def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save images and segments"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with contents of Fuego Cropped Images"], ] optArgs = [["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], [ "d", "display", "(optional) specify any value to display image and boxes" ]] args = collect_args.collectArgs( reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) cameraCache = {} with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) exit(0) [cropName, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, fileName] = csvRow[:6] minX = int(minX) minY = int(minY) maxX = int(maxX) maxY = int(maxY) dirID = getCameraDir(googleServices['drive'], cameraCache, fileName) localFilePath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, fileName) if not os.path.isfile(localFilePath): goog_helper.downloadFile(googleServices['drive'], dirID, fileName, localFilePath) imgOrig = squareCoords = rect_to_squares.rect_to_squares( minX, minY, maxX, maxY, imgOrig.size[0], imgOrig.size[1], MIN_SIZE) # print(squareCoords) imgNameNoExt = str(os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]) for coords in squareCoords: cropImgName = imgNameNoExt + '_Crop_' + 'x'.join( list(map(lambda x: str(x), coords))) + '.jpg' cropImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, 'cropped', cropImgName) cropped_img = imgOrig.crop(coords), format='JPEG') print('Processed row: %s, file: %s, num squares: %d' % (rowIndex, fileName, len(squareCoords))) if args.display: squareCoords.append((minX, minY, maxX, maxY)) displayImageWithScores(imgOrig, squareCoords) imageDisplay(imgOrig)
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save images and segments"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with contents of Fuego Cropped Images"], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], [ "d", "display", "(optional) specify any value to display image and boxes" ], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs( reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) cameraCache = {} with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: logging.warning('Reached end row: %d, %d', rowIndex, endRow) exit(0) logging.warning('row %d: %s', rowIndex, csvRow[:2]) [cameraName, cropName] = csvRow[:2] if not cameraName: continue fileName = re.sub('_Crop[^.]+', '', cropName) # get back filename for whole image dirID = getCameraDir(googleServices['drive'], cameraCache, fileName) localFilePath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, fileName) if not os.path.isfile(localFilePath): goog_helper.downloadFile(googleServices['drive'], dirID, fileName, localFilePath) logging.warning('local %s', fileName) cropInfo = re.findall('_Crop_(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+)', cropName) if len(cropInfo) != 1: logging.error('Failed to parse crop info %s, %s', cropName, cropInfo) exit(1) cropInfo = list(map(lambda x: int(x), cropInfo[0])) logging.warning('Dims: %s', cropInfo) imgOrig = rect_to_squares.cutBoxesFixed(imgOrig, args.outputDir, fileName, lambda x: checkCoords(x, cropInfo))
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["d", "dirID", "ID of google drive directory"], ["f", "fileName", "fileName of google drive file"], ] optArgs = [ ["u", "upload", "(optional) performs upload vs. download"], [ "s", "startTime", "(optional) performs search with modifiedTime > startTime" ], [ "e", "endTime", "(optional) performs search with modifiedTime < endTime" ], ["l", "listOnly", "(optional) list vs. download"], [ "r", "remove", "(optional) performs remove/delete vs. download (value must be 'delete')" ], [ "m", "maxFiles", "override default of 100 for max number of files to operate on" ], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs( reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) maxFiles = int(args.maxFiles) if args.maxFiles else 100 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) # default mode is to download a single file operation = 'download' multipleFiles = False batchMode = True MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 25 # increasing size beyond 60 tends to generate http 500 errors if args.upload: operation = 'upload' elif args.remove: if args.remove != 'delete': logging.error( "value for remove must be 'delete', but instead is %s", args.remove) exit(1) operation = 'delete' elif args.listOnly: operation = 'list' if args.startTime or args.endTime: multipleFiles = True if not multipleFiles: if operation == 'upload': goog_helper.uploadFile(googleServices['drive'], args.dirID, args.fileName) else: assert operation == 'download' goog_helper.downloadFile(googleServices['drive'], args.dirID, args.fileName, args.fileName) else: nextPageToken = 'init' processedFiles = 0 while True: batch = None batchCount = 0 (items, nextPageToken) = goog_helper.searchFiles(googleServices['drive'], args.dirID, args.startTime, args.endTime, args.fileName, npt=nextPageToken) firstLast = '' if len(items) > 0: firstLast = str(items[0]) + ' to ' + str(items[-1]) logging.warning('Found %d files: %s', len(items), firstLast) if operation == 'list': logging.warning('All files: %s', items) for item in items: if operation == 'delete': if batchMode: if not batch: batch = googleServices[ 'drive'].new_batch_http_request( callback=delete_file) batch.add(googleServices['drive'].files().delete( fileId=item["id"], supportsTeamDrives=True)) batchCount += 1 if batchCount == MAX_BATCH_SIZE: logging.warning('Execute batch with %d items', batchCount) batch.execute() batch = None batchCount = 0 else: googleServices['drive'].files().delete( fileId=item["id"], supportsTeamDrives=True).execute() elif operation == 'download': goog_helper.downloadFileByID(googleServices['drive'], item['id'], item['name']) if batch and batchCount: batch.execute() batch = None processedFiles += len(items) logging.warning('Processed %d of max %d. NextToken: %s', processedFiles, maxFiles, bool(nextPageToken)) if (processedFiles >= maxFiles) or not nextPageToken: break # exit if we processed enough files or no files left logging.warning('Done')
