class Disk(_messages.Message):
  """A Google Compute Engine disk resource specification.

    TypeValueValuesEnum: Required. The type of the disk to create.

    autoDelete: Specifies whether or not to delete the disk when the pipeline
      completes. This field is applicable only for newly created disks. See ht
      for more details. By default, `autoDelete` is `false`. `autoDelete` will
      be enabled if set to `true` at create time or run time.
    mountPoint: Required at create time and cannot be overridden at run time.
      Specifies the path in the docker container where files on this disk
      should be located. For example, if `mountPoint` is `/mnt/disk`, and the
      parameter has `localPath` `inputs/file.txt`, the docker container can
      access the data at `/mnt/disk/inputs/file.txt`.
    name: Required. The name of the disk that can be used in the pipeline
      parameters. Must be 1 - 63 characters. The name "boot" is reserved for
      system use.
    readOnly: Specifies how a sourced-base persistent disk will be mounted.
      disks#use_multi_instances for more details. Can only be set at create
    sizeGb: The size of the disk. Defaults to 500 (GB). This field is not
      applicable for local SSD.
    source: The full or partial URL of the persistent disk to attach. See
      e and
      disks#snapshots for more details.
    type: Required. The type of the disk to create.

  class TypeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """Required. The type of the disk to create.

      TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: Default disk type. Use one of the other options below.
      PERSISTENT_HDD: Specifies a Google Compute Engine persistent hard disk.
        disks#typeofdisks for details.
      PERSISTENT_SSD: Specifies a Google Compute Engine persistent solid-state
        disk. See
        disks#typeofdisks for details.
      LOCAL_SSD: Specifies a Google Compute Engine local SSD. See for details.
    LOCAL_SSD = 3

  autoDelete = _messages.BooleanField(1)
  mountPoint = _messages.StringField(2)
  name = _messages.StringField(3)
  readOnly = _messages.BooleanField(4)
  sizeGb = _messages.IntegerField(5, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  source = _messages.StringField(6)
  type = _messages.EnumField('TypeValueValuesEnum', 7)
class ReplicaPoolParamsV1Beta1(_messages.Message):
    """Configuration information for a ReplicaPools v1beta1 API resource.
  Directly maps to ReplicaPool InitTemplate.

    autoRestart: Whether these replicas should be restarted if they experience
      a failure. The default value is true.
    baseInstanceName: The base name for instances within this ReplicaPool.
    canIpForward: Enables IP Forwarding
    description: An optional textual description of the resource.
    disksToAttach: A list of existing Persistent Disk resources to attach to
      each replica in the pool. Each disk will be attached in read-only mode
      to every replica.
    disksToCreate: A list of Disk resources to create and attach to each
      Replica in the Pool. Currently, you can only define one disk and it must
      be a root persistent disk. Note that Replica Pool will create a root
      persistent disk for each replica.
    initAction: Name of the Action to be run during initialization of a
    machineType: The machine type for this instance. Either a complete URL, or
      the resource name (e.g. n1-standard-1).
    metadata: The metadata key/value pairs assigned to this instance.
    networkInterfaces: A list of network interfaces for the instance.
      Currently only one interface is supported by Google Compute Engine.
    onHostMaintenance: A string attribute.
    serviceAccounts: A list of Service Accounts to enable for this instance.
    tags: A list of tags to apply to the Google Compute Engine instance to
      identify resources.
    zone: The zone for this ReplicaPool.

    autoRestart = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    baseInstanceName = _messages.StringField(2)
    canIpForward = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    description = _messages.StringField(4)
    disksToAttach = _messages.MessageField('ExistingDisk', 5, repeated=True)
    disksToCreate = _messages.MessageField('NewDisk', 6, repeated=True)
    initAction = _messages.StringField(7)
    machineType = _messages.StringField(8)
    metadata = _messages.MessageField('Metadata', 9)
    networkInterfaces = _messages.MessageField('NetworkInterface',
    onHostMaintenance = _messages.StringField(11)
    serviceAccounts = _messages.MessageField('ServiceAccount',
    tags = _messages.MessageField('Tag', 13)
    zone = _messages.StringField(14)
class JsonValue(messages.Message):
    """Any valid JSON value."""
    # Is this JSON object `null`?
    is_null = messages.BooleanField(1, default=False)

