    def field_path(*field_names):
        """Create a **field path** from a list of nested field names.

        A **field path** is a ``.``-delimited concatenation of the field
        names. It is used to represent a nested field. For example,
        in the data

        .. code-block:: python

           data = {
              'aa': {
                  'bb': {
                      'cc': 10,

        the field path ``'aa.bb.cc'`` represents the data stored in

            field_names (Tuple[str, ...]): The list of field names.

            str: The ``.``-delimited field path.
        return render_field_path(field_names)
    def field_path(*field_names: str) -> str:
        """Create a **field path** from a list of nested field names.

        A **field path** is a ``.``-delimited concatenation of the field
        names. It is used to represent a nested field. For example,
        in the data

        .. code-block:: python

           data = {
              'aa': {
                  'bb': {
                      'cc': 10,

        the field path ``'aa.bb.cc'`` represents the data stored in

            field_names: The list of field names.

            str: The ``.``-delimited field path.
        return render_field_path(field_names)
def test_render_field_path_multiple():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["a", "b", "c"]) == "a.b.c"
def test_render_field_path_w_one_w_backslash():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["a\\b"]) == "`a\\\\b`"
def test_render_field_path_w_one_w_backtick():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["a`b"]) == "`a\\`b`"
def test_render_field_path_w_one_w_non_alphanum():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["a b c"]) == "`a b c`"
def test_render_field_path_w_one_starts_w_digit():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["0abc"]) == "`0abc`"
def test_render_field_path_w_one_simple():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path(["a"]) == "a"
def test_render_field_path_w_empty():
    from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

    assert field_path.render_field_path([]) == ""
    def _call_fut(field_names):
        from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

        return field_path.render_field_path(field_names)
    def _call_fut(field_names):
        from google.cloud.firestore_v1 import field_path

        return field_path.render_field_path(field_names)