def test_pagination(echo):
    text = 'The hail in Wales falls mainly on the snails.'
    results = [i for i in echo.paged_expand({
        'content': text,
        'page_size': 3,
    assert len(results) == 9
    assert results == [showcase.EchoResponse(content=i)
                       for i in text.split(' ')]
async def test_pagination_async(async_echo):
    text = 'The hail in Wales falls mainly on the snails.'
    results = []
    async for i in await async_echo.paged_expand({
        'content': text,
        'page_size': 3,

    assert len(results) == 9
    assert results == [showcase.EchoResponse(content=i)
                       for i in text.split(' ')]
def test_pagination_pages(echo):
    text = "The hail in Wales falls mainly on the snails."
    page_results = list(echo.paged_expand({
        'content': text,
        'page_size': 3,

    assert len(page_results) == 3
    assert not page_results[-1].next_page_token

    # The monolithic surface uses a wrapper type that needs an explicit property
    # for a 'raw_page': we need to duplicate that interface, even though the
    # architecture is different.
    assert page_results[0].raw_page is page_results[0]

    results = [r for p in page_results for r in p.responses]
    assert results == [showcase.EchoResponse(content=i)
                       for i in text.split(' ')]