class CoverageInformation(Model):
  """Coverage info."""
  date = ndb.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)
  fuzzer = StringProperty()

  # Function coverage information.
  functions_covered = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  functions_total = ndb.IntegerProperty()

  # Edge coverage information.
  edges_covered = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  edges_total = ndb.IntegerProperty()

  # Corpus size information.
  corpus_size_units = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  corpus_size_bytes = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  corpus_location = StringProperty()

  # Corpus backup information.
  corpus_backup_location = StringProperty()

  # Quarantine size information.
  quarantine_size_units = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  quarantine_size_bytes = ndb.IntegerProperty()
  quarantine_location = StringProperty()

  # Link to the HTML report.
  html_report_url = StringProperty()

  def _pre_put_hook(self):
    """Pre-put hook."""
    self.key = ndb.Key(CoverageInformation,
                       coverage_information_key(self.fuzzer, self.date))
文件: models.py 项目: google/osv
class SourceRepository(ndb.Model):
    """Source repository."""
    # The type of the repository.
    type = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    # The name of the source.
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    # The repo URL for the source.
    repo_url = ndb.StringProperty()
    # The username to use for SSH auth.
    repo_username = ndb.StringProperty()
    # Optional branch for repo.
    repo_branch = ndb.StringProperty()
    # Bucket name.
    bucket = ndb.StringProperty()
    # The directory in the repo where Vulnerability data is stored.
    directory_path = ndb.StringProperty()
    # Last synced hash.
    last_synced_hash = ndb.StringProperty()
    # Last date recurring updates were requested.
    last_update_date = ndb.DateProperty()
    # Patterns of files to exclude (regex).
    ignore_patterns = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    # Whether this repository is editable.
    editable = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Default extension.
    extension = ndb.StringProperty(default='.yaml')
    # Key path within each file to store the vulnerability.
    key_path = ndb.StringProperty()
    # It true, don't analyze any git ranges.
    ignore_git = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
    # Whether to detect cherypicks or not (slow for large repos).
    detect_cherrypicks = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    # Whether to populate "versions" from git ranges.
    versions_from_repo = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    # HTTP link prefix.
    link = ndb.StringProperty()
    # DB prefix, if the database allocates its own.
    db_prefix = ndb.StringProperty()

    def ignore_file(self, file_path):
        """Return whether or not we should be ignoring a file."""
        if not self.ignore_patterns:
            return False

        file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
        for pattern in self.ignore_patterns:
            if re.match(pattern, file_name):
                return True

        return False

    def _pre_put_hook(self):
        """Pre-put hook for validation."""
        if self.type == SourceRepositoryType.BUCKET and self.editable:
            raise ValueError('BUCKET SourceRepository cannot be editable.')
文件: types.py 项目: asraa/osv
class SourceRepository(ndb.Model):
  """Source repository."""
  # The name of the source.
  name = ndb.StringProperty()
  # The repo URL for the source.
  repo_url = ndb.StringProperty()
  # The username to use for SSH auth.
  repo_username = ndb.StringProperty()
  # The directory in the repo where Vulnerability data is stored.
  directory_path = ndb.StringProperty()
  # Last synced hash.
  last_synced_hash = ndb.StringProperty()
  # Last date recurring updates were requested.
  last_update_date = ndb.DateProperty()
class TopicNDB(ndb.Model):
    author_uuid = ndb.StringProperty()
    topic_name = ndb.StringProperty()
    created_date = ndb.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    def from_topic(topic: Topic) -> 'TopicNDB':
        return TopicNDB(author_uuid=topic.author_uuid, topic_name=topic.topic_name, created_date=topic.created_date)

    def to_topic(self) -> Topic:
        return Topic(author_uuid=self.author_uuid,

    def id(self):
        return self.key.to_legacy_urlsafe('h~').decode()
class Competition(BaseModel):
    start_date = ndb.DateProperty()
    end_date = ndb.DateProperty()
    year = ndb.IntegerProperty()

    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    short_name = ndb.StringProperty()

    events = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Event, repeated=True)

    latitude = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    longitude = ndb.IntegerProperty()

    country = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Country)
    city_name = ndb.StringProperty()
    state = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=State)

    def ParseFromDict(self, row):
        self.start_date = datetime.date(int(row['year']), int(row['month']),
        self.end_date = datetime.date(int(row['year']), int(row['endMonth']),
        self.year = int(row['year'])

        self.name = row['name']
        self.short_name = row['cellName']

        self.events = [
            ndb.Key(Event, event_id)
            for event_id in row['eventSpecs'].split(' ')

        self.latitude = int(row['latitude'])
        self.longitude = int(row['longitude'])

        state = None
        if ',' in row['cityName']:
            city_split = row['cityName'].split(',')
            state_name = city_split[-1].strip()
            state = State.get_state(state_name)
            self.city_name = ','.join(city_split[:-1])
        if state:
            self.state = state.key
            self.city_name = row['cityName']
        self.country = ndb.Key(Country, row['countryId'])

    def Filter():
        # Only load US competitions that haven't been cancelled.
        def filter_row(row):
            return row['countryId'] == 'USA' and int(row['cancelled']) != 1

        return filter_row

    def ColumnsUsed():
        return [
            'year', 'month', 'day', 'endMonth', 'endDay', 'cellName',
            'eventSpecs', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'cityName', 'countryId',

    def GetWCALink(self):
        return 'https://worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/%s' % self.key.id(

    def GetEventsString(self):
        return ','.join([e.id() for e in self.events])
class MyUsers(ndb.Model):
    userID = ndb.StringProperty()
    license = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)
    lastAccess = ndb.DateProperty(auto_now=True)
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)
class CatNDB(ndb.Model):
    """Defines what a Cat is at database level."""
    name = ndb.StringProperty()
    date_of_birth = ndb.DateProperty()
    weight = ndb.FloatProperty()
    species = ndb.StringProperty()