    # Exactly one of the following is provided if is_null is False; none
    # should be provided if is_null is True.
    boolean_value = messages.BooleanField(2)
    string_value = messages.StringField(3)
    # We keep two numeric fields to keep int64 round-trips exact.
    double_value = messages.FloatField(4, variant=messages.Variant.DOUBLE)
    integer_value = messages.IntegerField(5, variant=messages.Variant.INT64)
    # Compound types
    object_value = messages.MessageField('JsonObject', 6)
    array_value = messages.MessageField('JsonArray', 7)
class ProjectBillingInfo(_messages.Message):
  """Encapsulation of billing information for a Developers Console project. A
  project has at most one associated billing account at a time (but a billing
  account can be assigned to multiple projects).

    billingAccountName: The resource name of the billing account associated
      with the project, if any. For example,
    billingEnabled: True if the project is associated with an open billing
      account, to which usage on the project is charged. False if the project
      is associated with a closed billing account, or no billing account at
      all, and therefore cannot use paid services. This field is read-only.
    name: The resource name for the `ProjectBillingInfo`; has the form
      `projects/{project_id}/billingInfo`. For example, the resource name for
      the billing information for project `tokyo-rain-123` would be `projects
      /tokyo-rain-123/billingInfo`. This field is read-only.
    projectId: The ID of the project that this `ProjectBillingInfo`
      represents, such as `tokyo-rain-123`. This is a convenience field so
      that you don't need to parse the `name` field to obtain a project ID.
      This field is read-only.

  billingAccountName = _messages.StringField(1)
  billingEnabled = _messages.BooleanField(2)
  name = _messages.StringField(3)
  projectId = _messages.StringField(4)
class MergeInfo(_messages.Message):
    """MergeInfo holds information needed while resolving merges, and refreshes
  that involve conflicts.

    commonAncestorRevisionId: Revision ID of the closest common ancestor of
      the file trees that are participating in a refresh or merge.  During a
      refresh, the common ancestor is the baseline of the workspace.  During a
      merge of two branches, the common ancestor is derived from the workspace
      baseline and the alias of the branch being merged in.  The repository
      state at the common ancestor provides the base version for a three-way
    isRefresh: If true, a refresh operation is in progress.  If false, a merge
      is in progress.
    otherRevisionId: During a refresh, the ID of the revision with which the
      workspace is being refreshed. This is the revision ID to which the
      workspace's alias refers at the time of the RefreshWorkspace call.
      During a merge, the ID of the revision that's being merged into the
      workspace's alias. This is the revision_id field of the MergeRequest.
    workspaceAfterSnapshotId: The workspace snapshot immediately after the
      refresh or merge RPC completes.  If a file has conflicts, this snapshot
      contains the version of the file with conflict markers.
    workspaceBeforeSnapshotId: During a refresh, the snapshot ID of the latest
      change to the workspace before the refresh.  During a merge, the
      workspace's baseline, which is identical to the commit hash of the
      workspace's alias before initiating the merge.

    commonAncestorRevisionId = _messages.StringField(1)
    isRefresh = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    otherRevisionId = _messages.StringField(3)
    workspaceAfterSnapshotId = _messages.StringField(4)
    workspaceBeforeSnapshotId = _messages.StringField(5)
class RepeatedMessage(messages.Message):
    """Contains all message types as repeated fields."""
    class SimpleEnum(messages.Enum):
        """Simple enumeration type."""
        VAL1 = 1
        VAL2 = 2

    double_value = messages.FloatField(1,
    float_value = messages.FloatField(2,
    int64_value = messages.IntegerField(3,
    uint64_value = messages.IntegerField(4,
    int32_value = messages.IntegerField(5,
    bool_value = messages.BooleanField(6,
    string_value = messages.StringField(7,
    bytes_value = messages.BytesField(8,
    enum_value = messages.EnumField(SimpleEnum, 10, repeated=True)
class IpConfiguration(_messages.Message):
  """IP Management configuration.

