def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): initialize_global_vars() from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) cookie_key = "XjDzoCInuFhX1Jt3ZrSSNPQlu6rHLPJUe5DIeujJzZQwQRm7ZRPyOdQZoFzSi5y6CGOprcXgRCaXjDdHnl2RXOVak6fMyk6WJmJ8j9wayI8JoNznIGw7md9XurD7DheB" app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=cookie_key) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): # apply session middleware key = "'\\x15\\xbb\\x04]\\x87z\\x19\\xe5\\xb6(\\x19\\xc8c:I\\x83t\\xfbw\\ti\\x1c^`\\xa4\\x05\\x16\\x7f\\xce\\xff\\x98\\xac-vDj{x~\\xa9V\\x07\\x1e\\xebG\\x82\\xc4\\xef\\x0f\\xdd\\xc6\\xb0O!\\r\\xcf\\xd4\\xbb\\xb3^\\x16\\n\\x1a@'" app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=key, cookie_only_threshold=0) # apply appstats middleware app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) app = BlockingMiddleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) # To generate the cookie_key below, run the following: # ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + "!@#$%^&*()-=+_[]}{;:'/.,<>?") for x in range(100)) app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key="!LHa-PU;Jtaitvd1#EXmKmDhP}Z43CXDNf3:qizp!O}Vzv['LU:P<f*UF]ro.wA10<qZ&1JIcW{Pgp&v{TPJ8eH.qI,0+P2?3=Tf") return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Enable AppStats if requested.""" if gcb_appstats_enabled():'Enabling AppStats.') from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """ Middleware for WSGI """ from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def enable_appstats(app): """Enables appstats middleware.""" if debug: return from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import appstats_wsgi_middleware app.wsgi_app = appstats_wsgi_middleware(app.wsgi_app)
def __init__(self, app, setup_signals=False): self.settings_module = os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] from djangoappengine.boot import setup_env setup_env() from django.conf import settings if setup_signals: # Load all to ensure signal handling installation or index # loading of some apps. for app_to_import in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try: import_module('%s.models' % app_to_import) except ImportError: pass ## In vanilla Django, staticfiles overrides runserver to use StaticFilesHandler ## if necessary. As we can't do this in our runserver (because we handover to dev_appserver) ## this has to be done here if (not on_production_server and settings.DEBUG) and 'django.contrib.staticfiles' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from django.contrib.staticfiles.handlers import StaticFilesHandler app = StaticFilesHandler(app) if getattr(settings, 'ENABLE_APPSTATS', False): from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import \ appstats_wsgi_middleware app = appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) self.wrapped_app = app
def enable_appstats(app): """ Utility function that enables appstats middleware.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import appstats_wsgi_middleware = appstats_wsgi_middleware( return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Called with each WSGI handler initialisation """ app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY) # For profiling: from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def main(): app = webapp.WSGIApplication([ ('/tag/(.+)', TagHandler), ], debug=False) app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key='-\x9e}f\xd0h\x8fn\x83\x9a\xef\xf2\x13c\x15\x9cZk\x1f\x1d.Z\x02\xec\x8d)\xb9\r,\xb3\x90mG\x1a\xe2z\x9d\xb8\xd8d\xb6\x1a\xce\x81\x12\x89\xbdT\xf0c\x0e\x13N\xff\xfd\x9d\xc5\x87\xcd\xa3\xb6Y\xd6\x8f') app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) run_wsgi_app(app)
def enable_appstats(app): '''Utility function that enables appstats middleware.''' try: from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import appstats_wsgi_middleware = appstats_wsgi_middleware( except Exception, e: logging.error( 'Failed to initialize AppStats. Exception encountered: "' + str(e) + '".')
