def _VerifyClusterExclusivity(self, kube_client, parent, membership_id): """Verifies that the cluster can be registered to the project. Args: kube_client: a KubernetesClient parent: the parent collection the user is attempting to register the cluster with. membership_id: the ID of the membership to be created for the cluster. Raises: if the API request returns an HTTP error. exceptions.Error: if the cluster is in an invalid exclusivity state. """ cr_manifest = '' # The cluster has been registered. if kube_client.MembershipCRDExists(): cr_manifest = kube_client.GetMembershipCR() res = api_util.ValidateExclusivity(cr_manifest, parent, membership_id, self.ReleaseTrack()) if res.status.code: raise exceptions.Error( ('invalid exclusivity state: {}. If you want ' + 'to register the cluster to with {}, please ' + 'unregister this cluster first.').format( parent, res.status.message))
def _VerifyClusterExclusivity(self, kube_client, parent, membership_id): """Verifies that the cluster can be registered to the project. Args: kube_client: a KubernetesClient parent: the parent collection the user is attempting to register the cluster with. membership_id: the ID of the membership to be created for the cluster. Raises: if the API request returns an HTTP error. exceptions.Error: if the cluster is in an invalid exclusivity state. """ cr_manifest = '' # The cluster has been registered. if kube_client.MembershipCRDExists(): cr_manifest = kube_client.GetMembershipCR() res = api_util.ValidateExclusivity(cr_manifest, parent, membership_id, self.ReleaseTrack()) if res.status.code: raise exceptions.Error( 'Error validating cluster\'s exclusivity state ' 'with the Hub under parent collection [{}]: {}. ' 'Cannot proceed with the cluster registration.'.format( parent, res.status.message))
def Run(self, args): project = arg_utils.GetFromNamespace(args, '--project', use_defaults=True) kube_client = kube_util.KubernetesClient(args) kube_client.CheckClusterAdminPermissions() kube_util.ValidateClusterIdentifierFlags(kube_client, args) membership_id = args.CLUSTER_NAME # Delete membership from Hub API. try: name = 'projects/{}/locations/global/memberships/{}'.format( project, membership_id) obj = api_util.GetMembership(name, self.ReleaseTrack()) if not obj.externalId: console_io.PromptContinue( 'invalid membership {0} does not have ' 'external_id field set. We cannot determine ' 'if registration is requested against a ' 'valid existing Membership. Consult the ' 'documentation on container hub memberships ' 'update for more information or run gcloud ' 'container hub memberships delete {0} if you ' 'are sure that this is an invalid or ' 'otherwise stale Membership'.format(membership_id), cancel_on_no=True) uuid = kube_util.GetClusterUUID(kube_client) if obj.externalId != uuid: raise exceptions.Error( 'Membership [{}] is not associated with the cluster you are trying' ' to unregister. Please double check the cluster identifier that you' ' have supplied.'.format(membership_id)) api_util.DeleteMembership(name, self.ReleaseTrack()) except apitools_exceptions.HttpUnauthorizedError as e: raise exceptions.Error( 'You are not authorized to unregister clusters from project [{}]. ' 'Underlying error: {}'.format(project, e)) except apitools_exceptions.HttpNotFoundError as e: log.status.Print( 'Membership [{}] for the cluster [{}] was not found on the Hub. ' 'It may already have been deleted, or it may never have existed.' .format(name, args.CLUSTER_NAME)) # enable_workload_identity and manage_workload_identity_bucket are only # properties if we are on the alpha track. if (self.ReleaseTrack() is base.ReleaseTrack.ALPHA and args.manage_workload_identity_bucket): # The issuer URL from the cluster indicates which bucket to delete. # --manage-workload-identity-bucket always uses the cluster's # built-in endpoints. openid_config_json = None try: openid_config_json = kube_client.GetOpenIDConfiguration() except exceptions.Error as e: log.status.Print( 'Cannot get the issuer URL that identifies the bucket associated ' 'with this membership. Please double check that it is possible to ' 'access the /.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint on the ' 'cluster: {}'.format(e)) if openid_config_json: issuer_url = json.loads(openid_config_json).get('issuer') if not issuer_url: log.status.Print( 'Cannot get the issuer URL that identifies the bucket associated ' 'with this membership. The OpenID Config from ' '/.well-known/openid-configuration is missing the issuer field: ' '{}'.format(openid_config_json)) try: api_util.DeleteWorkloadIdentityBucket(issuer_url) except exceptions.Error as e: log.status.Print( 'Failed to delete bucket for issuer {}: {}'.format( issuer_url, e)) # Get namespace for the connect resource label. selector = '{}={}'.format(agent_util.CONNECT_RESOURCE_LABEL, project) namespaces = kube_client.NamespacesWithLabelSelector(selector) if not namespaces: log.status.Print( 'There\'s no namespace for the label [{}]. ' 'If [gke-connect] is labeled with another project, ' 'You\'ll have to manually delete the namespace. ' 'You can find all namespaces by running:\n' ' `kubectl get ns -l {}`'.format( agent_util.CONNECT_RESOURCE_LABEL, agent_util.CONNECT_RESOURCE_LABEL)) # Delete in-cluster membership resources. try: parent = api_util.ParentRef(project, 'global') cr_manifest = kube_client.GetMembershipCR() res = api_util.ValidateExclusivity(cr_manifest, parent, membership_id, self.ReleaseTrack()) if res.status.code: console_io.PromptContinue( 'Error validating cluster\'s exclusivity state with the Hub under ' 'parent collection [{}]: {}. The cluster you are trying to unregister' ' is not associated with the membership [{}]. Continuing will delete' ' membership related resources from your cluster, and the cluster' ' will lose its association to the Hub in project [{}] and can be' ' registered into a different project. '.format( parent, res.status.message, membership_id, project), cancel_on_no=True) exclusivity_util.DeleteMembershipResources(kube_client) except exceptions.Error as e: log.status.Print( '{} error in deleting in-cluster membership resources. ' 'You can manually delete these membership related ' 'resources from your cluster by running the command:\n' ' `kubectl delete memberships membership`.\nBy doing so, ' 'the cluster will lose its association to the Hub in ' 'project [{}] and can be registered into a different ' 'project. '.format(e, project)) # Delete the connect agent. agent_util.DeleteConnectNamespace(kube_client, args)