    authorizedNetworks: The list of external networks that are allowed to
      connect to the instance using the IP. In CIDR notation, also known as
      'slash' notation (e.g.
    enabled: Whether the instance should be assigned an IP address or not.
    kind: This is always sql#ipConfiguration.
    requireSsl: Whether the mysqld should default to 'REQUIRE X509' for users
      connecting over IP.

  authorizedNetworks = _messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
  enabled = _messages.BooleanField(2)
  kind = _messages.StringField(3, default=u'sql#ipConfiguration')
  requireSsl = _messages.BooleanField(4)
class DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsUpdateRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsUpdateRequest object.

    CreatePolicyValueValuesEnum: Sets the policy to use for creating new
    DeletePolicyValueValuesEnum: Sets the policy to use for deleting

    createPolicy: Sets the policy to use for creating new resources.
    deletePolicy: Sets the policy to use for deleting resources.
    deployment: The name of the deployment for this request.
    deploymentResource: A Deployment resource to be passed as the request
    preview: If set to true, updates the deployment and creates and updates
      the "shell" resources but does not actually alter or instantiate these
      resources. This allows you to preview what your deployment will look
      like. You can use this intent to preview how an update would affect your
      deployment. You must provide a target.config with a configuration if
      this is set to true. After previewing a deployment, you can deploy your
      resources by making a request with the update() or you can
      cancelPreview() to remove the preview altogether. Note that the
      deployment will still exist after you cancel the preview and you must
      separately delete this deployment if you want to remove it.
    project: The project ID for this request.
    class CreatePolicyValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Sets the policy to use for creating new resources.

      ACQUIRE: <no description>
      CREATE_OR_ACQUIRE: <no description>
        ACQUIRE = 0

    class DeletePolicyValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Sets the policy to use for deleting resources.

      ABANDON: <no description>
      DELETE: <no description>
        ABANDON = 0
        DELETE = 1

    createPolicy = _messages.EnumField('CreatePolicyValueValuesEnum',
    deletePolicy = _messages.EnumField('DeletePolicyValueValuesEnum',
    deployment = _messages.StringField(3, required=True)
    deploymentResource = _messages.MessageField('Deployment', 4)
    preview = _messages.BooleanField(5, default=False)
    project = _messages.StringField(6, required=True)
class NewDisk(_messages.Message):
    """A Persistent Disk resource that will be created and attached to each
  Replica in the Pool. Each Replica will have a unique persistent disk that is
  created and attached to that Replica.

    attachment: How the disk will be attached to the Replica.
    autoDelete: If true, then this disk will be deleted when the instance is
    boot: If true, indicates that this is the root persistent disk.
    initializeParams: Create the new disk using these parameters. The name of
      the disk will be <instance_name>-<five_random_charactersgt;.

    attachment = _messages.MessageField('DiskAttachment', 1)
    autoDelete = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    boot = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    initializeParams = _messages.MessageField('NewDiskInitializeParams', 4)
class ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesBreakpointsListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesBreakpointsListRequest object.