def main(): # create app app = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/tasks/ping/(.*)', PingWorker), ('/tasks/twit/(.*)', TwitterWorker)]) # instrument app for appstats app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) # run the app run_wsgi_app(app)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): ''' Add appstats profiling middleware. ''' if config.get('apptools.system', {}).get('hooks', {}).get('appstats', {}).get('enabled', False) == True: from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=settings.COOKIE_KEY) if settings.DEBUG: # load profiling tool from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def pre_run_app(self, app): """Wraps the application by by AppEngine's appstats :param app: The ``WSGIApplication`` instance. :return: The application, wrapped or not. """ return appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """ Records statistics about each web request. @see: """ from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) # cookie key was generated using os.random(64) # as per documentation recommendation app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key="\xef\xcd\xa50\xee3\x06_\x8e\xaa\xa2\xd5G\x98\xa9\x89\xf1\xe5\x18\x8fJ\xa1-\x939\xb2\x1b\x7fe\xf5\xc0\xfc`C\xd2\xc0\xe0vN\x03\x83\xfe`\xa5\x94\xfe\xf0P\xf1p,\xdcc\xael\xf9\xb2V\x83-\xb3\xb0\x16\xc1") return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) from lib.secret_keys import SESSION_KEY from lib.gaesessions import SessionMiddleware app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=SESSION_KEY) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Enable AppStats if requested.""" if gcb_appstats_enabled():'Enabling AppStats.') # pylint: disable-msg=g-import-not-at-top from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording # pylint: enable-msg=g-import-not-at-top app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): #Does this get called too often? #while delete_expired_sessions() is False: #pass from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=SESSION_COOKIE_KEY) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(wsgi_app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording wsgi_app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wsgi_app) try: import datastore_stats wsgi_app = datastore_stats.datastore_stats_wsgi_middleware(wsgi_app) except: logging.exception('No DS Stats module') pass return wsgi_app
def add_wsgi_middleware(app): """ Enables appstats :param app: application object :return: returns the application object """ from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app.wsgi_app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app.wsgi_app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): # Monkey patch that disables AppStats logging from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording def save(self): try: self._save() except Exception: pass = save app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): import settings from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording from gaesessions import SessionMiddleware app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_KEY, cookie_only_threshold=0, #we cannot use cookies as session is used by ios apps as well lifetime=settings.SESSION_LIFETIME) if settings.APPSTATS_ENABLED: app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=";lkjascvpoiuzxclvkjswd:LKJHLKJHPoiu;lkj32453456lkjhkjwdhfgsdfggfdse",lifetime=datetime.timedelta(365)) from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) # Add the following from gae_bingo.middleware import GAEBingoWSGIMiddleware app = GAEBingoWSGIMiddleware(app) return app
def post_make_app(self, app): """Wraps the application by by AppEngine's appstats :param app: The ``WSGIApplication`` instance. :return: The application, wrapped or not. """ # Wrap the callable, so we keep a reference to the app... app.wsgi_app = appstats_wsgi_middleware(app.wsgi_app) # ...and return the original app. return app
def run(project_dir, appstats=True, debug=None): # auto detect environment (development or production) if debug is None: debug = development_env() COOKIE_KEY = 'my_private_key_used_for_this_application_%s' % get_application_id() if development_env(): # always reload configuration app = WSGIApplication(project_dir, debug) else: app = WSGIApplication.active_instance or WSGIApplication(project_dir, debug) app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY, cookie_only_threshold=0) if appstats: app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) run_wsgi_app(app)
def _add_appengine_stats(wsgi_app): """Adds middleware to capture stats via AppStats. You should enable AppStats by setting "appstats: on" under builtins in app.yaml. """ try: from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording except ImportError: pass else: wsgi_app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wsgi_app) return wsgi_app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Configure additional middlewares for webapp. This function is called automatically by webapp.util.run_wsgi_app to give the opportunity for an application to register additional wsgi middleware components. See http:// for more information about configuring and running appstats. """ from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def wrap(self, app): """Wrap and return a WSGI application with appstats recording enabled. Args: app: existing WSGI application to be wrapped Returns: new WSGI application that will run the original app with appstats enabled. """ def wrapped_appstats_app(environ, start_response): # Use this wrapper to grab the app stats recorder for if recording.recorder_proxy.has_recorder_for_current_request(): self.recorder = recording.recorder_proxy.get_for_current_request( ) return app(environ, start_response) return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wrapped_appstats_app)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): # pragma: no cover """Add AppStats recording. This also sets the level of appstats log messages to 'debug' by monkey-patching. For details, see: """ from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording def save(self): t0 = time.time() with self._lock: num_pending = len(self.pending) if num_pending: logging.warn( 'Found %d RPC request(s) without matching response ' '(presumably due to timeouts or other errors)', num_pending) self.dump() try: key, len_part, len_full = self._save() except Exception: logging.exception(' failed') return t1 = time.time() link = 'http://%s%s/details?time=%s' % (self.env.get( 'HTTP_HOST', ''), recording.config.stats_url, int(self.start_timestamp * 1000)) logging.debug( 'Saved; key: %s, part: %s bytes, full: %s bytes, ' 'overhead: %.3f + %.3f; link: %s', key, len_part, len_full, self.overhead, t1 - t0, link) = save app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "") # Never profile calls to the profiler itself to avoid endless recursion. should_not_profile = (not config.should_profile(environ) or path_info.startswith("/gae_mini_profiler/") or path_info.startswith('/_ah/stats')) if should_not_profile: result =, start_response) for value in result: yield value return try: self._lock.acquire() # Start w/ a non-profiled app at the beginning of each request = self.app_clean = None self.recorder = None self.temporary_redirect = False self.simple_timing = cookies.get_cookie_value( "g-m-p-disabled") == "1" requeststore.clear_id() # Set a random ID for this request so we can look up stats later request_id = requeststore.generate_id() # Send request id in headers so jQuery ajax calls can pick # up profiles. def profiled_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): if status.startswith("302 "): # Temporary redirect. Add request identifier to redirect location # so next rendered page can show this request's profile. headers = ProfilerWSGIMiddleware.headers_with_modified_redirect( environ, headers) self.temporary_redirect = True # Append headers used when displaying profiler results from ajax requests headers.append(("X-MiniProfiler-Id", request_id)) headers.append( ("X-MiniProfiler-QS", environ.get("QUERY_STRING"))) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) if self.simple_timing: # Detailed recording is disabled. Just track simple start/stop time. self.start = time.clock() result =, profiled_start_response) for value in result: yield value self.end = time.clock() else: # Add logging handler self.add_handler() # Configure AppStats output, keeping a high level of request # content so we can detect dupe RPCs more accurately from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording recording.config.MAX_REPR = 750 # Turn on AppStats monitoring for this request old_app = def wrapped_appstats_app(environ, start_response): # Use this wrapper to grab the app stats recorder for if recording.recorder_proxy.has_recorder_for_current_request( ): self.recorder = recording.recorder_proxy.get_for_current_request( ) return old_app(environ, start_response) = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware( wrapped_appstats_app) # Turn on cProfile profiling for this request import cProfile = cProfile.Profile() # Get profiled wsgi result result = lambda *args, **kwargs: environ, profiled_start_response), None, None) # If we're dealing w/ a generator, profile all of the .next calls as well if type(result) == GeneratorType: while True: try: yield except StopIteration: break else: for value in result: yield value self.logs = self.get_logs(self.handler) logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self.handler) self.handler = None # Store stats for later access RequestStats(request_id, environ, self).store() admins = config.email_profile_results_to(environ) if admins: version = environ.get("CURRENT_VERSION_ID").split('.')[0] app_id = app_identity.get_application_id() path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "") mail.send_mail( '' % app_id, admins, 'Profile for %s' % path_info, 'Go to' % (version, app_id, request_id)) # Just in case we're using up memory in the recorder and profiler self.recorder = None = None requeststore.clear_id() finally: self._lock.release()
if 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' in os.environ and os.environ[ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Dev'): # use our debug.utils with Jinja2 templates import debug.utils sys.modules['werkzeug.debug.utils'] = debug.utils # don't use inspect.getsourcefile because the imp module is empty import inspect inspect.getsourcefile = inspect.getfile # wrap the application from werkzeug import DebuggedApplication app = DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=True) CGIHandler().run(recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = decorators # coding: UTF-8 from flask import g from flask import redirect from flask import url_for from functools import wraps from werkzeug.contrib.cache import GAEMemcachedCache cache = GAEMemcachedCache()
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): if settings.RUN_APP_STATS: from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Enable AppStats if requested.""" if gcb_appstats_enabled(): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """WSGI middleware configuration.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
if num_errors: error_text = logging.critical("One or more models did not validate:\n%s" % error_text) else:"All models validated.") if not on_production_server: validate_models() def log_traceback(*args, **kwargs): import logging logging.exception("Exception in request:") signals.got_request_exception.connect(log_traceback) # Create a Django application for WSGI. application = WSGIHandler() # Add the staticfiles handler if necessary. if settings.DEBUG and 'django.contrib.staticfiles' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from django.contrib.staticfiles.handlers import StaticFilesHandler application = StaticFilesHandler(application) if getattr(settings, 'ENABLE_APPSTATS', False): from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import \ appstats_wsgi_middleware application = appstats_wsgi_middleware(application)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Adds support for Appstats, the appengine RPC instrumentation service.""" app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): global request_id request_id = None # Start w/ a non-profiled app at the beginning of each request = self.app_clean = None self.recorder = None self.temporary_redirect = False if config.should_profile(environ): # Set a random ID for this request so we can look up stats later import base64 import os request_id = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(5)) self.add_handler() # Send request id in headers so jQuery ajax calls can pick # up profiles. def profiled_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): if status.startswith("302 "): # Temporary redirect. Add request identifier to redirect location # so next rendered page can show this request's profile. headers = ProfilerWSGIMiddleware.headers_with_modified_redirect( environ, headers) self.temporary_redirect = True # Append headers used when displaying profiler results from ajax requests headers.append(("X-MiniProfiler-Id", request_id)) headers.append( ("X-MiniProfiler-QS", environ.get("QUERY_STRING"))) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) # Configure AppStats output, keeping a high level of request # content so we can detect dupe RPCs more accurately # monkey patch appstats.formatting to fix string quoting bug # see import unformatter.formatting import google.appengine.ext.appstats.formatting google.appengine.ext.appstats.formatting._format_value = unformatter.formatting._format_value from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording recording.config.MAX_REPR = 750 # Turn on AppStats monitoring for this request old_app = def wrapped_appstats_app(environ, start_response): # Use this wrapper to grab the app stats recorder for if hasattr(recording.recorder, "get_for_current_request"): self.recorder = recording.recorder.get_for_current_request( ) else: self.recorder = recording.recorder return old_app(environ, start_response) = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wrapped_appstats_app) # Turn on cProfile profiling for this request import cProfile = cProfile.Profile() # Get profiled wsgi result result = lambda *args, **kwargs: environ, profiled_start_response), None, None) self.recorder = recording.recorder # If we're dealing w/ a generator, profile all of the .next calls as well if type(result) == GeneratorType: while True: try: yield except StopIteration: break else: for value in result: yield value self.logs = self.get_logs(self.handler) logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self.handler) self.handler = None # Store stats for later access RequestStats(request_id, environ, self).store() # Just in case we're using up memory in the recorder and profiler self.recorder = None = None request_id = None else: result =, start_response) for value in result: yield value
def profile_start_response(self, app, environ, start_response): """Collect and store statistics for a single request. Use this method from middleware in place of the standard request-serving pattern. Do: profiler = RequestProfiler(...) return profiler(app, environ, start_response) Instead of: return app(environ, start_response) Depending on the mode, this method gathers timing information and an execution profile and stores them in the datastore for later access. """ # Always track simple start/stop time. self.start = time.time() if self.mode == Mode.SIMPLE: # Detailed recording is disabled. result = app(environ, start_response) for value in result: yield value else: # Add logging handler self.add_handler() # Monkey patch appstats.formatting to fix string quoting bug # See # TODO(chris): remove. This bug is marked as fixed. import unformatter.formatting import google.appengine.ext.appstats.formatting google.appengine.ext.appstats.formatting._format_value = unformatter.formatting._format_value # Configure AppStats output, keeping a high level of request # content so we can detect dupe RPCs more accurately from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording recording.config.MAX_REPR = 750 if self.mode != Mode.CPU_ONLY: # Turn on AppStats monitoring for this request old_app = app def wrapped_appstats_app(environ, start_response): # Use this wrapper to grab the app stats recorder for if recording.recorder_proxy.has_recorder_for_current_request(): self.recorder = recording.recorder_proxy.get_for_current_request() return old_app(environ, start_response) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wrapped_appstats_app) # By default, we create a placeholder wrapper function that # simply calls whatever function it is passed as its first # argument. This is a placeholder that mimics the signature # expected by's function wrapper (see below). result_fxn_wrapper = lambda fxn, *args: fxn() if self.mode != Mode.RPC_ONLY: # Turn on cProfile profiling for this request import cProfile = cProfile.Profile() # Get profiled wsgi results by executing them via # prof.runcall. result_fxn_wrapper = # Get wsgi result result = result_fxn_wrapper(lambda *args, **kwargs: app(environ, start_response), None, None) # If we're dealing w/ a generator, profile all of the .next calls as well if type(result) == GeneratorType: while True: try: yield result_fxn_wrapper( except StopIteration: break else: for value in result: yield value self.logs = self.get_logs(self.handler) logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self.handler) self.handler = None self.end = time.time() # Store stats for later access RequestStats(self.request_id, environ, self).store()
import webapp2 from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording from Controllers import Home1 app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware( webapp2.WSGIApplication([("/", Home1), ("/home", Home1)], debug=True))
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): # pylint: disable-msg=C6409 from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
def enable_appstats(app): """Enables appstats middleware.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats.recording import \ appstats_wsgi_middleware app.dispatch = appstats_wsgi_middleware(app.dispatch)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) appstats_CALC_RPC_COSTS = True return app
