepeats = GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(genome,['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False) #all elements in 'Repeating elements' directory, trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
        userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)
        result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, track1, track2, userBinSource).run()
        #result er av klassen Results..
        #from gold.result.Results import Results

        mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
        #keys = result.getResDictKeys()
        #print keys
        #print mainResultDict['2in1']
        print '<ol>'
        for key in mainResultDict.keys() : 
            print '<li>key:%s,value:%s </li>'%(key,mainResultDict[key])
        print '</ol>'
from gold.application.GalaxyInterface import GalaxyInterface
from gold.application.StatRunner import AnalysisDefJob

trackName1 = ['Sequence', 'Repeating elements', 'LINE']
trackName2 = ['Sequence', 'Repeating elements', 'SINE']
#GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False)

analysisDef = 'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat'  #or any other statistic from the HB collection
regSpec = 'chr1'  #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
binSpec = '10m'  #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins
genome = 'hg18', trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec, binSpec, genome)

result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, trackName1, trackName2,
#result er av klassen Results..
#from gold.result.Results import Results

mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
#from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
#self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
print 'The ..variance..: ', mainValueOfInterest
from gold.application.GalaxyInterface import GalaxyInterface
from gold.application.StatRunner import AnalysisDefJob

trackName1 = ['Sequence','Repeating elements','LINE'] 
trackName2 = ['Sequence','Repeating elements','SINE']
#GalaxyInterface.getSubTrackNames(['Sequence','Repeating elements'],False)

analysisDef = 'bla bla -> PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat' #or any other statistic from the HB collection
regSpec = 'chr1' #could also be e.g. 'chr1' for the whole chromosome or '*' for the whole genome
binSpec = '10m' #could also be e.g.'100', '1k' or '*' for whole regions/chromosomes as bins 
genome = 'hg18', trackName2, question, regSpec, binSpec, genome='hg18')
userBinSource = GalaxyInterface._getUserBinSource(regSpec,binSpec,genome)

result = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, trackName1, trackName2, userBinSource).run()
#result er av klassen Results..
#from gold.result.Results import Results

mainResultDict = result.getGlobalResult()
#from PropFreqOfTr1VsTr2Stat:...
#self._result = {'Track1Prop':ratio,'CountTrack1':c1, 'CountTrack2':c2,'Variance':variance}

mainValueOfInterest = mainResultDict['Variance']
print 'The ..variance..: ', mainValueOfInterest