    ActionValueValueValuesEnum: Only breakpoints with the specified action
      will pass the filter.

    action_value: Only breakpoints with the specified action will pass the
    clientVersion: The client version making the call. Following:
      `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``).
    debuggeeId: ID of the debuggee whose breakpoints to list.
    includeAllUsers: When set to `true`, the response includes the list of
      breakpoints set by any user. Otherwise, it includes only breakpoints set
      by the caller.
    includeInactive: When set to `true`, the response includes active and
      inactive breakpoints. Otherwise, it includes only active breakpoints.
    stripResults: When set to `true`, the response breakpoints are stripped of
      the results fields: `stack_frames`, `evaluated_expressions` and
    waitToken: A wait token that, if specified, blocks the call until the
      breakpoints list has changed, or a server selected timeout has expired.
      The value should be set from the last response. The error code
      `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` (RPC) is returned on wait timeout, which
      should be called again with the same `wait_token`.
    class ActionValueValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Only breakpoints with the specified action will pass the filter.

      CAPTURE: <no description>
      LOG: <no description>
        CAPTURE = 0
        LOG = 1

    action_value = _messages.EnumField('ActionValueValueValuesEnum', 1)
    clientVersion = _messages.StringField(2)
    debuggeeId = _messages.StringField(3, required=True)
    includeAllUsers = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    includeInactive = _messages.BooleanField(5)
    stripResults = _messages.BooleanField(6)
    waitToken = _messages.StringField(7)
class BackupConfiguration(_messages.Message):
  """Database instance backup configuration.

    binaryLogEnabled: Whether binary log is enabled. If backup configuration
      is disabled, binary log must be disabled as well.
    enabled: Whether this configuration is enabled.
    id: Identifier for this configuration. This gets generated automatically
      when a backup configuration is created.
    kind: This is always sql#backupConfiguration.
    startTime: Start time for the daily backup configuration in UTC timezone
      in the 24 hour format - HH:MM.

  binaryLogEnabled = _messages.BooleanField(1)
  enabled = _messages.BooleanField(2)
  id = _messages.StringField(3)
  kind = _messages.StringField(4, default=u'sql#backupConfiguration')
  startTime = _messages.StringField(5)
class EnvVariable(_messages.Message):
    """An environment variable.

    hidden: Whether this variable is hidden or visible.
    value: Value of the environment variable.

    hidden = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    value = _messages.StringField(2)
class ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesListRequest object.

    includeInactive: When set to `true`, the result includes all debuggees.
      Otherwise, the result includes only debuggees that are active.
    project: Project number of a Google Cloud project whose debuggees to list.

    includeInactive = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    project = _messages.StringField(2)
class AuthorizedKeysView(_messages.Message):
  """A list of authorized public keys for a user account.

    keys: [Output Only] The list of authorized public keys in SSH format.
    sudoer: [Output Only] Whether the user has the ability to elevate on the
      instance that requested the authorized keys.

  keys = _messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
  sudoer = _messages.BooleanField(2)
class HttpLoadBalancing(_messages.Message):
    """Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon,
  which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster.

    disabled: Whether the HTTP Load Balancing controller is enabled in the
      cluster. When enabled, it runs a small pod in the cluster that manages
      the load balancers.

    disabled = _messages.BooleanField(1)
class ApiUploadInfo(messages.Message):
    """Media upload information for a method.

      accept: (repeated) MIME Media Ranges for acceptable media uploads
          to this method.
      max_size: (integer) Maximum size of a media upload, such as 3MB
          or 1TB (converted to an integer).
      resumable_path: Path to use for resumable uploads.
      resumable_multipart: (boolean) Whether or not the resumable endpoint
          supports multipart uploads.
      simple_path: Path to use for simple uploads.
      simple_multipart: (boolean) Whether or not the simple endpoint
          supports multipart uploads.
    accept = messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    max_size = messages.IntegerField(2)
    resumable_path = messages.StringField(3)
    resumable_multipart = messages.BooleanField(4)
    simple_path = messages.StringField(5)
    simple_multipart = messages.BooleanField(6)
class HorizontalPodAutoscaling(_messages.Message):
    """Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature, which
  increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller
  has based on the resource usage of the existing pods.

    disabled: Whether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling feature is enabled in the
      cluster. When enabled, it ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the
      cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service.