# Password is not set, or is empty # So we skip authentication return True secret_key = memcache.get('secret_key') if not secret_key: secret_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) memcache.add('secret_key', secret_key) if request.form.get('password') == PASSWORD: session['secret_key'] = secret_key if session.get('secret_key') == secret_key: return True return False app = Flask(__name__) app.wsgi_app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app.wsgi_app) app.config.from_object(Config) @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def home(): return redirect(url_for("index", path="")) @app.route('/bucket/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def catch_urls(): """ Alias for the index function at the root, Flask won't let us catch the root dir with the <path> variable """ return index("")
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): CurrentRequestId.set(None) # Never profile calls to the profiler itself to avoid endless recursion. if (not config.should_profile() or environ.get( "PATH_INFO", "").startswith("/gae_mini_profiler/")): app = if self.keep_appstats: app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) result = app(environ, start_response) for value in result: yield value else: # Set a random ID for this request so we can look up stats later import base64 CurrentRequestId.set(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(5))) profile_mode = config.get_mode(environ, cookies) # Send request id in headers so jQuery ajax calls can pick # up profiles. def profiled_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): if status.startswith("302 "): # Temporary redirect. Add request identifier to redirect location # so next rendered page can show this request's profile. headers = ProfilerWSGIMiddleware.headers_with_modified_redirect( environ, headers) # Access the profiler in closure scope profiler.temporary_redirect = True # Append headers used when displaying profiler results from ajax requests headers.append(("X-MiniProfiler-Id", CurrentRequestId.get())) headers.append( ("X-MiniProfiler-QS", str(environ.get("QUERY_STRING")))) headers.append(("Set-Cookie", cookies.set_cookie_value("g-m-p-mode", profile_mode, path="/"))) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) # As a simple form of rate-limiting, appstats protects all # its work with a memcache lock to ensure that only one # appstats request ever runs at a time, across all # appengine instances. (GvR confirmed this is the purpose # of the lock). So our attempt to profile will fail if # appstats is running on another instance. Boo-urns! We # just turn off the lock-checking for us, which means we # don't rate-limit quite as much with the mini-profiler as # we would do without. old_memcache_add = memcache.add old_memcache_delete = memcache.delete memcache.add = (lambda key, *args, **kwargs: (True if key == recording.lock_key() else old_memcache_add(key, *args, **kwargs))) memcache.delete = (lambda key, *args, **kwargs: (True if key == recording.lock_key() else old_memcache_delete(key, *args, **kwargs))) try: profiler = RequestProfiler(CurrentRequestId.get(), profile_mode) result = profiler.profile_start_response(, environ, profiled_start_response) for value in result: yield value finally: CurrentRequestId.set(None) memcache.add = old_memcache_add memcache.delete = old_memcache_delete
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """Enables appstats middleware.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): """WSGI middleware declaration.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = GaeSessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=COOKIE_KEY) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def enable_appstats(app): """ Utility function that enables appstats middleware.""" from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def add_appstats(app): return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
from ferris import fix_imports (fix_imports) # Import the application import ferris import import ferris.deferred_app import ferris.routes import app.routes import app.listeners from ferris.core import settings (app) main_app = # Main application deferred_app = # Deferred application settings.load_settings() appstats_settings = settings.get('appstats', {}) if (appstats_settings.get('enabled', False) and or appstats_settings.get('enabled_live', True): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording main_app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(main_app)
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): app = SessionMiddleware(app, cookie_key=keys.cookie_key) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording if ENABLE_PROFILING: return recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app): from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording import gae_mini_profiler.profiler app = gae_mini_profiler.profiler.ProfilerWSGIMiddleware(app) app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app) return app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): global request_id request_id = None # Start w/ a non-profiled app at the beginning of each request = self.app_clean = None self.recorder = None if config.should_profile(environ): # Set a random ID for this request so we can look up stats later import base64 import os request_id = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(15)) # Send request id in headers so jQuery ajax calls can pick # up profiles. def profiled_start_response(status, headers, exc_info = None): headers.append(("X-MiniProfiler-Id", request_id)) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) # Configure AppStats output, keeping a high level of request # content so we can detect dupe RPCs more accurately from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording recording.config.MAX_REPR = 750 # Turn on AppStats monitoring for this request old_app = def wrapped_appstats_app(environ, start_response): # Use this wrapper to grab the app stats recorder for self.recorder = recording.recorder return old_app(environ, start_response) = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(wrapped_appstats_app) # Turn on cProfile profiling for this request import cProfile = cProfile.Profile() # Get profiled wsgi result result = *args, **kwargs:, profiled_start_response), None, None) self.recorder = recording.recorder # If we're dealing w/ a generator, profile all of the .next calls as well if type(result) == GeneratorType: while True: try: yield except StopIteration: break else: for value in result: yield value # Store stats for later access RequestStats(request_id, environ, self).store() # Just in case we're using up memory in the recorder and profiler self.recorder = None = None request_id = None else: result =, start_response) for value in result: yield value