def ShouldContinueLogin(cred_config):
    """Prompts users if they try to login in managed environments.

    cred_config: Json object loaded from the file specified in --cred-file.

    True if users want to continue the login command.
    if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
        message = textwrap.dedent("""
          You are already authenticated with gcloud when running
          inside the Cloud Shell and so do not need to run this
          command. Do you wish to proceed anyway?
        return console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
    elif (c_gce.Metadata().connected
          and not auth_external_account.IsExternalAccountConfig(cred_config)):
        message = textwrap.dedent("""
          You are running on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine.
          It is recommended that you use service accounts for authentication.

          You can run:

            $ gcloud config set account `ACCOUNT`

          to switch accounts if necessary.

          Your credentials may be visible to others with access to this
          virtual machine. Are you sure you want to authenticate with
          your personal account?
        return console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
        return True
def _IsUserAccountCredentialsOauth2client(creds):
    if CredentialType.FromCredentials(creds).is_user:
        return True
    if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
        return CredentialType.FromCredentials(creds) == CredentialType.GCE
        return False
  def Run(self, args):
    """Run the authentication command."""

    if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
      message = """
          You are already authenticated with gcloud when running
          inside the Cloud Shell and so do not need to run this

          Do you wish to proceed anyway?
      answer = console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
      if not answer:
        return None
    elif c_gce.Metadata().connected:
      message = textwrap.dedent("""
          You are running on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine.
          It is recommended that you use service accounts for authentication.

          You can run:

            $ gcloud config set account ``ACCOUNT''

          to switch accounts if necessary.

          Your credentials may be visible to others with access to this
          virtual machine. Are you sure you want to authenticate with
          your personal account?
      answer = console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
      if not answer:
        return None

    account = args.account

    if account and not args.force:
      creds = c_store.LoadIfValid(account=account)
      if creds:
        # Account already has valid creds, just switch to it.
        return self.LoginAs(account, creds, args.project, args.activate,

    # No valid creds, do the web flow.
    launch_browser = auth_util.ShouldLaunchBrowser(args.launch_browser)
    creds = self.DoInstalledAppBrowserFlow(launch_browser)
    web_flow_account = creds.id_token['email']
    if account and account.lower() != web_flow_account.lower():
      raise c_exc.ToolException(
          'You attempted to log in as account [{account}] but the received '
          'credentials were for account [{web_flow_account}].\n\n'
          'Please check that your browser is logged in as account [{account}] '
          'and that you are using the correct browser profile.'.format(
              account=account, web_flow_account=web_flow_account))

    account = web_flow_account
    # We got new creds, and they are for the correct user.
    c_store.Store(creds, account)
    return self.LoginAs(account, creds, args.project, args.activate,
def _IsUserAccountCredentialsGoogleAuth(creds):
    if CredentialTypeGoogleAuth.FromCredentials(creds).is_user:
        return True
    if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
        return CredentialTypeGoogleAuth.FromCredentials(
            creds) == CredentialTypeGoogleAuth.GCE
        return False
def OpenURL(url):
    """Open a URL in the default web browser in a new tab.

    url: The full HTTP(S) URL to open.
    # Import in here for performance reasons
    # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    import webbrowser
    # Devshell has its own 'browser' handler which simply prints the URL; this is
    # redundant
    if not devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
            'Opening [{0}] in a new tab in your default browser.'.format(url))
def _ShouldCheckSurveyPrompt(command_path):
  """Decides if survey prompt should be checked."""
  if properties.VALUES.survey.disable_prompts.GetBool():
    return False
  # dev shell environment uses temporary folder for user config. That means
  # survey prompt cache gets cleaned each time user starts a new session,
  # which results in too frequent prompting.
  if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
    return False

  exempt_commands = ['',]
  for exempt_command in exempt_commands:
    if command_path.startswith(exempt_command):
      return False

  return True
def GetMetricsEnvironment():
    """Get the metrics environment.

  Returns the property metrics/environment if set, if not, it tries to deduce if
  we're on some known platforms like devshell or GCE.

    None, if no environment is set or found
    str, a string denoting the environment if one is set or found

    environment = VALUES.metrics.environment.Get()
    if environment:
        return environment

    # No explicit environment defined, try to deduce it.
    if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
        return 'devshell'
    if gce_cache.GetOnGCE(check_age=False):
        return 'GCE'

    return None
    def Run(self, args):
        """Run the authentication command."""

        scopes = config.CLOUDSDK_SCOPES
        # Add REAUTH scope in case the user has 2fact activated.
        # This scope is only used here and when refreshing the access token.
        scopes += (config.REAUTH_SCOPE, )

        if args.enable_gdrive_access:
            scopes += (auth_util.GOOGLE_DRIVE_SCOPE, )

        if c_devshell.IsDevshellEnvironment():
            if c_devshell.HasDevshellAuth():
                message = textwrap.dedent("""
            You are already authenticated with gcloud when running
            inside the Cloud Shell and so do not need to run this
            command. Do you wish to proceed anyway?
                answer = console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
                if not answer:
                    return None
        elif c_gce.Metadata().connected:
            message = textwrap.dedent("""
          You are running on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine.
          It is recommended that you use service accounts for authentication.

          You can run:

            $ gcloud config set account `ACCOUNT`

          to switch accounts if necessary.

          Your credentials may be visible to others with access to this
          virtual machine. Are you sure you want to authenticate with
          your personal account?
            answer = console_io.PromptContinue(message=message)
            if not answer:
                return None

        account = args.account

        if account and not args.force:
                creds = c_store.Load(account=account, scopes=scopes)
            except c_store.Error:
                creds = None
            if creds:
                # Account already has valid creds, just switch to it.
                    'Re-using locally stored credentials for [{}]. '
                    'To fetch new credentials, re-run the command with the '
                    '`--force` flag.'.format(account))
                return LoginAs(account, creds, args.project, args.activate,
                               args.brief, args.update_adc)

        # No valid creds, do the web flow.
        launch_browser = check_browser.ShouldLaunchBrowser(args.launch_browser)
        creds = auth_util.DoInstalledAppBrowserFlow(launch_browser, scopes)
        web_flow_account = creds.id_token['email']
        if account and account.lower() != web_flow_account.lower():
            raise auth_exceptions.WrongAccountError(
                'You attempted to log in as account [{account}] but the received '
                'credentials were for account [{web_flow_account}].\n\n'
                'Please check that your browser is logged in as account [{account}] '
                'and that you are using the correct browser profile.'.format(
                    account=account, web_flow_account=web_flow_account))

        account = web_flow_account
        # We got new creds, and they are for the correct user.
        c_store.Store(creds, account, scopes)
        return LoginAs(account, creds, args.project, args.activate, args.brief,