    disabled = _messages.BooleanField(1)
class SubmitTrainingJobRequest(_messages.Message):
    """Request message for the SubmitTrainingJob API on JobService.

    job: The training specification.
    overwrite: Whether the version with this name can be overwritten if it
      already exists.
    version: The version of the model to produce.

    job = _messages.MessageField('TrainingJob', 1)
    overwrite = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    version = _messages.StringField(3)
class ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A ClouddebuggerDebuggerDebuggeesListRequest object.

    clientVersion: The client version making the call. Following:
      `domain/type/version` (e.g., ``).
    includeInactive: When set to `true`, the result includes all debuggees.
      Otherwise, the result includes only debuggees that are active.
    project: Project number of a Google Cloud project whose debuggees to list.

    clientVersion = _messages.StringField(1)
    includeInactive = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    project = _messages.StringField(3)
class Settings(_messages.Message):
    """Database instance settings.

    activationPolicy: The activation policy for this instance. This specifies
      when the instance should be activated and is applicable only when the
      instance state is RUNNABLE. This can be one of the following. ALWAYS:
      The instance should always be active. NEVER: The instance should never
      be activated. ON_DEMAND: The instance is activated upon receiving
    authorizedGaeApplications: The App Engine app IDs that can access this
    backupConfiguration: The daily backup configuration for the instance.
    databaseFlags: The database flags passed to the instance at startup.
    databaseReplicationEnabled: Configuration specific to read replica
      instance. Indicates whether replication is enabled or not.
    ipConfiguration: The settings for IP Management. This allows to enable or
      disable the instance IP and manage which external networks can connect
      to the instance.
    kind: This is always sql#settings.
    locationPreference: The location preference settings. This allows the
      instance to be located as near as possible to either an App Engine app
      or GCE zone for better performance.
    pricingPlan: The pricing plan for this instance. This can be either
    replicationType: The type of replication this instance uses. This can be
    settingsVersion: The version of instance settings. This is a required
      field for update method to make sure concurrent updates are handled
      properly. During update, use the most recent settingsVersion value for
      this instance and do not try to update this value.
    tier: The tier of service for this instance, for example D1, D2. For more
      information, see pricing.

    activationPolicy = _messages.StringField(1)
    authorizedGaeApplications = _messages.StringField(2, repeated=True)
    backupConfiguration = _messages.MessageField('BackupConfiguration',
    databaseFlags = _messages.MessageField('DatabaseFlags', 4, repeated=True)
    databaseReplicationEnabled = _messages.BooleanField(5)
    ipConfiguration = _messages.MessageField('IpConfiguration', 6)
    kind = _messages.StringField(7, default=u'sql#settings')
    locationPreference = _messages.MessageField('LocationPreference', 8)
    pricingPlan = _messages.StringField(9)
    replicationType = _messages.StringField(10)
    settingsVersion = _messages.IntegerField(11)
    tier = _messages.StringField(12)
class Policy(_messages.Message):
    """Defines an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. It is used to
  specify access control policies for Cloud Platform resources.   A `Policy`
  consists of a list of `bindings`. A `Binding` binds a list of `members` to a
  `role`, where the members can be user accounts, Google groups, Google
  domains, and service accounts. A `role` is a named list of permissions
  defined by IAM.  **Example**      {       "bindings": [         {
  "role": "roles/owner",           "members": [
  "user:[email protected]",             "group:[email protected]",
  "",             "serviceAccount:my-other-
  [email protected]",           ]         },         {
  "role": "roles/viewer",           "members": ["user:[email protected]"]
  }       ]     }  For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM
  developer's guide](