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save images segments"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with contents of Fuego Cropped Images"], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], ["d", "display", "(optional) specify any value to display image and boxes"], ["x", "minDiffX", "(optional) override default minDiffX of 299"], ["y", "minDiffY", "(optional) override default minDiffY of 299"], ["a", "minArea", "(optional) override default throw away areas < 1/100 of 299x299"], ["t", "throwSize", "(optional) override default throw away size of 1000x1000"], ["g", "growRatio", "(optional) override default grow ratio of 1.2"], ["m", "minusMinutes", "(optional) subtract images from given number of minutes ago"], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs(reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 minDiffX = int(args.minDiffX) if args.minDiffX else 299 minDiffY = int(args.minDiffY) if args.minDiffY else 299 throwSize = int(args.throwSize) if args.throwSize else 1000 growRatio = float(args.growRatio) if args.growRatio else 1.2 minArea = int(args.minArea) if args.minArea else int(299*2.99) minusMinutes = int(args.minusMinutes) if args.minusMinutes else 0 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) camArchives = img_archive.getHpwrenCameraArchives(googleServices['sheet'], settings) if minusMinutes: timeGapDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60*minusMinutes) cameraCache = {} skippedTiny = [] skippedHuge = [] skippedArchive = [] with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) break [cropName, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, fileName] = csvRow[:6] minX = int(minX) minY = int(minY) maxX = int(maxX) maxY = int(maxY) oldCoords = (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) if ((maxX - minX) > throwSize) and ((maxY - minY) > throwSize): logging.warning('Skip large image: dx=%d, dy=%d, name=%s', maxX - minX, maxY - minY, fileName) skippedHuge.append((rowIndex, fileName, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)) continue if ((maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY)) < minArea: logging.warning('Skipping tiny image with area: %d, name=%s', (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY), fileName) skippedTiny.append((rowIndex, fileName, (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY))) continue # get base image from google drive that was uploaded by dirID = getCameraDir(googleServices['drive'], cameraCache, fileName)#-##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# localFilePath = os.path.join(settings.downloadDir, fileName)#sets a path for that image() not yet downloadedby this iteration print('local', localFilePath) if not os.path.isfile(localFilePath):# if file has not been downloaded by a previous iteration print('download', fileName) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName)#parses file name into dictionary of parts name,unixtime,etc. #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#matchingCams = list(filter(lambda x: nameParsed['cameraID'] == x['id'], camArchives))#filter through camArchives for ids matching cameraid #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#if len(matchingCams) != 1:#if we cannot determine where the image will come from we cannot use the image #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# logging.warning('Skipping camera without archive: %d, %s', len(matchingCams), str(matchingCams)) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, matchingCams)) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# continue #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#archiveDirs = matchingCams[0]['dirs'] #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#logging.warning('Found %s directories', archiveDirs) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nameParsed['unixTime']) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#for dirName in archiveDirs:#search directories of camera for a time near #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# logging.warning('Searching for files in dir %s', dirName) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# imgPaths = img_archive.downloadFilesHpwren(settings.downloadDir, nameParsed['cameraID'], dirName, time, time, 1, 0) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# if imgPaths: #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# localFilePath = imgPaths[0] #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# break #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN#if not imgPaths: #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# logging.warning('Skipping image not found: %s', fileName) #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, time))#archive that images were skipped #+##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# continue goog_helper.downloadFile(googleServices['drive'], dirID, fileName, localFilePath)#-##REPLACE DEP. GDRIVE W HPREWN# imgOrig = image # if in subracted images mode, download an earlier image and subtract if minusMinutes: nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName)#parses file name into dictionary of parts name,unixtime,etc. dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nameParsed['unixTime']) dt -= timeGapDelta earlierImgPath = None files = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(googleServices, settings, settings.downloadDir, camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID'], dt, dt, 1) if files: earlierImgPath = files[0] else: logging.warning('Skipping image without prior image: %s, %s', str(dt), fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, dt)) continue logging.warning('Subtracting old image %s', earlierImgPath) earlierImg = diffImg = img_archive.diffImages(imgOrig, earlierImg) # realImgOrig = imgOrig # is this useful? imgOrig = diffImg fileNameParts = os.path.splitext(fileName) fileName = str(fileNameParts[0]) + ('_Diff%d' % minusMinutes) + fileNameParts[1] # crop the full sized image to show just the smoke, but shifted and flipped # shifts and flips increase number of segments for training and also prevent overfitting by perturbing data cropCoords = getCropCoords((minX, minY, maxX, maxY), minDiffX, minDiffY, growRatio, (imgOrig.size[0], imgOrig.size[1])) for newCoords in cropCoords: # XXXX - save work if old=new? print('coords old,new', oldCoords, newCoords) imgNameNoExt = str(os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]) cropImgName = imgNameNoExt + '_Crop_' + 'x'.join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), newCoords))) + '.jpg' cropImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, cropImgName) cropped_img = imgOrig.crop(newCoords), format='JPEG') flipped_img = cropped_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) flipImgName = imgNameNoExt + '_Crop_' + 'x'.join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), newCoords))) + '_Flip.jpg' flipImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, flipImgName), format='JPEG') print('Processed row: %s, file: %s' % (rowIndex, fileName)) if args.display: displayCoords = [oldCoords] + cropCoords displayImageWithScores(imgOrig, displayCoords) imageDisplay(imgOrig) logging.warning('Skipped tiny images %d, %s', len(skippedTiny), str(skippedTiny)) logging.warning('Skipped huge images %d, %s', len(skippedHuge), str(skippedHuge)) logging.warning('Skipped images without archives %d, %s', len(skippedArchive), str(skippedArchive))