    auditConfigs: Specifies audit logging configs for "data access". "data
      access": generally refers to data reads/writes and admin reads. "admin
      activity": generally refers to admin writes.  Note: `AuditConfig`
      doesn't apply to "admin activity", which always enables audit logging.
    bindings: Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. Multiple `bindings`
      must not be specified for the same `role`. `bindings` with no members
      will result in an error.
    etag: `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help
      prevent simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It
      is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-
      modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race
      conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and
      systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy`
      to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the
      policy.  If no `etag` is provided in the call to `setIamPolicy`, then
      the existing policy is overwritten blindly.
    iamOwned: A boolean attribute.
    rules: If more than one rule is specified, the rules are applied in the
      following manner: - All matching LOG rules are always applied. - If any
      DENY/DENY_WITH_LOG rule matches, permission is denied.   Logging will be
      applied if one or more matching rule requires logging. - Otherwise, if
      any ALLOW/ALLOW_WITH_LOG rule matches, permission is   granted.
      Logging will be applied if one or more matching rule requires logging. -
      Otherwise, if no rule applies, permission is denied.
    version: Version of the `Policy`. The default version is 0.

    auditConfigs = _messages.MessageField('AuditConfig', 1, repeated=True)
    bindings = _messages.MessageField('Binding', 2, repeated=True)
    etag = _messages.BytesField(3)
    iamOwned = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    rules = _messages.MessageField('Rule', 5, repeated=True)
    version = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
class ListActiveBreakpointsResponse(_messages.Message):
    """Response for listing active breakpoints.

    breakpoints: List of all active breakpoints. The fields `id` and
      `location` are guaranteed to be set on each breakpoint.
    nextWaitToken: A wait token that can be used in the next method call to
      block until the list of breakpoints changes.
    waitExpired: The `wait_expired` field is set to true by the server when
      the request times out and the field `success_on_timeout` is set to true.

    breakpoints = _messages.MessageField('Breakpoint', 1, repeated=True)
    nextWaitToken = _messages.StringField(2)
    waitExpired = _messages.BooleanField(3)
class OptionalMessage(messages.Message):
    """Contains all message types."""
    class SimpleEnum(messages.Enum):
        """Simple enumeration type."""
        VAL1 = 1
        VAL2 = 2

    double_value = messages.FloatField(1, variant=messages.Variant.DOUBLE)
    float_value = messages.FloatField(2, variant=messages.Variant.FLOAT)
    int64_value = messages.IntegerField(3, variant=messages.Variant.INT64)
    uint64_value = messages.IntegerField(4, variant=messages.Variant.UINT64)
    int32_value = messages.IntegerField(5, variant=messages.Variant.INT32)
    bool_value = messages.BooleanField(6, variant=messages.Variant.BOOL)
    string_value = messages.StringField(7, variant=messages.Variant.STRING)
    bytes_value = messages.BytesField(8, variant=messages.Variant.BYTES)
    enum_value = messages.EnumField(SimpleEnum, 10)
class PullRequest(_messages.Message):
    """Request for the `Pull` method.

    maxMessages: The maximum number of messages returned for this request. The
      Pub/Sub system may return fewer than the number specified.
    returnImmediately: If this is specified as true the system will respond
      immediately even if it is not able to return a message in the `Pull`
      response. Otherwise the system is allowed to wait until at least one
      message is available rather than returning no messages. The client may
      cancel the request if it does not wish to wait any longer for the

    maxMessages = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    returnImmediately = _messages.BooleanField(2)
class ModelVersion(_messages.Message):
    """Represents information about a version.

    createTime: The timestamp representing when the version was created.
      Specifically, this is the time stamp of when the training job was
    name: The user-specified name of the version.
    ready: Whether the training job has completed and the version is ready to
    trainingAnalysis: The analysis generated during training.

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    name = _messages.StringField(2)
    ready = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    trainingAnalysis = _messages.MessageField('Analysis', 4)
class TensorFlowSession(_messages.Message):
    """Represents the settings used to run a TensorFlow session.

    ModelToKeepValueValuesEnum: Specifies which model should be kept at the
      end of the training: the model from the latest training step or the
      model with the minimum evaluation error observed during training.
      Defaults to the model from the latest step.

    batchSize: The number of data instances to read or process in each
      iteration step. This parameter is used to balance how quickly the model
      can be trained. Altering this parameter often requires altering learning
      rate. Decreasing batch size may require a decrease in learning rate, and
      vice-versa. Powers of two are recommended, because they can yield in
      optimizations. Typical values are between 32 and 256. This defaults to
    enableAcceleration: Whether the session should attempt to use additional
      hardware capabilities to accelerate the execution of the graph.
    modelToKeep: Specifies which model should be kept at the end of the
      training: the model from the latest training step or the model with the
      minimum evaluation error observed during training. Defaults to the model
      from the latest step.
    replicas: The number of replicas of the graph that should run in parallel
      over the data.
    steps: The number of steps to iterate over during the execution of the
    class ModelToKeepValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """Specifies which model should be kept at the end of the training: the
    model from the latest training step or the model with the minimum
    evaluation error observed during training. Defaults to the model from the
    latest step.

      LATEST: The latest model.
      MIN_ERROR: The model with the minimum evaluation error.
        LATEST = 0
        MIN_ERROR = 1

    batchSize = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    enableAcceleration = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    modelToKeep = _messages.EnumField('ModelToKeepValueValuesEnum', 3)
    replicas = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    steps = _messages.IntegerField(5, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
class ClouduseraccountsLinuxGetAuthorizedKeysViewRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A ClouduseraccountsLinuxGetAuthorizedKeysViewRequest object.

    instance: The fully-qualified URL of the virtual machine requesting the
    login: Whether the view was requested as part of a user-initiated login.
    project: Project ID for this request.
    user: The user account for which you want to get a list of authorized
      public keys.
    zone: Name of the zone for this request.

  instance = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  login = _messages.BooleanField(2)
  project = _messages.StringField(3, required=True)
  user = _messages.StringField(4, required=True)
  zone = _messages.StringField(5, required=True)
class GetVersionResponse(_messages.Message):
    """Request message for the GetVersion API on ModelService.

    evalData: The data that was used for evaluating the model during training.
    model: The specification used to train the model.
    ready: Whether the training job has completed and the version is ready to
    trainData: The data that was used for training the model.
    trainingAnalysis: The analysis generated during training.
    trainingOperationName: The name of the associated training operation.

    evalData = _messages.MessageField('DataSet', 1)
    model = _messages.MessageField('ModelSpec', 2)
    ready = _messages.BooleanField(3)
    trainData = _messages.MessageField('DataSet', 4)
    trainingAnalysis = _messages.MessageField('Analysis', 5)
    trainingOperationName = _messages.StringField(6)
class DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsInsertRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsInsertRequest object.

    deployment: A Deployment resource to be passed as the request body.
    preview: If set to true, creates a deployment and creates "shell"
      resources but does not actually instantiate these resources. This allows
      you to preview what your deployment looks like. After previewing a
      deployment, you can deploy your resources by making a request with the
      update() method or you can use the cancelPreview() method to cancel the
      preview altogether. Note that the deployment will still exist after you
      cancel the preview and you must separately delete this deployment if you
      want to remove it.
    project: The project ID for this request.

    deployment = _messages.MessageField('Deployment', 1)
    preview = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    project = _messages.StringField(3, required=True)
class ClouddebuggerControllerDebuggeesBreakpointsListRequest(
    """A ClouddebuggerControllerDebuggeesBreakpointsListRequest object.

    debuggeeId: Identifies the debuggee.
    successOnTimeout: If set to `true`, returns `google.rpc.Code.OK` status
      and sets the `wait_expired` response field to `true` when the server-
      selected timeout has expired (recommended).  If set to `false`, returns
      `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` status when the server-selected timeout has
      expired (deprecated).
    waitToken: A wait token that, if specified, blocks the method call until
      the list of active breakpoints has changed, or a server selected timeout
      has expired.  The value should be set from the last returned response.

    debuggeeId = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    successOnTimeout = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    waitToken = _messages.StringField(3)